def printjoblong(job, sumjob=False, file=sys.stdout): keys = ("jobid", "stat", "user", "mail", "queue", "job_name", "job_description", "proj_name", "application", "service_class", "job_group", "job_priority", "dependency", "command", "pre_exec_command", "post_exec_command", "resize_notification_command", "pids", "exit_code", "exit_reason", "from_host", "first_host", "exec_host", "nexec_host", "submit_time", "start_time", "estimated_start_time", "specified_start_time", "specified_terminate_time", "time_left", "finish_time", "runlimit", "%complete", "warning_action", "action_warning_time", "cpu_used", "run_time", "idle_factor", "exception_status", "slots", "mem", "max_mem", "avg_mem", "memlimit", "swap", "swaplimit", "min_req_proc", "max_req_proc", "resreq", "combined_resreq", "effective_resreq", "network_req", "filelimit", "corelimit", "stacklimit", "processlimit", "input_file", "output_file", "error_file", "output_dir", "sub_cwd", "exec_home", "exec_cwd", "forward_cluster", "forward_time", "pend_reason", "rsvd_host") for key in keys: if not job[key]: continue if sumjob and isinstance(job[key], dict): if len(job[key]) == 1 and job[key].keys()[0] is None: continue print(key.ljust(20), file=file, end="") if key in ("swap", "mem", "avg_mem", "max_mem", "memlimit", "swaplimit", "corelimit", "stacklimit"): print(format_mem(job[key]), file=file) elif key in ("submit_time", "start_time", "finish_time"): print(format_time(job[key]), file=file) elif key in ("cpu_used", "time_left", "runlimit", "run_time"): print(format_duration(job[key]), file=file) elif key in ("pend_reason"): items = job[key] key2, val = items[0] print("%4d * %s" % (val, key2), file=file) for key2, val in items[1:]: print(20 * " " + "%4d * %s" % (val, key2), file=file) elif key in ("command", "pre_exec_command", "post_exec_command", "resize_notification_command"): script = job[key] for _ in xrange(3): script = script.replace("; ", ";;") script = script.replace(";;;; ", "; ") script = script.replace(";", "\n") script = re.sub("for \(\((.*?)\n\n(.*?)\n\n(.*?)\)\)", "for ((\\1; \\2; \\3))", script) script = script.splitlines() print(script[0], file=file) for line in script[1:]: print(20 * " " + line, file=file) elif key == "pids": print(" ".join(map(str, job[key])), file=file) else: if isinstance(job[key], dict): if len(job[key]) == 1: print(job[key].keys()[0], file=file) else: items = sorted(job[key].items()) print("%4d * %s" % items[0][::-1], file=file) for key2, val in items[1:]: print(20 * " " + "%4d * %s" % (val, key2), file=file) elif isinstance(job[key], list): print(" ".join(job[key]), file=file) else: print(job[key], file=file)
def printjobs(jobs, wide=False, long=False, title=None, header=True, file=sys.stdout): """list the jobs""" if len(jobs) == 0: return sumjob = not isinstance(jobs[0]["jobid"], str) if long: for job in jobs: printjoblong(job, sumjob=sumjob, file=file) return # begin output whoami = os.getenv("USER") namelen = max(map(len, (job["job_name"] for job in jobs))) lens = { "title": 10, "jobid": 10, "name": min(20, max(6, namelen + 1)), "stat": 6, "user": 10, "time": 12 } if sumjob: lens["stat"] = 12 else: if any(job["jobid"][-1] == "]" for job in jobs): lens["jobid"] = 14 if wide: lens["title"] = 20 lens["name"] = max(6, namelen + 1) lens["queue"] = 8 lens["project"] = 8 lens["prio."] = 6 # header if header: h = "" if sumjob and "title" in jobs[0]: h += "group".ljust(lens["title"]) if not sumjob: h += "jobid".ljust(lens["jobid"]) h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("name", "stat", "user")) if wide: h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("queue", "project")) if not sumjob: h += "prio.".ljust(lens["prio."]) if sumjob: h += "runtime".rjust(lens["time"]) else: h += "wait/runtime".rjust(lens["time"]) h += " resources" h = h.upper() if title: h += " " + color(title, "b") print(h, file=file) for job in jobs: l = "" if sumjob and "title" in job: # title title = job["title"] if not wide: if len(title) >= lens["title"]: title = title[:lens["title"] - 2] + "*" l += color(title.ljust(lens["title"]), "b") if not sumjob: # jobid l += (job["jobid"] + " ").ljust(lens["jobid"]) # job name jobname = job["job_name"] if job["job_name"] else "" if not wide: if len(jobname) >= lens["name"]: jobname = "*" + jobname[-lens["name"] + 2:] l += jobname.ljust(lens["name"]) # status if sumjob: l += color("%3d " % job["stat"]["PEND"], "r") l += color("%3d " % job["stat"]["RUN"], "g") done = job["stat"]["EXIT"] + job["stat"]["DONE"] if done: l += color("%3d " % done, "y") else: l += " " else: stat = job["stat"] c = "r" if stat == "PEND" else "g" if stat == "RUN" else "y" l += color(stat.ljust(lens["stat"]), c) # user if sumjob: if len(job["user"]) == 1: user = job["user"].keys()[0] c = "g" if user == whoami else 0 username = getuseralias(user) l += color(username.ljust(lens["user"]), c) else: l += color(str(len(job["user"])).ljust(lens["user"]), "b") else: c = "g" if job["user"] == whoami else 0 username = getuseralias(job["user"]) l += color((username + " ").ljust(lens["user"]), c) if wide: # queue if sumjob: if len(job["queue"]) == 1: l += job["queue"].keys()[0].ljust(lens["queue"]) else: nqueues = len(job["queue"]) l += color(str(nqueues).ljust(lens["queue"]), "b") else: l += job["queue"].ljust(lens["queue"]) # project if sumjob: if len(job["project"]) == 1: l += job["project"].keys()[0].ljust(lens["project"]) else: n = len(job["project"]) else: l += job["project"].ljust(lens["project"]) if not sumjob: # priority l += str(job["priority"]).rjust(lens["prio."] - 1) + " " # wait/runtime t = job["run_time"] if not sumjob and job["stat"] == "PEND": t = time() - job["submit_time"] s = format_duration(t) l += s.rjust(lens["time"]) # resources # %t if job["%complete"]: ptime = job["%complete"] c = fractioncolor(1 - ptime / 100) if wide: s = "%6.2f" % round(ptime, 2) else: s = "%3d" % int(round(ptime)) l += " " + color(s, c) + "%t" elif not sumjob and job["stat"] == "RUN": l += " " if wide: l += " " # %m if job["memlimit"] and job["mem"] and job["slots"]: memlimit = job["memlimit"] * job["slots"] pmem = 100 * job["mem"] / memlimit c = fractioncolor(1 - pmem / 100) if wide: s = "%6.2f" % round(pmem, 2) else: s = "%3d" % int(round(pmem)) l += " " + color(s, c) + "%m" elif not sumjob and job["stat"] == "RUN": l += " " if wide: l += " " # time if job["runlimit"]: l += " " + format_duration(job["runlimit"]) # memory if job["memlimit"]: l += format_mem(job["memlimit"]).rjust(10) else: l += "".rjust(10) # Hosts if job["exec_host"]: if wide or len(job["exec_host"]) == 1: d = job["exec_host"] else: d = defaultdict(int) for key, val in job["exec_host"].iteritems(): d[re.match("(.*?)\d+", key).groups()[0] + "*"] += val for key in sorted(d.keys()): val = d[key] c = "r" if val >= 100 else "y" if val >= 20 else 0 exclusive = job["exclusive"] if sumjob: exclusive = len(exclusive) == 1 and True in exclusive times = color("x", "r") if exclusive else "*" l += color(" %3d" % val, c) + times + "%s" % key else: if not sumjob: if job["min_req_proc"]: times = color("x", "r") if job["exclusive"] else "*" l += " %3d" % job["min_req_proc"] + times elif job["exclusive"]: l += " 1" + color("x", "r") else: l += " 1*" if job["resreq"]: match ="model==(\w+)", job["resreq"]) if match: l += match.groups()[0] if"phi", job["resreq"]): if match: l += "+" l += "Phi" if job["rsvd_host"]: l += color(" rsvd:", "y") if wide or len(job["rsvd_host"]) == 1: d = job["rsvd_host"] else: d = defaultdict(int) for key, val in job["rsvd_host"].iteritems(): d[re.match("(.*?)\d+", key).groups()[0] + "*"] += val for key, val in d.iteritems(): c = "r" if val >= 100 else "y" if val >= 20 else 0 l += color(" %3d" % val, c) + "*%s" % key print(l, file=file) file.flush()
def printjobs(jobs, wide=False, long=False, output=None, title=None, header=True, file=sys.stdout): """Print a list of jobs.""" if len(jobs) == 0: return sumjob = not isinstance(jobs[0]["jobid"], str) if long: for job in jobs: printjoblong(job, sumjob=sumjob, file=file) return if output: if header: print(*output, sep="\t", file=file) for job in jobs: print(*[job[field] for field in output], sep="\t", file=file) return # begin output whoami = os.getenv("USER") namelen = max(map(len, (job["job_name"] for job in jobs))) if sumjob: titlelen = 0 if "title" in jobs[0]: titlelen = max(map(len, (job["title"] for job in jobs))) lens = { "title": 10, "jobid": 10, "name": min(20, max(6, namelen + 1)), "stat": 6, "user": 10, "time": 12, "model": 14 } if sumjob: lens["stat"] = 12 else: if any(job["jobid"][-1] == "]" for job in jobs): lens["jobid"] = 14 if wide: if sumjob: lens["title"] = max(6, titlelen + 1) lens["name"] = max(6, namelen + 1) lens["queue"] = 8 lens["project"] = 8 lens["prio."] = 6 # header if header: h = "" if sumjob and "title" in jobs[0]: h += "group".ljust(lens["title"]) if not sumjob: h += "jobid".ljust(lens["jobid"]) h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("name", "stat", "user")) if wide: h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("queue", "project")) if not sumjob: h += "prio.".ljust(lens["prio."]) if sumjob: h += "runtime".rjust(lens["time"]) else: h += "wait/runtime".rjust(lens["time"]) h += " resources" h = h.upper() if title: h += " " + color(title, "b") print(h, file=file) for job in jobs: l = "" if sumjob and "title" in job: # title title = job["title"] if not wide: if len(title) >= lens["title"]: title = title[:lens["title"] - 2] + "*" l += color(title.ljust(lens["title"]), "b") if not sumjob: # jobid l += (job["jobid"] + " ").ljust(lens["jobid"]) # job name jobname = job["job_name"] if job["job_name"] else "" if not wide: if len(jobname) >= lens["name"]: jobname = "*" + jobname[-lens["name"] + 2:] l += jobname.ljust(lens["name"]) # status if sumjob and isinstance(job["stat"], defaultdict): l += color("%3d " % job["stat"]["PEND"], "r") l += color("%3d " % job["stat"]["RUN"], "g") done = job["stat"]["EXIT"] + job["stat"]["DONE"] if done: l += color("%3d " % done, "y") else: l += " " else: stat = job["stat"] if stat == "PEND": c = "r" if len(job["pend_reason"]) == 1: pr = job["pend_reason"][0] if "New job is waiting for scheduling" in pr[0]: stat = "NEW" c = "b" if "Waiting for rescheduling after parameters" in pr[0]: stat = "MOD" c = "b" if "Job dependency condition not satisfied" in pr[0]: stat = "DEP" c = "b" elif stat == "RUN": c = "g" if job["interactive"]: stat = "INT" if job["X11"]: stat = "X11" else: c = "y" l += color(stat.ljust(lens["stat"]), c) # user if sumjob and isinstance(job["user"], defaultdict): l += color(str(len(job["user"])).ljust(lens["user"]), "b") else: c = "g" if job["user"] == whoami else 0 username = getuseralias(job["user"]) l += color((username + " ").ljust(lens["user"]), c) if wide: # queue if sumjob and isinstance(job["queue"], defaultdict): l += color(str(len(job["queue"])).ljust(lens["queue"]), "b") else: l += job["queue"].ljust(lens["queue"]) # project if sumjob and isinstance(job["project"], defaultdict): l += color( str(len(job["project"])).ljust(lens["project"]), "b") else: l += job["project"].ljust(lens["project"]) if not sumjob: # priority l += str(job["priority"]).rjust(lens["prio."] - 1) + " " # wait/runtime t = job["run_time"] if not sumjob and job["stat"] == "PEND": t = time() - job["submit_time"] s = format_duration(t) l += s.rjust(lens["time"]) # resources # %t if job["%complete"]: ptime = job["%complete"] c = fractioncolor(1 - ptime / 100) if wide: s = "%6.2f" % round(ptime, 2) else: s = "%3d" % int(round(ptime)) l += " " + color(s, c) + "%t" elif not sumjob and job["stat"] == "RUN": l += " " if wide: l += " " # %m if job["memlimit"] and job["mem"] and job["slots"]: memlimit = job["memlimit"] * job["slots"] pmem = 100 * job["mem"] / memlimit c = fractioncolor(1 - pmem / 100) if wide: s = "%6.2f" % round(pmem, 2) else: s = "%3d" % int(round(pmem)) l += " " + color(s, c) + "%m" elif not sumjob and job["stat"] == "RUN": l += " " if wide: l += " " # time if job["runlimit"]: l += " " + format_duration(job["runlimit"]) # memory memlimit = None if job["memlimit"]: memlimit = job["memlimit"] if job["min_req_proc"]: memlimit *= job["min_req_proc"] if memlimit is not None: l += format_mem(memlimit).rjust(10) else: l += "".rjust(10) # Hosts if job["exec_host"]: if wide or len(job["exec_host"]) == 1: d = job["exec_host"] else: d = defaultdict(int) for key, val in job["exec_host"].iteritems(): d[re.match("(.*?)\d+", key).groups()[0] + "*"] += val for key in sorted(d.keys()): val = d[key] c = "r" if val >= 100 else "y" if val >= 20 else 0 exclusive = job["exclusive"] if sumjob and exclusive not in (True, False): exclusive = False times = color("x", "r") if exclusive else "*" l += color(" %3d" % val, c) + times + "%s" % key else: if not sumjob: if job["min_req_proc"]: times = color("x", "r") if job["exclusive"] else "*" l += " %3d" % job["min_req_proc"] + times elif job["exclusive"]: l += " 1" + color("x", "r") else: l += " 1*" if job["host_req"]: hosts = job["host_req"] if len(hosts) == 1: hosts = hosts[0] else: if wide: hosts = "(%s)" % ", ".join(hosts) else: hosts = findstringpattern(hosts) l += hosts.ljust(lens["model"]) elif job["resreq"]: match ="model==(\w+)", job["resreq"]) model = "" if match: model += match.groups()[0] if"phi", job["resreq"]): if match: model += "+" model += "Phi" l += model.ljust(lens["model"]) if job["alloc_slot"]: l += color(" rsvd:", "y") if wide or len(job["alloc_slot"]) == 1: d = job["alloc_slot"] else: d = defaultdict(int) for key, val in job["alloc_slot"].iteritems(): d[re.match("(.*?)\d+", key).groups()[0] + "*"] += val for key, val in d.iteritems(): c = "r" if val >= 100 else "y" if val >= 20 else 0 l += color(" %3d" % val, c) + "*%s" % key if wide and job["pend_reason"] and len(job["pend_reason"]) == 1: reason = job["pend_reason"][0][0] if reason != title: l += color(" %s" % reason, "b") if job["dependency"]: l += color(":", "b") if job["dependency"]: l += color(" %s" % job["dependency"], "b") print(l, file=file) file.flush()
def printjoblong(job, sumjob=False, file=sys.stdout): """Print a job in long format.""" keys = ("jobid", "stat", "user", "user_group", "queue", "job_name", "job_description", "interactive", "X11", "proj_name", "application", "service_class", "job_group", "job_priority", "dependency", "notify_begin", "notify_end", "command", "pre_exec_command", "post_exec_command", "resize_notification_command", "pids", "exit_code", "exit_reason", "exclusive", "from_host", "first_host", "exec_host", "nexec_host", "alloc_slot", "nalloc_slot", "host_file", "host_req", "submit_time", "start_time", "estimated_start_time", "specified_start_time", "specified_terminate_time", "runlimit", "time_left", "finish_time", "%complete", "warning_action", "action_warning_time", "pend_time", "pend_reason", "cpu_used", "run_time", "idle_factor", "exception_status", "slots", "mem", "max_mem", "avg_mem", "memlimit", "swap", "swaplimit", "min_req_proc", "max_req_proc", "resreq", "effective_resreq", "network_req", "filelimit", "corelimit", "stacklimit", "processlimit", "input_file", "output_file", "error_file", "output_dir", "sub_cwd", "exec_home", "exec_cwd", "forward_cluster", "forward_time") for key in keys: if not job[key]: continue if sumjob and isinstance(job[key], dict): if len(job[key]) == 1 and job[key].keys()[0] is None: continue print(key.ljust(20), file=file, end="") if key in ("swap", "mem", "avg_mem", "max_mem", "memlimit", "swaplimit", "corelimit", "stacklimit"): print(format_mem(job[key]), file=file) elif key in ("submit_time", "start_time", "finish_time"): print(format_time(job[key]), file=file) elif key in ("cpu_used", "time_left", "runlimit", "run_time", "pend_time"): print(format_duration(job[key]), file=file) elif key == "pend_reason": items = job[key] key2, val = items[0] print("%4d * %s" % (val, key2), file=file) for key2, val in items[1:]: print(20 * " " + "%4d * %s" % (val, key2), file=file) elif key in ("command", "pre_exec_command", "post_exec_command", "resize_notification_command"): script = job[key] for _ in xrange(3): script = script.replace("; ", ";;") script = script.replace(";;;; ", "; ") script = script.replace(";", "\n") script = re.sub("for \(\((.*?)\n\n(.*?)\n\n(.*?)\)\)", "for ((\\1; \\2; \\3))", script) script = script.splitlines() print(script[0], file=file) for line in script[1:]: print(20 * " " + line, file=file) elif key == "pids": print(" ".join(map(str, job[key])), file=file) else: if isinstance(job[key], dict): if len(job[key]) == 1: print(job[key].keys()[0], file=file) else: items = sorted(job[key].items()) print("%4d * %s" % items[0][::-1], file=file) for key2, val in items[1:]: print(20 * " " + "%4d * %s" % (val, key2), file=file) elif isinstance(job[key], list): print(" ".join(job[key]), file=file) else: print(job[key], file=file)
def printjobs(jobs, wide=False, long=False, output=None, title=None, header=True, file=sys.stdout): """Print a list of jobs.""" if len(jobs) == 0: return sumjob = not isinstance(jobs[0]["jobid"], str) if long: for job in jobs: printjoblong(job, sumjob=sumjob, file=file) return if output: # header print(*output, sep="\t", file=file) for job in jobs: print(*[job[field] for field in output], sep="\t", file=file) return # begin output whoami = os.getenv("USER") namelen = max(map(len, (job["job_name"] for job in jobs))) if sumjob: titlelen = 0 if "title" in jobs[0]: titlelen = max(map(len, (job["title"] for job in jobs))) lens = { "title": 10, "jobid": 10, "name": min(20, max(6, namelen + 1)), "stat": 6, "user": 10, "time": 12, "model": 14 } if sumjob: lens["stat"] = 12 else: if any(job["jobid"][-1] == "]" for job in jobs): lens["jobid"] = 14 if wide: if sumjob: lens["title"] = max(6, titlelen + 1) lens["name"] = max(6, namelen + 1) lens["queue"] = 8 lens["project"] = 8 lens["prio."] = 6 # header if header: h = "" if sumjob and "title" in jobs[0]: h += "group".ljust(lens["title"]) if not sumjob: h += "jobid".ljust(lens["jobid"]) h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("name", "stat", "user")) if wide: h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("queue", "project")) if not sumjob: h += "prio.".ljust(lens["prio."]) if sumjob: h += "runtime".rjust(lens["time"]) else: h += "wait/runtime".rjust(lens["time"]) h += " resources" h = h.upper() if title: h += " " + color(title, "b") print(h, file=file) for job in jobs: l = "" if sumjob and "title" in job: # title title = job["title"] if not wide: if len(title) >= lens["title"]: title = title[:lens["title"] - 2] + "*" l += color(title.ljust(lens["title"]), "b") if not sumjob: # jobid l += (job["jobid"] + " ").ljust(lens["jobid"]) # job name jobname = job["job_name"] if job["job_name"] else "" if not wide: if len(jobname) >= lens["name"]: jobname = "*" + jobname[-lens["name"] + 2:] l += jobname.ljust(lens["name"]) # status if sumjob and isinstance(job["stat"], defaultdict): l += color("%3d " % job["stat"]["PEND"], "r") l += color("%3d " % job["stat"]["RUN"], "g") done = job["stat"]["EXIT"] + job["stat"]["DONE"] if done: l += color("%3d " % done, "y") else: l += " " else: stat = job["stat"] if stat == "PEND": c = "r" if len(job["pend_reason"]) == 1: pr = job["pend_reason"][0] if "New job is waiting for scheduling" in pr[0]: stat = "NEW" c = "b" if "Waiting for rescheduling after parameters" in pr[0]: stat = "MOD" c = "b" if "Job dependency condition not satisfied" in pr[0]: stat = "DEP" c = "b" elif stat == "RUN": c = "g" if job["interactive"]: stat = "INT" if job["X11"]: stat = "X11" else: c = "y" l += color(stat.ljust(lens["stat"]), c) # user if sumjob and isinstance(job["user"], defaultdict): l += color(str(len(job["user"])).ljust(lens["user"]), "b") else: c = "g" if job["user"] == whoami else 0 username = getuseralias(job["user"]) l += color((username + " ").ljust(lens["user"]), c) if wide: # queue if sumjob and isinstance(job["queue"], defaultdict): l += color(str(len(job["queue"])).ljust(lens["queue"]), "b") else: l += job["queue"].ljust(lens["queue"]) # project if sumjob and isinstance(job["project"], defaultdict): l += color(str(len(job["project"])).ljust(lens["project"]), "b") else: l += job["project"].ljust(lens["project"]) if not sumjob: # priority l += str(job["priority"]).rjust(lens["prio."] - 1) + " " # wait/runtime t = job["run_time"] if not sumjob and job["stat"] == "PEND": t = time() - job["submit_time"] s = format_duration(t) l += s.rjust(lens["time"]) # resources # %t if job["%complete"]: ptime = job["%complete"] c = fractioncolor(1 - ptime / 100) if wide: s = "%6.2f" % round(ptime, 2) else: s = "%3d" % int(round(ptime)) l += " " + color(s, c) + "%t" elif not sumjob and job["stat"] == "RUN": l += " " if wide: l += " " # %m if job["memlimit"] and job["mem"] and job["slots"]: memlimit = job["memlimit"] * job["slots"] pmem = 100 * job["mem"] / memlimit c = fractioncolor(1 - pmem / 100) if wide: s = "%6.2f" % round(pmem, 2) else: s = "%3d" % int(round(pmem)) l += " " + color(s, c) + "%m" elif not sumjob and job["stat"] == "RUN": l += " " if wide: l += " " # time if job["runlimit"]: l += " " + format_duration(job["runlimit"]) # memory memlimit = None if job["memlimit"]: memlimit = job["memlimit"] if job["min_req_proc"]: memlimit *= job["min_req_proc"] if memlimit is not None: l += format_mem(memlimit).rjust(10) else: l += "".rjust(10) # Hosts if job["exec_host"]: if wide or len(job["exec_host"]) == 1: d = job["exec_host"] else: d = defaultdict(int) for key, val in job["exec_host"].iteritems(): d[re.match("(.*?)\d+", key).groups()[0] + "*"] += val for key in sorted(d.keys()): val = d[key] c = "r" if val >= 100 else "y" if val >= 20 else 0 exclusive = job["exclusive"] if sumjob and exclusive not in (True, False): exclusive = False times = color("x", "r") if exclusive else "*" l += color(" %3d" % val, c) + times + "%s" % key else: if not sumjob: if job["min_req_proc"]: times = color("x", "r") if job["exclusive"] else "*" l += " %3d" % job["min_req_proc"] + times elif job["exclusive"]: l += " 1" + color("x", "r") else: l += " 1*" if job["host_req"]: hosts = job["host_req"] if len(hosts) == 1: hosts = hosts[0] else: if wide: hosts = "(%s)" % ", ".join(hosts) else: hosts = findstringpattern(hosts) l += hosts.ljust(lens["model"]) elif job["resreq"]: match ="model==(\w+)", job["resreq"]) model = "" if match: model += match.groups()[0] if"phi", job["resreq"]): if match: model += "+" model += "Phi" l += model.ljust(lens["model"]) if job["alloc_slot"]: l += color(" rsvd:", "y") if wide or len(job["alloc_slot"]) == 1: d = job["alloc_slot"] else: d = defaultdict(int) for key, val in job["alloc_slot"].iteritems(): d[re.match("(.*?)\d+", key).groups()[0] + "*"] += val for key, val in d.iteritems(): c = "r" if val >= 100 else "y" if val >= 20 else 0 l += color(" %3d" % val, c) + "*%s" % key if wide and job["pend_reason"] and len(job["pend_reason"]) == 1: reason = job["pend_reason"][0][0] if reason != title: l += color(" %s" % reason, "b") if job["dependency"]: l += color(":", "b") if job["dependency"]: l += color(" %s" % job["dependency"], "b") print(l, file=file) file.flush()
def printhosts(hosts, jobs=[], wide=False, header=True, file=sys.stdout): """list the hosts.""" if len(hosts) == 0: return sumhosts = not isinstance(hosts[0]["status"], str) jobsbyhost = groupjobs(jobs, "exec_host") # begin output screencols = int(check_output(["tput", "cols"])) whoami = os.getenv("USER") namelen = max(map(len, (host["host_name"] for host in hosts))) lens = { "host_name": min(20, max(6, namelen + 1)), "status": 8, "title": 15, "cpus": 10 } if wide: lens["title"] = 20 lens["host_name"] = max(6, namelen + 1) lens["model"] = 14 if sumhosts: lens["status"] = 12 lens["cpus"] = 14 if header: h = "" if sumhosts and "title" in hosts[0]: h += "group".ljust(lens["title"]) h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("host_name", "status", "cpus")) h += "mem (free/total)" if wide: h += " " + "model".ljust(lens["model"]) h = h.upper() print(h, file=file) for host in hosts: l = "" if sumhosts and "title" in host: # title title = host["title"] if not wide: if len(title) >= lens["title"]: title = title[:lens["title"] - 2] + "*" l += color(title.ljust(lens["title"]), "b") # host_name l += host["host_name"].ljust(lens["host_name"]) # status if sumhosts: l += color("%3d " % host["status"]["ok"], "g") closed = sum(n for stat, n in host["status"].iteritems() if stat.startswith("closed_")) l += color("%3d " % closed, "r") other = len(host["host_names"]) - host["status"]["ok"] - closed if other: l += color("%3d " % other, "y") else: l += " " else: if host["status"] == "ok": l += color("ok".ljust(lens["status"]), "g") elif "closed_" in host["status"]: l += color(host["status"][7:].ljust(lens["status"]), "r") else: l += color(host["status"].ljust(lens["status"]), "y") # cpus total = host["max"] used = host["njobs"] free = total - used c = fractioncolor(free / total) if sumhosts: l += color("%4d" % free, c) + "/%4d" % total else: l += color("%2d" % free, c) + "/%2d" % total # mem if "mem" in host["load"]: free, used = host["load"]["mem"] total = free + used if "maxmem" in host and host["maxmem"]: total = host["maxmem"] c = fractioncolor(free / total) l += " " + format_mem(free, c) + "/" + format_mem(total) if wide: if sumhosts: if len(host["model"]) == 1: l += host["model"][0].ljust(lens["model"]) else: nmodel = len(host["model"]) l += color((" %d" % nmodel).ljust(lens["model"]), "b") else: hoststr = host["model"] # Xeon Phi(s) phis = 0 if "mic0" in host["load"]: phis += int(bool(host["load"]["mic0"][0])) if "mic1" in host["load"]: phis += int(bool(host["load"]["mic1"][0])) if phis > 0: hoststr += "+%dPhi" % phis # GPU if "gpu" in host["resources"]: hoststr += "+GPU" l += " " + hoststr.ljust(14) l += " " if host["rsv"] > 0: l += " %3d*" % host["rsv"] + color("reserved", "y") if sumhosts: hostnames = host["host_names"] else: hostnames = [host["host_name"]] jobs = [] for hostname in hostnames: if hostname in jobsbyhost: for job in jobsbyhost[hostname]: if job not in jobs: jobs.append(job) if sumhosts: jobgroups = groupjobs(jobs, "user") jobs = [] for user in sorted(jobgroups.keys()): jobs.append(sumjobs(jobgroups[user])) if jobs: for job in jobs: exclusive = job["exclusive"] if sumhosts: exclusive = len(exclusive) == 1 and True in exclusive times = color("x", "r") if exclusive else "*" nslots = sum(job["exec_host"][hn] for hn in hostnames if hn in job["exec_host"]) c = "r" if nslots >= 100 else "y" if nslots >= 20 else 0 l += color(" %3d" % nslots, c) user = job["user"] if sumhosts: user = user.keys()[0] c = "g" if user == whoami else 0 l += times + color(getuseralias(user).ljust(8), c) if wide and not sumhosts: if job["mem"]: l += format_mem(job["mem"]) else: l += " " if job["%complete"] and job["runlimit"]: ptime = job["%complete"] c = fractioncolor(1 - ptime / 100) l += color("%3d" % ptime, c) + "% " l += format_duration(job["runlimit"]) if host["comment"]: if sumhosts: for key, val in host["comment"].iteritems(): if key: l += " %3dx" % val + color(key, "b") else: l += " " + color(host["comment"], "b") print(l, file=file) file.flush()
def printhosts(hosts, jobs=[], wide=False, header=True, file=sys.stdout): """Print a list of hosts.""" if len(hosts) == 0: return sumhosts = not isinstance(hosts[0]["status"], str) jobsbyhost = groupjobs(jobs, "exec_host") # begin output screencols = int(check_output(["tput", "cols"])) whoami = os.getenv("USER") namelen = max(map(len, (host["host_name"] for host in hosts))) lens = { "host_name": min(20, max(6, namelen + 1)), "status": 8, "title": 15, "cpus": 10 } if wide: lens["title"] = 20 lens["host_name"] = max(6, namelen + 1) lens["model"] = 14 if sumhosts: lens["status"] = 12 lens["cpus"] = 14 if header: h = "" if sumhosts and "title" in hosts[0]: h += "group".ljust(lens["title"]) h += "".join(n.ljust(lens[n]) for n in ("host_name", "status", "cpus")) h += "mem (free/total)" if wide: h += " " + "model".ljust(lens["model"]) h = h.upper() print(h, file=file) for host in hosts: l = "" if sumhosts and "title" in host: # title title = host["title"] if not wide: if len(title) >= lens["title"]: title = title[:lens["title"] - 2] + "*" l += color(title.ljust(lens["title"]), "b") # host_name l += host["host_name"].ljust(lens["host_name"]) # status if sumhosts: l += color("%3d " % host["status"]["ok"], "g") closed = sum(n for stat, n in host["status"].iteritems() if stat.startswith("closed_")) l += color("%3d " % closed, "r") other = len(host["host_names"]) - host["status"]["ok"] - closed if other: l += color("%3d " % other, "y") else: l += " " else: if host["status"] == "ok": l += color("ok".ljust(lens["status"]), "g") elif "closed_" in host["status"]: l += color(host["status"][7:].ljust(lens["status"]), "r") else: l += color(host["status"].ljust(lens["status"]), "y") # cpus total = host["max"] used = host["njobs"] free = total - used c = fractioncolor(free, total) if sumhosts: l += color("%4d" % free, c) + "/%4d" % total else: l += color("%2d" % free, c) + "/%2d" % total # mem if "mem" in host["load"]: free, used = host["load"]["mem"] total = free if used: # used can be None total += used if "maxmem" in host and host["maxmem"]: total = host["maxmem"] c = fractioncolor(free, total) l += " " + format_mem(free, c) + "/" + format_mem(total) if wide: if sumhosts: if len(host["model"]) == 1: l += host["model"][0].ljust(lens["model"]) else: nmodel = len(host["model"]) l += color((" %d" % nmodel).ljust(lens["model"]), "b") else: hoststr = host["model"] # Xeon Phi(s) phis = 0 if "mic0" in host["load"]: phis += int(bool(host["load"]["mic0"][0])) phis += int(bool(host["load"]["mic0"][1])) if "mic1" in host["load"]: phis += int(bool(host["load"]["mic1"][0])) phis += int(bool(host["load"]["mic1"][1])) if phis > 0: hoststr += "+%dPhi" % phis # GPU if "gpu" in host["resources"]: hoststr += "+GPU" l += " " + hoststr.ljust(14) l += " " if host["rsv"] > 0: l += " %3d*" % host["rsv"] + color("reserved", "y") if sumhosts: hostnames = host["host_names"] else: hostnames = [host["host_name"]] jobs = [] for hostname in hostnames: if hostname in jobsbyhost: for job in jobsbyhost[hostname]: if job not in jobs: jobs.append(job) if sumhosts: jobgroups = groupjobs(jobs, "user") jobs = [] for user in sorted(jobgroups.keys()): jobs.append(sumjobs(jobgroups[user])) if jobs: for job in jobs: exclusive = job["exclusive"] if sumhosts: exclusive = len(exclusive) == 1 and True in exclusive times = color("x", "r") if exclusive else "*" nslots = sum(job["exec_host"][hn] for hn in hostnames if hn in job["exec_host"]) c = "r" if nslots >= 100 else "y" if nslots >= 20 else 0 l += color(" %3d" % nslots, c) user = job["user"] if sumhosts: user = user.keys()[0] c = "g" if user == whoami else 0 l += times + color(getuseralias(user).ljust(8), c) if wide and not sumhosts: if job["mem"]: l += format_mem(job["mem"]) else: l += " " if job["%complete"] and job["runlimit"]: ptime = job["%complete"] c = fractioncolor(1 - ptime / 100) l += color("%3d" % ptime, c) + "% " l += format_duration(job["runlimit"]) if host["comment"]: if sumhosts: for key, val in host["comment"].iteritems(): if key: l += " %3dx" % val + color(key, "b") else: l += " " + color(host["comment"], "b") print(l, file=file) file.flush()