def test_model(model, X, Y, batch_size): test_loss = model.evaluate(X[1000:1300], Y[1000:1300], batch_size) print('Test Loss {:.4f}'.format(test_loss)) y1 = model.predict(X[50], 10) y2 = model.predict(X[1000], 10) y3 = model.predict(X[1500], 10) y4 = model.predict(X[1345], 10) plot_result(restore_patch(X[50].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(Y[50].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(y1, (4, 4))) plot_result(restore_patch(X[1000].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(Y[1000].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(y2, (4, 4))) plot_result(restore_patch(X[1500].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(Y[1500].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(y3, (4, 4))) plot_result(restore_patch(X[1345].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(Y[1345].numpy(), (4, 4)), restore_patch(y4, (4, 4)))
def test_model(model, X, Y, batch_size): test_loss = model.evaluate(X[300:], Y[300:], batch_size) print('Test Loss {:.4f}'.format(test_loss)) y1 = model.predict(X[50], 5) y2 = model.predict(X[365], 5) y3 = model.predict(X[410], 5) y4 = model.predict(X[446], 5) plot_result(restore_patch(X[50].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(Y[50].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(y1, (3, 4))) plot_result(restore_patch(X[365].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(Y[365].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(y2, (3, 4))) plot_result(restore_patch(X[410].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(Y[410].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(y3, (3, 4))) plot_result(restore_patch(X[446].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(Y[446].numpy(), (3, 4)), restore_patch(y4, (3, 4)))
def test_model(model, X, Y): #e1 = model.evaluate(X[700:800], Y[700:800], True) test_loss = model.evaluate(X[800:], Y[800:], False) print('Test Loss {:.4f}'.format(test_loss)) y1 = model.predict(X[50], 10) y2 = model.predict(X[915], 10) y3 = model.predict(X[936], 10) y4 = model.predict(X[956], 10) plot_result( restore_patch(X[50].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(Y[50].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(y1, (2, 2)) ) plot_result( restore_patch(X[915].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(Y[915].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(y2, (2, 2)) ) plot_result( restore_patch(X[936].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(Y[936].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(y3, (2, 2)) ) plot_result( restore_patch(X[956].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(Y[956].numpy(), (2, 2)), restore_patch(y4, (2, 2)) )
def train(trainloader, generator, discriminator, loss, optimizer_g, optimizer_d): ctr = 0 minibatch_disc_losses = [] minibatch_gen_losses = [] fixed_noise = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(8 * 8, z_dim, 1, 1).normal_(0, 1), volatile=True) if cuda_available: print("CUDA is available!") fixed_noise.cuda() print("Epoch, Inception Score, MMD Score", file=open("logs/eval.csv", "a")) for epoch in range(50): for batch_idx, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(trainloader): ctr += 1 if cuda_available: inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() inputs, targets = Variable(inputs), Variable(targets) zeros = Variable(torch.zeros(inputs.size(0))) ones = Variable(torch.ones(inputs.size(0))) if cuda_available: zeros, ones = zeros.cuda(), ones.cuda() # print("Updating discriminator...") minibatch_noise = sample_noise(inputs.size(0), z_dim) # Zero gradients for the discriminator optimizer_d.zero_grad() # Train with real examples d_real = discriminator(inputs) if discriminator.model_name == 'DCGAN': d_real_loss = loss(d_real, ones) # Train discriminator to recognize real examples else: d_real_loss = 0.5 * torch.mean((d_real - ones) ** 2) # print("Applying gradients to discriminator...") d_real_loss.backward() # print("Train with fake examples from the generator") fake = generator(minibatch_noise).detach() # Detach to prevent backpropping through the generator d_fake = discriminator(fake) d_fake_loss = loss(d_fake, zeros) # Train discriminator to recognize generator samples d_fake_loss.backward() minibatch_disc_losses.append([0] +[0]) # # the discriminator optimizer_d.step() # print("Updating the generator...") optimizer_g.zero_grad() # print("Sample z ~ N(0, 1)") minibatch_noise = sample_noise(inputs.size(0), z_dim) d_fake = discriminator(generator(minibatch_noise)) if generator.model_name == 'DCGAN': g_loss = loss(d_fake, ones) # Train generator to fool the discriminator into thinking these are real. else: g_loss = 0.5 * torch.mean((d_fake - ones) ** 2) g_loss.backward() # print("Applying gradients to generator...") optimizer_g.step() minibatch_gen_losses.append([0]) if ctr % 10 == 0: print("Iteration {} of epoch {}".format(ctr, epoch)) print('Generator loss : %.3f' % (np.mean(minibatch_gen_losses))) print('Discriminator loss : %.3f' % (np.mean(minibatch_disc_losses))) inc_score = inception_score.evaluate(generator, z_dim, cuda=cuda_available) mmd_score = eval_mmd(generator, z_dim) print('MMD score : {}'.format(mmd_score)) print('Inception score: {}'.format(inc_score)) print("{}, {}, {}".format(epoch, inc_score, mmd_score), file=open("logs/eval.csv", "a")) utility.plot_result(generator, fixed_noise, epoch) loss_name = "{0}_epoch{1}".format(generator.model_name, epoch) utility.save_losses(minibatch_disc_losses, minibatch_gen_losses, loss_name), generator, epoch)
# From: # Import the libraries import utility as u train, test = u.load_data() train = u.prepare_data(train) # Create train_two with the newly defined feature train_two = train.copy() train_two["Family_size"] = 1 train_two["Family_size"] = train_two["SibSp"] + train_two["Parch"] + 1 train_two["Family_size"] = train_two["Family_size"].fillna(1) print(train_two) # Create a new feature set and add the new feature feature_list = ["Pclass", "Sex", "Age", "Fare", "SibSp", "Parch", "Family_size"] #Control overfitting by setting "max_depth" to 10 and "min_samples_split" to 5 : my_tree_two max_depth = 10 min_samples_split = 5 my_tree, features, target = u.train_model(train_two, feature_list, max_depth, min_samples_split) # Look at the importance and score of the included features print(my_tree.feature_importances_) print(my_tree.score(features, target)) u.plot_result(feature_list, my_tree, features, target)
print hidden, af, optimizer, timesteps, batch_size, nb_epochs, T, p, l_rate, decay, b_1, b_2, mom, rho, fname #load data char_dict, all_music_encoded = load_data() input_dim = len(char_dict.keys()) #get model rnn = model.build_simplernn_model(input_dim, hidden, af, optimizer, T, p, l_rate, decay, b_1, b_2, mom, rho) #Train model hist = model.train_rnn(rnn, all_music_encoded, timesteps, batch_size, nb_epochs) util.plot_result(hist.history, fname) #Generation of music #load trained weights from file to model #rnn.load_weights("../model/weights.09-2.05.hdf5") #pick a random input pattern as our seed sequence, then generate music character by character prime_text = '$' #K:F\r\n X:2\r\n' generated_music = model.generate_music_soft(rnn, prime_text, char_dict) text_file = open("../music/music_soft.txt", "w") text_file.write("%s" % generated_music) text_file.close()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier #import sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier as RandomForestClassifier import utility as u train, test = u.load_data() train = u.prepare_data(train) test = u.prepare_data(test) # We want the Pclass, Age, Sex, Fare, SibSp, Parch, and Embarked variables feature_list = ["Pclass", "Age", "Sex", "Fare", "SibSp", "Parch", "Embarked"] features_forest = train[feature_list].values target = train["Survived"].values # Building and fitting my_forest forest = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=10, min_samples_split=2, n_estimators=100, random_state=1) my_forest =, target) # Print the score of the fitted random forest print(my_forest.score(features_forest, target)) # Compute predictions on our test set features then print the length of the prediction vector test_features = test[feature_list].values pred_forest = my_forest.predict(test_features) print(len(pred_forest)) u.plot_result(feature_list, my_forest, features_forest, target)