Example #1
    def parse(cls, string):

        tzinfo = None

        if string == 'local':
            tzinfo = tz.tzlocal()

        elif string in ['utc', 'UTC']:
            tzinfo = tz.tzutc()


            iso_match = cls._TZINFO_RE.match(string)

            if iso_match:
                sign, hours, minutes = iso_match.groups()
                seconds = int(hours) * 3600 + int(minutes) * 60

                if sign == '-':
                    seconds *= -1

                tzinfo = tz.tzoffset(None, seconds)

                tzinfo = tz.gettz(string)

        if tzinfo is None:
            raise ParserError('Could not parse timezone expression "{0}"', string)

        return tzinfo
Example #2
    def utcnow(cls):
        ''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, representing "now" in UTC


        dt = datetime.utcnow()

        return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
                   dt.microsecond, dateutil_tz.tzutc())
Example #3
    def fromdate(cls, date, tzinfo=None):
        ''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a ``date`` and optional
        ``tzinfo`` object.  Time values are set to 0.

        :param date: the ``date``
        :param tzinfo: (optional) a ``tzinfo`` object.  Defaults to UTC.

        tzinfo = tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzutc()

        return cls(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=tzinfo)
Example #4
    def _get_tzinfo(cls, tz_expr):

        if tz_expr is None:
            return dateutil_tz.tzutc()
        if isinstance(tz_expr, tzinfo):
            return tz_expr
                return parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tz_expr)
            except parser.ParserError:
                raise ValueError('\'{0}\' not recognized as a timezone')
Example #5
    def utcfromtimestamp(cls, timestamp):
        '''Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a timestamp, in UTC time.

        :param timestamp: an ``int`` or ``float`` timestamp, or a ``str`` that converts to either.


        timestamp = cls._get_timestamp_from_input(timestamp)
        dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)

        return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
                   dt.microsecond, dateutil_tz.tzutc())
Example #6
    def now(cls, tzinfo=None):
        '''Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, representing "now".

        :param tzinfo: (optional) a ``tzinfo`` object. Defaults to local time.


        utc = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=dateutil_tz.tzutc())
        dt = utc.astimezone(
            dateutil_tz.tzlocal() if tzinfo is None else tzinfo)

        return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
                   dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo)
Example #7
    def fromdatetime(cls, dt, tzinfo=None):
        ''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a ``datetime`` and optional
        ``tzinfo`` object.

        :param dt: the ``datetime``
        :param tzinfo: (optional) a ``tzinfo`` object.  Defaults to UTC.


        tzinfo = tzinfo or dt.tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzutc()

        return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
                   dt.microsecond, tzinfo)
Example #8
    def __init__(self,

        if util.isstr(tzinfo):
            tzinfo = parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tzinfo)
        tzinfo = tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzutc()

        self._datetime = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
                                  microsecond, tzinfo)
Example #9
    def _build_datetime(cls, parts):

        timestamp = parts.get('timestamp')

        if timestamp:
            tz_utc = tz.tzutc()
            return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=tz_utc)

        am_pm = parts.get('am_pm')
        hour = parts.get('hour', 0)

        if am_pm == 'pm' and hour < 12:
            hour += 12
        elif am_pm == 'am' and hour == 12:
            hour = 0

        return datetime(year=parts.get('year', 1), month=parts.get('month', 1),
            day=parts.get('day', 1), hour=hour, minute=parts.get('minute', 0),
            second=parts.get('second', 0), microsecond=parts.get('microsecond', 0),
Example #10
    def _format_token(self, dt, token):

        if token == 'YYYY':
            return '{0:04d}'.format(dt.year)
        if token == 'YY':
            return '{0:04d}'.format(dt.year)[2:]

        if token == 'MMMM':
            return self.locale.month_name(dt.month)
        if token == 'MMM':
            return self.locale.month_abbreviation(dt.month)
        if token == 'MM':
            return '{0:02d}'.format(dt.month)
        if token == 'M':
            return str(dt.month)

        if token == 'DDDD':
            return '{0:03d}'.format(dt.timetuple().tm_yday)
        if token == 'DDD':
            return str(dt.timetuple().tm_yday)
        if token == 'DD':
            return '{0:02d}'.format(dt.day)
        if token == 'D':
            return str(dt.day)

        if token == 'dddd':
            return self.locale.day_name(dt.isoweekday())
        if token == 'ddd':
            return self.locale.day_abbreviation(dt.isoweekday())
        if token == 'd':
            return str(dt.isoweekday())

        if token == 'HH':
            return '{0:02d}'.format(dt.hour)
        if token == 'H':
            return str(dt.hour)
        if token == 'hh':
            return '{0:02d}'.format(
                dt.hour if 0 < dt.hour < 13 else abs(dt.hour - 12))
        if token == 'h':
            return str(dt.hour if 0 < dt.hour < 13 else abs(dt.hour - 12))

        if token == 'mm':
            return '{0:02d}'.format(dt.minute)
        if token == 'm':
            return str(dt.minute)

        if token == 'ss':
            return '{0:02d}'.format(dt.second)
        if token == 's':
            return str(dt.second)

        if token == 'SSSSSS':
            return str('{0:06d}'.format(int(dt.microsecond)))
        if token == 'SSSSS':
            return str('{0:05d}'.format(int(dt.microsecond / 10)))
        if token == 'SSSS':
            return str('{0:04d}'.format(int(dt.microsecond / 100)))
        if token == 'SSS':
            return str('{0:03d}'.format(int(dt.microsecond / 1000)))
        if token == 'SS':
            return str('{0:02d}'.format(int(dt.microsecond / 10000)))
        if token == 'S':
            return str(int(dt.microsecond / 100000))

        if token == 'X':
            return str(calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple()))

        if token in ['ZZ', 'Z']:
            separator = ':' if token == 'ZZ' else ''
            tz = dateutil_tz.tzutc() if dt.tzinfo is None else dt.tzinfo
            total_minutes = int(util.total_seconds(tz.utcoffset(dt)) / 60)

            sign = '+' if total_minutes > 0 else '-'
            total_minutes = abs(total_minutes)
            hour, minute = divmod(total_minutes, 60)

            return '{0}{1:02d}{2}{3:02d}'.format(sign, hour, separator, minute)

        if token in ('a', 'A'):
            return self.locale.meridian(dt.hour, token)
Example #11
    def humanize(self, other=None, locale='en_us'):
        ''' Returns a localized, humanized representation of a relative difference in time.

        :param other: (optional) an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` or ``datetime`` object.
            Defaults to now in the current :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object's timezone.
        :param locale: (optional) a ``str`` specifying a locale.  Defaults to 'en_us'.


            >>> earlier = arrow.utcnow().replace(hours=-2)
            >>> earlier.humanize()
            '2 hours ago'

            >>> later = later = earlier.replace(hours=4)
            >>> later.humanize(earlier)
            'in 4 hours'


        locale = locales.get_locale(locale)

        if other is None:
            utc = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=dateutil_tz.tzutc())
            dt = utc.astimezone(self._datetime.tzinfo)

        elif isinstance(other, Arrow):
            dt = other._datetime

        elif isinstance(other, datetime):
            if other.tzinfo is None:
                dt = other.replace(tzinfo=self._datetime.tzinfo)
                dt = other.astimezone(self._datetime.tzinfo)

            raise TypeError()

        delta = int(util.total_seconds(self._datetime - dt))
        sign = -1 if delta < 0 else 1
        diff = abs(delta)
        delta = diff

        if diff < 10:
            return locale.describe('now')

        if diff < 45:
            return locale.describe('seconds', sign)

        elif diff < 90:
            return locale.describe('minute', sign)
        elif diff < 2700:
            minutes = sign * int(max(delta / 60, 2))
            return locale.describe('minutes', minutes)

        elif diff < 5400:
            return locale.describe('hour', sign)
        elif diff < 79200:
            hours = sign * int(max(delta / 3600, 2))
            return locale.describe('hours', hours)

        elif diff < 129600:
            return locale.describe('day', sign)
        elif diff < 2160000:
            days = sign * int(max(delta / 86400, 2))
            return locale.describe('days', days)

        elif diff < 3888000:
            return locale.describe('month', sign)
        elif diff < 29808000:
            self_months = self._datetime.year * 12 + self._datetime.month
            other_months = dt.year * 12 + dt.month
            months = sign * abs(other_months - self_months)

            return locale.describe('months', months)

        elif diff < 47260800:
            return locale.describe('year', sign)
            years = sign * int(max(delta / 31536000, 2))
            return locale.describe('years', years)