def test_removeClassFromStudent(self): print('Running removeClassFromStudent test case') userRole = 'admin' email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'f77668db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' classCode2 = 'e00045db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' res = ResponseCreation.ControllerResponse() # Put user and class data into DB usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) userJsonData = {'email': email, 'classCodes': [classCode, classCode2]} db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) # Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('email'), email) class_ctrl.removeClassFromStudent(dynamodb, res, email, classCode2) # Check that the classCode was removed from the student jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) cc = response.get('Item').get('classCodes') self.assertFalse(classCode2 in cc) self.assertTrue(classCode in cc)
def test_removeStudentFromClass_len_zero(self): print( 'Running removeStudentFromClass students length is zero test case') userRole = 'admin' email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'f77998db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' res = ResponseCreation.ControllerResponse() #Put user and class data into DB classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) classJsonData = {'code': classCode, 'students': [email]} db.putItem(classJsonData, classesTable) #Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('code'), classCode) class_ctrl.removeStudentFromClass(dynamodb, res, email, classCode) #check that the attribute was removed from the class jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertIsNone(response.get('Item').get('students'))
def test_removeStudentFromClasss(self): print('Running removeStudentFromClass test case') userRole = 'admin' email1 = '[email protected]' email2 = '[email protected]' classCode = 'f77668db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' res = ResponseCreation.ControllerResponse() #Put user and class data into DB classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) classJsonData = {'code': classCode, 'students': [email1, email2]} db.putItem(classJsonData, classesTable) #Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('code'), classCode) class_ctrl.removeStudentFromClass(dynamodb, res, email1, classCode) #check that the student was removed from the class jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) stu = response.get('Item').get('students') self.assertFalse(email1 in stu) self.assertTrue(email2 in stu)
def test_isCodeInTaughtList(self): print('Running isCodeInTaughtList test case') email = '*****@*****.**' # put user with taught list into db usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) userJsonData = { 'email': email, 'userRole': 'teacher', 'teaching': ['d26713cc-f02d-4fd6-80f0-026784d1ab9b' ] #algebra 1 from mock classes data } db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) # code is in teaching list jsonData = {'code': 'd26713cc-f02d-4fd6-80f0-026784d1ab9b'} response = class_ctrl.isCodeInTaughtList(jsonData, dynamodb, email) self.assertTrue(response) # code is not in teaching list jsonData = {'code': '000000-f02d-4fd6-80f0-026784d1ab9b'} response = class_ctrl.isCodeInTaughtList(jsonData, dynamodb, email) self.assertFalse(response) # no code given jsonData = {} response = class_ctrl.isCodeInTaughtList(jsonData, dynamodb, email) self.assertFalse(response)
def test_removeStudent(self): print('Running removeStudent test case') userRole = 'admin' email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'f24613dc-f09d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' #Put user and class data into DB usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) userJsonData = {'email': email, 'classCodes': [classCode]} classJsonData = {'code': classCode, 'students': [email]} db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) db.putItem(classJsonData, classesTable) #Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('email'), email) jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('code'), classCode) #Test removal jsonData = {'email': email, 'classCode': classCode} res = class_ctrl.removeStudent(dynamodb, jsonData, userRole=userRole) self.assertFalse(res.hasErrors())
def test_removeClassFromStudent_len_zero(self): print( 'Running removeClassFromStudent students length is zero test case') userRole = 'admin' email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'f84138db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' res = ResponseCreation.ControllerResponse() #Put user and class data into DB usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) userJsonData = {'email': email, 'classCodes': [classCode]} db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) # Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('email'), email) class_ctrl.removeClassFromStudent(dynamodb, res, email, classCode) # Check that the attribute was removed from the student jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertIsNone(response.get('Item').get('classCodes'))
def test_putItem_json(self): print("Running putItem_json test") self.assertIsNotNone(self.table) self.assertEqual(self.table.table_status, "ACTIVE") jsonData = {"email": "tabby", "gender": "male"} db.putItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNotNone( self.table.get_item(Key={ "email": "tabby" }).get("Item"))
def test_undoClassCodeRemoval(self): print('Running undoClassCodeRemoval test case') email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'f99998db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' classCode2 = 'f00000db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' #Put user and class data into DB usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) ### to simulate class already removed from student ### userJsonData = {'email': email} db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) #Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('email'), email) #Test simulated error in undoClassCodeRemoval email class_ctrl.undoClassCodeRemoval(dynamodb, email, classCode) #check class was place back into student's classCodes jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) classCodes = response.get('Item').get('classCodes') self.assertTrue(classCode in classCodes) #### add classCode back to a list that when removed will still have elements ### userJsonData = { 'email': email, 'classCodes': set([classCode, classCode2]) } db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) #Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('email'), email) #Test simulated error in undoClassCodeRemoval email class_ctrl.undoClassCodeRemoval(dynamodb, email, classCode2) #check class was place back into student's classCodes jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) classCodes = response.get('Item').get('classCodes') self.assertTrue(classCode in classCodes) self.assertTrue(classCode2 in classCodes)
def test_updateClassDetails(self): print('Running updateClassDetails test') classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) email = '*****@*****.**' userRole = 'teacher' # put data into db first beforeUserData = {'email': email, 'teaching': ['before update code']} beforeClassData = { 'title': 'before update title', 'department': 'before update department', 'description': 'before update description', 'classSection': 'before update section', 'code': 'before update code' } db.putItem(beforeClassData, classesTable) db.putItem(beforeUserData, usersTable) # check item was placed successfully code = {'Key': {'code': 'before update code'}} c = db.getItem(code, classesTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in c.keys()) e = {'Key': {'email': email}} user = db.getItem(e, usersTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in user.keys()) # update class details afterData = { 'title': 'after update title', 'department': 'after update department', 'description': 'after update description', 'section': 'after update section', 'code': 'before update code' } response = class_ctrl.updateClassDetails(afterData, dynamodb, email, userRole) self.assertEqual(response.payload, {'Success': 'Class Details Updated'}) c = db.getItem(code, classesTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in c.keys()) self.assertEqual(c['Item']['title'], 'after update title') self.assertEqual(c['Item']['department'], 'after update department') self.assertEqual(c['Item']['classSection'], 'after update section') self.assertEqual(c['Item']['description'], 'after update description')
def test_putItem_string(self): print("Running putItem_string test") self.assertIsNotNone(self.table) self.assertEqual(self.table.table_status, "ACTIVE") jsonData = '{\ "email": "doggy",\ "gender": "female"\ }' db.putItem(jsonData, self.table) self.assertIsNotNone( self.table.get_item(Key={ "email": "doggy" }).get("Item"))
def addUserAndSendEmail(httpOrigin, email, password, mailer, dbInstance): activationId = str(uuid.uuid4()) table = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance) jsonData = { 'email': email, 'password': password, 'activationId': activationId, 'active': 'F', 'userRole' : "student" } if table is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get table users in addUserAndSendEmail') activationId = None #This will change an existing user with the same email. response = dbUtils.putItem(jsonData,table) if response is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to add user to table users in addUserAndSendEmail') activationId = None try: sendEmail(httpOrigin, email, activationId, mailer) except Exception as e: MentiiLogging.getLogger().exception(e) return activationId
def addActivity(classCode, jsonData, dynamodb, email=None, userRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamodb) if classTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( 'Unable to get classes table in getPublicClassList') response.addError('Failed to add activity', 'A database error occured') else: if g: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] if isTeacherOfClass(email, userRole, classCode, dynamodb): classData = getClassByCode(classCode, dynamodb) if not classData: response.addError('Failed to add activity', 'A database error occured') else: activities = classData.get('activities', []) activities.append(jsonData) classData['activities'] = activities result = dbUtils.putItem(classData, classTable) if result is None: response.addError('Failed to add activity', 'A database error occured') else: response.addToPayload('Success', 'Activity Added') else: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error( email + ' is not the teacher of ' + classCode + ', but attempted to add an activity.') response.addError('Unable to add activity', 'A permissions error occured') return response
def createClass(dynamoDBInstance, classData, email=None, userRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() #g will be not be available during testing #and email and userRole will need to be passed to the function if g: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] #role is confirmed here incase createClass is called from somewhere other #than create_class() if userRole != 'teacher' and userRole != 'admin': response.addError('Role error', 'Only teachers can create classes') elif classData is None or not checkClassDataValid(classData): response.addError('createClass call Failed.', 'Invalid class data given.') else: classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance) userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if classTable is None or userTable is None: response.addError('createClass call Failed.', 'Unable to locate necessary table(s).') else: classCode = str(uuid.uuid4()) newClass = { 'code': classCode, 'title': classData['title'], 'description': classData['description'] } if 'department' in classData.keys() and classData['department']: newClass['department'] = classData['department'] if 'section' in classData.keys() and classData['section']: newClass['classSection'] = classData['section'] result = dbUtils.putItem(newClass, classTable) if result is None: response.addError('createClass call Failed.', 'Unable to create class in classes table.') else: # Note: if teaching attribute does not previously exist, a set of class codes will be created # otherwise, the class code will be added to the set of class codes codeSet = set([classCode]) jsonData = { 'Key': { 'email': email }, 'UpdateExpression': 'ADD teaching :classCode', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':classCode': codeSet }, 'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, userTable) if res is None: response.addError('createClass call failed', 'Unable to update user data') else: response.addToPayload('Success', 'Class Created') return response
def test_addDataToClassAndUser(self): userRole = 'student' email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'abcef12345' title = 'some class' response = ControllerResponse() # add student to user table usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) jsonData = {'email': email} db.putItem(jsonData, usersTable) # add class to class table classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) jsonData = {'code': classCode, 'title': title} db.putItem(jsonData, classesTable) usr.addDataToClassAndUser(classCode, email, response, dynamodb) self.assertFalse(response.hasErrors()) self.assertEqual(response.payload['title'], title) self.assertEqual(response.payload['code'], classCode)
def createBook(bookData, dynamoDBInstance, userRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() #g will be not be available during testing #userRole will need to be passed to the function if g: # pragma: no cover userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] #role is confirmed here incase createBook is called from somewhere other #than createBook() if userRole != 'admin': response.addError('Role error', 'Only admins can create books') # check for required options elif 'title' not in bookData.keys() or 'description' not in bookData.keys( ): response.addError('Book creation failed.', 'Invalid book data given.') else: # Get books table booksTable = dbUtils.getTable('books', dynamoDBInstance) if booksTable is None: response.addError('Get Books Table Failed', 'Unable to get books table from database') else: bookId = str(uuid.uuid4()) # prep json data book = { 'bookId': bookId, 'title': bookData['title'], 'description': bookData['description'], 'chapters': bookData.get('chapters', []) } # put item into table result = dbUtils.putItem(book, booksTable) if result is None: response.addError('Book creation failed.', 'Unable to create Book in database.') else: response.addToPayload('Success', 'Book Created') return response
def editBook(bookData, dynamoDBInstance): response = ControllerResponse() # check for required options if not bookData or 'title' not in bookData.keys( ) or 'description' not in bookData.keys() or 'bookId' not in bookData.keys( ): response.addError('Book update failed.', 'Invalid book data given.') else: # Get books table booksTable = dbUtils.getTable('books', dynamoDBInstance) if booksTable is None: response.addError('Get Books Table Failed', 'Unable to get books table from database') else: # put item into table result = dbUtils.putItem(bookData, booksTable) if result is None: response.addError('Book update failed.', 'Unable to update Book in database.') else: response.addToPayload('Success', 'Book Updated') return response
def test_updateClassDetails_len_zero(self): print('Running updateClassDetails length zero test') classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) email = '*****@*****.**' userRole = 'admin' # put data into db first beforeUserData = {'email': email, 'teaching': ['before update code']} beforeClassData = { 'title': 'before update title', 'department': 'before update department', 'description': 'before update description', 'classSection': 'before update section', 'code': 'before update code' } db.putItem(beforeClassData, classesTable) db.putItem(beforeUserData, usersTable) # check item was placed successfully code = {'Key': {'code': 'before update code'}} c = db.getItem(code, classesTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in c.keys()) e = {'Key': {'email': email}} user = db.getItem(e, usersTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in user.keys()) ##### update class details removing both optional attributes afterData = { 'title': 'after update title', 'department': '', 'description': 'after update description', 'section': '', 'code': 'before update code' } response = class_ctrl.updateClassDetails(afterData, dynamodb, email, userRole) self.assertEqual(response.payload, {'Success': 'Class Details Updated'}) c = db.getItem(code, classesTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in c.keys()) self.assertFalse('department' in c['Item']) self.assertFalse('classSection' in c['Item']) ##### update class details removing only one of the optional attributes beforeData = { 'title': 'before update title', 'department': 'asdf', 'description': 'before update description', 'classSection': 'lkjh', 'code': 'before update code' } db.putItem(beforeData, classesTable) afterData = { 'title': 'after update title', 'department': 'asdf', 'description': 'after update description', 'section': '', 'code': 'before update code' } response = class_ctrl.updateClassDetails(afterData, dynamodb, email, userRole) self.assertEqual(response.payload, {'Success': 'Class Details Updated'}) c = db.getItem(code, classesTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in c.keys()) self.assertFalse('classSection' in c['Item']) self.assertEqual(c['Item']['department'], 'asdf') afterData = { 'title': 'after update title', 'department': '', 'description': 'after update description', 'section': 'lkjh', 'code': 'before update code' } response = class_ctrl.updateClassDetails(afterData, dynamodb, email, userRole) self.assertEqual(response.payload, {'Success': 'Class Details Updated'}) c = db.getItem(code, classesTable) self.assertTrue('Item' in c.keys()) self.assertFalse('department' in c['Item']) self.assertEqual(c['Item']['classSection'], 'lkjh')
def test_removeStudent_data_fail(self): print('Running removeStudent data fail test case') userRole = 'admin' email = '*****@*****.**' classCode = 'f15708db-fb9d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' #Put user and class data into DB usersTable = db.getTable('users', dynamodb) classesTable = db.getTable('classes', dynamodb) userJsonData = {'email': email, 'classCodes': [classCode]} classJsonData = {'code': classCode, 'students': [email]} db.putItem(userJsonData, usersTable) db.putItem(classJsonData, classesTable) #Check test data was successfully placed into DB jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('email'), email) jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) self.assertEqual(response.get('Item').get('code'), classCode) #Test bad class code jsonData = { 'email': email, 'classCode': 'f24abcdc-f09d-4fd6-81f1-026784d6cc9b' } res = class_ctrl.removeStudent(dynamodb, jsonData, userRole=userRole) self.assertTrue(res.hasErrors()) self.assertEqual( res.errors[0], { 'message': 'Class not found', 'title': 'Failed to remove class from student' }) #check student wasn't removed from class jsonData = {'Key': {'code': classCode}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, classesTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) students = response.get('Item').get('students') self.assertTrue(email in students) #Test bad email jsonData = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'classCode': classCode} res = class_ctrl.removeStudent(dynamodb, jsonData, userRole=userRole) self.assertTrue(res.hasErrors()) self.assertEqual( res.errors[0], { 'message': 'Unable to find user', 'title': 'Failed to remove student from class' }) #check class wasn't removed from student jsonData = {'Key': {'email': email}} response = db.getItem(jsonData, usersTable) self.assertIsNotNone(response.get('Item')) classCodes = response.get('Item').get('classCodes') self.assertTrue(classCode in classCodes)