def run_array(outdir, jobs, NS, cp, time, nn, np, descr): job = path.join(outdir, 'array' + descr + '.job') with open(job, 'w') as f: f.write('''#!/bin/bash # mem directive is per node. #SBATCH --nodes ''' + str(nn) + ''' #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node ''' + str(np) + ''' #SBATCH --mem ''' + str(cp['mem'] * np / cp['np']) + ''' #SBATCH --time ''' + time + ''' #SBATCH --workdir ''' + outdir + ''' #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL #SBATCH [email protected] #SBATCH --share ''') if NS > 0: f.write('#SBATCH --array=0-' + str(len(jobs) - 1) + '%' + str(NS) + '\n') else: f.write('#SBATCH --array=0-' + str(len(jobs) - 1) + '\n') f.write('case "$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID" in\n') for i, j in enumerate(jobs): wd = path.dirname(j) f.write('\t' + str(i) + ')\n') f.write('\t\tcd ' + wd + '\n') f.write('\t\tchmod +x ' + j + '\n') f.write('\t\t' + j + '\n') f.write('\t\t;;\n') f.write('\t*) ;;\n') f.write('esac\n') print '\n\nSubmitting array job with', len(jobs), 'jobs...' utility.run_cmd_screen(['sbatch', job])
def run_abq(inp, outdir, np, descr): wd = path.join(outdir, path.splitext(path.basename(inp))[0]) if descr != "": wd += '-' + descr print '\n' print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '-- RUNNING ABAQUS:', inp, descr, '(' + str(np) + ' processors)' print '-- IN:', wd print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' if path.exists(wd): shutil.rmtree(wd) if not inp.endswith('.inp'): utility.print_error('Input file must be a .inp Abaqus run file.', False) return 0 # Prepare the directories. os.makedirs(wd) inpNEW = path.join(wd, 'job.inp') if not utility.safe_hardlink(inp, inpNEW): shutil.rmtree(wd) return 0 create_env(np, wd) # Run the simulation. rootdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(wd) tstart = time.time() cmd = [ABAQUS, 'job=job', 'input=job.inp', 'interactive'] try: utility.run_cmd_screen(cmd) except Exception: utility.print_error(sys.exc_info()[0], False) return 0 finally: print 'TIME ELAPSED: ', utility.time_elapsed(tstart) os.chdir(rootdir) return 1
def run_post(inp,outdir,descr): wd = path.join(outdir,path.splitext(path.basename(inp))[0]) if descr!="": wd+='-'+descr print '\n' print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '-- RUNNING POSTPROCESSOR:',path.join(wd,'job.odb') print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' # Run the extraction. rootdir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(wd) except Exception: utility.print_error(sys.exc_info()[0],False) return 0 tstart = time.time() script = utility.find_file('python/') cmd=[ABAQUS,'cae','noGUI='+script,'--','job.odb','data.rpt'] try: utility.run_cmd_screen(cmd) with open('data.tmp','w') as of, open('data.rpt','r') as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() # Remove newline/carriage-return. if line.find('NoValue') < 0: of.write(line+'\n') shutil.move('data.tmp','data.rpt') except Exception: utility.print_error(sys.exc_info()[0],False) print 'TIME ELAPSED: ',utility.time_elapsed(tstart) os.chdir(rootdir) return 0 try: import create_result_plots, numpy from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.rc('mathtext',default='regular') # Don't use italics for mathmode. fig,ax = pyplot.subplots() create_result_plots.plot_fem_data(ax,'data.rpt') lgd = ax.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,framealpha=0) pyplot.savefig('plot.png',bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.close() if path.exists('data-energy.rpt'): fig,ax = pyplot.subplots() create_result_plots.plot_fem_energy(ax,'data-energy.rpt') lgd = ax.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,framealpha=0) pyplot.savefig('plot-energy.png',bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.close() if path.exists('data-strain.csv'): fig,ax = pyplot.subplots() data = numpy.loadtxt('data-strain.csv',delimiter=',') ax.plot(data[:,0],data[:,1],'o-',label='Nominal Strain') ax.set_xlabel('Time (meaningless units)') ax.set_ylabel('Nominal Strain') ax.grid() pyplot.savefig('plot-strain.png', bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.close() except Exception: utility.print_error('Failed to create result plots.',False) print 'TIME ELAPSED: ',utility.time_elapsed(tstart) os.chdir(rootdir) return 1
def run_ACT(act,test,dist_to_force,geomcmd,i): PROCS = 8 try: U.run_cmd_screen(geomcmd) # Create the test. except Exception: U.print_error('Failed to create geometry! Non-physical dimensions?',False) return dict() results = dict() RT.run_abq('test_geom-'+act+test+'.inp','.',PROCS,str(i)) # Run the test. if RT.run_post('test_geom-'+act+test+'.inp','.',str(i)): # Postprocess the test. try: data = np.loadtxt(path.join('test_geom-'+act+test+'-'+str(i),'data.rpt'),skiprows=4) except Exception: U.print_error('Failed to load data.rpt file, skipping dataset.',False) return dict() if len(data.shape)==1: return dict() if act=='lin' and test=='U': data = data[:,[1,4]] # Pressure, Z-displacement. data[:,1] = -1.0*data[:,1] elif act=='bnd' and test=='U': L = data[0,-1] - data[0,-2] # Initial length of the actuator. angles = np.degrees(np.arctan(-data[:,3]/(L-data[:,4]))) angles[angels<0.0] = angles[angles<0.0] + 180 data = data[:,[1,2]] data[:,1] = angles elif act=='lin' and test=='F': data= data[:,[1,4]] # Pressure, Z-Force. elif act=='bnd' and test=='F': # Need to calculate the force perpendicular to the plate. alpha = np.radians(dist_to_force) beta = np.radians(90 - dist_to_force) f_normal = np.abs(data[:,3]*np.cos(alpha)) + np.abs(data[:,4]*np.cos(beta)) data = data[:,[1,2]] data[:,1] = f_normal # Pressure, Normal-Force. results[act+test] = data try: # strains are time (same indices as pressure), nominal strain. strains = np.loadtxt(path.join('test_geom-'+act+test+'-'+str(i),'data-strain.csv'),delimiter=',') strains[:,0] = data[:,0] results[act+test+'--strain'] = strains except: pass return results
# Bubble actuators. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if args.cmd == 'bubble': acg_args = [ cae_file, args.test, args.mesh_size,, args.time, str(args.diameter), str(args.thickness), str(args.inlet), mat_file ] cmd = [ABAQUS, 'cae', 'noGUI=' + acg_file, '--'] + acg_args #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Attempt to run Abaqus to create the geometry. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ try: utility.run_cmd_screen(cmd) except Exception: utility.print_error(sys.exc_info()[0], False) print 'Check above to see if Abaqus printed an error. Otherwise, check the Abaqus log files.' print 'Tried to run command:' print ' '.join(cmd) print 'In directory:', caedir print else: # Cleanup. os.remove('abaqus.rpy') os.remove(path.splitext(cae_file)[0] + '.jnl') # Read .inp file to determine number of elements and nodes. with open(inp_file + '.tmp', 'w') as of, open(inp_file, 'r') as f: countN = False countE = False