class FTPConfig: file_manager = None host = '' username = '' password = '' replace_path = '' http_url = '' config = ConfigParser() profile_tag = '' def __init__(self, config_file, script_name='', unique_run_id=''): self.file_manager = FileManager(script_name, self.__class__.__name__, unique_run_id) def load(self, profile_tag): = "" self.username = "" self.password = "" self.replace_path = "" self.http_url = "" self.profile_tag = profile_tag is_loaded = False if profile_tag in self.config: = self.config.get(profile_tag, 'ftpHost', fallback='') self.username = self.config.get(profile_tag, 'ftpUser', fallback='') self.password = self.config.get(profile_tag, 'ftpPass', fallback='') self.replace_path = self.config.get(profile_tag, 'ftpReplace', fallback='') self.http_url = self.config.get(profile_tag, 'httpUrl', fallback='') is_loaded = True else: self.file_manager.log("Unknown profile: " + profile_tag + " ; Please check ftp.ini.") self.file_manager.out("Unknown ftp profile: " + profile_tag, "FTPConfig.error.txt") return is_loaded
class PreparingSubtitlesDASH: file_manager = None ftp_config = None ftp = None language_code_map = dict({"en": "en", "id": "id", "ko": "ko", "ms": "ms", #Malay "th": "th", "vi": "vi", "ar": "ar", "my": "my", #Burmese, "zz": "zz", #(Other) "zh": "zh", "zho": "zh", "zh-Hans": "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant": "zh-Hant", "mis": "zz"}) def __init__(self): self.file_manager = FileManager(SCRIPT_NAME, self.__class__.__name__, UNIQUE_RUN_ID) self.ftp_config = FTPConfig(ROOT+"/resources/DownloadStorageFiles/ftp.ini", SCRIPT_NAME, UNIQUE_RUN_ID) def run(self, input_file, input_directory): self.file_manager.log("FUNCTION run() args -> input_file:" + input_file + ", input_directory:" + input_directory) with open(input_file, "r") as f: self.file_manager.log("OPEN input_file:" + input_file) for line in f: media_id = str(line).replace('\n', '') self.file_manager.log("READLN media_id:" + media_id) if media_id: local_input_directory = input_directory + media_id + "/" manifest_extension = "mpd" local_media_dash = local_input_directory + "manifest." + manifest_extension # replace_list = local_media_directory + manifest_extension + "_replace.txt" # rollback_list = local_media_directory + manifest_extension + "_rollback.txt" remote_dash_storage_host = "" remote_dash_basepath = "" manifest_info_file = local_input_directory + manifest_extension + "_info.txt" with open(manifest_info_file, "r") as dash_basepath_file: self.file_manager.log("OPEN [" + media_id + "] manifest_info_file:" + manifest_info_file) for dash_basepath_line in dash_basepath_file: self.file_manager.log("READLN [" + media_id + "] dash_basepath_line:" + dash_basepath_line) dash_basepath_line = str(dash_basepath_line).replace('\n', '') remote_dash_storage_host = dash_basepath_line.split(",")[0] remote_dash_basepath = dash_basepath_line.split(",")[1] self.file_manager.log("STORE [" + media_id + "] " + "remote_dash_storage_host:" + input_file + ", remote_dash_storage_host:" + input_directory) count_match = 0 if os.path.exists(local_media_dash): self.file_manager.log("CONTINUE [" + media_id + "] (exists) local_media_dash:" + local_media_dash) manifest_dom = minidom.parse(local_media_dash) for docAdaptationSet in manifest_dom.getElementsByTagName('AdaptationSet'): if docAdaptationSet.attributes['contentType']: if docAdaptationSet.attributes['contentType'].value == 'text': count_match += 1 self.file_manager.log("AdaptationSet contentType is text") subtitle_language = docAdaptationSet.attributes['lang'].value #lang="zh-Hans" docRepresentation = self.getNodeByName(docAdaptationSet, "Representation") docBaseURL = self.getNodeByName(docRepresentation, "BaseURL") subtitle_uri = "" if docBaseURL: subtitle_uri = self.getNodeText(docBaseURL) if subtitle_language and subtitle_uri: self.file_manager.log("PROCESS [" + media_id + "]" + " subtitle_language: " + subtitle_language + ", subtitle_uri: " + subtitle_uri) local_replace_sourcepath = "replace/" + media_id + "/" local_rollback_sourcepath = "rollback/" + media_id + "/" self.file_manager.validate_dir(self.file_manager.out_path, local_replace_sourcepath) # ensure folder exists self.file_manager.validate_dir(self.file_manager.out_path, local_rollback_sourcepath) # ensure folder exists local_replace_sourcepath = self.file_manager.out_path + "/" + local_replace_sourcepath local_rollback_sourcepath = self.file_manager.out_path + "/" + local_rollback_sourcepath # Copy vtt from DownloadStorageFiles and rename fixed_subtitle_input = local_input_directory + subtitle_language + ".vtt" local_replace_sourcefile = local_replace_sourcepath + subtitle_uri self.file_manager.log("COPY START [" + media_id + "] Replace preparation " + " fixed_subtitle_input: " + fixed_subtitle_input + ", local_replace_sourcefile: " + local_replace_sourcefile) copyfile(fixed_subtitle_input, local_replace_sourcefile) self.file_manager.log("COPY END [" + media_id + "] Replace preparation " + " fixed_subtitle_input: " + fixed_subtitle_input + ", local_replace_sourcefile: " + local_replace_sourcefile) # Download remote vtt file remote_location = remote_dash_basepath + subtitle_uri local_rollback_sourcefile = local_rollback_sourcepath + subtitle_uri self.file_manager.log("COPY START [" + media_id + "] Rollback preparation " + " remote_location: " + remote_location + ", local_rollback_sourcefile: " + local_rollback_sourcefile) if, local_rollback_sourcefile, remote_dash_storage_host): self.file_manager.out(media_id + "," + local_replace_sourcefile + "," + remote_dash_storage_host + "," + remote_location, manifest_extension + "_replace.txt") self.file_manager.out(media_id + "," + local_rollback_sourcefile + "," + remote_dash_storage_host + "," + remote_location, manifest_extension + "_rollback.txt") else: self.file_manager.log("FAILED [" + media_id + "]" + " to download source vtt for backup") self.file_manager.log("COPY END [" + media_id + "] Rollback preparation " + " remote_location: " + remote_location + ", local_rollback_sourcefile: " + local_rollback_sourcefile) else: self.file_manager.log("SKIP [" + media_id + "] Subtitle has empty values" + " subtitle_language: " + subtitle_language + ", subtitle_uri: " + subtitle_uri) else: self.file_manager.log("SKIP [" + media_id + "] (do not exist) local_media_dash:" + local_media_dash) if count_match == 0: self.file_manager.log("SKIP [" + media_id + "] Manifest doesn't have subtitles, mediaId: " + media_id) return True def getNodeByName(self, nodes, name): if nodes: for node in nodes.childNodes: if node.nodeName == name: return node return None def getNodeText(self, nodes): if nodes: for node in nodes.childNodes: if node.wholeText: return node.wholeText return "" def download(self, source_file, destination_file, profile_tag): is_success = True try: if self.ftp_config.profile_tag != profile_tag: if self.ftp is not None: self.ftp.quit() self.ftp_config.load(profile_tag) # load storage_host as profile_tag self.ftp = ftplib.FTP( self.ftp.login(self.ftp_config.username, self.ftp_config.password) # local_filepath = self.file_manager.get_outfile(destination_file) local_file = open(destination_file, 'wb') self.file_manager.log("Download: " + source_file + " >> " + self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + source_file, local_file.write)) local_file.close() except ftplib.error_perm: err_msg = "ERROR FTP file does not exist, filepath:" + source_file self.file_manager.log(err_msg) self.file_manager.out(err_msg, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.delete_outfile(destination_file) is_success = False except ftplib.all_errors: err_msg = "ERROR FTP all errors, filepath:" + source_file self.file_manager.log(err_msg) self.file_manager.out(err_msg, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.delete_outfile(destination_file) is_success = False return is_success
class DownloadStorageFiles1: file_manager = None ftp_config = None ftp = None def __init__(self): self.file_manager = FileManager(SCRIPT_NAME, self.__class__.__name__, UNIQUE_RUN_ID) self.ftp_config = FTPConfig( ROOT + "/resources/DownloadStorageFiles/ftp.ini", SCRIPT_NAME, UNIQUE_RUN_ID) def download(self, input_file): self.file_manager.log("--Download START -- :" + input_file) with open(input_file, "r") as f: for line in f: line_path = str(line).replace('\n', '') data = str(line_path).split(',') if len(data) >= 3: media_id = data[0] self.file_manager.validate_dir(self.file_manager.out_path, media_id + "/") # ensure folder exists storage_filehost = data[1] storage_filepath = data[2] source_filename = storage_filepath.split('/')[-1] source_basepath = storage_filepath.replace( source_filename, '') # file_name = source_filename.split('.')[0] file_extension = source_filename.split('.')[-1] # local_filename = source_filename local_filename = "manifest." + file_extension if len(data) == 4: local_filename = data[3] + "." + file_extension else: self.file_manager.out( storage_filehost + "," + source_basepath, media_id + "/" + file_extension + "_info.txt", True) try: if self.ftp_config.profile_tag != storage_filehost: if self.ftp is not None: self.ftp.quit() self.ftp_config.load( storage_filehost ) # load storage_host as profile_tag self.ftp = ftplib.FTP( self.ftp.login(self.ftp_config.username, self.ftp_config.password) local_filepath = self.file_manager.get_outfile( media_id + "/" + local_filename) local_file = open(local_filepath, 'wb') self.file_manager.log( "Download: " + storage_filepath + " >> " + self.ftp.retrbinary( 'RETR ' + storage_filepath, local_file.write)) local_file.close() except ftplib.error_perm: err_msg = "FTP file does not exist,mediaId:" + media_id + ",filepath:" + storage_filepath self.file_manager.log(err_msg) self.file_manager.out(err_msg, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.delete_outfile(media_id + "/" + local_filename) except ftplib.all_errors: err_msg = "FTP all errors,mediaId:" + media_id self.file_manager.log(err_msg) self.file_manager.out(err_msg, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.delete_outfile(media_id + "/" + local_filename) else: self.file_manager.log("Line data not enough info:" + line_path) self.file_manager.out( "Line data not enough info:" + line_path, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.log("--Download END -- :" + input_file)
class PreparingSubtitlesHLS3: file_manager = None ftp_config = None ftp = None language_code_map = dict({"en": "en", "id": "id", "ko": "ko", "ms": "ms", #Malay "th": "th", "vi": "vi", "ar": "ar", "my": "my", #Burmese, "zz": "zz", #(Other) "zh": "zh", "zho": "zh", "zh-Hans": "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant": "zh-Hant", "mis": "zz"}) def __init__(self, sub_folder): self.file_manager = FileManager(SCRIPT_NAME, self.__class__.__name__, sub_folder) self.ftp_config = FTPConfig(ROOT+"/resources/DownloadStorageFiles/ftp.ini", SCRIPT_NAME, sub_folder) def run(self, input_file, input_directory): self.file_manager.log("FUNCTION run() args -> input_file:" + input_file + ", input_directory:" + input_directory) with open(input_file, "r") as f: self.file_manager.log("OPEN input_file:" + input_file) for line in f: media_id = str(line).replace('\n', '') self.file_manager.log("READLN media_id:" + media_id) if media_id: local_input_directory = input_directory + media_id + "/" manifest_extension = "m3u8" local_media_hls = local_input_directory + "manifest." + manifest_extension remote_hls_storage_host = "" remote_hls_basepath = "" manifest_info_file = local_input_directory + manifest_extension + "_info.txt" with open(manifest_info_file, "r") as hls_basepath_file: self.file_manager.log("OPEN [" + media_id + "] manifest_info_file:" + manifest_info_file) for hls_basepath_line in hls_basepath_file: self.file_manager.log("READLN [" + media_id + "] hls_basepath_line:" + hls_basepath_line) hls_basepath_line = str(hls_basepath_line).replace('\n', '') remote_hls_storage_host = hls_basepath_line.split(",")[0] remote_hls_basepath = hls_basepath_line.split(",")[1] self.file_manager.log("STORE [" + media_id + "] " + "remote_hls_storage_host:" + input_file + ", remote_hls_storage_host:" + input_directory) count_match = 0 if os.path.exists(local_media_hls): self.file_manager.log("CONTINUE [" + media_id + "] (exists) local_media_hls:" + local_media_hls) with open(local_media_hls) as manifest_hls_file: for manifest_hls_line in manifest_hls_file: manifest_hls_line = str(manifest_hls_line).replace('\n', '') #EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES # 27chars if manifest_hls_line.find("EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES") >= 0: count_match += 1 cue_time = datetime.datetime(100,1,1,0,0,0) cue_time_minute = -1 subtitle_language = self.getValue(manifest_hls_line, "LANGUAGE") subtitle_segment_uri = self.getValue(manifest_hls_line, "URI") subtitle_segment_uri_layers = str(subtitle_segment_uri).split("/") if subtitle_language and subtitle_segment_uri and len(subtitle_segment_uri_layers) == 2: self.file_manager.log("PROCESS [" + media_id + "]" + " subtitle_language: " + subtitle_language + ", subtitle_segment_uri: " + subtitle_segment_uri) subtitle_segment_dir = subtitle_segment_uri_layers[0] subtitle_segment_file = subtitle_segment_uri_layers[1] remote_vtt_basepath = remote_hls_basepath + subtitle_segment_dir + "/" local_replace_basepath = "replace/" + media_id + "/" local_rollback_basepath = "rollback/" + media_id + "/" local_replace_sourcepath = local_replace_basepath + subtitle_language + "/" local_rollback_sourcepath = local_rollback_basepath + subtitle_language + "/" self.file_manager.validate_dir(self.file_manager.out_path, local_replace_sourcepath) # ensure folder exists self.file_manager.validate_dir(self.file_manager.out_path, local_rollback_sourcepath) # ensure folder exists local_replace_base_fullpath = self.file_manager.out_path + "/" + local_replace_basepath local_rollback_base_fullpath = self.file_manager.out_path + "/" + local_rollback_basepath local_replace_source_fullpath = self.file_manager.out_path + "/" + local_replace_sourcepath local_rollback_source_fullpath = self.file_manager.out_path + "/" + local_rollback_sourcepath # download m3u8 subtitle segments to local (save as language code) remote_location = remote_hls_basepath + subtitle_segment_uri local_replace_subtitle_segment = local_replace_source_fullpath + subtitle_segment_file if, local_replace_subtitle_segment, remote_hls_storage_host): self.file_manager.log("DOWNLOAD [" + media_id + "] Subtitle Segment " + " remote_hls_storage_host: " + remote_hls_storage_host + ", subtitle_language: " + subtitle_language + ", remote_location: " + remote_location + ", local_replace_subtitle_segment: " + local_replace_subtitle_segment) fixed_subtitle_input = local_input_directory + subtitle_language + ".vtt" # parse and stored fixed time interval into array list list_of_time_intervals = [] with open(fixed_subtitle_input) as fixed_subtitle_input_file: for fixed_subtitle_input_line in fixed_subtitle_input_file: if fixed_subtitle_input_line.find(" --> ") >= 0: list_of_time_intervals.append(fixed_subtitle_input_line) time_interval_index = 0 # find remote webvtt to local with open(local_replace_subtitle_segment) as local_replace_subtitle_segment_file: for local_replace_subtitle_segment_line in local_replace_subtitle_segment_file: local_replace_subtitle_segment_line = str(local_replace_subtitle_segment_line).replace('\n', '') if local_replace_subtitle_segment_line.find(".webvtt") >= 0: subtitle_uri = local_replace_subtitle_segment_line # download remote webvtt to local for rollback remote_vtt_location = remote_vtt_basepath + subtitle_uri local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile = local_rollback_source_fullpath + subtitle_uri self.file_manager.log("PROCESS [" + media_id + "] Rollback preparation - START " + " remote_vtt_location: " + remote_vtt_location + ", local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile: " + local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile) if, local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile, remote_hls_storage_host): self.file_manager.out(media_id + "," + local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile + "," + remote_hls_storage_host + "," + remote_vtt_location, manifest_extension + "_rollback.txt") else: self.file_manager.log("FAILED [" + media_id + "]" + " to download source vtt for backup" + ", subtitle_language: " + subtitle_language + ", remote_hls_storage_host: " + remote_hls_storage_host + ", remote_vtt_location: " + remote_vtt_location) self.file_manager.log("PROCESS [" + media_id + "] Rollback preparation - END ") if os.path.exists(local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile): # preparing replace files local_replace_vtt_sourcefile = local_replace_source_fullpath + subtitle_uri self.file_manager.log("PROCESS [" + media_id + "] Replace preparation - START" + ", local_replace_vtt_sourcefile: " + local_replace_vtt_sourcefile) with open(local_rollback_vtt_sourcefile) as local_rollback_vtt_file: # write to local_replace_vtt_sourcefile cue_time_minute += 1 for local_rollback_vtt_line in local_rollback_vtt_file: line_entry = local_rollback_vtt_line if local_rollback_vtt_line.find(" --> ") >= 0: line_entry = list_of_time_intervals[time_interval_index] time_interval_index += 1 if local_rollback_vtt_line.find("LOCAL:00:00:00.000") >= 0: idt = cue_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=cue_time_minute) header_local = "LOCAL:" + idt.strftime("%H:%M:%S.000") line_entry = local_rollback_vtt_line.replace("LOCAL:00:00:00.000", header_local) line_entry = line_entry.replace("\n","") self.file_manager.out(line_entry, local_replace_sourcepath + subtitle_uri) self.file_manager.out(media_id + "," + local_replace_vtt_sourcefile + "," + remote_hls_storage_host + "," + remote_vtt_location, manifest_extension + "_replace.txt") self.file_manager.log("PROCESS [" + media_id + "] Replace preparation - END") else: self.file_manager.log("FAILED [" + media_id + "]" + " to download subtitle segment for further processing" + " remote_hls_storage_host: " + remote_hls_storage_host + ", remote_location: " + remote_location) else: self.file_manager.log("SKIP [" + media_id + "] Subtitle has empty values" + " subtitle_language: " + subtitle_language + ", subtitle_segment_uri: " + subtitle_segment_uri) else: self.file_manager.log("FAILED [" + media_id + "]" + " cannot find local HLS file URI:" + local_media_hls) if count_match == 0: self.file_manager.log("SKIP [" + media_id + "] Manifest doesn't have subtitles, mediaId: " + media_id) self.file_manager.log("--END -- :" + input_file) return True def getValue(self, line, key): if line: arr = str(line).split(",") for item in arr: if item.startswith(key): keyval = item.split("=") if len(keyval) == 2: return keyval[1].replace("\"", "") return "" def download(self, source_file, destination_file, profile_tag): is_success = True try: if self.ftp_config.profile_tag != profile_tag: if self.ftp is not None: self.ftp.quit() self.ftp_config.load(profile_tag) # load storage_host as profile_tag self.ftp = ftplib.FTP( self.ftp.login(self.ftp_config.username, self.ftp_config.password) # local_filepath = self.file_manager.get_outfile(destination_file) local_file = open(destination_file, 'wb') self.file_manager.log("Download: " + source_file + " >> " + self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + source_file, local_file.write)) local_file.close() except ftplib.error_perm: err_msg = "ERROR FTP file does not exist, filepath:" + source_file self.file_manager.log(err_msg) self.file_manager.out(err_msg, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.delete_outfile(destination_file) is_success = False except ftplib.all_errors: err_msg = "ERROR FTP all errors, filepath:" + source_file self.file_manager.log(err_msg) self.file_manager.out(err_msg, FILE_ERROR_OUT) self.file_manager.delete_outfile(destination_file) is_success = False return is_success
class TransferSubtitles: file_manager = None ftp_config = None ftp = None def __init__(self): self.file_manager = FileManager(SCRIPT_NAME, self.__class__.__name__, UNIQUE_RUN_ID) self.ftp_config = FTPConfig( ROOT + "/resources/DownloadStorageFiles/ftp.ini", SCRIPT_NAME, UNIQUE_RUN_ID) def run(self, input_file, tag_id): self.file_manager.log("SCRIPT RUN() START ------ args -> input_file:" + input_file) with open(input_file, "r") as f: self.file_manager.log("OPEN input_file:" + input_file) for line in f: clean_line = str(line).replace('\n', '') self.file_manager.log("READLN clean_line:" + clean_line) line_items = str(clean_line).split(",") if len(line_items) == 4: media_id = line_items[0] source_url = line_items[1] destination_host = line_items[2] destination_url = line_items[3] if self.upload(source_url, destination_url, destination_host): self.file_manager.log("UPLOAD [" + media_id + "] Success") self.file_manager.out(media_id, "success_ids_" + tag_id + ".txt") self.file_manager.out(clean_line, "success_" + tag_id + ".txt") http_url = self.ftp_config.http_url + str( destination_url).replace( self.ftp_config.replace_path, "") self.file_manager.log("INVALIDATE CACHE PARAM [" + media_id + "] URL=" + http_url) http_url = urllib.parse.quote_plus(http_url) r = requests.get( '' + http_url) self.file_manager.log("INVALIDATE CACHE RESPONSE [" + media_id + "] URL=" + r.text) else: self.file_manager.log("UPLOAD [" + media_id + "] Failed") self.file_manager.out(clean_line, "failed_" + tag_id + ".txt") else: self.file_manager.log("PARSE [" + media_id + "] Failed") self.file_manager.out(clean_line, "failed_" + tag_id + ".txt") self.file_manager.log("SCRIPT RUN() END ------") return True def upload(self, source_file, destination_file, profile_tag): is_success = True try: if self.ftp_config.profile_tag != profile_tag: if self.ftp is not None: self.ftp.quit() self.ftp_config.load( profile_tag) # load storage_host as profile_tag self.ftp = ftplib.FTP( self.ftp.login(self.ftp_config.username, self.ftp_config.password) # local_filepath = self.file_manager.get_outfile(destination_file) local_file = open(source_file, 'rb') self.file_manager.log( "Upload: " + source_file + " >> " + self.ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + destination_file, local_file)) local_file.close() except ftplib.error_perm: self.file_manager.log("ftplib.error_perm destination_file:" + destination_file) is_success = False except ftplib.all_errors: self.file_manager.log("ftplib.all_errors destination_file:" + destination_file) is_success = False return is_success