Example #1
def hardcode_handstrength(x):
    """input shape: (b,m,18)"""
    B, M, C = x.size()
    hands = x[:, :, :8]
    boards = x[:, :, 8:]
    ranks = []
    for j in range(B):
        for i in range(M):
            hand = [[int(hands[j, i, c]),
                     int(hands[j, i, c + 1])]
                    for c in range(0, len(hands[j, i, :]), 2)]
            board = [[int(boards[j, i, c]),
                      int(boards[j, i, c + 1])]
                     for c in range(0, len(boards[j, i, :]), 2)]
            hand_en = [encode(c) for c in hand]
            board_en = [encode(c) for c in board]
                torch.tensor(hand_rank(hand_en, board_en), dtype=torch.float))
    return torch.stack(ranks).view(B, M, 1)
Example #2
 def resolve_outcome(self):
     """Gets all hands, gets all handranks,finds and counts lowest (strongest) hands. Assigns the pot to them."""
     hands,positions = self.players.return_active_hands()
     if len(positions) > 1:
         # encode hands
         en_hands = []
         for hand in hands:
             en_hand = [encode(c) for c in hand]
         en_board = [encode(self.board[i*2:(i*2)+2]) for i in range(0,len(self.board)//2)]
         hand_ranks = [hand_rank(hand,en_board) for hand in en_hands]
         best_hand = np.min(hand_ranks)
         winner_mask = np.where(best_hand == hand_ranks)[0]
         winner_positions = np.array(positions)[winner_mask]
         for i,position in enumerate(positions):
             self.players[position].handrank = hand_ranks[i]
         for winner in winner_positions:
             self.players[winner].stack += self.pot / len(winner_mask)
         self.players[positions[0]].stack += self.pot
Example #3
 def testHoldemWinner(self):
     en_hand = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.holdem_hand]
     en_hand2 = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.holdem_hand2]
     en_board = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.board]
     assert cb.holdem_winner(en_hand, en_hand2, en_board) == -1
Example #4
 def testHoldemHandrank(self):
     en_hand = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.holdem_hand]
     en_board = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.board]
     assert cb.holdem_hand_rank(en_hand, en_board) == 3304
Example #5
 def testHandrank(self):
     en_hand = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.omaha_hand]
     en_board = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.board]
     assert cb.hand_rank(en_hand, en_board) == 2985
Example #6
 def testWinner(self):
     en_hand = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.omaha_hand]
     en_hand2 = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.omaha_hand2]
     en_board = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.board]
     assert cb.winner(en_hand, en_hand2, en_board) == -1
Example #7
 def testDecode(self):
     en_hand = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.omaha_hand]
     hand = [cb.decode(card) for card in en_hand]
     assert hand == [[7, 's'], [5, 'c'], [14, 'h'], [10, 'h']]
Example #8
 def testEncode(self):
     en_hand = [cb.encode(card) for card in self.omaha_hand]
     assert en_hand == [2102541, 557831, 268446761, 16787479]