def to_mp3(cls, input_file, output_file, output_ac, output_ar, input_ac=None, input_ar=None, input_format=None, input_acodec=None): """ 转 mp3 格式音频 :param str input_file: 待转换文件路径 :param str output_file: :param int output_ac: :param int output_ar: :param int input_ac: :param int input_ar: :param str input_format: :param str input_acodec: :return: """ Assert.is_true(cls.is_mp3(output_file, is_strict=False), '不是 mp3 拓展文件:{0}'.format(output_file)) cls._format_convert(input_file=input_file, output_file=output_file, input_format=input_format, input_acodec=input_acodec, input_ac=input_ac, input_ar=input_ar, output_ac=output_ac, output_ar=output_ar)
def lexer(self, text, ne_list=[], url=None): """ 词法分析 :param url: :param text: :param ne_list: 过滤命名实体类型 :return: """ url = url if url else getattr(self, 'lexer_url', None) url = url.format(access_token=self.token) res =, data=json.dumps(obj={'text': text}), headers=ContentType.JSON_UTF8.value) res.encoding = encodes.Unicode.UTF_8.value if res is None or res.status_code != codes.ok: raise MyError(code=codes.failed, msg='百度词法分析请求失败.') lexer_res, errors = LexerRes.LexerResSchema().load( res.json()) # type: LexerRes Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) if is_not_empty(ne_list): for lexer_item in lexer_res.items[:]: if not in ne_list: # 根据实体列表过滤 lexer_res.items.remove(lexer_item) return lexer_res
def to_wav(cls, input_file, output_file, output_ac, output_ar, input_ac=None, input_ar=None, input_format=None, input_acodec=None): """ 转 wav 格式音频 :param input_file: :param output_file: :param output_ac: :param output_ar: :param input_ac: :param input_ar: :param input_format: :param input_acodec: :return: """ Assert.is_true(cls.is_wav(output_file, is_strict=False), '不是 wav 拓展文件:{0}'.format(output_file)) cls._format_convert(input_file=input_file, output_file=output_file, input_format=input_format, input_acodec=input_acodec, input_ac=input_ac, input_ar=input_ar, output_ac=output_ac, output_ar=output_ar)
def get_asr_progress(self): """ 查询音频转写处理进度 :return: """ url = getattr(self, 'asr_progress_url', None) data = dict(app_id=self.app_id, signa=self.signa, ts=self.ts, task_id=self.task_id) res =, data=data) res.encoding = encodes.Unicode.UTF_8.value if res is None or res.status_code != codes.ok: return AsrInfo( ok=codes.failed, err_no=res.status_code if res is not None else codes.bad, failed='查询音频转写处理进度请求失败') progress_info, errors = AsrInfo.AsrInfoSchema().load(res.json()) Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) if progress_info.ok == codes.success: progress_details, errors = AsrProgress.AsrProgressSchema().load( json.loads( Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) = progress_details return progress_info
def __init__(self, key): """ :param key: 秘钥 """ Assert.is_true(is_not_empty(key), 'AES 秘钥不能为空') self.key = key
def probe(cls, file_path, is_ffprobe=True): """ 解析音频文件参数 :param is_ffprobe: 是否使用 ffprobe 解析文件格式 :param file_path: :return: :rtype: Audio """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在:{0}'.format(file_path)) _, file_name, format_name = FileUtil.get_path_name_ext(file_path) probe_json = ffmpeg.probe(file_path) audio_json = probe_json.get('streams')[0] audio_json.update(probe_json.get('format')) audio_json.update({ 'file_name': '{name}.{ext}'.format(name=file_name, ext=format_name) }) audio, errors = AudioSchema().load(audio_json) Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) if not is_ffprobe: audio.format_name = format_name return audio
def get_file_list(self, path): """ 获取文件列表 :param path:文件目录所在文件夹 :return:文件对象组成的元组,注意返回结果里面包含所有文件甚至是 . 和 .. 也会包含进去 """ Assert.is_true(assert_condition=self.is_success(), assert_msg='SMB连接失败...') return self.listPath(service_name=self.service_name, path=path)
def del_file(file_path): """ 删除文件 :param file_path: :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在:{0}'.format(file_path)) os.remove(file_path)
def get_file_create_time(file_path): """ 获取文件创建时间 :param file_path: :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在, path: {0}'.format(file_path)) return os.path.getctime(file_path)
def get_file_size(file_path): """ 获取文件大小 保留两位小数,单位MB :param file_path: :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在, path: {0}'.format(file_path)) return round(os.path.getsize(file_path) / float(1024 * 1024), 2)
def get_img_pixel(path): """ 获取图片像素大小 :param path: :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(path), '图片不存在:{0}'.format(path)) with as i: return i.size
def get_file_access_time(file_path): """ 获取文件访问时间 :param file_path: :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在, path: {0}'.format(file_path)) return os.path.getatime(file_path)
def upload_file(self, local_file, remote_file): """ 上传文件到服务器 :param local_file:本地文件路径 :param remote_file:远程文件路径 :return: """ Assert.is_true(assert_condition=self.is_success(), assert_msg='SMB连接失败...') with open(file=local_file, mode='rb') as f: self.storeFile(service_name=self.service_name, path=remote_file, file_obj=f)
def down_file(self, local_file, remote_file): """ 下载文件到本地 :param local_file:本地文件路径 :param remote_file:远程文件路径 :return: """ Assert.is_true(assert_condition=self.is_success(), assert_msg='SMB连接失败...') with open(file=local_file, mode='wb') as f: self.retrieveFile(service_name=self.service_name, path=remote_file, file_obj=f)
def creat_dirs(dir_path): """ 创建多级目录 :param dir_path: :return: """ Assert.is_true(dir_path, '目录不能为空') dir_path = dir_path.strip() if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) Assert.is_true(os.path.isdir(dir_path), '创建目录失败:{0}'.format(dir_path)) return dir_path
def loss_less(in_path, out_path, format=FileFormat.JPEG.value): """ 图片近无损压缩 :param in_path: :param out_path: 输出目录 :param format: :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(in_path), '图片不存在:{0}'.format(in_path)) with as img: img = img.convert(ImgChannel.RGB.value) exif_bytes = piexif.dump({}), format, exif=exif_bytes)
def copy_file(cls, old_file, new_file): """ 复制文件到指定目录 :param old_file:源文件路径 :param new_file:新文件目录 :return: """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(old_file), '文件不存在:{0}'.format(old_file)) file_name = os.path.basename(old_file) FileUtil.creat_dirs(new_file) new_file_path = os.path.join(new_file, file_name) shutil.copyfile(src=old_file, dst=new_file_path) return cls.normcase(new_file_path)
def get_path_name_ext(file_path, is_strict=True): """ 解析文件路径,文件名,文件扩展 :param bool is_strict: 是否严格检测文件是否存在 :param file_path: :return: """ if is_strict: Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在, path: {0}'.format(file_path)) (path, file_name) = os.path.split(file_path) (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_name) return path, name, ext.strip(os.curdir)
def get_files_by_suffix2(dir, suffixs): """ 获取目录下所有符合后缀条件的文件路径列表 :param dir:目录 :param suffixs:后缀 :return: """ Assert.is_true(assert_condition=os.path.isdir(dir), assert_msg='路径无效:{0}'.format(dir)) file_list = [] for suffix in suffixs: file_glob = os.path.join(dir, '*.' + suffix) file_list.extend(glob.glob(pathname=file_glob)) return file_list
def _format_convert(cls, input_file, output_file, output_ac, output_ar, input_ac=None, input_ar=None, input_format=None, input_acodec=None, output_format=None, output_acodec=None): """ 音频文件格式转换 :param input_file: :param output_file: :param output_ac: :param output_ar: :param input_ac: :param input_ar: :param input_format: :param input_acodec: :param output_format: :param output_acodec: :return: """ output_dir, _, _ = FileUtil.get_path_name_ext(output_file, is_strict=False) FileUtil.creat_dirs(output_dir) if cls.is_pcm(input_file): # 格式为 pcm 格式,需要音频文件参数 Assert.is_true((is_not_empty(input_ac) and is_not_empty(input_ar) and is_not_empty(input_format) and is_not_empty(input_acodec)), 'pcm 缺失文件参数') _, error = (ffmpeg.input( input_file, **cls._file_args( input_format, input_acodec, input_ac, input_ar)).output( output_file, **cls._file_args(output_format, output_acodec, output_ac, output_ar)).run(capture_stdout=False, overwrite_output=True))
def img_compress(path, threshold=4): """ 将图片压缩到指定阀值大小的 base64 :param path:文件路径 :param threshold:阀值大小(单位:M) :return: """ from utils.encodes import pil_to_base64 # 阈值换算成比特 _threshold = threshold * 1024 * 1024 Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(path), '图片不存在:{0}'.format(path)) w, h = ImgUtil.get_img_pixel(path) with as im: if w * h > _threshold: new_width = 1024 new_height = int(new_width * h * 1.0 / w) resized_im = im.resize((new_width, new_height)) return pil_to_base64(resized_im) return pil_to_base64(im)
def _asr_prepare(self, **kwargs): """ 音频转写预处理 :return: """ url = getattr(self, 'asr_prepare_url', None) kwargs.update(dict(app_id=self.app_id, signa=self.signa, ts=self.ts)) res =, data=kwargs) res.encoding = encodes.Unicode.UTF_8.value if res is None or res.status_code != codes.ok: return AsrInfo( ok=codes.failed, err_no=res.status_code if res is not None else codes.bad, failed='音频转写预处理请求失败') prepare_info, errors = AsrInfo.AsrInfoSchema().load(res.json()) Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) return prepare_info
def get_asr_result(self): """ 查询音频转写结果 :return: """ url = getattr(self, 'asr_result_url', None) data = dict(app_id=self.app_id, signa=self.signa, ts=self.ts, task_id=self.task_id) res =, data=data) res.encoding = encodes.Unicode.UTF_8.value if res is None or res.status_code != codes.ok: return AsrInfo( ok=codes.failed, err_no=res.status_code if res is not None else codes.bad, failed='查询音频转写结果请求失败') result_info, errors = AsrInfo.AsrInfoSchema().load(res.json()) Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) return result_info
def _asr_upload(self, upload_file_path): """ 音频转写文件分片上传 :param upload_file_path: 待上传音频文件路径 :return: """ url = getattr(self, 'asr_upload_url', None) sig = SliceIdGenerator() with open(upload_file_path, 'rb') as f: while True: content = if not content or len(content) == 0: break data = dict(app_id=self.app_id, signa=self.signa, ts=self.ts, task_id=self.task_id, slice_id=sig.get_next_slice_id()) res =, data=data, files={'content': content}) res.encoding = encodes.Unicode.UTF_8.value if res is None or res.status_code != codes.ok: return AsrInfo(ok=codes.failed, err_no=res.status_code if res is not None else codes.bad, failed='音频转写文件分片上传请求失败') upload_info, errors = AsrInfo.AsrInfoSchema().load(res.json()) Assert.is_true(is_empty(errors), errors) # 上传分片失败 Assert.is_true(upload_info.ok == codes.success, upload_info.err_no, '分片上传失败:{0}'.format(upload_info.failed))
def asr(self, file_path, has_participle=False, has_seperate=True, speaker_number=2): """ 音频转写 :param str file_path: 音频文件路径 :param bool has_participle: 转写结果是否包含分词信息 :param bool has_seperate: 转写结果中是否包含发音人分离信息 :param int speaker_number: 发音人个数,可选值:0-10,0表示盲分 :return: """ from utils.file import Audio as BasicAudio has_participle = 'true' if has_participle else 'false' has_seperate = 'true' if has_seperate else 'false' audio_file = BasicAudio.probe(file_path) # 音频转写预处理 prepare_info = self._asr_prepare( file_len=audio_file.size, file_name=audio_file.file_name, slice_num=math.ceil(audio_file.size / self.__FILE_PIECE_SIZE), has_participle=has_participle, has_seperate=has_seperate, speaker_number=speaker_number) Assert.is_true(prepare_info.ok == codes.success, prepare_info.failed, prepare_info.err_no) # 预处理成功,更新task_id self.task_id = # 文件发片上传 self._asr_upload(file_path) # 文件合并 merge_info = self._asr_merge() Assert.is_true(merge_info.ok == codes.success, merge_info.failed, merge_info.err_no)
def to_pcm(cls, input_file, output_file, output_ac, output_ar, input_ac=None, input_ar=None, input_format=None, input_acodec=None, output_format=AudioFormat.S16LE.value, output_acodec=AudioCodecs.PCM_S16LE.value): """ 转 pcm 格式音频 :param str input_file: 待转换文件路径 :param int input_ac: 输入声道数(pcm 格式需要) :param int input_ar: 输入采样率 (pcm 格式需要) :param str input_format: 输入格式 (pcm 格式需要) :param str input_acodec: 输入编码器 (pcm 格式需要) :param str output_file: 转换输出文件路径 :param int output_ac: 输出声道数 :param int output_ar: 输出采样率 :param str output_format: 输出格式 :param str output_acodec: 输出编码器 :return: """ Assert.is_true(cls.is_pcm(output_file, is_strict=False), '不是 pcm 拓展文件:{0}'.format(output_file)) cls._format_convert(input_file=input_file, output_file=output_file, input_format=input_format, input_acodec=input_acodec, input_ac=input_ac, input_ar=input_ar, output_format=output_format, output_acodec=output_acodec, output_ac=output_ac, output_ar=output_ar)
def get_md5_path(file_path, block_size=64 * 1024, hexadecimal=True, b64=False): """ 获取文件 md5 :param file_path: 文件路径 :param block_size: 批次读取size大小 :param hexadecimal: 是否使用十六进制,否则使用二进制 :param b64: 是否 base64 编码 :return: """ from utils.encodes import hash_code Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(file_path), '文件不存在, path: {0}'.format(file_path)) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break md5.update(data) return hash_code(md5, hexadecimal, b64)
def pdf_to_pic(path, pic_dir, format=FileFormat.JPG.value, loss=True, gamma=True, zoom=210, min_size=1.50, max_size=15.0): """ 从pdf中提取图片 :param path: pdf的路径 :param pic_dir: 图片保存的路径 :param format: 图片格式 :param bool loss: 是否压缩 :param bool gamma: 是否 gamma 矫正 :param int zoom: 保存图片分辨率 :param min_size: 文件大小最小阈值 :param max_size: 文件大小最大阈值 :return: {page_num, success_num, fail_num, msg} """ Assert.is_true(os.path.isfile(path), '文件不存在, path: {0}'.format(path)) page_num, success_num, fail_num = 0, 0, 0 detail_info = {'images': []} pdf = None # 初始化图片压缩 pngquant = PngQuant(min_quality=80, max_quality=100, tmp_file=os.path.join(pic_dir, 'quant.tmp.png')) try: FileUtil.creat_dirs(pic_dir) pdf = fitz.Document(path) page_num = pdf.pageCount for pg in range(page_num): pg_zoom = zoom pm_dict = {'page_code': pg + 1} try: page = pdf[pg] # type: Page trans = fitz.Matrix(pg_zoom / 100.0, pg_zoom / 100.0).preRotate(0) pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False) # 获得每一页的流对象 page_path = FileUtil.path_join(pic_dir, '{0}.{1}'.format( (pg + 1), format)) # 图片路径 pm.writeImage(page_path) # 保存图片 file_size = FileUtil.get_file_size(page_path) if file_size <= min_size: # 低于最小阀值 pg_zoom = zoom * 2 trans = fitz.Matrix(pg_zoom / 100.0, pg_zoom / 100.0).preRotate(0) pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False) pm.writeImage(page_path) elif file_size >= max_size: # 大于最大阀值 pg_zoom = zoom * 2 / 3 trans = fitz.Matrix(pg_zoom / 100.0, pg_zoom / 100.0).preRotate(0) pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False) pm.writeImage(page_path) if gamma: # gamma 矫正 Enhancer().enhance(page_path, False, False, False, False, True) if loss: # 对图片进行近无损压缩 pngquant.quant_image(page_path) pm_dict['img_path'] = page_path success_num = success_num + 1 except Exception as e: page_path = pm_dict.get('img_path', '') if is_not_empty(page_path): pm_dict.pop('img_path') if os.path.isfile(page_path): # 处理失败,删除失败文件 FileUtil.del_file(page_path) pm_dict['error_msg'] = repr(e) if repr(e) else 'pdf转图片失败' fail_num = fail_num + 1 finally: detail_info.get('images').append(pm_dict) except Exception as e1: detail_info['error_msg'] = repr(e1) if repr(e1) else '处理pdf失败' finally: if is_not_empty(pdf): pdf.close() if success_num + fail_num != page_num: fail_num = page_num - success_num return page_num, success_num, fail_num, detail_info