Example #1
def create_bitcoind_connection(rpc_username, rpc_password, server, port,
                               use_https, timeout):
    Creates an RPC client to a bitcoind instance.
    It will have ".opts" defined as a member, which will be a dict that stores the above connection options.

    global do_wrap_socket, create_ssl_authproxy

    log.debug("[%s] Connect to bitcoind at %s://%s@%s:%s, timeout=%s" %
              (os.getpid(), 'https' if use_https else 'http', rpc_username,
               server, port, timeout))

    protocol = 'https' if use_https else 'http'
    if not server or len(server) < 1:
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind host address.')
    if not port or not is_valid_int(port):
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind port number.')

    authproxy_config_uri = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%s' % (protocol, rpc_username,
                                                 rpc_password, server, port)

    if use_https:
        # TODO: ship with a cert
        if do_wrap_socket:
            # ssl._create_unverified_context and ssl.create_default_context are not supported.
            # wrap the socket directly
            connection = BitcoindConnection(server, int(port), timeout=timeout)
            ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri, connection=connection)

        elif create_ssl_authproxy:
            # ssl has _create_unverified_context, so we're good to go
            ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri, timeout=timeout)

            # have to set up an unverified context ourselves
            ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
            ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False
            ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
            connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(server,
            ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri, connection=connection)

        ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri)

    # remember the options
    bitcoind_opts = {
        "bitcoind_user": rpc_username,
        "bitcoind_passwd": rpc_password,
        "bitcoind_server": server,
        "bitcoind_port": port,
        "bitcoind_use_https": use_https,
        "bitcoind_timeout": timeout

    setattr(ret, "opts", bitcoind_opts)
    return ret
Example #2
def blockstore_script_to_hex(script):
    """ Parse the readable version of a script, return the hex version.
    hex_script = ''
    parts = script.split(' ')
    for part in parts:
        if part.startswith("NAME_") or part.startswith("NAMESPACE_"):
                hex_script += '%0.2x' % ord(eval(part))
                raise Exception('Invalid opcode: %s' % part)
        elif part.startswith("0x"):
            # literal hex string
            hex_script += part[2:]
        elif is_valid_int(part):
            hex_part = '%0.2x' % int(part)
            if len(hex_part) % 2 != 0:
               hex_part = '0' + hex_part
            hex_script += hex_part
        elif is_hex(part) and len(part) % 2 == 0:
            hex_script += part
            raise ValueError('Invalid script (at %s), contains invalid characters: %s' % (part, script))
    if len(hex_script) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid script: must have an even number of chars (got %s).' % hex_script)
    return hex_script
def zonefilemanage_script_to_hex(script):
    """ Parse the readable version of a script, return the hex version.
    hex_script = ''
    parts = script.split(' ')
    for part in parts:
        if part in NAME_OPCODES:
                hex_script += '{:02x}'.format(ord(NAME_OPCODES[part]))
                raise Exception('Invalid opcode: {}'.format(part))
        elif part.startswith('0x'):
            # literal hex string
            hex_script += part[2:]
        elif is_valid_int(part):
            hex_part = '{:02x}'.format(int(part))
            if len(hex_part) % 2 != 0:
                hex_part = '0' + hex_part
            hex_script += hex_part
        elif is_hex(part) and len(part) % 2 == 0:
            hex_script += part
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid script (at {}), contains invalid characters: {}'.
                format(part, script))

    if len(hex_script) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid script: must have an even number of chars (got {}).'.

    return hex_script
Example #4
def create_bitcoind_connection(rpc_username=None, rpc_password=None, server=None, port=None, use_https=None):
    """ creates an auth service proxy object, to connect to bitcoind

    global bitcoin_opts

    if rpc_username is None:
        rpc_username = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_user")

    if rpc_password is None:
        rpc_password = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_passwd")

    if server is None:
        server = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_server")

    if port is None:
        port = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_port")

    if use_https is None:
        use_https = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_use_https")

    log.debug("Connect to bitcoind at %s://%s@%s:%s" % ("https" if use_https else "http", rpc_username, server, port))

    protocol = "https" if use_https else "http"
    if not server or len(server) < 1:
        raise Exception("Invalid bitcoind host address.")
    if not port or not is_valid_int(port):
        raise Exception("Invalid bitcoind port number.")
    authproxy_config_uri = "%s://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (protocol, rpc_username, rpc_password, server, port)

    return AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri)
Example #5
def blockstack_script_to_hex(script):
    """ Parse the readable version of a script, return the hex version.
    hex_script = ''
    parts = script.split(' ')
    for part in parts:
        if part in NAME_OPCODES.keys():
                hex_script += '%0.2x' % ord(NAME_OPCODES[part])
                raise Exception('Invalid opcode: %s' % part)
        elif part.startswith("0x"):
            # literal hex string
            hex_script += part[2:]
        elif is_valid_int(part):
            hex_part = '%0.2x' % int(part)
            if len(hex_part) % 2 != 0:
               hex_part = '0' + hex_part
            hex_script += hex_part
        elif is_hex(part) and len(part) % 2 == 0:
            hex_script += part
            raise ValueError('Invalid script (at %s), contains invalid characters: %s' % (part, script))
    if len(hex_script) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid script: must have an even number of chars (got %s).' % hex_script)
    return hex_script
def create_bitcoind_connection( rpc_username, rpc_password, server, port, use_https, timeout ):
    Creates an RPC client to a bitcoind instance.
    It will have ".opts" defined as a member, which will be a dict that stores the above connection options.
    global do_wrap_socket, create_ssl_authproxy
    log.debug("[%s] Connect to bitcoind at %s://%s@%s:%s, timeout=%s" % (os.getpid(), 'https' if use_https else 'http', rpc_username, server, port, timeout) )
    protocol = 'https' if use_https else 'http'
    if not server or len(server) < 1:
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind host address.')
    if not port or not is_valid_int(port):
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind port number.')
    authproxy_config_uri = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%s' % (protocol, rpc_username, rpc_password, server, port)
    if use_https:
        # TODO: ship with a cert
        if do_wrap_socket:
           # ssl._create_unverified_context and ssl.create_default_context are not supported.
           # wrap the socket directly 
           connection = BitcoindConnection( server, int(port), timeout=timeout )
           ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri, connection=connection)
        elif create_ssl_authproxy:
           # ssl has _create_unverified_context, so we're good to go 
           ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri, timeout=timeout)
           # have to set up an unverified context ourselves 
           ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
           ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False
           ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
           connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection( server, int(port), context=ssl_ctx, timeout=timeout )
           ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri, connection=connection)
        ret = AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri)

    # remember the options 
    bitcoind_opts = {
       "bitcoind_user": rpc_username,
       "bitcoind_passwd": rpc_password,
       "bitcoind_server": server,
       "bitcoind_port": port,
       "bitcoind_use_https": use_https,
       "bitcoind_timeout": timeout
    setattr( ret, "opts", bitcoind_opts )
    return ret
Example #7
def create_bitcoind_connection(
    """ creates an auth service proxy object, to connect to bitcoind
    protocol = 'https' if use_https else 'http'
    if not server or len(server) < 1:
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind host address.')
    if not port or not is_valid_int(port):
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind port number.')
    authproxy_config_uri = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%s' % (
        protocol, rpc_username, rpc_password, server, port)

    return AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri)
Example #8
def name_script_to_hex(script):
    """ Parse the readable version of a name script, return the hex version.
    hex_script = ''
    parts = script.split(' ')
    for part in parts:
        if part[0:5] == 'NAME_':
                hex_script += '%0.2x' % ord(eval(part))
                raise Exception('Invalid opcode: %s' % part)
        elif is_hex(part) and len(part) % 2 == 0:
            hex_script += part
        elif is_valid_int(part):
            hex_script += '%0.2x' % int(part)
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid script, contains invalid characters: %s' % script)
    if len(hex_script) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid script: must have an even number of chars.')
    return hex_script
Example #9
def create_bitcoind_connection(rpc_username=None,
    """ creates an auth service proxy object, to connect to bitcoind

    global bitcoin_opts

    if rpc_username is None:
        rpc_username = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_user")

    if rpc_password is None:
        rpc_password = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_passwd")

    if server is None:
        server = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_server")

    if port is None:
        port = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_port")

    if use_https is None:
        use_https = bitcoin_opts.get("bitcoind_use_https")

    log.debug("Connect to bitcoind at %s://%s@%s:%s" %
              ('https' if use_https else 'http', rpc_username, server, port))

    protocol = 'https' if use_https else 'http'
    if not server or len(server) < 1:
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind host address.')
    if not port or not is_valid_int(port):
        raise Exception('Invalid bitcoind port number.')
    authproxy_config_uri = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%s' % (protocol, rpc_username,
                                                 rpc_password, server, port)

    return AuthServiceProxy(authproxy_config_uri)
Example #10
 def test_hex_to_charset(self):
     s = "d9fa02e46cd3867f51279dfae592d3706022ee93c175b49c30c8c962722fc890"
     s2 = hex_to_charset(s, string.digits)
Example #11
 def test_is_valid_int_with_string(self):
     i = ("9859361987058468004536324485715460737416376519236217359320056"