def publish(self): data = json.dumps(self.__obj_to_dict()) # db1.publish(Channel1.join_req_alarm, data) db0.publish(Channel1.join_accept_alarm + hexlify(self.app_eui).decode(), data), msg='Publish Join Accept alram %s, %s' % ( Channel1.join_req_alarm, data))
def push_into_que(self, cid, payload=None): dev_eui = hexlify(self.device.dev_eui).decode() db0.set(ConstDB0.mac_cmd + dev_eui + ':' + hexlify(cid).decode(), self.__return_data(cid, payload)) que_key = ConstDB0.mac_cmd_que + dev_eui db0.lrem(que_key, count=0, value=cid) db0.rpush(que_key, cid) dev_class = ClassType( db0.hget( + dev_eui, FieldDevice.dev_class).decode()) if dev_class == ClassType.c or dev_class == ClassType.b: db0.publish(Channel0.que_down_alarm_c, + dev_eui)
def _run(self): ts = round(time.time()) data = device = Device.objects.get(self.dev_eui) fcnt = unpack('<H', data[6:8])[0] device.fcnt_up = fcnt dev_gateway = DevGateway(device.dev_eui, self.gateway.mac_addr, int(self.trans_params['rssi']), float(self.trans_params['lsnr'])) if start_device_block(self.dev_eui): dev_gateway.set(), type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='Fcnt: %s; New Message from gateway: %s' % (device.fcnt_up, hexlify(self.gateway.mac_addr).decode())) trans_params = TransParams(device.dev_eui, gateway_mac_addr=self.gateway.mac_addr, trans_params=self.trans_params, ts=ts) else:, type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='Fcnt: %s; Send by other gateway: %s' % (device.fcnt_up, hexlify(self.gateway.mac_addr).decode())) if dev_gateway.add(): trans_params = TransParams(device.dev_eui, gateway_mac_addr=self.gateway.mac_addr, trans_params=self.trans_params, ts=ts) return if fcnt == device.fcnt_up: retransmission = 1 else: retransmission = 0 device.update() fctrl = data[5] fport = 0 app_data = b'' if len(data) > 8: fport = data[8] app_data = data[8: -1] sleep(0.1) gateway_mac_addr = Gateway.objects.best_mac_addr(device.dev_eui) trans_params = TransParams.objects.get(device.dev_eui, gateway_mac_addr) msg = MsgUp(device.dev_eui, ts=ts, fcnt=device.fcnt_up, port=fport, data=app_data, mtype=self.mtype, retrans=retransmission, trans_params=trans_params, cipher=False, ), type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='fcnt:%s, mtype: %s; retransmission: %s; fport: %s; app_data: %s' % (device.fcnt_up, MType(self.mtype).name, retransmission, fport, app_data)) db0.publish(Channel0.rx1_alarm, device.dev_eui)
def run(self): data = device = Device.objects.get(self.dev_eui) ts = round(time.time()) restart = False try: addr_int = unpack(">I", device.addr)[0] mac_fhdr_fcnt = data[6:8] mic = data[len(data)-4:] fcnt_d = device.fcnt_up fcnt_m = unpack('<H', mac_fhdr_fcnt)[0] if not mic_ver(data[0:len(data)-4], device.nwkskey, addr_int, Const.DIR_UP, fcnt_m, mic): low_16 = fcnt_d & 0xffff high_16 = fcnt_d >> 16 low_16 = fcnt_m if low_16 < fcnt_m: high_16 += 1 fcnt_m = (high_16 << 16) + low_16 if not mic_ver(data, device.nwkskey, addr_int, Const.DIR_UP, fcnt_m, mic): raise MICError() sub = fcnt_m - fcnt_d if sub > 0: if sub > Const.MAX_FCNT_GAP: if device.check_fcnt: raise FcntError(sub) elif sub < 0: if fcnt_m > Const.MAX_FCNT_GAP: if device.check_fcnt: raise FcntError(sub) if fcnt_m < 10: device.fcnt_down = 0 restart = True # new_fcnt_tuple = up_cnt(mac_fhdr_fcnt, device.fcnt_up, device.check_fcnt) # fcnt_new = mic_verify(data[0:len(data)-4], device.nwkskey, addr_int, new_fcnt_tuple, mic) except (FcntError, MICError) as error: Logger.error(action=Action.uplink, type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='ERROR: MIC or FCNT: %s' % error) return except Exception as error: print(error) Logger.error(action=Action.uplink, type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='Unknown ERROR: %s' % error) return dev_gateway = DevGateway(device.dev_eui, self.gateway.mac_addr, int(self.trans_params['rssi']), float(self.trans_params['lsnr'])) if start_device_block(self.dev_eui): dev_gateway.set(), type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='Fcnt: %s; New Message from gateway: %s' % (fcnt_m, hexlify(self.gateway.mac_addr).decode())) trans_params = TransParams(device.dev_eui, gateway_mac_addr=self.gateway.mac_addr, trans_params=self.trans_params, ts=ts) else:, type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='Fcnt: %s; Send by other gateway: %s' % (fcnt_m, hexlify(self.gateway.mac_addr).decode())) if dev_gateway.add(): trans_params = TransParams(device.dev_eui, gateway_mac_addr=self.gateway.mac_addr, trans_params=self.trans_params, ts=ts) return if fcnt_m == fcnt_d: retransmission = 1 else: retransmission = 0 device.fcnt_up = fcnt_m device.update() fctrl = data[5] foptslen = fctrl & 0b1111 class_b = fctrl >> 4 & 0b1 ack = fctrl >> 5 & 0b1 adrackreq = fctrl >> 6 & 0b1 adr = fctrl >> 7 mac_cmd = data[8:8+foptslen] encrypt = False fport = 0 app_data = b'' if (8 + foptslen) < len(data)-4: fport = data[8 + foptslen] frampayload = data[9 + foptslen: len(data)-4] assert -1 < fport < 256, "AssertError: fport error" if fport == 0: mac_cmd = LoRaCrypto.payload_decrypt(frampayload, device.nwkskey, addr_int, Const.DIR_UP, fcnt_m) else: if device.appskey == b'': encrypt = True app_data = frampayload elif len(device.appskey) == 16: app_data = LoRaCrypto.payload_decrypt(frampayload, device.appskey, addr_int, Const.DIR_UP, fcnt_m) if class_b == 1: if device.dev_class == ClassType.a: device.dev_class = ClassType.b else: if device.dev_class == ClassType.b: device.dev_class = ClassType.a device.update() if ack == 1: # if ack == 1, confirm the down link which need to be confirm Resend(device.dev_eui).del_retrans_down() if adrackreq == 1: DeviceACK(device.dev_eui, ACKName.adr_ack_req).set(1) if self.mtype == MType.CONFIRMED_DATA_UP: DeviceACK(device.dev_eui, ACKName.ack_request).set(1) # analyze mac cmd analyze_mac_cmd_ans(device, mac_cmd) # ADR if adr and device.adr: adr_thread = ADR(device) adr_thread.start() # sleep(0.1) gateway_mac_addr = Gateway.objects.best_mac_addr(device.dev_eui) trans_params = TransParams.objects.get(device.dev_eui, gateway_mac_addr) msg = MsgUp(device.dev_eui, ts=ts, fcnt=device.fcnt_up, port=fport, data=app_data, cipher=encrypt, mtype=self.mtype, retrans=retransmission, trans_params=trans_params, restart=restart), type=IDType.device, id=device.dev_eui, msg='fcnt:%s, mtype: %s; retransmission: %s; ack: %s; adrackreq: %s; mac_cmd: %s; class_b: %s; fport: %s; app_data: %s; encrypt: %s ' % (device.fcnt_up, MType(self.mtype).name, retransmission, ack, adrackreq, mac_cmd, class_b, fport, app_data, encrypt)) db0.publish(Channel0.rx1_alarm, device.dev_eui) t2 = time.time() g_time = iso_to_utc_ts(self.trans_params['time']) self.args.insert(0, g_time) self.args.append(t2)'PUSH_DATA: DEV:%s, FCNT:%s, DELAY_TIME:%s, TIME:%s' % (hexlify(device.dev_eui).decode(), fcnt_m, self.args[1] - self.args[0], self.args))
def request2niot_platform(self): """ The function is used to publish message to program which will send request to niot platform about the gateway. :return: """ db0.publish(ConstDB0.niot_request, hexlify(self.mac_addr))