Example #1
    def encode(self, gt_data, overlap_threshold=0.5, debug=False):
        gt_data의 예시:
        image 하나당 [x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4, 6_one_hot_class]의 데이터가 box갯수만큼 있음
        [[0.56833333 0.20300752 0.97666667 0.33333333 0.97       0.47619048
          0.55833333 0.34586466 0.         0.         0.         0.
          0.         1.        ]
         [0.11666667 0.45864662 0.14166667 0.45614035 0.14       0.49874687
          0.115      0.50125313 0.         1.         0.         0.
          0.         0.        ]
         [0.88333333 0.47869674 0.91166667 0.48120301 0.91       0.50626566
          0.88166667 0.5037594  0.         1.         0.         0.
          0.         0.        ]
         [0.03166667 0.30075188 0.42666667 0.160401   0.44666667 0.30075188
          0.03666667 0.46867168 0.         1.         0.         0.
          0.         0.        ]
         [0.15833333 0.39598997 0.42       0.40601504 0.415      0.48120301
          0.15333333 0.47368421 0.         1.         0.         0.
          0.         0.        ]
         [0.58166667 0.41854637 0.85833333 0.4235589  0.86       0.4962406
          0.58166667 0.49373434 0.         1.         0.         0.
          0.         0.        ]
         [0.63       0.57894737 0.68333333 0.60150376 0.67666667 0.64160401
          0.62333333 0.61904762 0.         1.         0.         0.
          0.         0.        ]
         [0.46       0.71428571 0.555      0.71428571 0.555      0.74937343
          0.46       0.74937343 0.         0.         0.         0.
          0.         1.        ]]
          위에서 정의한 prior box들의 정보를 가지고 prior box와 gt_data를 match시켜서 
          shape = [priormap갯수(엄청큼), 4+8+5+confidence_of_class] 인 넘파이배열을 return한다.
          confidence class에서는 4+8+5의 정보가 gt_data와의 iou가 0.5를 넘는게 없다면 background class로 분류된다.
        array([[0.09446537, 0.64231986, 0.6947241 , 0.80873207, 0.66108891,
        1.05911375, 0.05824286, 0.92018245, 0.        , 0.        ,
        0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 1.        ]]) error찾기
        # image에 box가 없을경우
        if gt_data.shape[0] == 0:
            print('gt_data', type(gt_data), gt_data.shape)
        eps = 1e-15  #수정 한상준13
        num_classes = 6
        num_priors = self.priors.shape[0]

        gt_polygons = np.copy(gt_data[:, :8])  # normalized quadrilaterals
        gt_rboxes = np.array(
            [polygon_to_rbox3(np.reshape(p, (-1, 2))) for p in gt_data[:, :8]])

        # minimum horizontal bounding rectangles
        gt_xmin = np.min(gt_data[:, 0:8:2], axis=1)  #shape : [nb_boxes]
        gt_ymin = np.min(gt_data[:, 1:8:2], axis=1)
        gt_xmax = np.max(gt_data[:, 0:8:2], axis=1)
        gt_ymax = np.max(gt_data[:, 1:8:2], axis=1)

        gt_boxes = self.gt_boxes = np.array(
            [gt_xmin, gt_ymin, gt_xmax, gt_ymax]).T  # shape : [nb_boxes, 4]
        # normalized xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
        gt_one_hot = gt_data[:, 8:]  # shape : [nb_boxes, 6]

        gt_iou = np.array([iou(b, self.priors_norm) for b in gt_boxes]).T
        # shape of self.priors_norm : [Nums_priors, min_xy + max_xy+ variance]
        # b = [4], self.priors_norm = [Nums_priors, 4+4]
        # shape of gt_iou : [[Nums_priors] for b in gt_boxes].transpose = [nb_boxes, Nums_priors].transpose = [Num_priors, nb_boxes]

        # assigne gt to priors
        max_idxs = np.argmax(gt_iou, axis=1)  # shape : [Num_priors]
        max_val = gt_iou[np.arange(num_priors),
                         max_idxs]  # shape: [Num_priors]
        prior_mask = max_val > overlap_threshold  #IOU값의 maximum이 0.5가 넘는 prior들만 True값을 줌
        match_indices = max_idxs[
            prior_mask]  # shape : [Num_priors - False_priors]

        self.match_indices = dict(
            zip(list(np.ix_(prior_mask)[0]), list(match_indices)))
        # {prior_1 : max_idx, prior_3 : max_idx, prior_4 : max_idx, prior_7 : max_idx, ...}

        # prior labels
        confidence = np.zeros((num_priors, num_classes))
        confidence[:, 0] = 1  # 일단 모든 prior들을 background 로 정의
        confidence[prior_mask] = gt_one_hot[
            match_indices]  # mask가 True인것(iou>0.5)만 one_hot_class를 새로 매겨줌

        gt_xy = (gt_boxes[:, 2:4] +
                 gt_boxes[:, 0:2]) / 2.  #shape : [nb_boxes,2]
        gt_wh = gt_boxes[:, 2:4] - gt_boxes[:, 0:2]  #shape : [nb_boxes,2]
        gt_xy = gt_xy[
            match_indices]  #shape : [True_priors,2] , True_priors = Num_priors - False_priors
        gt_wh = gt_wh[match_indices]  #shape : [True_priors,2]

        gt_polygons = gt_polygons[match_indices]  #shape : [True_priors,8]
        gt_rboxes = gt_rboxes[match_indices]  #shape : [True_priors,5]

        priors_xy = self.priors_xy[
            prior_mask] / self.image_size  # = self.priors_xy_norm[prior_mask]
        priors_wh = self.priors_wh[
            prior_mask] / self.image_size  # = self.priors_wh_norm[prior_mask]
        variances_xy = self.priors_variances[prior_mask, 0:2]
        variances_wh = self.priors_variances[prior_mask, 2:4]

        # compute local offsets for
        # gt_x = prior_x + prior_w * x_label
        # x_label = x_label / 0.1
        # gt_w = exp(w_label) * prior_w
        # w_label = w_label / 0.2
        offsets = np.zeros((num_priors, 4))
        offsets[prior_mask, 0:2] = (gt_xy - priors_xy) / priors_wh
        offsets[prior_mask, 2:4] = np.log(gt_wh / priors_wh)  #수정 한상준13
        offsets[prior_mask, 0:2] /= variances_xy
        offsets[prior_mask, 2:4] /= variances_wh

        # compute local offsets for quadrilaterals
        # gt_x1 = prior_x1 + prior_w * x1_label
        # x1_label = x1_label / 0.1
        offsets_quads = np.zeros((num_priors, 8))
        priors_xy_minmax = np.hstack(
            [priors_xy - priors_wh / 2, priors_xy + priors_wh / 2])
        ref = priors_xy_minmax[:, (0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 3)]  # corner points
        offsets_quads[prior_mask, :] = (gt_polygons - ref) / np.tile(
            priors_wh, (1, 4)) / np.tile(variances_xy, (1, 4))

        # compute local offsets for rotated bounding boxes
        # gt_x1 = prior_x1 + prior_w * x1_label
        # x1_label = x1_label / 0.1
        # gt_h = exp(h_label) * prior_h
        # h_label = h_label / 0.2
        offsets_rboxs = np.zeros((num_priors, 5))
        offsets_rboxs[prior_mask, 0:2] = (gt_rboxes[:, 0:2] -
                                          priors_xy) / priors_wh / variances_xy
        offsets_rboxs[prior_mask, 2:4] = (gt_rboxes[:, 2:4] -
                                          priors_xy) / priors_wh / variances_xy
        offsets_rboxs[prior_mask, 4] = np.log(
            gt_rboxes[:, 4] / priors_wh[:, 1]) / variances_wh[:, 1]  #수정 한상준13

        return np.concatenate(
            [offsets, offsets_quads, offsets_rboxs, confidence], axis=1)
Example #2
    def encode(self, gt_data, overlap_threshold=0.5, debug=False):
        # calculation is done with normalized sizes

        # TODO: empty ground truth
        if gt_data.shape[0] == 0:
            print('gt_data', type(gt_data), gt_data.shape)

        num_classes = 2
        num_priors = self.priors.shape[0]

        gt_polygons = np.copy(gt_data[:, :8])  # normalized quadrilaterals
        gt_rboxes = np.array(
            [polygon_to_rbox3(np.reshape(p, (-1, 2))) for p in gt_data[:, :8]])

        # minimum horizontal bounding rectangles
        gt_xmin = np.min(gt_data[:, 0:8:2], axis=1)
        gt_ymin = np.min(gt_data[:, 1:8:2], axis=1)
        gt_xmax = np.max(gt_data[:, 0:8:2], axis=1)
        gt_ymax = np.max(gt_data[:, 1:8:2], axis=1)
        gt_boxes = self.gt_boxes = np.array(
            [gt_xmin, gt_ymin, gt_xmax,
             gt_ymax]).T  # normalized xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax

        gt_class_idx = np.asarray(gt_data[:, -1] + 0.5, dtype=np.int)
        gt_one_hot = np.zeros([len(gt_class_idx), num_classes])
                   gt_class_idx] = 1  # one_hot classes including background

        gt_iou = np.array([iou(b, self.priors_norm) for b in gt_boxes]).T

        # assigne gt to priors
        max_idxs = np.argmax(gt_iou, axis=1)
        max_val = gt_iou[np.arange(num_priors), max_idxs]
        prior_mask = max_val > overlap_threshold
        match_indices = max_idxs[prior_mask]

        self.match_indices = dict(
            zip(list(np.ix_(prior_mask)[0]), list(match_indices)))

        # prior labels
        confidence = np.zeros((num_priors, num_classes))
        confidence[:, 0] = 1
        confidence[prior_mask] = gt_one_hot[match_indices]

        gt_xy = (gt_boxes[:, 2:4] + gt_boxes[:, 0:2]) / 2.
        gt_wh = gt_boxes[:, 2:4] - gt_boxes[:, 0:2]
        gt_xy = gt_xy[match_indices]
        gt_wh = gt_wh[match_indices]
        gt_polygons = gt_polygons[match_indices]
        gt_rboxes = gt_rboxes[match_indices]

        priors_xy = self.priors_xy[prior_mask] / self.image_size
        priors_wh = self.priors_wh[prior_mask] / self.image_size
        variances_xy = self.priors_variances[prior_mask, 0:2]
        variances_wh = self.priors_variances[prior_mask, 2:4]

        # compute local offsets for
        offsets = np.zeros((num_priors, 4))
        offsets[prior_mask, 0:2] = (gt_xy - priors_xy) / priors_wh
        offsets[prior_mask, 2:4] = np.log(gt_wh / priors_wh)
        offsets[prior_mask, 0:2] /= variances_xy
        offsets[prior_mask, 2:4] /= variances_wh

        # compute local offsets for quadrilaterals
        offsets_quads = np.zeros((num_priors, 8))
        priors_xy_minmax = np.hstack(
            [priors_xy - priors_wh / 2, priors_xy + priors_wh / 2])
        #ref = np.tile(priors_xy, (1,4))
        ref = priors_xy_minmax[:, (0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 3)]  # corner points
        offsets_quads[prior_mask, :] = (gt_polygons - ref) / np.tile(
            priors_wh, (1, 4)) / np.tile(variances_xy, (1, 4))

        # compute local offsets for rotated bounding boxes
        offsets_rboxs = np.zeros((num_priors, 5))
        offsets_rboxs[prior_mask, 0:2] = (gt_rboxes[:, 0:2] -
                                          priors_xy) / priors_wh / variances_xy
        offsets_rboxs[prior_mask, 2:4] = (gt_rboxes[:, 2:4] -
                                          priors_xy) / priors_wh / variances_xy
        offsets_rboxs[prior_mask, 4] = np.log(
            gt_rboxes[:, 4] / priors_wh[:, 1]) / variances_wh[:, 1]

        return np.concatenate(
            [offsets, offsets_quads, offsets_rboxs, confidence], axis=1)