Example #1
    def forward(self, h, attn_mask=None, mems=None,
        # multihead attention
        # shape h: (len, B, n_head * d_head)

        if self.pre_lnorm:
            # layer normalization
            h = self.layer_norm(h)

        slen, bsz, _ = h.size()

        qkvb = self.qkvb_net(h)
        qkvb = qkvb.view(slen, bsz, self.n_head, 3 * self.d_head + 1)
        head_q, head_k, head_v, head_beta = torch.split(
            qkvb, (self.d_head,) * 3 + (1,), -1)
        head_beta = torch.sigmoid(head_beta)

        # reshape to (B, heads, len, dim)
        head_q = head_q.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)
        head_k = head_k.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)
        head_v = head_v.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)
        head_beta = head_beta.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)

        act = lambda x: F.relu(x)  # relu or exp
        head_k = torch.cat([act(head_k), act(-head_k)], dim=-1)
        head_q = torch.cat([act(head_q), act(-head_q)], dim=-1)

        head_k = self.mul_roll_repeat(head_k)
        head_q = self.mul_roll_repeat(head_q)

        # normalize k and q, crucial for stable training.
        head_k = head_k / head_k.sum(-1, keepdim=True)
        head_q = head_q / head_q.sum(-1, keepdim=True)

        if self.normalize_attn_scores:
            denominator_acc = torch.cumsum(head_k, dim=2)

        if mems is None:
            mem_fast_weights = torch.zeros(
                bsz, self.n_head, 2 * self.n_roll * self.d_head, self.d_head,
            assert carry_over_fast_weight
            mem_fast_weights, fast_denom = mems
            # bsz can be smaller for the last batch
            mem_fast_weights = mem_fast_weights[:bsz]
            if self.normalize_attn_scores:
                denominator_acc = denominator_acc + fast_denom[:bsz]

        if self.normalize_attn_scores:
            denominator = torch.einsum(
                'lbij,lbij->lbi', denominator_acc, head_q).unsqueeze(-1)

        layer_out = fast_weight_memory(
            head_q, head_k, head_v, head_beta, mem_fast_weights)

        # shape (B, n_head, len, d_head)
        if self.normalize_attn_scores:
            layer_out = self.scale * layer_out / (denominator + self.eps)
            layer_out = self.scale * layer_out

        layer_out = layer_out.transpose(1, 2)

        layer_out = layer_out.reshape(
            bsz, slen, self.n_head * self.d_head)

        layer_out = layer_out.transpose(0, 1)

        # expect [qlen, B, n_head * d_head]

        # linear projection
        attn_out = self.o_net(layer_out)
        attn_out = self.drop(attn_out)

        if self.pre_lnorm:
            # residual connection
            output = h + attn_out
            # residual connection + layer normalization
            output = self.layer_norm(h + attn_out)

        if carry_over_fast_weight:
            # last values of accumulator should be carried over.
            # clone is needed as backward modifies the data of fast weight
            if self.normalize_attn_scores:
                new_k_acc = denominator_acc[:, :, -1, :].unsqueeze(2).detach()
                new_k_acc = None
            new_mem = (mem_fast_weights.clone().detach(), new_k_acc)
            return output, new_mem

        return output
Example #2
    def forward(self, h, attn_mask=None, mems=None, redraw=True,
        # multihead attention
        # shape h: (len, B, n_head * d_head)

        if self.pre_lnorm:
            # layer normalization
            h = self.layer_norm(h)

        slen, bsz, _ = h.size()

        qkvb = self.qkvb_net(h)
        qkvb = qkvb.view(slen, bsz, self.n_head, 3 * self.d_head + 1)
        head_q, head_k, head_v, head_beta = torch.split(
            qkvb, (self.d_head,) * 3 + (1,), -1)
        head_beta = torch.sigmoid(head_beta)

        # reshape to (B, heads, len, dim)
        head_q = head_q.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)
        head_k = head_k.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)
        head_v = head_v.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)
        head_beta = head_beta.permute(1, 2, 0, 3)

        if redraw:
            self.proj_matrix = draw_orthogonal_random_matrix(
                self.d_head, self.proj_dim, device=h.device)

        head_q = prime(head_q, self.proj_matrix)  # (B, n_head, len, proj_dim)
        head_k = prime(head_k, self.proj_matrix)

        # normalize k and q, crucial for stable training.
        head_k = head_k / head_k.sum(-1, keepdim=True)
        head_q = head_q / head_q.sum(-1, keepdim=True)

        if self.normalize_attn_scores:
            # another version would be:
            # head_k_beta = head_k * head_beta
            # denominator_acc = torch.cumsum(head_k_beta, dim=2)
            denominator_acc = torch.cumsum(head_k, dim=2)

        if mems is None:
            mem_fast_weights = torch.zeros(
                bsz, self.n_head, 2 * self.proj_dim, self.d_head,
            if self.normalize_attn_scores:
                # key_denom = z(i-1) * key(i) and 1 if i=1
                # z(i) = denominator_acc
                key_denom = torch.cat(
                    [torch.zeros([bsz, self.n_head, 1, self.proj_dim * 2],
                     denominator_acc[:, :, :-1, :].clone()], dim=2)
                key_denom = torch.einsum('lbij,lbij->lbi', key_denom, head_k)
                key_denom = torch.cat(
                    [torch.ones([bsz, self.n_head, 1], device=head_q.device),
                     key_denom[:, :, 1:].clone()], dim=2).unsqueeze(-1)
                head_beta = head_beta * key_denom
                head_k = head_k / (key_denom + self.eps)

            assert carry_over_fast_weight
            mem_fast_weights, fast_denom = mems
            # bsz can be smaller for the last batch
            mem_fast_weights = mem_fast_weights[:bsz]
            if self.normalize_attn_scores:
                key_denom = torch.cat(
                    [torch.zeros([bsz, self.n_head, 1, self.proj_dim * 2],
                     denominator_acc[:, :, :-1, :].clone()], dim=2)
                key_denom = key_denom + fast_denom[:bsz]
                denominator_acc = denominator_acc + fast_denom[:bsz]

                key_denom = torch.einsum(
                    'lbij,lbij->lbi', key_denom, head_k).unsqueeze(-1)
                head_beta = head_beta * key_denom
                head_k = head_k / (key_denom + self.eps)

        if self.normalize_attn_scores:
            denominator = torch.einsum(
                'lbij,lbij->lbi', denominator_acc, head_q).unsqueeze(-1)

        layer_out = fast_weight_memory(
            head_q, head_k, head_v, head_beta, mem_fast_weights)

        # shape (B, n_head, len, d_head)
        if self.normalize_attn_scores:
            layer_out = self.scale * layer_out / (denominator + self.eps)
            layer_out = self.scale * layer_out

        layer_out = layer_out.transpose(1, 2)

        layer_out = layer_out.reshape(
            bsz, slen, self.n_head * self.d_head)

        layer_out = layer_out.transpose(0, 1)

        # expect [qlen, B, n_head * d_head]

        # linear projection
        attn_out = self.o_net(layer_out)
        attn_out = self.drop(attn_out)

        if self.pre_lnorm:
            # residual connection
            output = h + attn_out
            # residual connection + layer normalization
            output = self.layer_norm(h + attn_out)

        if carry_over_fast_weight:
            # last values of accumulator should be carried over.
            # clone is needed as backward modifies the data of fast weight
            if self.normalize_attn_scores:
                new_k_acc = denominator_acc[:, :, -1, :].unsqueeze(2).detach()
                new_k_acc = None
            new_mem = (mem_fast_weights.clone().detach(), new_k_acc)
            return output, new_mem

        return output