def make_libs(params): from import build params['install'] = False opencv = OpenCVConfig(params) # some script debugging options: # opencv.force = True print(opencv) build(opencv) # Exiv2 expat = ExpatConfig(params) build(expat) exiv2 = ExifConfig(params) exiv2.additional_cmake_args = opencv.cmake_zlib() build(exiv2) # libraw libraw = LibrawConfig(params) build(libraw) # quazip quazip = QuazipConfig(params) quazip.additional_cmake_args = opencv.cmake_zlib() build(quazip)
def make_imageformats(params): params['install'] = False # config libde265 which we need for libheif libde265 = FormatsConfig(params, "libde265") libde265.builddir = os.path.join(libde265.builddir, libde265.binaryfile = os.path.join( libde265.builddir,, "Release", + ".dll") build(libde265) # config libheif libheif = FormatsConfig(params, "libheif") libheif.builddir = os.path.join(libheif.builddir, libheif.binaryfile = os.path.join( libheif.builddir, "libheif", "Release", "heif.dll") build(libheif) # configure image formats params["srcpath"] = params["repopath"] params['install'] = True imageformats = FormatsConfig(params, "imageformats") build(imageformats)
def install_apps(): prebuild() build()
parser.add_argument('--build-dir', dest='builddir', type=str, default="", help='Specify the build directory') parser.add_argument('--build-config', dest='buildconfig', type=str, default="", help='build configuration [debug|release]') parser.add_argument('--project', dest='project', type=str, default="all", help='comma separated name of the project(s) to be built (\'all\' will build everything)') parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help='forces building the project') parser.add_argument('--configure', action='store_true', help='if set, projects are only configured rather than built') # make args a dict params = vars(parser.parse_args()) # get the repository path if not params['repopath']: params['repopath'] = repopath(sys.argv[0]) params['project'] = params['project'].split(',') c = NomacsConfig(params) # only build libs if they were not specified if not params['libpath']: configure_libs(params, c) # uncomment for debugging print(c) build(c)
os.mkdir(INSTALL_PATH) # clone and build log("Removing existing repository and reinitializing...") git_clone_start_time = a = git.Git(BASE_PATH).clone(GIT_URL) with open(BASE_PATH + '/git_log.txt', 'a+') as file: file.write("git clone log: \n") file.write(a) git_clone_end_time = git_clone_runtime = git_clone_end_time - git_clone_start_time build(REPOSITORY_PATH, BUILD_PATH, INSTALL_PATH, BASE_PATH) else: branch = (git.Repo(REPOSITORY_PATH)).active_branch commit = (git.Repo(REPOSITORY_PATH)).head.commit if (UPDATE): # call git pull log("Updating repository...") git_pull_start_time = a = git.Git().pull() with open(BASE_PATH + '/git_log.txt', 'a+') as file: file.write("git pull log: \n") file.write(a)