def on_sensor_frame(self, data):
        rgb_image =['rgb_image'])))
        rgb_image = np.asarray(rgb_image)

        if rgb_image.shape != (256, 256, 3):
            print('image shape not 256, 256, 3')
            return None

        if rgb_image.shape[0] != self.image_hw:
            rgb_image = misc.imresize(rgb_image, (self.image_hw, self.image_hw, 3))

        rgb_image = data_iterator.preprocess_input(rgb_image)
        pred = np.squeeze(model.predict(np.expand_dims(rgb_image, 0)))

        if self.pred_viz_enabled:
            self.queue.put([rgb_image, pred])

        target_mask = pred[:, :, 2] > 0.5
        # reduce the number of false positives by requiring more pixels to be identified as containing the target
        if target_mask.sum() > 10:
            centroid = scoring_utils.get_centroid_largest_blob(target_mask)

            # scale the centroid from the nn image size to the original image size
            centroid = centroid.astype(

            # Obtain 3D world point from centroid pixel
            depth_img = get_depth_image(data['depth_image'])

            # Get XYZ coordinates for specific pixel
            pixel_depth = depth_img[centroid[0]][centroid[1]][0]*50/255.0
            point_3d = get_xyz_from_image(centroid[0], centroid[1], pixel_depth, self.image_hw)

            # Get cam_pose from sensor_frame (ROS convention)
            cam_pose = get_ros_pose(data['gimbal_pose'])

            # Calculate xyz-world coordinates of the point corresponding to the pixel
            # Transformation Matrix
            R = euler2mat(math.radians(cam_pose[3]), math.radians(cam_pose[4]), math.radians(cam_pose[5]))
            T = np.c_[R, cam_pose[:3]]
            T = np.vstack([T, [0,0,0,1]]) # transformation matrix from world to quad

            # 3D point in ROS coordinates
            ros_point =, point_3d)

            sio.emit('object_detected', {'coords': [ros_point[0], ros_point[1], ros_point[2]]})
            if not self.target_found:
                print('Target found!')
                self.target_found = True
            self.num_no_see = 0

            # Publish Hero Marker
            marker_pos = [ros_point[0],ros_point[1], ros_point[2]] + [0, 0, 0]
            marker_msg = sio_msgs.create_box_marker_msg(np.random.randint(99999), marker_pos)
            sio.emit('create_box_marker', marker_msg)

        elif self.target_found:
            self.num_no_see += 1
            # print(self.num_no_see)

        if self.target_found and self.num_no_see > 6:
            print('Target lost!')
            sio.emit('object_lost', {'data': ''})
            self.target_found = False
            self.num_no_see = 0
Example #2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            ' requires a model file name, and output folder name cli input'

    model_file = sys.argv[1]
    output_folder = sys.argv[2]
    output_path = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'runs', output_folder)

    model = make_model.make_example_model()
    model.load_weights(os.path.join('..', 'data', 'weights', model_file))

    data_folder = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'validation')
    file_names = sorted(
        glob.glob(os.path.join(data_folder, 'images', '*.jpeg')))

    for name in file_names:
        image = misc.imread(name)
        image = data_iterator.preprocess_input(image.astype(np.float32))
        pred = model.predict_on_batch(np.expand_dims(image, 0))
        base_name = os.path.basename(name).split('.')[0]
        base_name = base_name + '_prediction.png'

        misc.imsave(os.path.join(output_path, base_name),
                    np.squeeze((pred * 255).astype(np.uint8)))
    def on_sensor_data(self, data):
        rgb_image =['rgb_image'])))
        rgb_image = np.asarray(rgb_image)

        if rgb_image.shape != (256, 256, 3):
            print('image shape not 256, 256, 3')
            return None

        rgb_image = data_iterator.preprocess_input(rgb_image)
        pred = np.squeeze(model.predict(np.expand_dims(rgb_image, 0)))

        target_mask = pred[:, :, 1] > 0.5

        if self.pred_viz_enabled:
            overlay_viz(rgb_image, pred)

        # reduce the number of false positives by requiring more pixels to be identified as containing the target
        if target_mask.sum() > 10:

            # Temporary move so we only get the overlays with positive identification
            if self.image_save_dir is not None:
                if time.time() - self.last_time_saved > 1:
                    result = visualization.overlay_predictions(rgb_image, pred, None, 0.5, 1)
                    out_file = os.path.join(self.image_save_dir, 'overlay_' + str(time.time()) + '.png')
                    misc.imsave(out_file, result)
                    self.last_time_saved = time.time()

            centroid = scoring_utils.get_centroid_largest_blob(target_mask)

            # scale the centroid from the nn image size to the original image size
            centroid = centroid.astype(

            # Obtain 3D world point from centroid pixel
            depth_img = get_depth_image(data['depth_image'])

            # Get XYZ coordinates for specific pixel
            pixel_depth = depth_img[centroid[0]][centroid[1]][0]*100/255.0
            point_3d = get_xyz_from_image(centroid[0], centroid[1], pixel_depth)
            #print("Pixel Depth: ", pixel_depth)
            #print ("Hit point: ", point_3d)

            # Get cam_pose from sensor_frame (ROS convention)
            cam_pose = get_ros_pose(data['gimbal_pose'])
            #print ("Quad Pose: ", cam_pose)

            # Calculate xyz-world coordinates of the point corresponding to the pixel
            # Transformation Matrix
            R = euler2mat(math.radians(cam_pose[3]), math.radians(cam_pose[4]), math.radians(cam_pose[5]))
            T = np.c_[R, cam_pose[:3]]
            T = np.vstack([T, [0,0,0,1]]) # transformation matrix from world to quad

            # 3D point in ROS coordinates
            ros_point =, point_3d)

            socketIO.emit('object_detected', {'coords': [ros_point[0], ros_point[1], ros_point[2]]})
            self.target_found = True
            self.num_no_see = 0

            # Publish Hero Marker
            marker_pos = [ros_point[0],ros_point[1], ros_point[2]] + [0, 0, 0]
            marker_msg = sio_msgs.create_box_marker_msg(np.random.randint(99999), marker_pos)
            socketIO.emit('create_box_marker', marker_msg)

            # 3D point in Unity coordinates
            #unity_point = get_unity_pose_from_ros(ros_point)
            #print ros_point.shape

            # with the depth image, and centroid from prediction we can compute
            # the x,y,z coordinates where the ray intersects an object

            # ray = ray_casting.cast_ray(data, [centroid[1], centroid[0]])
            # pose = np.array(list(map(float, data['gimbal_pose'].split(','))))

            # TODO add rotation of the camera with respect to the gimbal

            # create the rotation matrix to rotate the sensors frame of reference to the world frame
            # rot = transformations.euler_matrix(to_radians(pose[3]),
            #                                   to_radians(pose[4]),
            #                                   to_radians(pose[5]))[:3, :3]

            # rotate array
            # ray =, np.array(ray))

        elif self.target_found:
            self.num_no_see += 1

        if self.target_found and self.num_no_see > 8:
            socketIO.emit('object_lost', {'data': ''})
            self.target_found = False
            self.num_no_see = 0
    def on_sensor_frame(self, data):
        rgb_image =['rgb_image'])))
        rgb_image = np.asarray(rgb_image)

        if rgb_image.shape != (256, 256, 3):
            print('image shape not 256, 256, 3')
            return None

        if rgb_image.shape[0] != self.image_hw:
            rgb_image = misc.imresize(rgb_image, (self.image_hw, self.image_hw, 3))

        rgb_image = data_iterator.preprocess_input(rgb_image)
        pred = np.squeeze(model.predict(np.expand_dims(rgb_image, 0)))

        if self.pred_viz_enabled:
            self.queue.put([rgb_image, pred])

        target_mask = pred[:, :, 2] > 0.5
        # reduce the number of false positives by requiring more pixels to be identified as containing the target
        if target_mask.sum() > 10:
            centroid = scoring_utils.get_centroid_largest_blob(target_mask)

            # scale the centroid from the nn image size to the original image size
            centroid = centroid.astype(

            # Obtain 3D world point from centroid pixel
            depth_img = get_depth_image(data['depth_image'])

            # Get XYZ coordinates for specific pixel
            pixel_depth = depth_img[centroid[0]][centroid[1]][0]*50/255.0
            point_3d = get_xyz_from_image(centroid[0], centroid[1], pixel_depth, self.image_hw)

            # Get cam_pose from sensor_frame (ROS convention)
            cam_pose = get_ros_pose(data['gimbal_pose'])

            # Calculate xyz-world coordinates of the point corresponding to the pixel
            # Transformation Matrix
            R = euler2mat(math.radians(cam_pose[3]), math.radians(cam_pose[4]), math.radians(cam_pose[5]))
            T = np.c_[R, cam_pose[:3]]
            T = np.vstack([T, [0,0,0,1]]) # transformation matrix from world to quad

            # 3D point in ROS coordinates
            ros_point =, point_3d)

            sio.emit('object_detected', {'coords': [ros_point[0], ros_point[1], ros_point[2]]})
            if not self.target_found:
                print('Target found!')
                self.target_found = True
            self.num_no_see = 0

            # Publish Hero Marker
            marker_pos = [ros_point[0],ros_point[1], ros_point[2]] + [0, 0, 0]
            marker_msg = sio_msgs.create_box_marker_msg(np.random.randint(99999), marker_pos)
            sio.emit('create_box_marker', marker_msg)

        elif self.target_found:
            self.num_no_see += 1
            # print(self.num_no_see)

        if self.target_found and self.num_no_see > 6:
            print('Target lost!')
            sio.emit('object_lost', {'data': ''})
            self.target_found = False
            self.num_no_see = 0