Example #1
    def redis_user_id(self):
        """User id from ElasticSearch (need to check if this is the same as the id stored in self.records)"""

        user_email = self.record['user_email_address']

        #ZS: Get user's collections if they exist
        user_id = None
        user_id = get_user_id("email_address", user_email)
        return user_id
    def redis_user_id(self):
        """User id from Redis (need to check if this is the same as the id stored in self.records)"""

        # ZS: This part is a bit weird. Some accounts used to not have saved user ids, and in the process of testing I think I created some duplicate accounts for myself.
        # ZS: Accounts should automatically generate user_ids if they don't already have one now, so this might not be necessary for anything other than my account's collections

        if 'user_email_address' in self.record:
            user_email = self.record['user_email_address']

            # ZS: Get user's collections if they exist
            user_id = None
            user_id = get_user_id("email_address", user_email)
        elif 'user_id' in self.record:
            user_id = self.record['user_id']
        elif 'github_id' in self.record:
            user_github_id = self.record['github_id']
            user_id = None
            user_id = get_user_id("github_id", user_github_id)
        else:  # ZS: Anonymous user
            return None

        return user_id
def password_reset_step2():
    """Handle confirmation E-mail for password reset"""
    logger.debug("in password_reset request.url is:", request.url)

    errors = []
    user_email = request.form['user_encode']
    user_id = get_user_id("email_address", user_email)

    password = request.form['password']
    encoded_password = set_password(password)

    set_user_attribute(user_id, "password", encoded_password)

    flash("Password changed successfully. You can now sign in.", "alert-info")
    return redirect(url_for('login'))