def run_gui_controller(hostname, image): client = check_docker_environment() container_name = "joystick_gui_%s" % hostname remove_if_running(client, container_name) duckiebot_ip = get_duckiebot_ip(hostname) env = { 'HOSTNAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER': hostname, 'DUCKIEBOT_NAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER_URI': 'http://%s:11311' % duckiebot_ip } env['QT_X11_NO_MITSHM'] = 1 volumes = {}["xhost", "+"]) p = platform.system().lower() if 'darwin' in p: dtslogger.warn( "We can try but running the joystick gui on MacOSx is not expected to work..." ) env['DISPLAY'] = 'host.docker.internal:0' volumes = {'/tmp/.X11-unix': {'bind': '/tmp/.X11-unix', 'mode': 'rw'}} else: env['DISPLAY'] = os.environ['DISPLAY']"Running %s on localhost with environment vars: %s" % (container_name, env)) if 'master19' in image: image = "duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base:master19-no-arm" cmd = "python misc/virtualJoy/ %s" % hostname elif 'daffy' in image: image = "duckietown/dt-core:daffy-amd64" cmd = "roslaunch virtual_joystick virtual_joystick_gui.launch veh:=%s" % hostname params = { 'image': image, 'name': container_name, 'network_mode': 'host', 'environment': env, 'privileged': True, 'stdin_open': True, 'tty': True, 'command': cmd, 'detach': True, 'volumes': volumes } container =**params) cmd = 'docker attach %s' % container_name start_command_in_subprocess(cmd)
def run_cli_controller(hostname, image, duckiebot_ip, network_mode, sim): if sim: duckiebot_client = check_docker_environment() else: duckiebot_client = docker.DockerClient('tcp://' + duckiebot_ip + ':2375') container_name = "joystick_cli_%s" % hostname remove_if_running(duckiebot_client, container_name) env = { 'HOSTNAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER': hostname, 'VEHICLE_NAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER_URI': 'http://%s:11311' % duckiebot_ip }"Running %s on localhost with environment vars: %s" % (container_name, env)) if 'master19' in image: image = "duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base:master19" # run on robot cmd = "python misc/virtualJoy/ %s" % hostname elif 'daffy' in image: if sim: image = "duckietown/dt-core:daffy-amd64" else: image = "duckietown/dt-core:daffy" cmd = "roslaunch virtual_joystick virtual_joystick_cli.launch veh:=%s" % hostname params = { 'image': image, 'name': container_name, 'network_mode': network_mode, 'environment': env, 'privileged': True, 'stdin_open': True, 'tty': True, 'command': cmd, 'detach': True } container =**params) if sim: cmd = 'docker attach %s' % container_name else: cmd = 'docker -H %s.local attach %s' % (hostname, container_name) start_command_in_subprocess(cmd)
def command(shell, args): prog = 'dts duckiebot calibrate_extrinsics DUCKIEBOT_NAME' usage = """ Calibrate: %(prog)s """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage) parser.add_argument('hostname', default=None, help='Name of the Duckiebot to calibrate') parser.add_argument('--base_image', dest='image', default="duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base:master19") parser.add_argument( '--no_verification', action='store_true', default=False, help="If you don't have a lane you can skip the verificaiton step") parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) hostname = parsed_args.hostname duckiebot_ip = get_duckiebot_ip(hostname) duckiebot_client = get_remote_client(duckiebot_ip) calibration_container_name = "extrinsic_calibration" validation_container_name = "extrinsic_calibration_validation" remove_if_running(duckiebot_client, calibration_container_name) remove_if_running(duckiebot_client, validation_container_name) # need to temporarily pause the image streaming from the robot try: duckiebot_containers = duckiebot_client.containers.list() interface_container_found = False for c in duckiebot_containers: if 'duckiebot-interface' in interface_container_found = True interface_container = c"Temporarily stopping image streaming...") interface_container.stop() except Exception as e: dtslogger.warn( "Not sure if the duckiebot-interface is running because we got and exception when trying: %s" % e) image = parsed_args.image timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') raw_input( "{}\nPlace the Duckiebot on the calibration patterns and press ENTER." .format('*' * 20)) log_file = 'out-calibrate-extrinsics-%s-%s' % (hostname, timestamp) rosrun_params = '-o /data/{0} > /data/{0}.log'.format(log_file) ros_pkg = 'complete_image_pipeline calibrate_extrinsics' start_command = 'rosrun {0} {1}'.format(ros_pkg, rosrun_params)'Running command: {}'.format(start_command)) env = default_env(hostname, duckiebot_ip), name=calibration_container_name, privileged=True, network_mode='host', volumes=bind_duckiebot_data_dir(), command="/bin/bash -c '%s'" % start_command, environment=env) if not parsed_args.no_verification: raw_input( "{}\nPlace the Duckiebot in a lane and press ENTER.".format( '*' * 20)) log_file = 'out-pipeline-%s-%s' % (hostname, timestamp) rosrun_params = '-o /data/{0} > /data/{0}.log'.format(log_file) ros_pkg = 'complete_image_pipeline single_image_pipeline' start_command = 'rosrun {0} {1}'.format(ros_pkg, rosrun_params)'Running command: {}'.format(start_command)), name=validation_container_name, privileged=True, network_mode='host', volumes=bind_duckiebot_data_dir(), command="/bin/bash -c '%s'" % start_command, environment=env) # restart the camera streaming try: all_duckiebot_containers = duckiebot_client.containers.list( all=True) found = False for c in all_duckiebot_containers: if 'duckiebot-interface' in found = True"Restarting image streaming...") c.start() except Exception as e: dtslogger.warn( "Not sure if the duckiebot-interface is running because we got and exception when trying: %s" % e)
def command(shell, args): prog = 'dts duckiebot demo' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage) parser.add_argument('--demo_name', dest="demo_name", default=None, help="Name of the demo to run") parser.add_argument( '--duckiebot_name', dest="duckiebot_name", default=None, help="Name of the Duckiebot on which to run the demo") parser.add_argument( '--package_name', dest="package_name", default="duckietown", help= "You can specify the package that you want to use to look for launch files" ) parser.add_argument( '--image', dest="image_to_run", default="duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base:master19", help="Docker image to use, you probably don't need to change ", ) parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="will enter you into the running container") parsed = parser.parse_args(args) check_docker_environment() demo_name = parsed.demo_name if demo_name is None: msg = 'You must specify a demo_name' raise InvalidUserInput(msg) duckiebot_name = parsed.duckiebot_name if duckiebot_name is None: msg = 'You must specify a duckiebot_name' raise InvalidUserInput(msg) package_name = parsed.package_name"Using package %s" % package_name) duckiebot_ip = get_duckiebot_ip(duckiebot_name) duckiebot_client = docker.DockerClient('tcp://' + duckiebot_ip + ':2375') container_name = 'demo_%s' % demo_name remove_if_running(duckiebot_client, container_name) image_base = parsed.image_to_run env_vars = default_env(duckiebot_name, duckiebot_ip) env_vars.update({'VEHICLE_NAME': duckiebot_name}) if demo_name == 'base': cmd = '/bin/bash' else: cmd = 'roslaunch %s %s.launch veh:=%s' % (package_name, demo_name, duckiebot_name)"Running command %s" % cmd) demo_container = image=image_base, command=cmd, network_mode='host', volumes=bind_duckiebot_data_dir(), privileged=True, name=container_name, mem_limit='800m', memswap_limit='2800m', stdin_open=True, tty=True, detach=True, environment=env_vars) if demo_name == 'base' or parsed.debug: attach_cmd = 'docker -H %s.local attach %s' % (duckiebot_name, container_name) start_command_in_subprocess(attach_cmd)
def command(shell, args): prog = 'dts duckiebot calibrate_intrinsics DUCKIEBOT_NAME' usage = """ Calibrate: %(prog)s """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage) parser.add_argument('hostname', default=None, help='Name of the Duckiebot to calibrate') parser.add_argument('--base_image', dest='image', default="duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base:master19-no-arm") parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="will enter you into the running container") parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) hostname = parsed_args.hostname duckiebot_ip = get_duckiebot_ip(hostname) duckiebot_client = get_remote_client(duckiebot_ip) # is the interface running? try: duckiebot_containers = duckiebot_client.containers.list() interface_container_found = False for c in duckiebot_containers: if 'duckiebot-interface' in interface_container_found = True if not interface_container_found: dtslogger.error("The duckiebot-interface is not running on the duckiebot") exit() except Exception as e: dtslogger.warn( "Not sure if the duckiebot-interface is running because we got and exception when trying: %s" % e) # is the raw imagery being published? try: duckiebot_containers = duckiebot_client.containers.list() raw_imagery_found = False for c in duckiebot_containers: if 'demo_camera' in raw_imagery_found = True if not raw_imagery_found: dtslogger.error("The demo_camera is not running on the duckiebot - please run `dts duckiebot demo --demo_name camera --duckiebot_name %s" % hostname) exit() except Exception as e: dtslogger.warn("%s" % e) image = parsed_args.image client = check_docker_environment() container_name = "intrinsic_calibration_%s" % hostname remove_if_running(client,container_name) env = {'HOSTNAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER': hostname, 'DUCKIEBOT_NAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER_URI': 'http://%s:11311' % duckiebot_ip, 'QT_X11_NO_MITSHM': 1} volumes = {}["xhost", "+"]) p = platform.system().lower() if 'darwin' in p: env['DISPLAY'] = 'host.docker.internal:0' volumes = { '/tmp/.X11-unix': {'bind': '/tmp/.X11-unix', 'mode': 'rw'} } else: env['DISPLAY'] = os.environ['DISPLAY']"Running %s on localhost with environment vars: %s" % (container_name, env))"When the window opens you will need to move the checkerboard around in front of the Duckiebot camera") cmd = "roslaunch pi_camera intrinsic_calibration.launch veh:=%s" % hostname params = {'image': image, 'name': container_name, 'network_mode': 'host', 'environment': env, 'privileged': True, 'stdin_open': True, 'tty': True, 'detach': True, 'command': cmd, 'volumes': volumes } container =**params) if parsed_args.debug: attach_cmd = 'docker attach %s' % (container_name) start_command_in_subprocess(attach_cmd)
def command(shell, args): prog = 'dts duckiebot evaluate' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage) group = parser.add_argument_group('Basic') group.add_argument('--duckiebot_name', default=None, help="Name of the Duckiebot on which to perform evaluation") group.add_argument('--duckiebot_username', default="duckie", help="The duckiebot username") group.add_argument('--image', dest='image_name', help="Image to evaluate, if none specified then we will build your current context", default=None) group.add_argument('--glue_node_image', default="duckietown/challenge-aido_lf-duckiebot:aido2", help="The node that glues your submission with ROS on the duckiebot. Probably don't change") group.add_argument('--duration', help="Number of seconds to run evaluation", default=15) group.add_argument('--remotely', action='store_true', default=True, help="If true run the image over network without pushing to Duckiebot") group.add_argument('--no_cache', help="disable cache on docker build", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_argument('--record_bag', action='store_true', default=False, help="If true record a rosbag") group.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', default=False, help="If true you will get a shell instead of executing") group.add_argument('--max_vel', help="the max velocity for the duckiebot", default=0.7) group.add_argument('--challenge', help="Specific challenge to evaluate") parsed = parser.parse_args(args) tmpdir = '/tmp' USERNAME = getpass.getuser() dir_home_guest = os.path.expanduser('~') dir_fake_home = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'fake-%s-home' % USERNAME) if not os.path.exists(dir_fake_home): os.makedirs(dir_fake_home) get_calibration_files(dir_fake_home, parsed.duckiebot_username, parsed.duckiebot_name) client = check_docker_environment() agent_container_name = "agent" glue_container_name = "aido_glue" # remove the containers if they are already running remove_if_running(client, agent_container_name) remove_if_running(client, glue_container_name) # setup the fifos2 volume (requires pruning it if it's still hanging around from last time) try: client.volumes.prune() fifo2_volume=client.volumes.create(name='fifos2') except Exception as e: dtslogger.warn("error creating volume: %s" % e) duckiebot_ip = get_duckiebot_ip(parsed.duckiebot_name) duckiebot_client = get_remote_client(duckiebot_ip) try: duckiebot_containers = duckiebot_client.containers.list() interface_container_found=False for c in duckiebot_containers: if 'duckiebot-interface' in interface_container_found=True if not interface_container_found: dtslogger.error("The duckiebot-interface is not running on the duckiebot") except Exception as e: dtslogger.warn("Not sure if the duckiebot-interface is running because we got and exception when trying: %s" % e) # let's start building stuff for the "glue" node glue_volumes = { {'bind': '/fifos', 'mode': 'rw'}} glue_env = {'HOSTNAME':parsed.duckiebot_name, 'DUCKIEBOT_NAME':parsed.duckiebot_name, 'ROS_MASTER_URI':'http://%s:11311' % duckiebot_ip}"Running %s on localhost with environment vars: %s" % (parsed.glue_node_image, glue_env)) params = {'image': parsed.glue_node_image, 'name': glue_container_name, 'network_mode': 'host', 'privileged': True, 'environment': glue_env, 'detach': True, 'tty': True, 'volumes': glue_volumes} # run the glue container glue_container =**params) if not parsed.debug: monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=continuously_monitor, args=(client, monitor_thread.start() if parsed.image_name is None: # if we didn't get an `image_name` we try need to build the local container path = '.' dockerfile = os.path.join(path, 'Dockerfile') if not os.path.exists(dockerfile): msg = 'No Dockerfile' raise Exception(msg) tag='myimage' if parsed.no_cache: cmd = ['docker', 'build', '--no-cache', '-t', tag, '-f', dockerfile] else: cmd = ['docker', 'build', '-t', tag, '-f', dockerfile]"Running command: %s" % cmd) cmd.append(path) subprocess.check_call(cmd) image_name = tag else: image_name = parsed.image_name # start to build the agent stuff agent_env = {'AIDONODE_DATA_IN':'/fifos/agent-in', 'AIDONODE_DATA_OUT':'fifo:/fifos/agent-out'} agent_volumes = { {'bind': '/fifos', 'mode': 'rw'}, dir_fake_home: {'bind': '/data/config', 'mode': 'rw'} } params = {'image': image_name, 'remove': True, 'name': agent_container_name, 'environment': agent_env, 'detach': True, 'tty': True, 'volumes': agent_volumes} if parsed.debug: params['command'] = '/bin/bash' params['stdin_open'] = True"Running %s on localhost with environment vars: %s" % (image_name, agent_env)) agent_container =**params) if parsed.debug: attach_cmd = 'docker attach %s' % agent_container_name start_command_in_subprocess(attach_cmd) else: monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=continuously_monitor,args=(client, agent_container_name)) monitor_thread.start() duration = int(parsed.duration) # should we record a bag? if parsed.record_bag: bag_container = record_bag(parsed.hostname, duration)"Running for %d s" % duration) time.sleep(duration) stop_container(glue_container) stop_container(agent_container) if parsed.record_bag: stop_container(bag_container)
def command(shell, args): prog = 'dts start_gui_tools DUCKIEBOT_NAME' usage = """ Keyboard control: %(prog)s """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage) parser.add_argument('hostname', default=None, help='Name of the Duckiebot to calibrate') parser.add_argument('--network', default='host', help='Name of the network which to connect') parser.add_argument('--sim', action='store_true', default=False, help='are we running in simulator?') parser.add_argument( '--base_image', dest='image', default="duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base:master19-no-arm", help="The base image, probably don't change the default") parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) if parsed_args.sim: duckiebot_ip = "localhost" else: duckiebot_ip = get_duckiebot_ip( duckiebot_name=parsed_args.hostname) hostname = parsed_args.hostname image = parsed_args.image client = check_docker_environment() container_name = "interactive_gui_tools_%s" % hostname remove_if_running(client, container_name) if parsed_args.sim: env = { 'HOSTNAME': 'default', 'ROS_MASTER': hostname, 'DUCKIEBOT_NAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER_URI': 'http://%s:11311' % hostname } else: env = { 'HOSTNAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER': hostname, 'DUCKIEBOT_NAME': hostname, 'ROS_MASTER_URI': 'http://%s:11311' % duckiebot_ip } env['QT_X11_NO_MITSHM'] = 1 p = platform.system().lower() volumes = {'/tmp/.X11-unix': {'bind': '/tmp/.X11-unix', 'mode': 'rw'}} if 'darwin' in p:["xhost", "+", '']) env['DISPLAY'] = 'host.docker.internal:0' else:["xhost", "+"]) env['DISPLAY'] = os.environ['DISPLAY']"Running %s on localhost with environment vars: %s" % (container_name, env)) cmd = "/bin/bash" params = { 'image': image, 'name': container_name, 'network_mode':, 'environment': env, 'privileged': True, 'stdin_open': True, 'tty': True, 'detach': True, 'command': cmd, 'volumes': volumes } container =**params) attach_cmd = 'docker attach %s' % container_name start_command_in_subprocess(attach_cmd)