def close_file(self, left_hemi_file, right_hemi_file, left_curvature_output_file, right_curvature_output_file):
    m = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(self.__matrix.get_obj())
    m = m.reshape(self.__shape)
    lh_vertices, lh_faces = nibabel.freesurfer.read_geometry( left_hemi_file )
    rh_vertices, rh_faces = nibabel.freesurfer.read_geometry( right_hemi_file )
    sum_vector = numpy.sum( m, axis=0 )

    import sys, os
    sys.path.append(os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ),'../'))
    from utility import Utility

    # write curvature files
    Utility.write_freesurfer_curvature( left_curvature_output_file, sum_vector[0:len( lh_vertices )] )
    Utility.write_freesurfer_curvature( right_curvature_output_file, sum_vector[len( lh_vertices ):] )  # here we start with the offset
    # end here
    print 'crv written!!! FTW!' self.__matrix_file, m)
    print 'stored matrix'
Example #2
  def create_curvature_files( matrix_file, left_hemi_file, right_hemi_file, left_curvature_output_file, right_curvature_output_file, manual=False ):

    # load the surfaces to compute the offsets correctly
    # as a reminder: the offset for the right hemisphere is the number of vertices in the left hemisphere
    # else-wise the vertex indices for right would start at 0 again
    lh_vertices, lh_faces = nibabel.freesurfer.read_geometry( left_hemi_file )
    rh_vertices, rh_faces = nibabel.freesurfer.read_geometry( right_hemi_file )

    # load the connectivity matrix
    #m = numpy.loadtxt( matrix_file, dtype=numpy.uint16 )
    m = numpy.load(matrix_file)

    sum_vector = numpy.sum( m, axis=0 )

    # write curvature files
    Utility.write_freesurfer_curvature( left_curvature_output_file, sum_vector[0:len( lh_vertices )] )
    Utility.write_freesurfer_curvature( right_curvature_output_file, sum_vector[len( lh_vertices ):] )  # here we start with the offset