def _manage_unmanage_subcloud(subcloud=None, manage=False, check_first=True, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform', 'RegionOne'), source_openrc=False): """ Manage/Unmanage given subcloud(s) Args: subcloud: manage: check_first: fail_ok: Returns: """ operation = 'manage' if manage else 'unmanage' expt_state = '{}d'.format(operation) if not subcloud: subcloud = [ProjVar.get_var('PRIMARY_SUBCLOUD')] elif isinstance(subcloud, str): subcloud = [subcloud] subclouds_to_update = list(subcloud) if check_first: subclouds_in_state = get_subclouds(mgmt=expt_state, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) subclouds_to_update = list( set(subclouds_to_update) - set(subclouds_in_state)) if not subclouds_to_update:"{} already {}. Do nothing.".format(subcloud, expt_state)) return -1, []"Attempt to {}: {}".format(operation, subclouds_to_update)) failed_subclouds = [] for subcloud_ in subclouds_to_update: code, out = cli.dcmanager('subcloud ' + operation, subcloud_, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=True, auth_info=auth_info, source_openrc=source_openrc) if code > 0: failed_subclouds.append(subcloud_) if failed_subclouds: err = "Failed to {} {}".format(operation, failed_subclouds) if fail_ok: return 1, failed_subclouds raise exceptions.DCError(err) "Check management status for {} after dcmanager subcloud {}".format( subclouds_to_update, operation)) mgmt_states = get_subclouds(field='management', name=subclouds_to_update, auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh) failed_subclouds = [ subclouds_to_update[i] for i in range(len(mgmt_states)) if mgmt_states[i] != expt_state ] if failed_subclouds: raise exceptions.DCError("{} not {} after dcmanger subcloud {}".format( failed_subclouds, expt_state, operation)) return 0, subclouds_to_update
def add_subcloud(subcloud, subcloud_controller_node, system_controller_node, bootstrap_values_path, deploy_play_book_path, deploy_values_path, fail_ok=False, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform', 'RegionOne'), source_openrc=None): """ """ operation = 'add'"Attempt to {}: {}".format(operation, subcloud)) if system_controller_node.ssh_conn is None: msg = 'No ssh connection to System Controller; Cannot add subcloud {} '.format( subcloud) LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg) subcloud_add_config_pathes = [ bootstrap_values_path, deploy_play_book_path, deploy_values_path ] if not subcloud_controller_node or not bootstrap_values_path or not deploy_play_book_path or not deploy_values_path: msg = "To add a subcloud all values must be specified" LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg) for file_path in subcloud_add_config_pathes: if system_controller_node.ssh_conn.exec_cmd( "test -f {}".format(file_path))[0] != 0: msg = "Subcloud {} is missing config file {} ".format( subcloud, file_path) LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg) args_dict = { '--bootstrap-address': subcloud_controller_node.host_ip, '--bootstrap-values': bootstrap_values_path, '--deploy-playbook': deploy_play_book_path, '--deploy-values': deploy_values_path, '--subcloud-password': HostLinuxUser.get_password() } opt_args = '' for key, val in args_dict.items(): if val is not None: opt_args += '{} {} '.format(key, val) rc, output = cli.dcmanager('subcloud ' + operation, opt_args, ssh_client=system_controller_node.ssh_conn, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info, source_openrc=source_openrc) if rc != 0: msg = "Fail to add subcloud {}: {}".format(subcloud, output) LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg) return rc, output
def wait_for_sync_audit(subclouds, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False, filters_regex=None, timeout=DCTimeout.SYNC): """ Wait for Updating subcloud log msg in dcmanager.log for given subcloud(s) Args: subclouds (list|tuple|str): con_ssh: fail_ok: filters_regex: e.g., ['audit_action.*keypair', 'Clean audit.*ntp'], '\/compute' timeout: Returns (tuple): (True, <res_dict>) (False, <res_dict>) """ if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller('RegionOne') if isinstance(subclouds, str): subclouds = [subclouds] "Waiting for sync audit in dcmanager.log for: {}".format(subclouds)) if not filters_regex: filters_regex = ['platform', 'patching', 'identity'] elif isinstance(filters_regex, str): filters_regex = [filters_regex] subclouds_dict = {subcloud: list(filters_regex) for subcloud in subclouds} res = {subcloud: False for subcloud in subclouds} subclouds_to_wait = list(subclouds) end_time = time.time() + timeout expt_list = [] for subcloud in subclouds_dict: expt_list += [ '{}.*{}'.format(subcloud, service) for service in subclouds_dict[subcloud] ] con_ssh.send('tail -n 0 -f {}'.format(SysLogPath.DC_ORCH)) try: while time.time() < end_time: index = con_ssh.expect(expt_list, timeout=timeout, fail_ok=True) if index >= 0: subcloud_, service_ = expt_list[index].split('.*', maxsplit=1) subclouds_dict[subcloud_].remove(service_) expt_list.pop(index) if not subclouds_dict[subcloud_]: subclouds_to_wait.remove(subcloud_) subclouds_dict.pop(subcloud_) res[subcloud_] = True if not subclouds_to_wait:"sync request logged for: {}".format(subclouds)) return True, res else: msg = 'sync audit for {} not shown in {} in {}s: {}'.format( subclouds_to_wait, SysLogPath.DC_ORCH, timeout, subclouds_dict) if fail_ok: for subcloud in subclouds_to_wait: res[subcloud] = False return False, res else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg) finally: con_ssh.send_control() con_ssh.expect()
def wait_for_subcloud_status(subcloud, avail=None, sync=None, mgmt=None, deploy=None, timeout=DCTimeout.SUBCLOUD_AUDIT, check_interval=30, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform', 'RegionOne'), con_ssh=None, source_openrc=None, fail_ok=False): """ Wait for subcloud status Args: subcloud: avail: sync: mgmt: timeout: check_interval: auth_info: con_ssh: source_openrc: fail_ok: Returns: """ if not subcloud: raise ValueError("Subcloud name must be specified") expt_status = {} if avail: expt_status['avail'] = avail if sync: expt_status['sync'] = sync if mgmt: expt_status['mgmt'] = mgmt if deploy: expt_status['deploy'] = deploy if not expt_status: raise ValueError( "At least one expected status of the subcloud must be specified.")"Wait for {} status: {}".format(subcloud, expt_status)) end_time = time.time() + timeout + check_interval while time.time() < end_time: if get_subclouds(field='name', name=subcloud, con_ssh=con_ssh, source_openrc=source_openrc, auth_info=auth_info, **expt_status): return 0, subcloud"Not in expected states yet...") time.sleep(check_interval) msg = '{} status did not reach {} within {} seconds'.format( subcloud, expt_status, timeout) LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg)
def wait_for_subcloud_config(func, *func_args, subcloud=None, config_name=None, expected_value=None, auth_name='admin_platform', fail_ok=False, timeout=DCTimeout.SYNC, check_interval=30, strict_order=True, **func_kwargs): """ Wait for subcloud configuration to reach expected value Args: subcloud (str|None): func: function defined to get current value, which has to has parameter con_ssh and auth_info *func_args: positional args for above func. Should NOT include auth_info or con_ssh. config_name (str): such as dns, keypair, etc expected_value (None|str|list): auth_name (str): auth dict name. e.g., admin_platform, admin, tenant1, TENANT2, etc fail_ok (bool): timeout (int): check_interval (int): strict_order (bool) **func_kwargs: kwargs for defined func. auth_info and con_ssh has to be provided here Returns (tuple): (0, <subcloud_config>) # same as expected (1, <subcloud_config>) # did not update within timeout (2, <subcloud_config>) # updated to unexpected value """ if not subcloud: subcloud = ProjVar.get_var('PRIMARY_SUBCLOUD') config_name = ' ' + config_name if config_name else '' if expected_value is None: central_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller(name='RegionOne') expected_value = func(con_ssh=central_ssh, auth_info=Tenant.get(auth_name, dc_region='RegionOne')) elif isinstance(expected_value, str): expected_value = expected_value.split(sep=',') if not strict_order: expected_value = sorted(list(expected_value))"Wait for {}{} to be {}".format(subcloud, config_name, expected_value)) if not func_kwargs.get('con_ssh', None): func_kwargs['con_ssh'] = ControllerClient.get_active_controller( name=subcloud) if not func_kwargs.get('auth_info', None): func_kwargs['auth_info'] = Tenant.get(auth_name, dc_region=subcloud) origin_subcloud_val = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs) subcloud_val = copy.copy(origin_subcloud_val) if isinstance(subcloud_val, str): subcloud_val = subcloud_val.split(sep=',') if not strict_order: subcloud_val = sorted(list(subcloud_val)) end_time = time.time() + timeout + check_interval while time.time() < end_time: if subcloud_val == expected_value:"{}{} setting is same as central region".format( subcloud, config_name)) return 0, subcloud_val elif subcloud_val != origin_subcloud_val: msg = '{}{} config changed to unexpected value. Expected: {}; Actual: {}'.\ format(subcloud, config_name, expected_value, subcloud_val) if fail_ok: return 2, subcloud_val else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg) time.sleep(check_interval) subcloud_val = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs) msg = '{}{} config did not reach: {} within {} seconds; actual: {}'.format( subcloud, config_name, expected_value, timeout, subcloud_val) if fail_ok: return 1, subcloud_val else: raise exceptions.DCError(msg)