Example #1
def get_graphs(img, gt, sigma, edge_offsets):
    overseg_factor = 1.7
    sep_chnl = 2

    affinities = get_naive_affinities(gaussian(img, sigma=sigma), edge_offsets)
    affinities[:sep_chnl] *= -1
    affinities[:sep_chnl] += +1
    # scale affinities in order to get an oversegmentation
    affinities[:sep_chnl] /= overseg_factor
    affinities[sep_chnl:] *= overseg_factor
    affinities = np.clip(affinities, 0, 1)
    node_labeling = compute_mws_segmentation(affinities, edge_offsets,
    node_labeling = node_labeling - 1
    nodes = np.unique(node_labeling)
        assert all(nodes == np.array(range(len(nodes)), dtype=np.float))
        Warning("node ids are off")

    # get edges from node labeling and edge features from affinity stats
    edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(node_labeling, edge_offsets,
    # get gt edge weights based on edges and gt image
    gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,
                                              gt.squeeze(), 0.5)
    edges = neighbors.astype(np.long)

    # calc multicut from gt
    gt_seg = get_current_soln(gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, edges)

    fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 4)
    ax1.imshow(cm.prism(gt / gt.max()))
    ax2.imshow(cm.prism(node_labeling / node_labeling.max()))
    ax3.imshow(cm.prism(gt_seg / gt_seg.max()))

    affinities = affinities.astype(np.float32)
    edge_feat = edge_feat.astype(np.float32)
    nodes = nodes.astype(np.float32)
    node_labeling = node_labeling.astype(np.float32)
    gt_edge_weights = gt_edge_weights.astype(np.float32)
    diff_to_gt = np.abs((edge_feat[:, 0] - gt_edge_weights)).sum()

    edges = np.sort(edges, axis=-1)
    edges = edges.T

    return img, gt, edges, edge_feat, diff_to_gt, gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, nodes, affinities
Example #2
def get_sp_graph(data, gt, scal=1.01):
    offsets = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [-3, 0], [0, -3]]
    sep_chnl = 2
    shape = (128, 128)

    affinities = affutils.get_naive_affinities(data, offsets)
    gt_affinities, _ = compute_affinities(gt == 1, offsets)
    gt_affinities[sep_chnl:] *= -1
    gt_affinities[sep_chnl:] += +1
    affinities[sep_chnl:] *= -1
    affinities[sep_chnl:] += +1
    affinities[sep_chnl:] *= scal
    affinities = (affinities - (affinities * gt_affinities)) + gt_affinities

    affinities = affinities.clip(0, 1)

    valid_edges = get_valid_edges((len(offsets), ) + shape, offsets, sep_chnl,
                                  None, False)
    node_labeling, neighbors, cutting_edges, mutexes = compute_mws_segmentation_cstm(
        affinities.ravel(), valid_edges.ravel(), offsets, sep_chnl, shape)
    node_labeling = node_labeling - 1

    nodes = np.unique(node_labeling)
        assert all(nodes == np.array(range(len(nodes)), dtype=np.float))
        Warning("node ids are off")

    noisy_affinities = np.random.rand(*affinities.shape)
    noisy_affinities = noisy_affinities.clip(0, 1)
    noisy_affinities = affinities

    edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(node_labeling, offsets,
    gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,

    edges = neighbors.astype(np.long)
    noisy_affinities = noisy_affinities.astype(np.float32)
    edge_feat = edge_feat.astype(np.float32)
    nodes = nodes.astype(np.float32)
    node_labeling = node_labeling.astype(np.float32)
    gt_edge_weights = gt_edge_weights.astype(np.float32)
    diff_to_gt = np.abs((edge_feat[:, 0] - gt_edge_weights)).sum()

    edges = np.sort(edges, axis=-1)
    edges = edges.T
    # edges = np.concatenate((edges, np.stack((edges[1], edges[0]))), axis=1)

    # return node_labeling
    # print('imbalance: ', abs(gt_edge_weights.sum() - (len(gt_edge_weights) / 2)))

    return edges, edge_feat, diff_to_gt, gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, nodes, noisy_affinities
Example #3
    def get(self, idx):
        n_disc = np.random.randint(8, 10)
        rads = []
        mps = []
        for disc in range(n_disc):
            radius = np.random.randint(
                max(self.shape) // 18,
                max(self.shape) // 15)
            touching = True
            while touching:
                mp = np.array([
                    np.random.randint(0 + radius, self.shape[0] - radius),
                    np.random.randint(0 + radius, self.shape[1] - radius)
                touching = False
                for other_rad, other_mp in zip(rads, mps):
                    diff = mp - other_mp
                    if (diff**2).sum()**.5 <= radius + other_rad + 2:
                        touching = True

        # take static image
        # rads = self.rads
        # mps = self.mps

        data = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float)
        gt = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float)
        for y in range(self.shape[0]):
            for x in range(self.shape[1]):
                bg = True
                for radius, mp in zip(rads, mps):
                    ly, lx = y - mp[0], x - mp[1]
                    if (ly**2 + lx**2)**.5 <= radius:
                        data[y, x] += np.cos(
                            np.sqrt((x - self.shape[1])**2 + y**2) * 50 *
                            np.pi / self.shape[1])
                        data[y, x] += np.cos(
                            np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) * 50 * np.pi / self.shape[1])
                        # data[y, x] += 6
                        gt[y, x] = 1
                        bg = False
                if bg:
                    data[y, x] += np.cos(y * 40 * np.pi / self.shape[0])
                    data[y, x] += np.cos(
                        np.sqrt(x**2 + (self.shape[0] - y)**2) * 30 * np.pi /
        data += 1
        # plt.imshow(data);plt.show()
        # if self.no_suppix:
        #     raw = torch.from_numpy(data).float()
        #     return raw.unsqueeze(0), torch.from_numpy(gt.astype(np.long))
        # return torch.stack((torch.rand_like(raw), raw, torch.rand_like(raw))), torch.from_numpy(gt.astype(np.long))

        affinities = affutils.get_naive_affinities(data, self.offsets)
        gt_affinities, _ = compute_affinities(gt == 1, self.offsets)
        gt_affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= -1
        gt_affinities[self.sep_chnl:] += +1
        affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= -1
        affinities[self.sep_chnl:] += +1
        # affinities[:self.sep_chnl] /= 1.1
        affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= 1.01
        affinities = (affinities -
                      (affinities * gt_affinities)) + gt_affinities

        # affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= -1
        # affinities[self.sep_chnl:] += +1
        # affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= 4
        affinities = affinities.clip(0, 1)

        valid_edges = get_valid_edges((len(self.offsets), ) + self.shape,
                                      self.offsets, self.sep_chnl, None, False)
        node_labeling, neighbors, cutting_edges, mutexes = compute_mws_segmentation_cstm(
            affinities.ravel(), valid_edges.ravel(), self.offsets,
            self.sep_chnl, self.shape)
        node_labeling = node_labeling - 1
        # rag = elf.segmentation.features.compute_rag(np.expand_dims(node_labeling, axis=0))
        # neighbors = rag.uvIds()
        i = 0

        # node_labeling = gt * 5000 + node_labeling
        # segs = np.unique(node_labeling)
        # new_labeling = np.zeros_like(node_labeling)
        # for seg in segs:
        #     i += 1
        #     new_labeling += (node_labeling == seg) * i
        # node_labeling = new_labeling - 1

        # gt_labeling, _, _, _ = compute_mws_segmentation_cstm(gt_affinities.ravel(),
        #                                                      valid_edges.ravel(),
        #                                                      offsets,
        #                                                      self.shape)
        #                                                      self.sep_chnl,

        nodes = np.unique(node_labeling)
            assert all(nodes == np.array(range(len(nodes)), dtype=np.float))
            Warning("node ids are off")

        noisy_affinities = np.random.rand(*affinities.shape)
        noisy_affinities = noisy_affinities.clip(0, 1)
        noisy_affinities = affinities

        edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(node_labeling,
        gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,

        if self.less:
            raw = torch.from_numpy(data).float()
            node_labeling = torch.from_numpy(node_labeling.astype(np.float32))
            gt_edge_weights = torch.from_numpy(gt_edge_weights.astype(np.long))
            edges = torch.from_numpy(neighbors.astype(np.long))
            edges = edges.t().contiguous()
            edges = torch.cat((edges, torch.stack((edges[1], edges[0]))),
            return raw.unsqueeze(0), node_labeling, torch.from_numpy(
                gt.astype(np.long)), gt_edge_weights, edges

        # affs = np.expand_dims(affinities, axis=1)
        # boundary_input = np.mean(affs, axis=0)
        # gt1 = gutils.multicut_from_probas(node_labeling.astype(np.float32), neighbors.astype(np.float32),
        #                                  gt_edge_weights.astype(np.float32), boundary_input.astype(np.float32))

        # plt.imshow(node_labeling)
        # plt.show()
        # plt.imshow(gt1)
        # plt.show()

        gt = torch.from_numpy(gt.astype(np.float32)).squeeze().float()

        edges = torch.from_numpy(neighbors.astype(np.long))
        raw = torch.tensor(data).squeeze().float()
        noisy_affinities = torch.tensor(noisy_affinities).squeeze().float()
        edge_feat = torch.from_numpy(edge_feat.astype(np.float32))
        nodes = torch.from_numpy(nodes.astype(np.float32))
        node_labeling = torch.from_numpy(node_labeling.astype(np.float32))
        gt_edge_weights = torch.from_numpy(gt_edge_weights.astype(np.float32))
        diff_to_gt = (edge_feat[:, 0] - gt_edge_weights).abs().sum().item()
        # node_features, angles = get_stacked_node_data(nodes, edges, node_labeling, raw, size=[32, 32])

        # file = h5py.File("/g/kreshuk/hilt/projects/rags/" + "rag_" + str(self.fidx) + ".h5", "w")
        # file.create_dataset("edges", data=edges.numpy())
        # self.fidx += 1

        if self.no_suppix:
            raw = torch.from_numpy(data).float()
            return raw.unsqueeze(0), torch.from_numpy(gt.numpy().astype(

        edges = edges.t().contiguous()
        edges = torch.cat((edges, torch.stack((edges[1], edges[0]))), dim=1)

        # print('imbalance: ', abs(gt_edge_weights.sum() - (len(gt_edge_weights) / 2)))

        return edges, edge_feat, diff_to_gt, gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, raw, nodes, noisy_affinities, gt
Example #4
def get_pix_data(length=50000, shape=(128, 128), radius=72):
    dim = (256, 256)
    edge_offsets = [
        [0, -1],
        [-1, 0],
        # direct 3d nhood for attractive edges
        # [0, -1], [-1, 0]]
        [-3, 0],
        [0, -3],
        [-6, 0],
        [0, -6]
    sep_chnl = 2
    n_ellips = 5
    n_polys = 10
    n_rect = 5
    ellips_color = np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype=np.float)
    rect_color = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float)
    col_diff = 0.4
    min_r, max_r = 10, 20
    min_dist = max_r

    img = np.random.randn(*(dim + (3, ))) / 5
    gt = np.zeros(dim)

    ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4, ri5, ri6 = np.sign(np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
        (np.random.rand() * 2) + .5), np.sign(np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
            (np.random.rand() * 2) + .5), (np.random.rand() * 4) + 3, (
                np.random.rand() * 4) + 3, np.sign(np.random.randint(
                    -100, 100)) * ((np.random.rand() * 2) + .5), np.sign(
                        np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                            (np.random.rand() * 2) + .5)
    x = np.zeros(dim)
    x[:, :] = np.arange(img.shape[0])[np.newaxis, :]
    y = x.transpose()
    img += (np.sin(
        np.sqrt((x * ri1)**2 + ((dim[1] - y) * ri2)**2) * ri3 * np.pi /
        dim[0]))[..., np.newaxis]
    img += (np.sin(
        np.sqrt((x * ri5)**2 + ((dim[1] - y) * ri6)**2) * ri4 * np.pi /
        dim[1]))[..., np.newaxis]
    img = gaussian(np.clip(img, 0.1, 1), sigma=.8)
    circles = []
    cmps = []
    while len(circles) < n_ellips:
        mp = np.random.randint(min_r, dim[0] - min_r, 2)
        too_close = False
        for cmp in cmps:
            if np.linalg.norm(cmp - mp) < min_dist:
                too_close = True
        if too_close:
        r = np.random.randint(min_r, max_r, 2)
        circles.append(draw.circle(mp[0], mp[1], r[0], shape=dim))

    polys = []
    while len(polys) < n_polys:
        mp = np.random.randint(min_r, dim[0] - min_r, 2)
        too_close = False
        for cmp in cmps:
            if np.linalg.norm(cmp - mp) < min_dist // 2:
                too_close = True
        if too_close:
        circle = draw.circle_perimeter(mp[0], mp[1], max_r)
        poly_vert = np.random.choice(len(circle[0]),
                                     np.random.randint(3, 6),
            draw.polygon(circle[0][poly_vert], circle[1][poly_vert],

    rects = []
    while len(rects) < n_rect:
        mp = np.random.randint(min_r, dim[0] - min_r, 2)
        _len = np.random.randint(min_r // 2, max_r, (2, ))
        too_close = False
        for cmp in cmps:
            if np.linalg.norm(cmp - mp) < min_dist:
                too_close = True
        if too_close:
        start = (mp[0] - _len[0], mp[1] - _len[1])
            draw.rectangle(start, extent=(_len[0] * 2, _len[1] * 2),

    for poly in polys:
        color = np.random.rand(3)
        while np.linalg.norm(color -
                             ellips_color) < col_diff or np.linalg.norm(
                                 color - rect_color) < col_diff:
            color = np.random.rand(3)
        img[poly[0], poly[1], :] = color
        img[poly[0], poly[1], :] += np.random.randn(len(poly[1]), 3) / 5

    cols = np.random.choice(np.arange(4, 11, 1).astype(np.float) / 10,
    for i, ellipse in enumerate(circles):
        gt[ellipse[0], ellipse[1]] = 1 + (i / 10)
        ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4, ri5, ri6 = np.sign(np.random.randint(
            -100, 100)) * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), np.sign(
                np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                    (np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), (np.random.rand() + 1) * 3, (
                        np.random.rand() + 1) * 3, np.sign(
                            np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                                (np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), np.sign(
                                    np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                                        (np.random.rand() * 4) + 7)
        img[ellipse[0], ellipse[1], :] = np.array([cols[i], 0.0, 0.0])
        img[ellipse[0], ellipse[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[ellipse[0], ellipse[1]] * ri5)**2 +
                    ((dim[1] - y[ellipse[0], ellipse[1]]) * ri2)**2) * ri3 *
            np.pi / dim[0]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2
        img[ellipse[0], ellipse[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[ellipse[0], ellipse[1]] * ri6)**2 +
                    ((dim[1] - y[ellipse[0], ellipse[1]]) * ri1)**2) * ri4 *
            np.pi / dim[1]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2
        # img[ellipse[0], ellipse[1], :] += np.random.randn(len(ellipse[1]), 3) / 10

    cols = np.random.choice(np.arange(4, 11, 1).astype(np.float) / 10,
    for i, rect in enumerate(rects):
        gt[rect[0], rect[1]] = 2 + (i / 10)
        ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4, ri5, ri6 = np.sign(np.random.randint(
            -100, 100)) * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), np.sign(
                np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                    (np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), (np.random.rand() + 1) * 3, (
                        np.random.rand() + 1) * 3, np.sign(
                            np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                                (np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), np.sign(
                                    np.random.randint(-100, 100)) * (
                                        (np.random.rand() * 4) + 7)
        img[rect[0], rect[1], :] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, cols[i]])
        img[rect[0], rect[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[rect[0], rect[1]] * ri5)**2 +
                    ((dim[1] - y[rect[0], rect[1]]) * ri2)**2) * ri3 * np.pi /
            dim[0]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2
        img[rect[0], rect[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[rect[0], rect[1]] * ri1)**2 +
                    ((dim[1] - y[rect[0], rect[1]]) * ri6)**2) * ri4 * np.pi /
            dim[1]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2
        # img[rect[0], rect[1], :] += np.random.randn(*(rect[1].shape + (3,)))/10

    img = np.clip(img, 0, 1)

    affinities = get_naive_affinities(gaussian(np.clip(img, 0, 1), sigma=.2),
    affinities[:sep_chnl] *= -1
    affinities[:sep_chnl] += +1
    affinities[:sep_chnl] /= 1.3
    affinities[sep_chnl:] *= 1.3
    affinities = np.clip(affinities, 0, 1)
    valid_edges = get_valid_edges((len(edge_offsets), ) + dim, edge_offsets,
                                  sep_chnl, None, False)
    node_labeling, neighbors, cutting_edges, mutexes = compute_mws_segmentation_cstm(
        affinities.ravel(), valid_edges.ravel(), edge_offsets, sep_chnl, dim)
    node_labeling = node_labeling - 1
    nodes = np.unique(node_labeling)
        assert all(nodes == np.array(range(len(nodes)), dtype=np.float))
        Warning("node ids are off")

    edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(node_labeling, edge_offsets,
    gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,
    edges = neighbors.astype(np.long)

    gt_seg = get_current_soln(gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, edges)
    fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax1.imshow(cm.prism(gt / gt.max()))
    ax2.imshow(cm.prism(node_labeling / node_labeling.max()))
    ax3.imshow(cm.prism(gt_seg / gt_seg.max()))

    affinities = affinities.astype(np.float32)
    edge_feat = edge_feat.astype(np.float32)
    nodes = nodes.astype(np.float32)
    node_labeling = node_labeling.astype(np.float32)
    gt_edge_weights = gt_edge_weights.astype(np.float32)
    diff_to_gt = np.abs((edge_feat[:, 0] - gt_edge_weights)).sum()

    edges = np.sort(edges, axis=-1)
    edges = edges.T

    return img, gt, edges, edge_feat, diff_to_gt, gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, nodes, affinities
Example #5
def get_pix_data(shape=(256, 256)):
    """ This generates raw-gt-superpixels and correspondinng rags of rectangles and circles"""

    rsign = lambda: (-1)**np.random.randint(0, 2)
    edge_offsets = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [-3, 0], [0, -3], [-6, 0],
                    [0, -6]]  # offsets defining the edges for pixel affinities
    overseg_factor = 1.7
    sep_chnl = 2  # channel separating attractive from repulsive edges
    n_circles = 5  # number of ellipses in image
    n_polys = 10  # number of rand polys in image
    n_rect = 5  # number rectangles in image
    circle_color = np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype=np.float)
    rect_color = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float)
    col_diff = 0.4  # by this margin object color can vary ranomly
    min_r, max_r = 10, 20  # min and max radii of ellipses/circles
    min_dist = max_r

    img = np.random.randn(*(shape + (3, ))) / 5  # init image with some noise
    gt = np.zeros(shape)

    #  get some random frequencies
    ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4, ri5, ri6 = rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 2) + .5), \
                                   rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 2) + .5), \
                                   (np.random.rand() * 4) + 3, \
                                   (np.random.rand() * 4) + 3, \
                                   rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 2) + .5), \
                                   rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 2) + .5)
    x = np.zeros(shape)
    x[:, :] = np.arange(img.shape[0])[np.newaxis, :]
    y = x.transpose()
    # add background frequency interferences
    img += (np.sin(
        np.sqrt((x * ri1)**2 + ((shape[1] - y) * ri2)**2) * ri3 * np.pi /
        shape[0]))[..., np.newaxis]
    img += (np.sin(
        np.sqrt((x * ri5)**2 + ((shape[1] - y) * ri6)**2) * ri4 * np.pi /
        shape[1]))[..., np.newaxis]
    # smooth a bit
    img = gaussian(np.clip(img, 0.1, 1), sigma=.8)
    # add some circles
    circles = []
    cmps = []
    while len(circles) < n_circles:
        mp = np.random.randint(min_r, shape[0] - min_r, 2)
        too_close = False
        for cmp in cmps:
            if np.linalg.norm(cmp - mp) < min_dist:
                too_close = True
        if too_close:
        r = np.random.randint(min_r, max_r, 2)
        circles.append(draw.circle(mp[0], mp[1], r[0], shape=shape))

    # add some random polygons
    polys = []
    while len(polys) < n_polys:
        mp = np.random.randint(min_r, shape[0] - min_r, 2)
        too_close = False
        for cmp in cmps:
            if np.linalg.norm(cmp - mp) < min_dist // 2:
                too_close = True
        if too_close:
        circle = draw.circle_perimeter(mp[0], mp[1], max_r)
        poly_vert = np.random.choice(len(circle[0]),
                                     np.random.randint(3, 6),

    # add some random rectangles
    rects = []
    while len(rects) < n_rect:
        mp = np.random.randint(min_r, shape[0] - min_r, 2)
        _len = np.random.randint(min_r // 2, max_r, (2, ))
        too_close = False
        for cmp in cmps:
            if np.linalg.norm(cmp - mp) < min_dist:
                too_close = True
        if too_close:
        start = (mp[0] - _len[0], mp[1] - _len[1])
                           extent=(_len[0] * 2, _len[1] * 2),

    # draw polys and give them some noise
    for poly in polys:
        color = np.random.rand(3)
        while np.linalg.norm(color -
                             circle_color) < col_diff or np.linalg.norm(
                                 color - rect_color) < col_diff:
            color = np.random.rand(3)
        img[poly[0], poly[1], :] = color
        img[poly[0], poly[1], :] += np.random.randn(len(
            poly[1]), 3) / 5  # add noise to the polygons

    # draw circles with some frequency
    cols = np.random.choice(np.arange(4, 11, 1).astype(np.float) / 10,
                            replace=False)  # get colors
    for i, circle in enumerate(circles):
        gt[circle[0], circle[1]] = 1 + (i / 10)
        ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4, ri5, ri6 = rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), \
                                       rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), \
                                       (np.random.rand() + 1) * 8, \
                                       (np.random.rand() + 1) * 8, \
                                       rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), \
                                       rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7)

            circle[1], :] = np.array([cols[i], 0.0,
                                      0.0])  # set even color intensity
        # set interference of two freqs in circle color channel
        img[circle[0], circle[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[circle[0], circle[1]] * ri5)**2 +
                    ((shape[1] - y[circle[0], circle[1]]) * ri2)**2) * ri3 *
            np.pi / shape[0]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2
        img[circle[0], circle[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[circle[0], circle[1]] * ri6)**2 +
                    ((shape[1] - y[circle[0], circle[1]]) * ri1)**2) * ri4 *
            np.pi / shape[1]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2

    # draw rectangles with some frequency
    cols = np.random.choice(np.arange(4, 11, 1).astype(np.float) / 10,
    for i, rect in enumerate(rects):
        gt[rect[0], rect[1]] = 2 + (i / 10)
        ri1, ri2, ri3, ri4, ri5, ri6 = rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), \
                                       rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), \
                                       (np.random.rand() + 1) * 8, \
                                       (np.random.rand() + 1) * 8, \
                                       rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7), \
                                       rsign() * ((np.random.rand() * 4) + 7)
        img[rect[0], rect[1], :] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, cols[i]])
        img[rect[0], rect[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[rect[0], rect[1]] * ri5)**2 +
                    ((shape[1] - y[rect[0], rect[1]]) * ri2)**2) * ri3 *
            np.pi / shape[0]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2
        img[rect[0], rect[1], :] += np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * ((np.sin(
            np.sqrt((x[rect[0], rect[1]] * ri1)**2 +
                    ((shape[1] - y[rect[0], rect[1]]) * ri6)**2) * ri4 *
            np.pi / shape[1]))[..., np.newaxis] * 0.15) + 0.2

    img = np.clip(img, 0, 1)  # clip to valid range
    # get affinities and calc superpixels with mutex watershed
    affinities = get_naive_affinities(gaussian(img, sigma=.2), edge_offsets)
    affinities[:sep_chnl] *= -1
    affinities[:sep_chnl] += +1
    # scale affinities in order to get an oversegmentation
    affinities[:sep_chnl] /= overseg_factor
    affinities[sep_chnl:] *= overseg_factor
    affinities = np.clip(affinities, 0, 1)
    node_labeling = compute_mws_segmentation(affinities, edge_offsets,
    node_labeling = node_labeling - 1
    nodes = np.unique(node_labeling)
        assert all(nodes == np.array(range(len(nodes)), dtype=np.float))
        Warning("node ids are off")

    # get edges from node labeling and edge features from affinity stats
    edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(node_labeling, edge_offsets,
    # get gt edge weights based on edges and gt image
    gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,
    edges = neighbors.astype(np.long)

    # # calc multicut from gt
    # gt_seg = get_current_soln(gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, edges)
    # # show result (uncomment for testing)
    # fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 4)
    # ax1.imshow(cm.prism(gt/gt.max()));ax1.set_title('gt')
    # ax2.imshow(cm.prism(node_labeling / node_labeling.max()));ax2.set_title('sp')
    # ax3.imshow(cm.prism(gt_seg / gt_seg.max()));ax3.set_title('mc')
    # ax4.imshow(img);ax4.set_title('raw')
    # plt.show()

    affinities = affinities.astype(np.float32)
    edge_feat = edge_feat.astype(np.float32)
    nodes = nodes.astype(np.float32)
    node_labeling = node_labeling.astype(np.float32)
    gt_edge_weights = gt_edge_weights.astype(np.float32)
    diff_to_gt = np.abs((edge_feat[:, 0] - gt_edge_weights)).sum()

    edges = np.sort(edges, axis=-1)
    edges = edges.T

    return img, gt, edges, edge_feat, diff_to_gt, gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, nodes, affinities
Example #6
def get_heat_map_by_affs(img):
    affs = get_naive_affinities(img[..., np.newaxis], offsets=offs)
    hmap = affs.sum(0) / affs.shape[0]
    return hmap, affs
Example #7
    def create_dsets(self, num):
        for file_index in range(num):
            n_disc = np.random.randint(25, 30)
            rads = []
            mps = []
            for disc in range(n_disc):
                radius = np.random.randint(
                    max(self.shape) // 25,
                    max(self.shape) // 20)
                touching = True
                while touching:
                    mp = np.array([
                        np.random.randint(0 + radius, self.shape[0] - radius),
                        np.random.randint(0 + radius, self.shape[1] - radius)
                    touching = False
                    for other_rad, other_mp in zip(rads, mps):
                        diff = mp - other_mp
                        if (diff**2).sum()**.5 <= radius + other_rad + 2:
                            touching = True

            data = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float)
            gt = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float)
            for y in range(self.shape[0]):
                for x in range(self.shape[1]):
                    bg = True
                    for radius, mp in zip(rads, mps):
                        ly, lx = y - mp[0], x - mp[1]
                        if (ly**2 + lx**2)**.5 <= radius:
                            data[y, x] += np.cos(
                                np.sqrt((x - self.shape[1])**2 + y**2) * 50 *
                                np.pi / self.shape[1])
                            data[y, x] += np.cos(
                                np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) * 50 * np.pi /
                            # data[y, x] += 6
                            gt[y, x] = 1
                            bg = False
                    if bg:
                        data[y, x] += np.cos(y * 40 * np.pi / self.shape[0])
                        data[y, x] += np.cos(
                            np.sqrt(x**2 + (self.shape[0] - y)**2) * 30 *
                            np.pi / self.shape[1])
            data += 1
            # plt.imshow(data);plt.show()
            if self.no_suppix:
                raw = torch.from_numpy(data).float()
                return raw.unsqueeze(0), torch.from_numpy(gt.astype(np.long))
                # return torch.stack((torch.rand_like(raw), raw, torch.rand_like(raw))), torch.from_numpy(gt.astype(np.long))

            affinities = affutils.get_naive_affinities(data, self.offsets)
            gt_affinities, _ = compute_affinities(gt == 1, self.offsets)
            gt_affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= -1
            gt_affinities[self.sep_chnl:] += +1
            affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= -1
            affinities[self.sep_chnl:] += +1
            # affinities[:self.sep_chnl] /= 1.1
            affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= 1.01
            affinities = (affinities -
                          (affinities * gt_affinities)) + gt_affinities

            # affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= -1
            # affinities[self.sep_chnl:] += +1
            # affinities[self.sep_chnl:] *= 4
            affinities = affinities.clip(0, 1)

            valid_edges = get_valid_edges((len(self.offsets), ) + self.shape,
                                          self.offsets, self.sep_chnl, None,
            node_labeling, neighbors, cutting_edges, mutexes = compute_mws_segmentation_cstm(
                affinities.ravel(), valid_edges.ravel(), self.offsets,
                self.sep_chnl, self.shape)
            node_labeling = node_labeling - 1
            nodes = np.unique(node_labeling)
                assert all(
                    nodes == np.array(range(len(nodes)), dtype=np.float))
                Warning("node ids are off")

            noisy_affinities = affinities

            edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(
                node_labeling, self.offsets, noisy_affinities)
            gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,

            while abs(gt_edge_weights.sum() - (len(gt_edge_weights) / 2)) > 1:
                edge_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(gt_edge_weights)),
                                                (gt_edge_weights == 0).astype(
                if gt_edge_weights[edge_idx] != 0.0:

                # print(abs(gt_edge_weights.sum() - (len(gt_edge_weights) / 2)))
                edge = neighbors[edge_idx].astype(np.int)
                # merge superpixel
                diff = edge[0] - edge[1]

                mass = (node_labeling == edge[0]).sum()
                node_labeling = node_labeling - (node_labeling
                                                 == edge[0]) * diff
                new_mass = (node_labeling == edge[1]).sum()
                    assert new_mass >= mass
                    a = 1

                # if edge_idx == 0:
                #     neighbors = neighbors[1:]
                #     gt_edge_weights = gt_edge_weights[1:]
                # elif edge_idx == len(gt_edge_weights):
                #     neighbors = neighbors[:-1]
                #     gt_edge_weights = gt_edge_weights[:-1]
                # else:
                #     neighbors = np.concatenate((neighbors[:edge_idx], neighbors[edge_idx+1:]), axis=0)
                #     gt_edge_weights = np.concatenate((gt_edge_weights[:edge_idx], gt_edge_weights[edge_idx+1:]), axis=0)
                # neighbors[neighbors == edge[0]] == edge[1]

                edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(
                    node_labeling, self.offsets, noisy_affinities)
                gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(
                    neighbors, node_labeling.squeeze(), gt.squeeze())

            edge_feat, neighbors = get_edge_features_1d(
                node_labeling, self.offsets, noisy_affinities)
            gt_edge_weights = calculate_gt_edge_costs(neighbors,

            gt = torch.from_numpy(gt.astype(np.float32)).squeeze().float()

            edges = torch.from_numpy(neighbors.astype(np.long))
            raw = torch.tensor(data).squeeze().float()
            noisy_affinities = torch.tensor(noisy_affinities).squeeze().float()
            edge_feat = torch.from_numpy(edge_feat.astype(np.float32))
            nodes = torch.from_numpy(nodes.astype(np.float32))
            node_labeling = torch.from_numpy(node_labeling.astype(np.float32))
            gt_edge_weights = torch.from_numpy(
            diff_to_gt = (edge_feat[:, 0] - gt_edge_weights).abs().sum()
            edges = edges.t().contiguous()
            edges = torch.cat((edges, torch.stack((edges[1], edges[0]))),

                + str(file_index) + '.h5', edges, edge_feat, diff_to_gt,
                gt_edge_weights, node_labeling, raw, nodes, noisy_affinities,