async def createclubs(self, ctx, *, clubs): """Multiple clubs""" path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) clubs = clubs.split() for c in clubs: c = c.lower() if c in clubs_data: c = c.replace('@', '@\u200b') return await ctx.send(f'π’ `{c}` already exists') ret = "" for c in clubs: c = c.lower() clubs_data[c] = { 'creator':, 'desc': f"[create clubs command]" f"({ctx.message.jump_url})", 'members': [], 'pings': 0 } ret += f"β {c}\n" clbs = '\n'.join([f'`{c.lower()}`' for c in clubs]) confirm = await dutils.prompt( ctx, f"This will create the club(s):\n{clbs}".replace('@', '@\u200b')) if confirm: dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) await ctx.send(ret) else: await ctx.send("Cancelling.")
async def leaveclub(self, ctx, club_name): """Leave a club""" club_name = club_name.lower() path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) if club_name in clubs_data: club = clubs_data[club_name] mems = [ ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members'] if ctx.guild.get_member(u) ] if in mems: clubs_data[club_name]['members'].remove( dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) await ctx.send( f"{} has left the club {club_name}") else: return await ctx.send( f"{self.get_emote_if_exists_else(ctx.guild, 'HestiaNo', 'π’')} " f"You are not even in this club") else: suggestion = self.findMostSimilar(club_name, [*clubs_data]) emote_test = utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="HestiaNo") emote = "π’" if not emote_test else str(emote_test) await ctx.send( f'{emote} No such club found, did you perhaps mean `{suggestion}`' )
def check_file(): jdict = { "prefix": ">", "alias": { 'alias example': { 'linux': 'printf "Hello.\n' 'This is an alias made using the magic of python."', 'windows': 'echo Hello. ' 'This is an alias made using the magic of python.' } }, "os": { 'windows': '{path}>', 'linux': '{user}@{system}:{path} $ ' }, "cos": "default", "enabled": True } if not dataIO.is_valid_json( abspath(dirname(argv[0])) + '/settings/terminal_settings.json') or 'cc' in dataIO.load_json( abspath(dirname(argv[0])) + '/settings/terminal_settings.json'): print("[Terminal]Creating default settings.json...") dataIO.save_json( abspath(dirname(argv[0])) + '/settings/terminal_settings.json', jdict)
async def _os(self, ctx, os: str = None): """Set the prompt type of BetterTerminal to emulate another Operatingsystem. these 'emulations' arent 100% accurate on other Operating systems""" if os is None: formatter = pages = await formatter.format_help_for(ctx, ctx.command) for page in pages: await ctx.send(content=None, embed=page) if self.cos == 'default': await ctx.send('```\nCurrent prompt type: {}[{}] ```\n' ''.format(self.cos, uname()[0].lower())) else: await ctx.send('```\nCurrent prompt type: {} ```\n'.format( self.cos)) return if not os.lower() in self.os and os != 'default': await ctx.send( 'Invalid prompt type.\nThe following once are valid:\n\n{}' ''.format(", ".join(self.os))) return os = os.lower() self.cos = os self.settings['cos'] = os dataIO.save_json( abspath(dirname(argv[0])) + '/settings/terminal_settings.json', self.settings) await ctx.send('Changed prompt type to {} '.format( self.cos.replace("`", "\\`")))
async def _alias(self, ctx, add_or_remove, alias, text: str = None): """Custom aliases for BetterTerminal""" if self.cos == "default": os = uname()[0].lower() else: os = self.cos if add_or_remove == "add": if not text: return await ctx.send( f"Error. Missing command to alias. Ex: `{dutils.bot_pfx(, ctx.message)}cmdsettings " f"alias add \"test\" \"cat log.txt\"") else: self.alias[alias] = {os: text} elif add_or_remove in ["remove", "delete", "rm"]: if alias not in self.alias: return await ctx.send("Error. Specified alias not found.") else: del self.alias[alias][os] if not self.alias[alias]: del self.alias[alias] self.settings["alias"] = self.alias dataIO.save_json( abspath(dirname(argv[0])) + '/settings/terminal_settings.json', self.settings) if add_or_remove == "add": await ctx.send("Successfully added alias.") elif add_or_remove in ["remove", "delete", "rm"]: await ctx.send("Successfully removed alias.")
async def restart(ctx, options: str = ""): """Restart the bot and git pull changes. Use "v" for verbose, Use "u" for update Use "vu"/"uv" for both """ if "u" in options: if bot.config['NEW_MAIN_D']: os.rename(bot.config['NEW_MAIN_D'], '') if bot.config['NEW_BOT_LOOP']: os.rename(bot.config['NEW_BOT_LOOP'], '') await ctx.send("Running `git pull`...") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() process = subprocess.Popen(["git", "pull"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = await loop.run_in_executor(None, process.communicate) if "v" in options: a = output[0].decode(encoding='utf8', errors='ignore') if len(a) > 1900: a = a[:1900] + "\n\n...Content longer than 1900 chars" await ctx.send(f"```{a}```") else: await ctx.send("Git pulled.") if bot.config['NEW_MAIN_D']: os.rename('', bot.config['NEW_MAIN_D']) if bot.config['NEW_BOT_LOOP']: os.rename('', bot.config['NEW_BOT_LOOP']) await ctx.send("Restarting...") restarT = {"guild":, "channel":} dataIOa.save_json("restart.json", restarT) exit_bot(0)
async def globalprefix(ctx, *, new_prefix=""): """Check or change the main default prefix If you need spaces, do {space_here} and it will be replaced with spaces ...Or just use spaces (usable if you need the mat the end)""" if '@' in new_prefix: return await ctx.send("The character `@` is not allowed in " "the bot's prefix. Try again.") if not new_prefix: return await ctx.send(embed=Embed(title='My main prefix is', description=bot.config['BOT_PREFIX'])) if '{space_here}' in new_prefix: new_prefix = new_prefix.replace('{space_here}', ' ') if new_prefix.strip() == "": return await ctx.send("A prefix can not be only spaces.") if bot.config['BOT_PREFIX'] == new_prefix: return await ctx.send( "Why are you trying to make the new prefix the same " "as the previous one? Oh yeah, if you are trying to make a prefix" "with a space at the end, for example `bb command` then do: " "`.prefix bb{space_here}`") bot.config['BOT_PREFIX'] = new_prefix conf_copy = bot.config.copy() conf_copy["BOT_DM_LOG"]["CAN_SEND"] = 0 conf_copy["BOT_DM_LOG"]["HOOK"] = 0 conf_copy['BOT_DEFAULT_EMBED_COLOR'] = 0 dataIOa.save_json("config.json", conf_copy) global Prefix Prefix = new_prefix await ctx.send("Prefix changed.")
async def pingclubs(self, ctx, *, clubs_and_rest_text): """Ping multiple clubs, please see detailed usage Syntax: `[p]ping2 club1 club2 club3; any other content you wish` `[p]ping2 club1 club2` Example: Club Yuri: ['user1', 'user2'] Club Fate: ['user1', 'user3'] This command works with the **OR** or **UNION** operator. When doing `[p]ping2 yuri fate; cool Eresh x Ishtar pics` The bot will ping the users: @user1 @user2 @user3 """ clubs = clubs_and_rest_text.rsplit(';', 1)[:1][0].split(' ') clubs = [c.lower() for c in clubs] clubs = list(set(clubs)) if len(clubs) < 2: return await ctx.send("Need at least 2 clubs for this command") all_ok = await self.check_if_clubs_exist(ctx, clubs) if all_ok: path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) mems_all = [] clubs_all = "" for club_name in clubs: club = clubs_data[club_name] mems = [ ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members'] if ctx.guild.get_member(u) ] clubs_data[club_name]['pings'] += 1 mems_all = list(set([*mems_all, *mems])) clubs_all += club_name + ', ' dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) pings = [''] cur_idx = 0 for m in mems_all: pings[cur_idx] += m.mention + ' ' if len(pings[cur_idx]) + len(clubs_all) > 1900: cur_idx += 1 pings.append('') for p in pings: if p: await ctx.send(f'Clubs: {clubs_all[:-2]} {p}')
async def _prefix(self, ctx, prefix: str = None): """Set the prefix for the Terminal""" if prefix is None: formatter = pages = await formatter.format_help_for(ctx, ctx.command) for page in pages: await ctx.send(content=None, embed=page) await ctx.send('```\nCurrent prefix: {} ```\n'.format(self.prefix)) return self.prefix = prefix self.settings['prefix'] = prefix dataIO.save_json( abspath(dirname(argv[0])) + '/settings/terminal_settings.json', self.settings) await ctx.send('Changed prefix to {} '.format( self.prefix.replace("`", "\\`")))
async def pingclub(self, ctx, club_name, *, rest="Anything else that you'd like to add"): """Ping a club""" club_name = club_name.lower() path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) if club_name in clubs_data: club = clubs_data[club_name] # creator = ctx.guild.get_member(int(club['creator'])) mems = [ ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members'] if ctx.guild.get_member(u) ] if not in mems and not return await ctx.send( f"{self.get_emote_if_exists_else(ctx.guild, 'HestiaNo', 'π’')} " f"You can't ping a club you're not a part of") pings = [''] clubs_data[club_name]['pings'] += 1 dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) cur_idx = 0 for m in mems: pings[cur_idx] += m.mention + ' ' if len(pings[cur_idx]) + len(club_name) > 1900: cur_idx += 1 pings.append('') for p in pings: if p: await ctx.send(f'Club: {club_name} {p}') else: suggestion = self.findMostSimilar(club_name, [*clubs_data]) emote_test = utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="HestiaNo") emote = "π’" if not emote_test else str(emote_test) await ctx.send( f'{emote} No such club found, did you perhaps mean `{suggestion}`' )
async def deleteclubs(self, ctx, *, clubs_to_delete): """Delete clubs, seperate with a space if deleting many""" path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) notIn = "" wasIn = "" for c in clubs_to_delete.split(' '): if c in clubs_data: del clubs_data[c] wasIn += f"{c} " else: notIn += f"{c} " # clbs = '\n'.join([f'`{c.lower()}`' for c in clubs_to_delete]) confirm = await dutils.prompt( ctx, "" "-john-cena-ru-sure-about-dat-gif-14258954") if confirm: await ctx.send(f"Deleted: {wasIn}\nFailed to delete: {notIn}") dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) else: await ctx.send("Cancelling.")
async def recc(self, event): # event.guild_id event.user_id event.message_id event.channel_id if event.channel_id == self.verification_channel_id: g = ch = g.get_channel(int(event.channel_id)) msg = await ch.fetch_message(event.message_id) if event.user_id ==["CLIENT_ID"]: return # in case the bot is adding reactions if ==["CLIENT_ID"] and str( event.emoji) in ['β ', 'β']: await msg.clear_reactions() try: split = msg.embeds[0].description.split('\n') club_title = split[0].split(' ')[-1] club_creator = g.get_member(int(split[1].split(' ')[-1])) club_desc = ' '.join(split[2].split(' ')[1:]) if str(event.emoji) == 'β ': path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) clubs_data[club_title] = { 'creator':, 'desc': club_desc, 'members': [], 'pings': 0 } dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) await club_creator.send( f'The club **{club_title}** has been approved β ') await ch.send( f'The club **{club_title}** has been ' f'approved by {g.get_member(event.user_id)} β ') if str(event.emoji) == 'β': await club_creator.send( f'The club **{club_title}** has been denied β') await ch.send( f'The club **{club_title}** has been ' f'denied by {g.get_member(event.user_id)} β') except: pass await msg.add_reaction('π') if event.channel_id == 795720249462882354: if event.user_id ==["CLIENT_ID"]: return # in case the bot is adding reactions g = ch = g.get_channel(int(event.channel_id)) msg = await ch.fetch_message(event.message_id) dic = {(ll.split(' ')[0]).replace('<a:', '<:'): (' '.join(ll.split(' ')[1:])).strip() for ll in msg.content.split('\n')} d = 0 add = event.event_type == 'REACTION_ADD' e = str(event.emoji).replace('<a:', '<:') if e in dic: club_name = dic[e] club_name = club_name.lower() path = 'data/clubs.json' dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}') clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path) club = clubs_data[club_name] mems = [(g.get_member(u)).id for u in club['members'] if g.get_member(u)] # rch = g.get_channel(470822975676088350) if event.user_id not in mems and add: clubs_data[club_name]['members'].append(event.user_id) dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) await ch.send( f"<@{event.user_id}> has joined the club **{club_name}** β ", delete_after=5) if event.user_id in mems and not add: clubs_data[club_name]['members'].remove(event.user_id) dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data) await ch.send( f"<@{event.user_id}> has left the club **{club_name}** β", delete_after=5)
async def el_catboxpls(self, ctx, auto=False): rets = [] ret = "" to_ret = """ socket.sendCommand({ type: "library", command: "expandLibrary answer", data: { annId: [ANNID], annSongId: [ANNSONGID], url: "[URL]", resolution: 0 } }) """ data = dataIOa.load_json('data/_amq/toProcessNoMp3.json') dataIOa.save_json('data/_amq/BACKUP_toProcessNoMp3.json', data) # print("Saving temporary data, you'll need this later (in case of a crash)" # " in order to make the final output btw.") uploaded = dataIOa.load_json('data/_amq/uploaded_name.json') uploaded_l = dataIOa.load_json('data/_amq/uploaded_links.json') cnt = 0 while len(data) > 0: upl = data.pop() if int(upl["annID"]) in self.ignored_ann_ids: continue loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() ll = 'link_7' if 'link_4' in upl: ll = 'link_4' ee = get_valid_filename(upl["songName"]) out = f'tmp/amq/{upl["annID"]}_{upl["annSongId"]}_{ee}.mp3' if not os.path.exists(out) or (os.path.exists(out) and (out not in uploaded)): fil = upl[ll].replace( 'files.', 'nl.') # actually just use NL now that it's active await ctx.send(f"Creating **{out}** from <{fil}>") if os.path.exists(out): os.remove(out) # we go agane # fil = upl[ll] # better safe than sorry zzzzzzzzzzzzzz # panic for no log basically | info LOGLEVEL = "panic" process = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", LOGLEVEL, "-i", fil, "-b:a", "320k", "-ac", "2", "-map", "a:0", out, "-y" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) await loop.run_in_executor(None, process.communicate) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) if not os.path.exists(out): process = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", LOGLEVEL, "-i", fil, "-b:a", "320k", "-ac", "2", "-map", "a:0", out, "-y" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) await loop.run_in_executor(None, process.communicate) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) feedback = True if out not in uploaded: if not await self.is_catbox_alive(): await ctx.send("ββCatbox ded rn. Continue later..") raise await ctx.send(f"Uploading **{out}**") ok, link = await self.upload_file_to_catbox(out, ctx) else: feedback = False ok = True link = uploaded_l[uploaded.index(out)] link = str(link).replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') if not ok: await ctx.send("Something went wrong... Details:") print(link) await dutils.print_hastebin_or_file(ctx, f'```\n{link}```') raise uploaded.append(out) uploaded_l.append(link) dataIOa.save_json('data/_amq/uploaded_name.json', uploaded) dataIOa.save_json('data/_amq/uploaded_links.json', uploaded_l) ret += to_ret.replace('[ANNID]', str(upl["annID"])).replace('[ANNSONGID]', str(upl["annSongId"])). \ replace('[URL]', str(link)). \ replace('socket.sendCommand(', '').replace('})', '}') if feedback: await ctx.send( to_ret.replace('[ANNID]', str(upl["annID"])).replace( '[ANNSONGID]', str(upl["annSongId"])).replace('[URL]', str(link))) if cnt < 20: ret += ',' cnt += 1 else: rets.append(ret) ret = "" cnt = 0 if len(data) == 0 and ret: rets.append(ret) # dataIOa.save_json('data/_amq/toProcessNoMp3.json', data) # NVM: wait why do you keep overwriting this? # await ctx.send("""```js # socket.sendCommand({ # type: "library", # command: "expandLibrary questions" # }) # ```""") LB = "{" RB = "}" if not auto: await ctx.send(f"{} **All:**") deff = """function _sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }""" rr = "{socket.sendCommand(ex[ii]);\nconsole.log(ex[ii]);\nawait _sleep(700);}" rett = [] for r in rets: rett.append( f'{deff}\n\nvar ex=[{r}]\nasync ' f'function doIT(){LB}for(let ii=0;ii<ex.length;ii++){LB}{rr}{RB}return ex.length;{RB}' f'\nreturn await doIT();') if rett: await dutils.print_hastebin_or_file( ctx, '\n'.join(rett), just_file=True) # for some reason hastebin sux return rett
async def el_get_no_mp3(self, ctx, driver, just_last_invoke=False, d_scripts=None): driver.get("") driver.implicitly_wait(10) # in case I was logged out try: driver.implicitly_wait(5) try: eee = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """/html/body/div[1]/div/a""") except: pass await asyncio.sleep(2) try: driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//*[@id="mpPlayButton"]""") isOK = True except: isOK = False if isOK: raise for i in range(5): try: driver.get(f"") driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//*[@id="mpPlayButton"]""") break except: await asyncio.sleep(1) un = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="loginUsername"]""") un.send_keys(['AMQ_USERNAME']) pw = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="loginPassword"]""") pw.send_keys(['AMQ_PASSWORD']) signIn = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="loginButton"]""") print("Login") await asyncio.sleep(1) bbreak = True try: contLog = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="alreadyOnlineContinueButton"]""") break except: pass try: test = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="mpPlayButton"]""") except: bbreak = False if bbreak: break except: pass if not just_last_invoke: driver.implicitly_wait(10) await asyncio.sleep(5) opt = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="optionGlyphIcon"]""") await asyncio.sleep(2) sett = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="optionsContainer"]/ul/li[3]""") mmm = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="settingModal"]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]""") mn = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="malUserNameInput"]""") mn.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, "a") mn.clear() mn.send_keys("kikimanox") getMal = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="malUpdateButton"]""") await ctx.send("Trying to update MAL") driver.implicitly_wait(90) succ = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//*[@id="swal2-title"]""") print(succ.text) if succ.text == "Update Successful": await ctx.send("MAL Updated.") else: await ctx.send("MAL Update failed.") raise # kk = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""/html/body/div[4]/div/div[3]/button[1]""") # # cls = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//*[@id="settingModal"]/div/div/div[1]/div/button""") # # GO TO EXPAND driver.get("") driver.implicitly_wait(30) ex = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//*[@id="mpExpandButton"]""") await asyncio.sleep(3) first = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="elQuestionList"]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]""") if not just_last_invoke: stuff = driver.execute_script(self.gib_code2) # print(stuff) dataIOa.save_json('data/_amq/toProcessNoMp3.json', json.loads(json.dumps(stuff))) await ctx.send("Saved data to parse.") if just_last_invoke: await ctx.send("Invoking sockets.") i = 1 for scr in d_scripts: val = driver.execute_script(scr) await ctx.send(f"[{i}/{len(d_scripts)}] Done. ({val} added)") i += 1 try: await asyncio.sleep(2) opt = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="optionGlyphIcon"]""") await asyncio.sleep(2) sett = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="optionsContainer"]/ul/li[3]""") mmm = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="settingModal"]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]""") mn = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="malUserNameInput"]""") mn.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, "a") mn.clear() mn.send_keys("kikimanox2") getMal = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="malUpdateButton"]""") await ctx.send("Trying to update MAL back to kikimanox2") driver.implicitly_wait(60) succ = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="swal2-title"]""") # print(succ.text) if succ.text == "Updated Successful": await ctx.send("MAL Updated.") else: await ctx.send("MAL Update failed.") except: await ctx.send( "Something went wrong when updagint MAL list back to kikimanox2" )
async def el_crawl(self, ctx, start_from_page: int, _driver=None): # if not await dutils.prompt(ctx, "Are you running this locally?"): # return await ctx.send("Cancelled") await ctx.send("Starting to crawl") options = Options() options.headless = True options.add_argument('window-size=1920x1080') options.binary_location = r"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" c = r"A:\\Unsorted\\old-desktop-junk\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe" if not _driver: driver = webdriver.Chrome(c, chrome_options=options) else: driver = _driver print('strating...') # driver.minimize_window() driver.get("") driver.implicitly_wait(10) eee = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""/html/body/div[1]/div/a""") await asyncio.sleep(2) driver.implicitly_wait(3) for i in range(5): try: driver.get(f"") driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="adminPage"]/div/table/tbody""" ) # this is wrong btw break except: await asyncio.sleep(1) un = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="loginUsername"]""") un.send_keys(['AMQ_USERNAME']) pw = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="loginPassword"]""") pw.send_keys(['AMQ_PASSWORD']) signIn = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="loginButton"]""") print("Login") await asyncio.sleep(1) bbreak = True try: contLog = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="alreadyOnlineContinueButton"]""") break except: pass try: test = driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="mpPlayButton"]""") except: bbreak = False if bbreak: break driver.implicitly_wait(10) driver.get( f"") cur_data = dataIOa.load_json('data/_amq/annMal.json') lp = 0 for i in range(start_from_page, 200): driver.get( f"{i}") print(f"page {i}") await asyncio.sleep(0.3) lastPage = False try: driver.find_element_by_xpath( """//*[@id="adminPage"]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]""") except: lastPage = True if lastPage: print("Reached last page") break lp = i tbl2 = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( """//*[@id="adminPage"]/div/table/tbody/tr[position() > 1]""") for t in tbl2: mID = t.get_attribute("data-malid") aID = t.get_attribute("data-annid") # print(f'{aID} {t.text}') cur_data[str(aID)] = t.text dataIOa.save_json('data/_amq/annMal.json', cur_data) await ctx.send( f"Done. (Last page that worked was `{lp}` (for `docrawl`))") if not _driver: driver.close()