def load_time_trans_quat(tffile):
    load a txt file

    :param tffile:
    :param line_format: TUM_RGBD format t[s] x y z qx qy qz qw
        or KALIBR format t[ns] x y z qx qy qz qw
        Because this function does not do normalization,
            for better precision, qx qy qz qw should have 9 decimal digits

    :return: a list of timed poses, each entry is
        [rospy time, tx, ty, tz, qx, qy, qz, qw]
    chunk = []
    delimiter = None
    with open(tffile, "r") as stream:
        for _, line in enumerate(stream):
            if utility_functions.is_header_line(line):
            if delimiter is None:
                delimiter = utility_functions.decide_delimiter(line)
            if delimiter == " ":
                time_pose_str = line.split()
                time_pose_str = line.split(delimiter)

            secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(time_pose_str[0], 's')
            timestamp = rospy.Time(secs, nsecs)
            row = [timestamp] + [float(x) for x in time_pose_str[1:]]
    return chunk
Example #2
def loadtimestamps(video_time_file):
    '''Except for the header, each row has the timestamp in sec as its first component'''
    frame_rostimes = list()
    with open(video_time_file, 'rb') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
        next(reader, None)  # headers
        for row in reader:
            secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(row[0])
            frame_rostimes.append(rospy.Time(secs, nsecs))
    return frame_rostimes
def test_parse_time():
    timestr_list = [
        '0.0023', '0.983122', '0.99979', '1.016458', '1.033126',
        '0.000000000000000000e+00', '1.665499999999997538e-02',

    for timestr in timestr_list:
        sec, nsec = utility_functions.parse_time(timestr, "s")
        assert sec + nsec * 1e-9 - float(timestr) < 1e-8
Example #4
def loadtimestamps(video_time_file):
    """Except for the header, each row has the timestamp in nanosec
    as its first component"""
    frame_rostimes = list()
    with open(video_time_file, 'r') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
        for row in reader:
            if utility_functions.is_header_line(row[0]):
            secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(row[0], 'ns')
            frame_rostimes.append(rospy.Time(secs, nsecs))
    return frame_rostimes
Example #5
def createImuMessge(timestamp_str, omega, alpha):
    secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(timestamp_str)
    timestamp = rospy.Time(secs, nsecs)
    rosimu = Imu()
    rosimu.header.stamp = timestamp
    rosimu.angular_velocity.x = float(omega[0])
    rosimu.angular_velocity.y = float(omega[1])
    rosimu.angular_velocity.z = float(omega[2])
    rosimu.linear_acceleration.x = float(alpha[0])
    rosimu.linear_acceleration.y = float(alpha[1])
    rosimu.linear_acceleration.z = float(alpha[2])

    return rosimu, timestamp
def loadtimestamps(time_file):
    """Except for the header, each row has the timestamp in nanosec
    as its first component"""
    frame_rostimes = list()

    with open(time_file, 'r') as stream:
        for line in stream:
            row = re.split(' |,|[|]', line)
            if utility_functions.is_header_line(row[0]):
            secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(row[0], 'ns')
            frame_rostimes.append(rospy.Time(secs, nsecs))
    return frame_rostimes
def load_local_and_remote_times(time_file):

    :param time_file: Except for the header lines, each line has the first column as the remote time in ns,
    and the last column as the local time in secs.
    :return: list of tuples (local time, remote time)
    frame_rostimes = list()
    with open(time_file, 'r') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
        for row in reader:
            if utility_functions.is_header_line(row[0]):
            secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(row[0], 'ns')
            remote_time = rospy.Time(secs, nsecs)
            local_time = rospy.Time.from_sec(float(row[-1]))
            frame_rostimes.append((local_time, remote_time))
    return frame_rostimes
def load_local_and_remote_times(time_file):

    :param time_file: Except for the header lines, each line has the first column as the remote time in ns,
    and the last column as the local time in secs.
    :return: list of tuples (local time, remote time)
    frame_rostimes = list()

    with open(time_file, 'r') as stream:
        for line in stream:
            row = re.split(' |,|[|]', line)
            if utility_functions.is_header_line(row[0]):
            secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(row[0], 'ns')
            remote_time = rospy.Time(secs, nsecs)
            local_time = rospy.Time.from_sec(float(row[-1]))
            frame_rostimes.append((local_time, remote_time))
    return frame_rostimes
Example #9
def create_imu_message_time_string(timestamp_str, omega, alpha):
    secs, nsecs = utility_functions.parse_time(timestamp_str, 'ns')
    timestamp = rospy.Time(secs, nsecs)
    return create_imu_message(timestamp, omega, alpha), timestamp
def convert_pose_format(infile,
    # check infile line format
    with open(infile, "r") as stream:
        lines = []
        max_lines = 2
        read_next = True
        line = None
        while read_next:
            line = stream.readline().rstrip('\n')
            read_next = utility_functions.is_header_line(line)
            if not read_next and len(lines) < max_lines:
                read_next = True

        in_delimiter = utility_functions.decide_delimiter(lines[-1])
        time_index, time_unit, r_index = \
            utility_functions.decide_time_index_and_unit(lines, in_delimiter)

        if in_time_unit is not None:
            time_unit = in_time_unit
            "The determined time index {} time unit {} and translation start index {}"
            .format(time_index, time_unit, r_index))
    q_index = r_index + 3

    # set default outfile
    if not outfile:
        in_dir = os.path.dirname(infile)
        in_base = os.path.basename(infile)
        in_name, in_ext = os.path.splitext(in_base)
        outfile = os.path.join(in_dir, in_name + "_canon" + in_ext)
    # load infile and write outfile
    with open(outfile, "w") as ostream:
        with open(infile, "r") as istream:
            for line in istream:
                if utility_functions.is_header_line(line):
                rags = line.split(in_delimiter)
                rags = [rag.strip() for rag in rags]
                secs, nanos = utility_functions.parse_time(rags[time_index])

                if output_format == "KALIBR":
                    if secs > 0:
                        ostream.write("{}{:09d}".format(secs, nanos))
                    else:  # secs == 0
                elif output_format == "TUM_RGBD":
                    if secs > 0:
                        ostream.write("{}.{:09d}".format(secs, nanos))
                    else:  # secs == 0
                            float(nanos) / utility_functions.SECOND_TO_NANOS))
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unsupported output format {}!".format(output_format))

                for j in range(3):
                                                rags[r_index + j]))
                quat = utility_functions.normalize_quat_str(
                    rags[q_index:q_index + 4])
                if in_quat_order == "xyzw":
                    for j in range(4):
                        ostream.write("{}{}".format(output_delimiter, quat[j]))
                elif in_quat_order == "wxyz":
                    for j in range(3):
                                                    quat[j + 1]))
                    ostream.write("{}{}\n".format(output_delimiter, quat[0]))
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unsupported input quaternion order {}!".format(
            print("Successfully converted {}\ninto pose file: {}".format(
                infile, outfile))