Example #1
    def remove_task_of_slice(self, k, task):
        """Try to remove a task from the buffer.
		Returns the task if it was indeed on this buffer, and gives back the memory and cpu
		units the task might have had. (the task only has them when it's processing)

			k: int - the slice index
			task: Task - task to be removed from buffer in slice k

        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k or not isinstance(task, Task):
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Invalid arguments for remove_task_of_slice")
        # removes and returns a task if it is in the buffer
            if task.is_processing():
                self._being_processed[k] -= 1
            # adds to the number of tasks leaving the buffer
            self._dealt_tasks[k] += 1
            # values should be zero if it's not processing
            self._avail_ram_units += task._memory_units
            self._avail_cpu_units += task._cpu_units
            return None
        return task
Example #2
    def start_transmitting(self, bw):
        """Uses some part of the bandwidth for a transmission"""

        if self._bandwidth < bw or bw < 0:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Can't transmit in more bandwidth than the available")
        self._bandwidth -= bw
Example #3
    def being_processed_on_slice(self, k):
        """Retrieves the number of tasks being processed in the buffer

			k: int - the slice index

        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k:
            raise InvalidValueError("Invalid slice number",
                                    "[0," + str(self.max_k) + "[")
        return self._being_processed[k]
Example #4
    def slice_buffer_len(self, k):
        """Retrieves the lenght of a buffer		

			k: int - the slice index

        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k:
            raise InvalidValueError("Invalid slice number",
                                    "[0," + str(self.max_k) + "[")
        return len(self.buffers[k])
Example #5
    def __init__(self, time, classtype=None):
			time: float - time of the event execution
			classtype: str = None - the class type of the subclass

        if time < 0:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "an event execution time cannot be negative")
        self.time = time
        self.classtype = classtype
Example #6
    def __init__(self, time, node, k, task):
			time: float - the current simulation time
			node: Fog_nodes - an insntance of the class that represents a Fog node hardware strucutre
			k: int - the slice in which the task is arriving
			task: Task - the task that is arriving at the said slice and node

        super(Task_arrival, self).__init__(time, "Task_arrival")
        self.node = node
        self.k = k
        self.task = task
        # cannot recieve wrong slice
        if not isinstance(
                node, Fog_node) or k >= node.max_k or k < 0 or not isinstance(
                    task, Task):
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Verify arguments of Task_arrival creation")
        # cannot recieve future tasks
        if time < task.task_time():
            raise InvalidValueError("Cannot recieve a task from the future")
Example #7
def point_to_point_transmission_rate(d, bw=cfg.NODE_BANDWIDTH):
    """ Calculates the transmission rate over a noisy channel between two nodes

		d: float - distance between two nodes
		concurr: int - number of tasks that will share the bandwidth
    if bw <= 0:
        raise InvalidValueError("Available bandwidth has to be positive",
    g = channel_gain(d, cfg.PATH_LOSS_CONSTANT, cfg.PATH_LOSS_EXPONENT)
    p_mw = db_to_linear(cfg.TRANSMISSION_POWER)
    n0_mw = db_to_linear(cfg.THERMAL_NOISE_DENSITY)
    return shannon_hartley(g, p_mw, bw, n0_mw)
    def __init__(self, time, node, bw):
			(super) time: float - the time in which the event will run
			node: Fog_node - the fog node which is transmitting
			bw: int - the bandwidth used for this transmission

        super(Stop_transmitting, self).__init__(time, "Stop_transmitting")
        self.node = node
        self.bw = bw

        if not isinstance(node, Fog_node):
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Verify arguments of Stop_transmitting creation")
Example #9
    def add_task_on_slice(self, k, task):
        """Tries to add a task on the buffer, if it overflows, returns the discarded task

			k: int - the slice index
			task: Task - task to be added to buffer in slice k

        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k or not isinstance(task, Task):
            raise InvalidValueError("Invalid arguments for add_task_on_slice")
        # returns the task if the slice buffer is full
        if len(self.buffers[k]) == self.buffers[k].maxlen:
            return task
        return None
def channel_gain(distance, linear_coefficient, exponential_coefficient):
    """Returns a medium distance (>1m) channel gain given the distance between two nodes and the coefficients

	A linear and an exponential coefficients all greater than zero, return a channel gain in [0,1]
		channel gain = linear coefficient * distance ^ (- exponential coefficient)

		distance: float - channel transmission distance
		linear_coefficient: float - linear coefficient greater than zero
		exponential_coefficient: float - exponential coefficient greater than zero

    if distance <= 0 or linear_coefficient <= 0 or exponential_coefficient <= 0:
        raise InvalidValueError(
            "channel gain function arguments must be positive")
    return linear_coefficient * distance**(-exponential_coefficient)
def task_communication_time(packet_size_, bit_rate):
    """ Calculates the transmission/communication time of a task t, an instance of class Task, given a bit_rate

		packet_size_: int - a task packet size in bits
		bit_rate: float - the number of bits per second transmitted

		InvalidValueError - raised when the argument values are incorrect
    if bit_rate <= 0 or packet_size_ <= 0:
        raise InvalidValueError(
            "task_communication_time must have a valid task with a positive bitrate"
    # simple packet_size calc
    return float(float(packet_size_) / bit_rate)
Example #12
    def stop_processing_in_slice(self, k, task, time):
        """Try to stop processing a task in the slice k at a time.

			k: int - the slice index
			task: Task - the task to stop processing
			time: float - current simulation time
        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k or not isinstance(task, Task):
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Invalid arguments for remove_task_of_slice")
        # only if the task is there
        if task in self.buffers[k] and task.is_processing():
            self._being_processed[k] -= 1
            self._avail_ram_units += task._memory_units
            self._avail_cpu_units += task._cpu_units
    def start_processing(self, cpu_units, memory_units, start_time):
        """Sets up the variables indicating that it has started processing
			cpu_units: int - the number of cpu units from the fog node attributed to this task
			memory_units: int - the number of memory units from the fog node attributed to this task
			start_time: float - the starting time of the processing
        if cpu_units < 0 or memory_units < 0 or start_time < self._timestamp:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Task start_processing arguments do not meet requirements")
        self._processing = True
        self._cpu_units = cpu_units
        self._memory_units = memory_units
        self._started_processing = start_time
        if self._expected_delay == -1:  # only set the expected delay the first time
            self._expected_delay = task_processing_time(self)
    def __init__(self, time, node, k, w):
			(super) time: float - the time in which the processing will start
			node: Fog_node - the fog node in which the tasks will process
			k: int - the slice in which the task is processing
			w: int - the number of tasks that will be attempted to start processing

        super(Start_processing, self).__init__(time, "Start_processing")
        self.node = node
        self.k = k
        self.w = w

        if not isinstance(node,
                          Fog_node) or k >= node.max_k or k < 0 or w <= 0:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Verify arguments of Start_processing creation")
Example #15
    def pop_task_to_send(self, k, time):
        """Tries pop last recieved task in slice k to send. Only valid if recieved within this timestep
			k: int - the slice index
			time: float - current simulation time

        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k:
            raise InvalidValueError("Invalid slice number",
                                    "[0," + str(self.max_k) + "[")
        # only works if there is a task in the buffer
        if len(self.buffers[k]) == 0: return None
        # shouldn't pop a task that is processing
        if self.buffers[k][-1].is_processing(): return None
        # and should only offload a task arriving in this timestep
        if self.buffers[k][-1]._timestamp != time: return None
        return self.buffers[k].pop()
    def __init__(self,
			timestamp - the timestamp of task creation
			packet_size = PACKET_SIZE - packet size in bits of a task
			delay_constraint: int = 10 - the delay constraint of a task in milliseconds
			cpu_demand: int = 400 - the computing demand in cycles/bit
			ram_demand: int = 400 - the ram demand of a task in MB
			task_type = None - the three aforementioned attributes but in a list

			InvalidValueError - raised when any of the arguments is negative
        super(Task, self).__init__()
        # check arguments
        if delay_constraint < 0 or cpu_demand < 0 or ram_demand < 0 or packet_size < 0 or timestamp < 0:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "No arguments on Task object can be negative")
        self._timestamp = timestamp
        # must either have task type or the other
        self.packet_size = packet_size
        if not task_type == None and len(
                task_type) == 3:  # BUG: task_type can be "hacked"
            self.delay_constraint = task_type[0]
            self.cpu_demand = task_type[1]
            self.ram_demand = task_type[2]
            self.delay_constraint = delay_constraint
            self.cpu_demand = cpu_demand
            self.ram_demand = ram_demand

        self._processing = False
        self._memory_units = 0
        self._cpu_units = 0
        self._total_delay = -1
        # keep track of delay
        self._started_processing = -1
        self._expected_delay = -1
def shannon_hartley(gain, power, bandwidth, noise_density):
    """Returns a channel bitrate calculated by the Shannon-Hartley theorem
	bitrate = bandwidth * log2(1 + gain * power / bandwidth * noise_density)

		gain: float - channel gain, value between [0,1]
		power: float - transmission power in linear units (mW)
		bandwidth: float - transmission bandwidth of this noise channel (Hz)
		noise_density: float - noise density in linear units (mW/Hz)

    if bandwidth <= 0 or power <= 0 or gain <= 0 or gain > 1 or noise_density <= 0:
        raise InvalidValueError(
            "shannon_hartley function arguments must be positive and channel gain between [0,1]"
    return float(bandwidth) * np.log2(1 + (
        (float(gain) * float(power)) /
        (float(bandwidth) * float(noise_density) + eps)))
Example #18
    def __init__(self, time, node, k, task):
			(super) time: float - the time of the event execution
			node: Fog_node - the fog node in which the task is in the buffer
			k: int - the slice in which the task currently is placed
			task: Task - the task that had its delay constraint unmet

        super(Discard_task, self).__init__(time, "Discard_task")
        self.node = node
        self.k = k
        self.task = task

        if not isinstance(
                node, Fog_node) or k >= node.max_k or k < 0 or not isinstance(
                    task, Task):
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Verify arguments of Discard_task creation")
    def __init__(self, time, node, k, task):
			(super) time: float - the time in which the processing will stop
			node: Fog_node - the fog node in which the task is processing
			k: int - the slice in which the task is processing
			task: Task - the task that will be stopped

        super(Stop_processing, self).__init__(time, "Stop_processing")
        self.node = node
        self.k = k
        self.task = task

        if not isinstance(
                node, Fog_node) or k >= node.max_k or k < 0 or not isinstance(
                    task, Task):
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Verify arguments of Stop_processing creation")
Example #20
    def start_processing_in_slice(self, k, w, time):
        """Try to start processing w task, if any task has already exceeded time limit, discard it.

		On the slice k, starting at time, try to queue w tasks to processing. It depends
		on the bottleneck (cpu or ram) the amount that actually will start processing. If a task that
		would start processing has already exceeded its constraint, discard it instead.

			k: int - the slice index
			w: int - number of tasks to attempt to process
			time: float - current simulation time

        if k < 0 or k >= self.max_k or w <= 0 or time < 0:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Invalid arguments for start_processing_in_slice")

        under_processing = []
        discarded = []
        # only process if there is a task on the buffer
        for task in self.buffers[k]:
            # only process if has cores, memory and an action request W for it
            if not task.is_processing(
            ) and w > 0 and self._avail_cpu_units > 0 and self._avail_ram_units >= np.ceil(
                    task.ram_demand / cfg.RAM_UNIT):
                # if processor tries to load them and they exceeded constraint, move on
                if task.exceeded_constraint(time):
                # one cpu unit per task and the ram demand they require
                n_cpu_units = 1
                n_memory_units = np.ceil(task.ram_demand / cfg.RAM_UNIT)
                # and take them from the available pool
                self._avail_cpu_units -= n_cpu_units
                self._avail_ram_units -= n_memory_units
                # then start the processing
                task.start_processing(n_cpu_units, n_memory_units, time)
                # reduce the number that we will still allocate
                w -= 1
                self._being_processed[k] += 1
        return under_processing, discarded
    def __init__(self, time, node, k, destination, concurr):
			(super) time: float - the time of the event execution
			node: Fog_node - the fog node in which the task is arriving
			k: int - the slice in which the task is arriving
			destination: Fog_node - the node to which the task is going to be offloaded
			concurr: int - number of concurrent offloads happening in this node

        super(Offload_task, self).__init__(time, "Offload_task")
        self.node = node
        self.k = k
        self.destination = destination
        self.concurr = concurr

        if not isinstance(
                node, Fog_node) or k >= node.max_k or k < 0 or not isinstance(
                    destination, Fog_node) or concurr < 1:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "Verify arguments of Discard_task creation")
    def stop_processing(self, finish_time):
        """Stops task processing and verifies if the task has completed its processing. Keeps track of the
		processing time left in case it was a premature interruption.
			finish_time: float - the precise time when it finished processing in the fog node

        if finish_time < self._timestamp:
            raise InvalidValueError("Task cannot stop before creation")
        if self._processing:
            self._processing = False
            self._cpu_units = 0
            self._memory_units = 0
            # if it finished the whole processing
            if round(finish_time - self._started_processing,
                     5) == round(self._expected_delay, 5):
                self._total_delay = finish_time - self._timestamp
                self._expected_delay = 0
            # else just keep track of new expected delay
                self._expected_delay -= finish_time - self._started_processing
Example #23
    def __init__(self, index, x, y, cpu_frequency, ram_size, number_of_slices):
			index: int - identifier of the fog node in a list
			x: float - placement alongside the X-axis
			y: float - placement alongside the Y-axis
			cpu_frequency: int - cpu frequency in GHz
			ram_size: int - the size of the RAM in MB
			number_of_slices: int - number of software defined slices in the fog

			InvalidValueError - raised when any of the arguments is negative
        super(Fog_node, self).__init__()
        # check arguments
        if index < 0 or x < 0 or y < 0 or cpu_frequency < 0 or ram_size < 0 or number_of_slices < 0:
            raise InvalidValueError(
                "No arguments on Fog_node object can be negative")
        self.index = index
        self.name = "node_" + str(index)
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self._distances = {}
        self._bandwidth = cfg.NODE_BANDWIDTH
        self.cpu_frequency = cpu_frequency
        self.ram_size = ram_size
        self._avail_cpu_units = cpu_frequency / cfg.CPU_UNIT
        self._avail_ram_units = int(ram_size / cfg.RAM_UNIT)
        self.max_k = number_of_slices
        self.buffers = [
            deque(maxlen=cfg.MAX_QUEUE) for _ in range(number_of_slices)
        self._dealt_tasks = np.zeros(number_of_slices, dtype=np.uint64)
        self._total_time_intervals = 0
        self._service_rate = np.zeros(number_of_slices, dtype=np.float32)
        self._being_processed = np.zeros(number_of_slices, dtype=np.uint8)
def linear_to_db(value):
    """Returns a dB value given its linear value """

    if value <= 0:
        raise InvalidValueError("linear values must be positive", "[0, +inf[")
    return 10 * np.log10(float(value))
Example #25
    def finished_transmitting(self, bw):
        """Re-gains the bandwidth that was used for a transmission to the pool"""

        if bw < 0:
            raise InvalidValueError("Bw cannot be negative")
        self._bandwidth += bw