Example #1
    def init_hidden(self, batch_size):
        Initializes the hidden states for the encoder.

        :param batch_size: batch size
        :return: initial hidden states.

        if self.bidirectional:
            return torch.zeros(self.n_layers * 2, batch_size,
            return torch.zeros(self.n_layers, batch_size,
Example #2
    def __init__(self, params):
        Initializes application state and sets plot if visualization flag is
        turned on.

        :param params: Parameters read from configuration file.

        # Call base class inits here.
        super(Model, self).__init__()

        # Initialize app state.
        self.app_state = AppState()

        # Store pointer to params.
        self.params = params

        # Window in which the data will be ploted.
        self.plotWindow = None

        # Initialization of best loss - as INF.
        self.best_loss = np.inf

        # Flag indicating whether intermediate checkpoints should be saved or
        # not (DEFAULT: False).
        if "save_intermediate" not in params:
            params.add_default_params({"save_intermediate": False})
        self.save_intermediate = params["save_intermediate"]

        # "Default" model name.
        self.name = 'Model'
Example #3
    def init_state(self, memory_address_size, batch_size):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param memory_address_size: The number of memory addresses
        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class.

        dtype = AppState().dtype

        # Read attention weights [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE]
        read_attention = torch.ones((batch_size, self._num_reads,
                                     memory_address_size)).type(dtype) * 1e-6

        # Write attention weights [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE]
        write_attention = torch.ones((batch_size, self._num_writes,
                                      memory_address_size)).type(dtype) * 1e-6

        # Usage of memory cells [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE]
        usage = self.mem_usage.init_state(memory_address_size, batch_size)

        # temporal links tuple
        link_tuple = self.temporal_linkage.init_state(memory_address_size,

        return InterfaceStateTuple(read_attention, write_attention, usage,
Example #4
    def forward(self, logits, targets, mask):
        Calculates loss accounting for different numbers of output per sample.

        :param logits: Logits being output by the model. [batch, classes, sequence]
        :param targets: LongTensor targets [batch, sequence]
        :param mask: ByteTensor mask [batch, sequence]


        # Calculate the loss per element in the sequence
        loss_per_element = self.loss_function(logits, targets)

        # Have to convert the mask to floats to multiply by the loss
        mask_float = mask.type(AppState().dtype)

        # if the loss has one extra dimenison then you need an extra unit dimension
        # to multiply element by element
        if len(mask.shape) < len(loss_per_element.shape):
            mask_float = mask_float.unsqueeze(-1)

        # Set the loss per element to zero for unneeded output
        masked_loss_per = mask_float * loss_per_element

        # obtain the number of non-zero elements in the mask.
        # nonzero() returns the indices so you have to divide by the number of
        # dimensions
        size = mask.nonzero().numel() / len(mask.shape)

        # add up the loss scaling by only the needed outputs
        loss = torch.sum(masked_loss_per) / size
        return loss
Example #5
    def init_state(self, memory_address_size, batch_size):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state:

        * memory  is reset to random values.
        * read & write weights (and read vector) are set to 1e-6.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :param num_memory_adresses: Number of memory addresses.

        dtype = AppState().dtype

        # Initialize controller state.
        ctrl_init_state = self.control_params.init_state(batch_size)

        # Initialize interface state.
        interface_init_state = self.interface.init_state(
            memory_address_size, batch_size)

        init_memory_BxMxA = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.num_memory_bits,

        # Read vector [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE]
        read_vector_BxM = self.interface.read(interface_init_state,

        # Pack and return a tuple.
        return NTMCellStateTuple(ctrl_init_state, interface_init_state,
                                 init_memory_BxMxA, read_vector_BxM)
Example #6
def normalize(x):
    Normalizes the input torch tensor along the last dimension using the max of
    the one norm The normalization is "fuzzy" to prevent divergences.

    :param x: input of shape [batch_size, A, A1 ..An] if the input is the weight vector x'sahpe (batch_size, num_heads, memory_size)
    :return:  normalized x of shape [batch_size, A, A1 ..An]

    dtype = AppState().dtype
    return x / torch.max(torch.sum(x, dim=-1, keepdim=True),
Example #7
    def init_state(self, memory_address_size, batch_size):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class.

        dtype = AppState().dtype
        self._memory_size = memory_address_size

        usage = torch.zeros((batch_size, memory_address_size)).type(dtype)

        return usage
Example #8
    def init_state(self, batch_size):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of RNNStateTuple class.

        # Initialize LSTM hidden state [BATCH_SIZE x CTRL_HIDDEN_SIZE].
        dtype = AppState().dtype
        hidden_state = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.ctrl_hidden_state_size),

        return RNNStateTuple(hidden_state)
Example #9
    def exclusive_cumprod_temp(self, sorted_usage, dim=1):
        Applies the exclusive cumultative product (at the moment it assumes the
        shape of the input)

        :param sorted_usage: tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` indicating current memory usage sorted in ascending order.

        :returns: Tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` that is exclusive pruduct of the sorted usage i.e. = [1, u1, u1*u2, u1*u2*u3, ....]

        # TODO: expand this so it works for any dim
        dtype = AppState().dtype
        a = torch.ones((sorted_usage.shape[0], 1)).type(dtype)
        b = torch.cat((a, sorted_usage), dim=dim).type(dtype)
        prod_sorted_usage = torch.cumprod(b, dim=dim)[:, :-1]
        return prod_sorted_usage
Example #10
    def init_state(self, memory_addresses_size, batch_size):
        dtype = AppState().dtype

        # Initialize controller state.
        tuple_ctrl_init_state = self.controller.init_state(batch_size)

        # Initialize interface state.
        tuple_interface_init_state = self.interface.init_state(
            memory_addresses_size, batch_size)

        # Initialize memory
        mem_init = (torch.ones(
            (batch_size, self.M, memory_addresses_size)) * 0.01).type(dtype)

        return DWMCellStateTuple(tuple_ctrl_init_state,
                                 tuple_interface_init_state, mem_init)
Example #11
    def __init__(self, params):
        Initializes problem object.

        :param params: Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration file).

        # Set default loss function.
        self.loss_function = None

        # Store pointer to params.
        self.params = params

        # Get access to AppState.
        self.app_state = AppState()

        # "Default" problem name.
        self.name = 'Problem'
Example #12
    def init_state(self, memory_address_size, batch_size):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class.

        dtype = AppState().dtype
        self._memory_size = memory_address_size
        link = torch.ones((batch_size, self._num_writes, memory_address_size,
                           memory_address_size)).type(dtype) * 1e-6

        precendence_weights = torch.ones(
            (batch_size, self._num_writes,
             memory_address_size)).type(dtype) * 1e-6

        return TemporalLinkageState(link, precendence_weights)
Example #13
    def init_state(self, batch_size, num_memory_addresses):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :param num_memory_addresses: Number of memory addresses.
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class.

        dtype = AppState().dtype
        # Add read head states - one for each read head.

        read_state_tuples = []

        # Initial  attention weights [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x 1]
        # Initialize attention: to address 0.
        zh_attention = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_memory_addresses,
        zh_attention[:, 0, 0] = 1

        # Initialize gating: to previous attention (i.e. zero-hard).
        init_gating = torch.ones(batch_size, 1, 1).type(dtype)

        # Initialize shift - to zero.
        init_shift = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.interface_shift_size,
        init_shift[:, 1, 0] = 1

        for i in range(self.interface_num_read_heads):

            read_ht = HeadStateTuple(zh_attention, zh_attention, init_gating,

            # Single read head tuple.

        # Single write head tuple.
        write_state_tuple = HeadStateTuple(zh_attention, zh_attention,
                                           init_gating, init_shift)

        # Return tuple.
        interface_state = InterfaceStateTuple(read_state_tuples,
        return interface_state
Example #14
    def init_state(self, memory_addresses_size, batch_size):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state of Interface tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :param memory_addresses_size: size of the memory

        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class: (head_weight_init, snapshot_weight_init)

        dtype = AppState().dtype

        # initial attention  vector
        head_weight_init = torch.zeros(
            (batch_size, self.num_heads, memory_addresses_size)).type(dtype)
        head_weight_init[:, 0:self.num_heads, 0] = 1.0

        # bookmark
        snapshot_weight_init = head_weight_init

        return InterfaceStateTuple(head_weight_init, snapshot_weight_init)
Example #15
    def init_state(self, batch_size, num_memory_addresses,
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :param num_memory_addresses: Number of memory addresses.
        :param final_encoder_attention_BxAx1: final attention of the encoder [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x 1]
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class.

        # Get dtype.
        dtype = AppState().dtype

        # Initial  attention weights [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x 1]
        # Zero-hard attention.
        zh_attention = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_memory_addresses,
        # Initialize as "hard attention on 0 address"
        zh_attention[:, 0, 0] = 1

        # Gating [BATCH x 3 x 1]
        init_gating = torch.zeros(batch_size, 3, 1).type(dtype)
        init_gating[:, 0, 0] = 1  # Initialize as "prev attention"

        # Shift [BATCH x SHIFT_SIZE x 1]
        init_shift = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.interface_shift_size,
        init_shift[:, 1, 0] = 1  # Initialize as "0 shift".

        # Remember zero-hard attention.
        self.zero_hard_attention_BxAx1 = zh_attention
        # Remember final attention of encoder.
        self.final_encoder_attention_BxAx1 = final_encoder_attention_BxAx1

        # Return tuple.
        return MASInterfaceStateTuple(zh_attention,
                                      init_gating, init_shift)
    def forward(self, encoded_image, encoded_question):
        Apply stacked attention.

        :param encoded_image: output of the image encoding (CNN + FC layer), [batch_size, new_width * new_height, num_channels_encoded_image]
        :param encoded_question: last hidden layer of the LSTM, [batch_size, question_encoding_size]
        :returns: u: attention [batch_size, num_channels_encoded_image]


        for att_layer in self.san:
            u, attention_prob = att_layer(encoded_image, encoded_question)
            if AppState().visualize:
                if self.visualize_attention is None:
                    self.visualize_attention = attention_prob

                # Concatenate output
                    self.visualize_attention = torch.cat(
                        [self.visualize_attention, attention_prob], dim=-1)

        return u
Example #17
def validation(model, problem, episode, stat_col, data_valid, aux_valid, FLAGS,
               logger, validation_file, validation_writer):
    Function performs validation of the model, using the provided data and
    criterion. Additionally it logs (to files, tensorboard) and visualizes.

    :param stat_col: Statistic collector object.
    :return: True if training loop is supposed to end.

    # Turn on evaluation mode.
    # Calculate loss of the validation data.
    with torch.no_grad():
        logits_valid, loss_valid = forward_step(model, problem, episode,
                                                stat_col, data_valid,

    # Log to logger.
    # Export to csv.

    if (FLAGS.tensorboard is not None):
        # Save loss + accuracy to tensorboard.

    # Visualization of validation.
    if AppState().visualize:
        # True means that we should terminate

        # Allow for preprocessing
        data_valid, aux_valid, logits_valid = problem.plot_preprocessing(
            data_valid, aux_valid, logits_valid)

        return loss_valid, model.plot(data_valid, logits_valid)
    # Else simply return false, i.e. continue training.
    return loss_valid, False
Example #18
    def init_state(self, batch_size, num_memory_addresses):
        Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple.

        :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch.
        :param num_memory_addresses: Number of memory addresses.
        :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class.

        # Get dtype.
        dtype = AppState().dtype

        # Zero-hard attention.
        zh_attention = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_memory_addresses,
        zh_attention[:, 0, 0] = 1
        # Init gating.
        init_shift = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.interface_shift_size,
        init_shift[:, 1, 0] = 1

        # Return tuple.
        return MAEInterfaceStateTuple(zh_attention, init_shift)
        :param x: a combination of the attention and question
        :return: Prediction of the answer [batch_size, num_classes]


        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        x = F.dropout(x)
        x = self.fc3(x)
        return F.log_softmax(x, dim=-1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Set visualization.
    from utils.app_state import AppState
    AppState().visualize = True

    # Test base model.
    from utils.param_interface import ParamInterface

    params = ParamInterface()

    # model
    model = MultiHopsAttention(params)

    while True:
        # Generate new sequence.
        # "Image" - batch x channels x width x height
        input_np = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, (1, 3, 128, 128))
        image = torch.from_numpy(input_np).type(torch.FloatTensor)
Example #20
    def __init__(self, set, clevr_dir, clevr_humans,
                 embedding_type='random', random_embedding_dim=300):
        Instantiate a ClevrDataset object:

            - Mainly check if the files containing the extracted features & tokenized questions already exist. If not,
            it generates them for the specified sub-set.
            - self.img contains then the extracted feature maps
            - self.data contains the tokenized questions, the associated image filenames, the answers & the question string

        The questions are then embedded based on the specified embedding. This embedding is random by default, but
        pretrained ones are possible.

        :param set: String to specify which dataset to use: 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
        :param clevr_dir: Directory path to the CLEVR_v1.0 dataset. Will also be used to store the generated files (.hdf5, .pkl)
        :param clevr_humans: Boolean to indicate whether to use the questions from CLEVR-Humans.

        :param embedding_type: string to indicate the pretrained embedding to use: either 'random' to use nn.Embedding
        or one of the following: "charngram.100d", "fasttext.en.300d", "fasttext.simple.300d", "glove.42B.300d",
        "glove.840B.300d", "glove.twitter.27B.25d", "glove.twitter.27B.50d", "glove.twitter.27B.100d",
        "glove.twitter.27B.200d":, "glove.6B.50d", "glove.6B.100d", "glove.6B.200d", "glove.6B.300d"

        :param random_embedding_dim: In the case of random embedding, this is the embedding dimension to use.

        # call base constructor

        # parse params
        self.set = set
        self.clevr_dir = clevr_dir
        self.clevr_humans = clevr_humans
        self.embedding_type = embedding_type
        self.random_embedding_dim = random_embedding_dim

        # Get access to app state.
        self.app_state = AppState()

        if self.set == 'test':
            logger.error('Test set generation not supported for now. Exiting.')

        logger.info('Loading the {} samples from {}'.format(
            set, 'CLEVR-Humans' if self.clevr_humans else 'CLEVR'))

        # check if the folder /generated_files in self.clevr already exists, if
        # not creates it:
        if not os.path.isdir(self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files'):
            logger.warning('Folder {} not found, creating it.'.format(
                self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files'))
            os.mkdir(self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files')

        # checking if the file containing the images feature maps (processed by ResNet101) exists or not
        # For the same self.set, this file is the same for CLEVR & CLEVR-Humans
        feature_maps_filename = self.clevr_dir + \
        if os.path.isfile(feature_maps_filename):
            logger.info('The file {} already exists, loading it.'.format(

            logger.warning('File {} not found on disk, generating it:'.format(

        # actually load the file
        self.h = h5py.File(feature_maps_filename, 'r')
        self.img = self.h['data']

        # checking if the file containing the tokenized questions (& answers,
        # image filename) exists or not
        questions_filename = self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files/{}_{}_questions.pkl'.format(
            self.set, 'CLEVR_Humans' if self.clevr_humans else 'CLEVR')
        if os.path.isfile(questions_filename):
            logger.info('The file {} already exists, loading it.'.format(

            # load questions
            with open(questions_filename, 'rb') as questions:
                self.data = pickle.load(questions)

            # load word_dics & answer_dics
            with open(self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files/dics.pkl', 'rb') as f:
                dic = pickle.load(f)
                self.answer_dic = dic['answer_dic']
                self.word_dic = dic['word_dic']

                'File {} not found on disk, generating it.'.format(

            # WARNING: We need to ensure that we use the same words & answers dics for both train & val, otherwise we
            # do not have the same reference!
            if self.set == 'val' or self.set == 'valA' or self.set == 'valB':
                # first generate the words dic using the training samples
                    'We need to ensure that we use the same words-to-index & answers-to-index dictionaries '
                    'for both the train & val samples.')
                    'First, generating the words-to-index & answers-to-index dictionaries from '
                    'the training samples :')
                _, self.word_dic, self.answer_dic = self.generate_questions_dics(
                    'train' if self.set == 'val' else 'trainA', word_dic=None, answer_dic=None)

                # then tokenize the questions using the created dictionaries
                # from the training samples
                    'Then we can tokenize the validation questions using the dictionaries '
                    'created from the training samples')
                self.data, self.word_dic, self.answer_dic = self.generate_questions_dics(
                    self.set, word_dic=self.word_dic, answer_dic=self.answer_dic)

            # self.set=='train', we can directly tokenize the questions
            elif self.set == 'train' or self.set == 'trainA':
                self.data, self.word_dic, self.answer_dic = self.generate_questions_dics(
                    self.set, word_dic=None, answer_dic=None)

        # At this point, the objects self.img & self.data contains the feature
        # maps & questions

        # creates the objects for the specified embeddings
        if self.embedding_type == 'random':
                'Constructing random embeddings using a uniform distribution')
            # instantiate nn.Embeddings look-up-table with specified
            # embedding_dim
            self.n_vocab = len(self.word_dic) + 1
            self.embed_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(

            # we have to make sure that the weights are the same during train
            # or val!
            if os.path.isfile(self.clevr_dir +
                    'Found random embedding weights on file, using them.')
                with open(self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files/random_embedding_weights.pkl', 'rb') as f:
                    self.embed_layer.weight.data = pickle.load(f)
                    'No weights found on file for random embeddings. Initializing them from a Uniform '
                    'distribution and saving to file in {}'.format(
                        self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files/random_embedding_weights.pkl'))
                self.embed_layer.weight.data.uniform_(0, 1)
                with open(self.clevr_dir + '/generated_files/random_embedding_weights.pkl', 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(self.embed_layer.weight.data, f)

            logger.info('Constructing embeddings using {}'.format(
            # instantiate Language class
            self.language = Language('lang')
            self.questions = [q['string_question'] for q in self.data]
            # use the questions set to construct the embeddings vectors
                self.questions, vectors=self.embedding_type)
Example #21
        x = self.f_fc2(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5)

        x = self.f_fc3(x)

        return x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Unit Tests for g_theta & f_phi.
    input_size = (24 + 2) * 2 + 13
    batch_size = 64
    inputs = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, (batch_size, 3, input_size))
    inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).type(AppState().dtype)

    params_g = {'input_size': input_size}
    g_theta = PairwiseRelationNetwork(params_g)

    g_outputs = g_theta(inputs)
    print('g_outputs:', g_outputs.shape)

    output_size = 29
    params_f = {'output_size': output_size}
    f_phi = SumOfPairsAnalysisNetwork(params_f)

    f_outputs = f_phi(g_outputs)
    print('f_outputs:', f_outputs.shape)
Example #22

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_size = 28
    params_dict = {
        'context_input_size': 32,
        'input_size': input_size,
        'output_size': 10,
        'center_size': 1,
        'center_size_per_module': 32,
        'num_modules': 4

    # Initialize the application state singleton.
    from utils.app_state import AppState
    app_state = AppState()
    app_state.visualize = True

    from utils.param_interface import ParamInterface
    params = ParamInterface()
    model = ThalNetModel(params)

    seq_length = 10
    batch_size = 2

    # Check for different seq_lengts and batch_sizes.
    for i in range(1):
        # Create random Tensors to hold inputs and outputs
        x = torch.randn(batch_size, 1, input_size, input_size)
        logits = torch.randn(batch_size, 1, params_dict['output_size'])
Example #23
        param_interface["training"].add_custom_params({"seed_torch": seed})
    logger.info("Setting torch random seed to: {}".format(

    if "seed_numpy" not in param_interface["training"] or param_interface[
            "training"]["seed_numpy"] == -1:
        seed = randrange(0, 2**32)
        param_interface["training"].add_custom_params({"seed_numpy": seed})
    logger.info("Setting numpy random seed to: {}".format(

    # Initialize the application state singleton.
    app_state = AppState()

    # check if CUDA is available turn it on
    check_and_set_cuda(param_interface['training'], logger)

    # Build the model.
    model = ModelFactory.build_model(param_interface['model'])
    model.cuda() if app_state.use_CUDA else None

    # Log the model summary.

    # Build problem for the training
    problem = ProblemFactory.build_problem(
Example #24
        x = self.batchNorm2(x)
        x = F.relu(x)

        x = self.conv3(x)
        x = self.batchNorm3(x)
        x = F.relu(x)

        x = self.conv4(x)
        x = self.batchNorm4(x)
        x = F.relu(x)

        return x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Unit Test for the ConvInputModel.

    # "Image" - batch x channels x width x height
    batch_size = 64
    img_size = 128

    input_np = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, (batch_size, 3, img_size, img_size))
    image = torch.from_numpy(input_np).type(AppState().dtype)

    cnn = ConvInputModel()

    feature_maps = cnn(image)
    print('feature_maps:', feature_maps.shape)
Example #25
        return x_out

if __name__ == '__main__':

    question_size = 13
    input_size = (24 + 2) * 2 + question_size
    output_size = 29
    params = {
        'g_theta': {
            'input_size': input_size
        'f_phi': {
            'output_size': output_size

    batch_size = 128
    img_size = 128
    images = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, (batch_size, 3, img_size, img_size))
    images = torch.from_numpy(images).type(AppState().dtype)

    questions = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, (batch_size, question_size))
    questions = torch.from_numpy(questions).type(AppState().dtype)

    targets = None

    net = RelationalNetwork(params)

    net(((images, questions), targets))
Example #26
        self.plotWindow.update(fig, frames)

        return self.plotWindow.is_closed

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dim = 512
    embed_hidden = 300
    max_step = 12
    self_attention = True
    memory_gate = True
    nb_classes = 28
    dropout = 0.15

    from utils.app_state import AppState
    app_state = AppState()

    from utils.param_interface import ParamInterface
    params = ParamInterface()
        'dim': dim,
        'embed_hidden': embed_hidden,
        'max_step': 12,
        'self_attention': self_attention,
        'memory_gate': memory_gate,
        'nb_classes': nb_classes,
        'dropout': dropout

    net = MACNetwork(params)
Example #27
    def circular_convolution(self, attention_BxAx1, shift_BxSx1):
        Performs circular convolution, i.e. shitfts the attention accodring to
        given shift vector (convolution mask).

        :param attention_BxAx1: Current attention [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1]
        :param shift_BxSx1: soft shift maks (convolutional kernel) [BATCH_SIZE x SHIFT_SIZE x 1]
        :returns: attention vector of size [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1]

        def circular_index(idx, num_addr):
            Calculates the index, taking into consideration the number of
            addresses in memory.

            :param idx: index (single element)
            :param num_addr: number of addresses in memory

            if idx < 0:
                return num_addr + idx
            elif idx >= num_addr:
                return idx - num_addr
                return idx

        # Check whether inputs are already on GPU or not.
        #dtype = torch.cuda.LongTensor if attention_BxAx1.is_cuda else torch.LongTensor
        dtype = AppState().LongTensor

        # Get number of memory addresses and batch size.
        batch_size = attention_BxAx1.size(0)
        num_addr = attention_BxAx1.size(1)
        shift_size = self.interface_shift_size

        #logger.debug("shift_BxSx1 {}: {}".format(shift_BxSx1,  shift_BxSx1.size()))
        # Create an extended list of indices indicating what elements of the
        # sequence will be where.
        ext_indices_tensor = torch.Tensor([
            circular_index(shift, num_addr)
            for shift in range(-shift_size // 2 + 1, num_addr +
                               shift_size // 2)
        #logger.debug("ext_indices {}:\n {}".format(ext_indices_tensor.size(),  ext_indices_tensor))

        # Use indices for creation of an extended attention vector.
        ext_attention_BxEAx1 = torch.index_select(attention_BxAx1,
        #logger.debug("ext_attention_BxEAx1 {}:\n {}".format(ext_attention_BxEAx1.size(),  ext_attention_BxEAx1))

        # Transpose inputs to convolution.
        ext_att_trans_Bx1xEA = torch.transpose(ext_attention_BxEAx1, 1, 2)
        shift_trans_Bx1xS = torch.transpose(shift_BxSx1, 1, 2)
        # Perform  convolution for every batch-filter pair.
        tmp_attention_list = []
        for b in range(batch_size):
                F.conv1d(ext_att_trans_Bx1xEA.narrow(0, b, 1),
                         shift_trans_Bx1xS.narrow(0, b, 1)))
        # Concatenate list into a single tensor.
        shifted_attention_BxAx1 = torch.transpose(
            torch.cat(tmp_attention_list, dim=0), 1, 2)
        #logger.debug("shifted_attention_BxAx1 {}:\n {}".format(shifted_attention_BxAx1.size(),  shifted_attention_BxAx1))

        return shifted_attention_BxAx1