def rvo_warmtenetten(): print('Creating table for RVO Warmtenetten...') create_rvo_warmtenetten_table() print('Downloading the RVO Warmtenetten...') download_rvo_warmtenetten_data() print('Loading the data into Postgres...') load_rvo_warmtenetten() print('Creating indexes...') add_index('rvo_warmtenetten', 'buurt_code')
def CBS_kerncijfers(): print('Creating table for CBS PC6...') create_CBS_PC6_2017_kerncijfers_table() print('Downloading data...') download_CBS_PC6_2017_kerncijfers() print('Loading the data into Postgres...') load_CBS_PC6_2017_kerncijfers() print('Creating indexes...') add_index('cbs_pc6_2017_kerncijfers', 'pc6')
def CBS_PC6(): print('Creating table for CBS PC6...') create_CBS_PC6_2019_energy_use_table() print('Downloading data...') download_CBS_PC6_2019_energy_use() print('Loading the data into Postgres...') load_CBS_PC6_2019_energy_use() print('Creating indexes...') add_index('cbs_pc6_2019_energy_use', 'pc6')
def energy_labels(): print('Creating table for energy labels...') create_energy_labels_table() print('Downloading the EP-Online database...') try: download_energy_labels_data() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print( f'\tERROR! Could not download EP-Online due to a ConnectionError. Are you connected to the internet? Error:\n\t{e}' ) # do not process any further return except ConnectionError as e: print( f'\tERROR! Could not download EP-Online due to a ConnectionError. Error:\n\t{e}' ) # do not process any further return print('Loading the data into Postgres...') load_energy_labels_data() print('Deleting columns...') # is always NULL delete_column('energy_labels', 'bagstandplaatsid') # is only relevant for 'U' buildings delete_column('energy_labels', 'sbicode') print('Creating indexes...') add_index('energy_labels', 'vbo_id') add_index('energy_labels', 'pand_id') add_index('energy_labels', 'pc6')
def bag(): print('Creating table for BAG...') create_BAG_table() print('Loading the data into Postgres...') load_BAG() print('Creating indexes...') add_index('bag', 'pc6') add_index('bag', 'pand_id') add_index('bag', 'buurt_id')
def cbs(): # Include a tuple with (table_id, typed_data_set), # with the second value indicating whether you want the # table to not 'expand' IDs (such as Buurten en Wijken, this # can be helpful when you need the raw buurt_id) cbs_tables = [ # Energieverbruik particuliere woningen; woningtype, wijken en buurten, 2018 # ("84585NED", False), # Woningen; hoofdverwarmings; buurt 2019 # ("84983NED", True), # Kerncijfers wijken en buurten 2020 # ("84799NED", False), # Kerncijfers wijken en buurten 2019 # ("84583NED", False), # Woonplaatsen in Nederland 2020 # ("84734NED", False), # Elektriciteitslevering vanuit het openbare net; woningkenmerken, bewoners # ("83882NED", False), # Aardgaslevering vanuit het openbare net; woningkenmerken # ("83878NED", False) ] for table in cbs_tables: load_cbs_table(table[0], typed_data_set=table[1]) print('Renaming columns...') column_renames = [ # Format: (table_name, col_name, new_col_name) ('cbs_84799ned_kerncijfers_wijken_en_buurten_2020', 'codering', 'area_code'), ('cbs_84983ned_woningen_hoofdverwarmings_buurt_2019_typed', 'wijken_en_buurten', 'area_code') ] for rename in column_renames: rename_column(*rename) print('Creating indexes...') indexes = [('cbs_84799ned_kerncijfers_wijken_en_buurten_2020', 'area_code'), ('cbs_84983ned_woningen_hoofdverwarmings_buurt_2019_typed', 'area_code')] for index in indexes: add_index(*index) print('Transforming data...') col_type = get_column_type('cbs_83878ned_aardgaslevering_woningkenmerken', 'energielabelklasse') if col_type != 'energy_label_class': delete_statement = ''' DELETE FROM cbs_83878ned_aardgaslevering_woningkenmerken WHERE energielabelklasse = 'Totaal' ''' change_to_null_statement = ''' UPDATE cbs_83878ned_aardgaslevering_woningkenmerken SET energielabelklasse = NULL WHERE energielabelklasse = 'Geen label' ''' alter_type_statement = ''' ALTER TABLE cbs_83878ned_aardgaslevering_woningkenmerken ALTER COLUMN energielabelklasse TYPE energy_label_class USING LEFT(energielabelklasse, 1)::energy_label_class ''' execute(delete_statement) execute(change_to_null_statement) execute(alter_type_statement)