Example #1
    def get_label(self, track_res, thr_iou=0.2, need_iou=False):

        anchors = self.state['p'].anchor
        anchor_num = anchors.shape[0]
        clss = np.zeros((anchor_num, ), dtype=np.int64)
        delta = np.zeros((4, anchor_num), dtype=np.float32)

        tcx, tcy, tw, th = track_res
        cx, cy, w, h = anchors[:,
                               0] + 127, anchors[:,
                                                 1] + 127, anchors[:,
                                                                   2], anchors[:,
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = center2corner(np.array((cx, cy, w, h)))

        # delta
        delta[0] = (tcx - cx) / w
        delta[1] = (tcy - cy) / h
        delta[2] = np.log(tw / w)
        delta[3] = np.log(th / h)

        # IoU
        overlap = IoU([x1, y1, x2, y2], center2corner(track_res))
        pos = np.where(overlap > thr_iou)
        clss[pos] = 1

        if not need_iou:
            return clss, delta
            return clss, delta, overlap
Example #2
    def show_pscore_delta(self, pscore, delta, track_bbox, fig_num='pscore_delta'):
        if torch.is_tensor(delta):
            delta = delta.detach().cpu().numpy()
        if not len(delta.shape) == 3:
            delta = delta.reshape((-1, 4, 3125))
        anchor = self.model.all_anchors.detach().cpu().numpy()
        cx = delta[:, 0, :] * anchor[:, 2] + anchor[:, 0]
        cy = delta[:, 1, :] * anchor[:, 3] + anchor[:, 1]
        w = np.exp(delta[:, 2, :]) * anchor[:, 2]
        h = np.exp(delta[:, 3, :]) * anchor[:, 3]

        iou_list = list()
        for i in range(track_bbox.shape[0]):
            tx, ty, tw, th = track_bbox[i]
            tcx, tcy = tx+tw/2, ty+th/2
            overlap = IoU(center2corner(np.array((cx[i]+127,cy[i]+127,w[i],h[i]))), center2corner(np.array((tcx,tcy,tw,th))))
        ious = np.array(iou_list) # (B, 3125)
        ious_img = ious.mean(axis=0).reshape(-1, 25)# (B*5, 25)

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,num=fig_num)
        ax = axes[0]
        ax.imshow(pscore.detach().reshape(-1, 3125).mean(dim=0).reshape(-1, 25).cpu().numpy(),
                vmin=0, vmax=1)
        ax = axes[1]
        ax.set_title('iou: {:.2f}'.format(ious.max()))
        ax.imshow(ious_img, vmin=0, vmax=1)

        return ious, ious_img
Example #3
    def get_label(self, track_bbox, thr_iou=0.2, need_iou=False):
        '''Input track_bbox: np.array of size (B, 4)
           Return np.array type '''

        anchors = self.model.anchor.all_anchors[1].reshape(4, -1).transpose(1, 0)
        anchor_num = anchors.shape[0]
        cls_list, delta_list, iou_list = list(), list(), list()
        for i in range(track_bbox.shape[0]):
            tx, ty, tw, th = track_bbox[i]
            tcx, tcy = tx+tw/2, ty+th/2
            cx, cy, w, h = anchors[:,0]+127, anchors[:,1]+127, anchors[:,2], anchors[:,3] 

            clss = np.zeros((anchor_num,), dtype=np.int64)
            delta = np.zeros((4, anchor_num), dtype=np.float32)

            # delta
            delta[0] = (tcx - cx) / w
            delta[1] = (tcy - cy) / h
            delta[2] = np.log(tw / w)
            delta[3] = np.log(th / h)

            # IoU
            overlap = IoU(center2corner(np.array((cx,cy,w,h))), center2corner(np.array((tcx,tcy,tw,th))))
            pos = np.where(overlap > thr_iou)
            clss[pos] = 1

        # fig = plt.figure('Label')
        # for i in range(track_bbox.shape[0]):
        #     ax = fig.add_subplot(1, track_bbox.shape[0], i+1)
        #     tx, ty, tw, th = track_bbox[i]

        #     ax.imshow(kornia.tensor_to_image(self.model.search_cropped[i].byte()))
        #     rect = patches.Rectangle((tx, ty), tw, th, linewidth=2, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none')
        #     ax.add_patch(rect)
        #     for i in range(anchors.shape[0]):
        #         cx, cy, w, h = anchors[i,0], anchors[i,1], anchors[i,2], anchors[i,3]
        #         bb_center = patches.Circle((cx+127, cy+127), color='b', radius=0.2)
        #         ax.add_patch(bb_center)
        #     for i in range(anchors.shape[0]):
        #         if clss[i]==1:
        #             cx, cy, w, h = anchors[i,0], anchors[i,1], anchors[i,2], anchors[i,3]
        #             bb_center = patches.Circle((cx+127, cy+127), color='r', radius=0.2)
        #             ax.add_patch(bb_center)
        # plt.show()

        if not need_iou:
            return np.array(cls_list), np.array(delta_list)
            return np.array(cls_list), np.array(delta_list), np.array(iou_list)
    def generate_all_anchors(self, im_c, size):
        if self.image_center == im_c and self.size == size:
            return False
        self.image_center = im_c
        self.size = size

        a0x = im_c - size // 2 * self.stride
        ori = np.array([a0x] * 4, dtype=np.float32)
        zero_anchors = self.anchors + ori

        x1 = zero_anchors[:, 0]
        y1 = zero_anchors[:, 1]
        x2 = zero_anchors[:, 2]
        y2 = zero_anchors[:, 3]

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(lambda x: x.reshape(self.anchor_num, 1, 1),
                             [x1, y1, x2, y2])
        cx, cy, w, h = corner2center([x1, y1, x2, y2])

        disp_x = np.arange(0, size).reshape(1, 1, -1) * self.stride
        disp_y = np.arange(0, size).reshape(1, -1, 1) * self.stride

        cx = cx + disp_x
        cy = cy + disp_y

        # broadcast
        zero = np.zeros((self.anchor_num, size, size), dtype=np.float32)
        cx, cy, w, h = map(lambda x: x + zero, [cx, cy, w, h])
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = center2corner([cx, cy, w, h])

        self.all_anchors = np.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2]), np.stack([cx, cy, w, h])
        return True
Example #5
    def generate_all_anchors(self, im_c, size):
        :param im_c:图像的中心点
        :param size:图像的尺寸
        if self.image_center == im_c and self.size == size:
            return False
        # 更新config中的内容
        self.image_center = im_c
        self.size = size
        # anchor0 的xy 坐标,即 x 和 y 对称。
        a0x = im_c - size // 2 * self.stride
        # 生成anchor0的坐标
        ori = np.array([a0x] * 4, dtype=np.float32)
        # 以图像中心点为中心点的anchor
        zero_anchors = self.anchors + ori
        # 获取anchor0的坐标
        x1 = zero_anchors[:, 0]
        y1 = zero_anchors[:, 1]
        x2 = zero_anchors[:, 2]
        y2 = zero_anchors[:, 3]

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(lambda x: x.reshape(self.anchor_num, 1, 1),
                             [x1, y1, x2, y2])
        cx, cy, w, h = corner2center([x1, y1, x2, y2])
        # disp_x是[1, 1, size],disp_y是[1, size, 1]
        disp_x = np.arange(0, size).reshape(1, 1, -1) * self.stride
        disp_y = np.arange(0, size).reshape(1, -1, 1) * self.stride
        # 得到整幅图像中anchor中心点的坐标
        cx = cx + disp_x
        cy = cy + disp_y

        # 通过广播生成整幅图像的anchor broadcast
        zero = np.zeros((self.anchor_num, size, size), dtype=np.float32)
        cx, cy, w, h = map(lambda x: x + zero, [cx, cy, w, h])
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = center2corner([cx, cy, w, h])
        # 以中心点坐标,宽高和左上角、右下角坐标两种方式存储anchors
        self.all_anchors = np.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2]), np.stack([cx, cy, w, h])
        return True
Example #6
    def generate_all_anchors(self, im_c, size):
        if self.image_center == im_c and self.size == size:
            return False
        self.image_center = im_c
        self.size = size  # size到底代表啥

        # 下面的一行是说:size是search image经过孪生网络后、再经过depth-wise的xcorr后的feature map的大小(17x17),从论文中可以看出stride=16(相当于经过四次下采样)
        # 而feature map左上角 第一个点 对应的在输入孪生网络前的search image里的横/纵坐标值就是下面的公式计算的值
        # 而计算出来的a0x就是一个锚点,一个锚点就可以产生一系列的anchors
        a0x = im_c - size // 2 * self.stride
        ori = np.array([a0x] * 4, dtype=np.float32)
        zero_anchors = self.anchors + ori  # 这里的加法存在广播机制; generate_anchors里面产生的是相对坐标,作为中心是0;
        # 这里我们要给出锚点的绝对中心,才能得到绝对坐标
        x1 = zero_anchors[:, 0]
        y1 = zero_anchors[:, 1]
        x2 = zero_anchors[:, 2]
        y2 = zero_anchors[:, 3]

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(lambda x: x.reshape(self.anchor_num, 1, 1),
                             [x1, y1, x2, y2])
        cx, cy, w, h = corner2center([x1, y1, x2, y2])

        disp_x = np.arange(0, size).reshape(1, 1, -1) * self.stride
        disp_y = np.arange(0, size).reshape(1, -1, 1) * self.stride

        cx = cx + disp_x
        cy = cy + disp_y

        # broadcast
        zero = np.zeros((self.anchor_num, size, size), dtype=np.float32)
        # 从这里我们可以看到,zero的第零个维度方向代表的是anchor的种类(种类包括不同的横纵比,尺度scale,密度)
        # 第一、二个维度方向代表的是每个锚点(即feature map点,要区别于anchor)针对于第零维度上某一类anchor的具体的横纵坐标值
        cx, cy, w, h = map(
            lambda x: x + zero,
            [cx, cy, w, h
             ])  # 这四个值的每一个都需要一个shape=(self.anchor_num, size, size)的ndarray来描述
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = center2corner([cx, cy, w, h])

        self.all_anchors = np.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2]), np.stack(
            [cx, cy, w, h])  # np.stack就是摞起来了,多了一个维度方向;注意和np.cat的区别;
        return True  # 返回来的是tuple,第一个元素是两坐标表示法的anchor信息;第二个是中心做标加h,w