Example #1
 def write(self, digest, content):
     assert content is not None
     with self._lock:
         self._protected = self._protected or digest
     path = self._path(digest)
     # A stale broken file may remain. It is possible for the file to have write
     # access bit removed which would cause the file_write() call to fail to open
     # in write mode. Take no chance here.
         size = file_write(path, content)
         # There are two possible places were an exception can occur:
         #   1) Inside |content| generator in case of network or unzipping errors.
         #   2) Inside file_write itself in case of disk IO errors.
         # In any case delete an incomplete file and propagate the exception to
         # caller, it will be logged there.
     # Make the file read-only in the cache.  This has a few side-effects since
     # the file node is modified, so every directory entries to this file becomes
     # read-only. It's fine here because it is a new file.
     file_path.set_read_only(path, True)
     with self._lock:
         self._add(digest, size)
     return digest
Example #2
    def _load(self, trim, time_fn):
        """Loads state of the cache from json file.

    If cache_dir does not exist on disk, it is created.

        if not fs.isfile(self.state_file):
            if not fs.isdir(self.cache_dir):
            # Load state of the cache.
                self._lru = lru.LRUDict.load(self.state_file)
            except ValueError as err:
                logging.error('Failed to load cache state: %s' % (err, ))
                # Don't want to keep broken state file.
        if time_fn:
            self._lru.time_fn = time_fn
        if trim:
        # We want the initial cache size after trimming, i.e. what is readily
        # avaiable.
        self._initial_number_items = len(self._lru)
        self._initial_size = sum(self._lru.itervalues())
        if self._evicted:
            logging.info('Trimming evicted items with the following sizes: %s',
Example #3
 def _delete_file(self, digest, size=UNKNOWN_FILE_SIZE):
     """Deletes cache file from the file system."""
         if size == UNKNOWN_FILE_SIZE:
                 size = fs.stat(self._path(digest)).st_size
             except OSError:
                 size = 0
         self._free_disk += size
     except OSError as e:
         if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
             logging.error('Error attempting to delete a file %s:\n%s' %
                           (digest, e))
Example #4
    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleans up the cache directory.

    Ensures there is no unknown files in cache_dir.
    Ensures the read-only bits are set correctly.

    At that point, the cache was already loaded, trimmed to respect cache
        with self._lock:
            fs.chmod(self.cache_dir, 0700)
            # Ensure that all files listed in the state still exist and add new ones.
            previous = set(self._lru)
            # It'd be faster if there were a readdir() function.
            for filename in fs.listdir(self.cache_dir):
                if filename == self.STATE_FILE:
                    fs.chmod(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename), 0600)
                if filename in previous:
                    fs.chmod(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename), 0400)

                # An untracked file. Delete it.
                logging.warning('Removing unknown file %s from cache',
                p = self._path(filename)
                if fs.isdir(p):
                    except OSError:

            if previous:
                # Filter out entries that were not found.
                logging.warning('Removed %d lost files', len(previous))
                for filename in previous:
Example #5
    def _load(self, trim, time_fn):
        """Loads state of the cache from json file.

    If cache_dir does not exist on disk, it is created.

        if not fs.isfile(self.state_file):
            if not fs.isdir(self.cache_dir):
            # Load state of the cache.
                self._lru = lru.LRUDict.load(self.state_file)
            except ValueError as err:
                logging.error('Failed to load cache state: %s' % (err, ))
                # Don't want to keep broken state file.
        if time_fn:
            self._lru.time_fn = time_fn
        if trim:
Example #6
def run_command(remote, task_details, work_dir, cost_usd_hour,
                task_start, run_isolated_flags, bot_file, ctx_file):
  """Runs a command and sends packets to the server to stream results back.

  Implements both I/O and hard timeouts. Sends the packets numbered, so the
  server can ensure they are processed in order.

    Metadata dict with the execution result.

    ExitSignal if caught some signal when starting or stopping.
    InternalError on unexpected internal errors.
  # Signal the command is about to be started. It is important to post a task
  # update *BEFORE* starting any user code to signify the server that the bot
  # correctly started processing the task. In the case of non-idempotent task,
  # this signal is used to know if it is safe to retry the task or not. See
  # _reap_task() in task_scheduler.py for more information.
  start = monotonic_time()
  params = {
    'cost_usd': cost_usd_hour * (start - task_start) / 60. / 60.,
  if not remote.post_task_update(
      task_details.task_id, task_details.bot_id, params):
    # Don't even bother, the task was already canceled.
    return {
      u'exit_code': -1,
      u'hard_timeout': False,
      u'io_timeout': False,
      u'must_signal_internal_failure': None,
      u'version': OUT_VERSION,

  isolated_result = os.path.join(work_dir, 'isolated_result.json')
  args = get_isolated_args(work_dir, task_details,
                           isolated_result, bot_file, run_isolated_flags)
  # Hard timeout enforcement is deferred to run_isolated. Grace is doubled to
  # give one 'grace_period' slot to the child process and one slot to upload
  # the results back.
  task_details.hard_timeout = 0
  if task_details.grace_period:
    task_details.grace_period *= 2

    proc = _start_task_runner(args, work_dir, ctx_file)
  except _FailureOnStart as e:
    return fail_without_command(
        remote, task_details.bot_id, task_details.task_id, params,
        cost_usd_hour, task_start, e.exit_code, e.stdout)

  buf = _OutputBuffer(task_details, start)
    # Monitor the task
    exit_code = None
    had_io_timeout = False
    must_signal_internal_failure = None
    kill_sent = False
    timed_out = None
      for channel, new_data in proc.yield_any(
          maxsize=buf.maxsize, timeout=lambda: buf.calc_yield_wait(timed_out)):
        buf.add(channel, new_data)

        # Post update if necessary.
        if buf.should_post_update():
          params['cost_usd'] = (
              cost_usd_hour * (monotonic_time() - task_start) / 60. / 60.)
          if not remote.post_task_update(
              task_details.task_id, task_details.bot_id, params, buf.pop()):
            # Server is telling us to stop. Normally task cancellation.
            if not kill_sent:
              logging.warning('Server induced stop; sending SIGTERM')
            timed_out = monotonic_time()

        # Send signal on timeout if necessary. Both are failures, not
        # internal_failures.
        # Eventually kill but return 0 so bot_main.py doesn't cancel the task.
        if not timed_out:
          if (task_details.io_timeout and
              buf.since_last_io > task_details.io_timeout):
            had_io_timeout = True
                'I/O timeout is %.3fs; no update for %.3fs sending SIGTERM',
                task_details.io_timeout, buf.since_last_io)
            timed_out = monotonic_time()
          # During grace period.
          if (not kill_sent and
              buf.last_loop - timed_out >= task_details.grace_period):
            # Now kill for real. The user can distinguish between the following
            # states:
            # - signal but process exited within grace period,
            #   (hard_|io_)_timed_out will be set but the process exit code will
            #   be script provided.
            # - processed exited late, exit code will be -9 on posix.
                'Grace of %.3fs exhausted at %.3fs; sending SIGKILL',
                task_details.grace_period, buf.last_loop - timed_out)
            kill_sent = True
      logging.info('Waiting for process exit')
      exit_code = proc.wait()
    except (
        ExitSignal, InternalError, IOError,
        OSError, remote_client.InternalError) as e:
      # Something wrong happened, try to kill the child process.
      must_signal_internal_failure = str(e.message or 'unknown error')
      exit_code = kill_and_wait(proc, task_details.grace_period, e.message)

    # This is the very last packet for this command. It if was an isolated task,
    # include the output reference to the archived .isolated file.
    now = monotonic_time()
    params['cost_usd'] = cost_usd_hour * (now - task_start) / 60. / 60.
    params['duration'] = now - start
    params['io_timeout'] = had_io_timeout
    had_hard_timeout = False
      if not os.path.isfile(isolated_result):
        # It's possible if
        # - run_isolated.py did not start
        # - run_isolated.py started, but arguments were invalid
        # - host in a situation unable to fork
        # - grand child process outliving the child process deleting everything
        #   it can
        # Do not create an internal error, just send back the (partial)
        # view as task_runner saw it, for example the real exit_code is
        # unknown.
        logging.warning('there\'s no result file')
        if exit_code is None:
          exit_code = -1
        # See run_isolated.py for the format.
        with open(isolated_result, 'rb') as f:
          run_isolated_result = json.load(f)
        logging.debug('run_isolated:\n%s', run_isolated_result)
        # TODO(maruel): Grab statistics (cache hit rate, data downloaded,
        # mapping time, etc) from run_isolated and push them to the server.
        if run_isolated_result['outputs_ref']:
          params['outputs_ref'] = run_isolated_result['outputs_ref']
        had_hard_timeout = run_isolated_result['had_hard_timeout']
        if not had_io_timeout and not had_hard_timeout:
          if run_isolated_result['internal_failure']:
            must_signal_internal_failure = (
            logging.error('%s', must_signal_internal_failure)
          elif exit_code:
            # TODO(maruel): Grab stdout from run_isolated.
            must_signal_internal_failure = (
                'run_isolated internal failure %d' % exit_code)
            logging.error('%s', must_signal_internal_failure)
        exit_code = run_isolated_result['exit_code']
        params['bot_overhead'] = 0.
        if run_isolated_result.get('duration') is not None:
          # Calculate the real task duration as measured by run_isolated and
          # calculate the remaining overhead.
          params['bot_overhead'] = params['duration']
          params['duration'] = run_isolated_result['duration']
          params['bot_overhead'] -= params['duration']
          params['bot_overhead'] -= run_isolated_result.get(
              'download', {}).get('duration', 0)
          params['bot_overhead'] -= run_isolated_result.get(
              'upload', {}).get('duration', 0)
          params['bot_overhead'] -= run_isolated_result.get(
              'cipd', {}).get('duration', 0)
          if params['bot_overhead'] < 0:
            params['bot_overhead'] = 0
        isolated_stats = run_isolated_result.get('stats', {}).get('isolated')
        if isolated_stats:
          params['isolated_stats'] = isolated_stats
        cipd_stats = run_isolated_result.get('stats', {}).get('cipd')
        if cipd_stats:
          params['cipd_stats'] = cipd_stats
        cipd_pins = run_isolated_result.get('cipd_pins')
        if cipd_pins:
          params['cipd_pins'] = cipd_pins
    except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as e:
      logging.error('Swallowing error: %s', e)
      if not must_signal_internal_failure:
        must_signal_internal_failure = '%s\n%s' % (
            e, traceback.format_exc()[-2048:])

    # If no exit code has been set, something went wrong with run_isolated.py.
    # Set exit code to -1 to indicate a generic error occurred.
    if exit_code is None:
      exit_code = -1
    params['hard_timeout'] = had_hard_timeout

    # Ignore server reply to stop. Also ignore internal errors here if we are
    # already handling some.
      if must_signal_internal_failure:
        # We need to update the task and then send task error. However, we
        # should *not* send the exit_code since doing so would cause the task
        # to be marked as COMPLETED until the subsequent post_task_error call
        # finished, which would cause any query made between these two calls to
        # get the wrong task status. We also clear out the duration and various
        # stats as the server prints errors if either are set in this case.
        # TODO(sethkoehler): Come up with some way to still send the exit_code
        # (and thus also duration/stats) without marking the task COMPLETED.
        exit_code = None
        params.pop('duration', None)
        params.pop('bot_overhead', None)
        params.pop('isolated_stats', None)
        params.pop('cipd_stats', None)
        params.pop('cipd_pins', None)
          task_details.task_id, task_details.bot_id, params, buf.pop(),
      if must_signal_internal_failure:
        remote.post_task_error(task_details.task_id, task_details.bot_id,
        # Clear out this error as we've posted it now (we already cleared out
        # exit_code above). Note: another error could arise after this point,
        # which is fine, since bot_main.py will post it).
        must_signal_internal_failure = ''
    except remote_client.InternalError as e:
      logging.error('Internal error while finishing the task: %s', e)
      if not must_signal_internal_failure:
        must_signal_internal_failure = str(e.message or 'unknown error')

    return {
      u'exit_code': exit_code,
      u'hard_timeout': had_hard_timeout,
      u'io_timeout': had_io_timeout,
      u'must_signal_internal_failure': must_signal_internal_failure,
      u'version': OUT_VERSION,
Example #7
def run_command(remote, task_details, work_dir, cost_usd_hour, task_start,
                min_free_space, bot_file):
    """Runs a command and sends packets to the server to stream results back.

  Implements both I/O and hard timeouts. Sends the packets numbered, so the
  server can ensure they are processed in order.

    Metadata dict with the execution result.

    ExitSignal if caught some signal when starting or stopping.
    InternalError on unexpected internal errors.
    # TODO(maruel): This function is incomprehensible, split and refactor.

    # Signal the command is about to be started.
    last_packet = start = now = monotonic_time()
    task_id = task_details.task_id
    bot_id = task_details.bot_id
    params = {
        'cost_usd': cost_usd_hour * (now - task_start) / 60. / 60.,
    if not remote.post_task_update(task_id, bot_id, params):
        # Don't even bother, the task was already canceled.
        return {
            u'exit_code': -1,
            u'hard_timeout': False,
            u'io_timeout': False,
            u'must_signal_internal_failure': None,
            u'version': OUT_VERSION,

    isolated_result = os.path.join(work_dir, 'isolated_result.json')
    args_path = os.path.join(work_dir, 'run_isolated_args.json')
    cmd = get_run_isolated()
    cmd.extend(['-a', args_path])
    args = get_isolated_args(work_dir, task_details, isolated_result, bot_file,
    # Hard timeout enforcement is deferred to run_isolated. Grace is doubled to
    # give one 'grace_period' slot to the child process and one slot to upload
    # the results back.
    task_details.hard_timeout = 0
    if task_details.grace_period:
        task_details.grace_period *= 2

        # TODO(maruel): Support both channels independently and display stderr in
        # red.
        env = os.environ.copy()
        for key, value in (task_details.env or {}).iteritems():
            if not value:
                env.pop(key, None)
                env[key] = value
        logging.info('cmd=%s', cmd)
        logging.info('cwd=%s', work_dir)
        logging.info('env=%s', env)
        fail_on_start = lambda exit_code, stdout: fail_without_command(
            remote, bot_id, task_id, params, cost_usd_hour, task_start,
            exit_code, stdout)

        # We write args to a file since there may be more of them than the OS
        # can handle.
            with open(args_path, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(args, f)
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            return fail_on_start(
                -1, 'Could not write args to %s: %s' % (args_path, e))

        # Start the command
            assert cmd and all(isinstance(a, basestring) for a in cmd)
            proc = subprocess42.Popen(cmd,
        except OSError as e:
            return fail_on_start(
                1, 'Command "%s" failed to start.\nError: %s' %
                (' '.join(cmd), e))

        # Monitor the task
        output_chunk_start = 0
        stdout = ''
        exit_code = None
        had_io_timeout = False
        must_signal_internal_failure = None
        kill_sent = False
        timed_out = None
            calc = lambda: calc_yield_wait(task_details, start, last_io,
                                           timed_out, stdout)
            maxsize = lambda: MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - len(stdout)
            last_io = monotonic_time()
            for _, new_data in proc.yield_any(maxsize=maxsize, timeout=calc):
                now = monotonic_time()
                if new_data:
                    stdout += new_data
                    last_io = now

                # Post update if necessary.
                if should_post_update(stdout, now, last_packet):
                    last_packet = monotonic_time()
                    params['cost_usd'] = (cost_usd_hour *
                                          (last_packet - task_start) / 60. /
                    if not remote.post_task_update(
                            task_id, bot_id, params,
                        (stdout, output_chunk_start)):
                        # Server is telling us to stop. Normally task cancellation.
                        if not kill_sent:
                                'Server induced stop; sending SIGKILL')
                            kill_sent = True

                    output_chunk_start += len(stdout)
                    stdout = ''

                # Send signal on timeout if necessary. Both are failures, not
                # internal_failures.
                # Eventually kill but return 0 so bot_main.py doesn't cancel the task.
                if not timed_out:
                    if (task_details.io_timeout
                            and now - last_io > task_details.io_timeout):
                        had_io_timeout = True
                            'I/O timeout is %.3fs; no update for %.3fs sending SIGTERM',
                            task_details.io_timeout, now - last_io)
                        timed_out = monotonic_time()
                    # During grace period.
                    if not kill_sent and now - timed_out >= task_details.grace_period:
                        # Now kill for real. The user can distinguish between the following
                        # states:
                        # - signal but process exited within grace period,
                        #   (hard_|io_)_timed_out will be set but the process exit code will
                        #   be script provided.
                        # - processed exited late, exit code will be -9 on posix.
                            'Grace of %.3fs exhausted at %.3fs; sending SIGKILL',
                            task_details.grace_period, now - timed_out)
                        kill_sent = True
            logging.info('Waiting for process exit')
            exit_code = proc.wait()
        except (ExitSignal, InternalError, IOError, OSError) as e:
            # Something wrong happened, try to kill the child process.
            must_signal_internal_failure = str(e.message or 'unknown error')
            exit_code = kill_and_wait(proc, task_details.grace_period,

        # This is the very last packet for this command. It if was an isolated task,
        # include the output reference to the archived .isolated file.
        now = monotonic_time()
        params['cost_usd'] = cost_usd_hour * (now - task_start) / 60. / 60.
        params['duration'] = now - start
        params['io_timeout'] = had_io_timeout
        had_hard_timeout = False
            if not os.path.isfile(isolated_result):
                # It's possible if
                # - run_isolated.py did not start
                # - run_isolated.py started, but arguments were invalid
                # - host in a situation unable to fork
                # - grand child process outliving the child process deleting everything
                #   it can
                # Do not create an internal error, just send back the (partial)
                # view as task_runner saw it, for example the real exit_code is
                # unknown.
                logging.warning('there\'s no result file')
                if exit_code is None:
                    exit_code = -1
                # See run_isolated.py for the format.
                with open(isolated_result, 'rb') as f:
                    run_isolated_result = json.load(f)
                logging.debug('run_isolated:\n%s', run_isolated_result)
                # TODO(maruel): Grab statistics (cache hit rate, data downloaded,
                # mapping time, etc) from run_isolated and push them to the server.
                if run_isolated_result['outputs_ref']:
                    params['outputs_ref'] = run_isolated_result['outputs_ref']
                had_hard_timeout = run_isolated_result['had_hard_timeout']
                if not had_io_timeout and not had_hard_timeout:
                    if run_isolated_result['internal_failure']:
                        must_signal_internal_failure = (
                        logging.error('%s', must_signal_internal_failure)
                    elif exit_code:
                        # TODO(maruel): Grab stdout from run_isolated.
                        must_signal_internal_failure = (
                            'run_isolated internal failure %d' % exit_code)
                        logging.error('%s', must_signal_internal_failure)
                exit_code = run_isolated_result['exit_code']
                params['bot_overhead'] = 0.
                if run_isolated_result.get('duration') is not None:
                    # Calculate the real task duration as measured by run_isolated and
                    # calculate the remaining overhead.
                    params['bot_overhead'] = params['duration']
                    params['duration'] = run_isolated_result['duration']
                    params['bot_overhead'] -= params['duration']
                    params['bot_overhead'] -= run_isolated_result.get(
                        'download', {}).get('duration', 0)
                    params['bot_overhead'] -= run_isolated_result.get(
                        'upload', {}).get('duration', 0)
                    params['bot_overhead'] -= run_isolated_result.get(
                        'cipd', {}).get('duration', 0)
                    if params['bot_overhead'] < 0:
                        params['bot_overhead'] = 0
                isolated_stats = run_isolated_result.get('stats',
                if isolated_stats:
                    params['isolated_stats'] = isolated_stats
                cipd_stats = run_isolated_result.get('stats', {}).get('cipd')
                if cipd_stats:
                    params['cipd_stats'] = cipd_stats
                cipd_pins = run_isolated_result.get('cipd_pins')
                if cipd_pins:
                    params['cipd_pins'] = cipd_pins
        except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as e:
            logging.error('Swallowing error: %s', e)
            if not must_signal_internal_failure:
                must_signal_internal_failure = '%s\n%s' % (
                    e, traceback.format_exc()[-2048:])

        # TODO(maruel): Send the internal failure here instead of sending it through
        # bot_main, this causes a race condition.
        if exit_code is None:
            exit_code = -1
        params['hard_timeout'] = had_hard_timeout

        # Ignore server reply to stop. Also ignore internal errors here if we are
        # already handling some.
            remote.post_task_update(task_id, bot_id, params,
                                    (stdout, output_chunk_start), exit_code)
        except InternalError as e:
            logging.error('Internal error while finishing the task: %s', e)
            if not must_signal_internal_failure:
                must_signal_internal_failure = str(e.message
                                                   or 'unknown error')

        return {
            u'exit_code': exit_code,
            u'hard_timeout': had_hard_timeout,
            u'io_timeout': had_io_timeout,
            u'must_signal_internal_failure': must_signal_internal_failure,
            u'version': OUT_VERSION,
    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleans up the cache directory.

    Ensures there is no unknown files in cache_dir.
    Ensures the read-only bits are set correctly.

    At that point, the cache was already loaded, trimmed to respect cache
        with self._lock:
            fs.chmod(self.cache_dir, 0o700)
            # Ensure that all files listed in the state still exist and add new ones.
            previous = set(self._lru)
            # It'd be faster if there were a readdir() function.
            for filename in fs.listdir(self.cache_dir):
                if filename == self.STATE_FILE:
                    fs.chmod(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename), 0o600)
                if filename in previous:
                    fs.chmod(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename), 0o400)

                # An untracked file. Delete it.
                logging.warning('Removing unknown file %s from cache',
                p = self._path(filename)
                if fs.isdir(p):
                    except OSError:

            if previous:
                # Filter out entries that were not found.
                logging.warning('Removed %d lost files', len(previous))
                for filename in previous:

        # Verify hash of every single item to detect corruption. the corrupted
        # files will be evicted.
        with self._lock:
            for digest, (_, timestamp) in list(self._lru._items.items()):
                # verify only if the mtime is grather than the timestamp in state.json
                # to avoid take too long time.
                if self._get_mtime(digest) <= timestamp:
                logging.warning('Item has been modified. item: %s', digest)
                if self._is_valid_hash(digest):
                    # Update timestamp in state.json
                # remove corrupted file from LRU and file system
                self._delete_file(digest, UNKNOWN_FILE_SIZE)
                logging.error('Deleted corrupted item: %s', digest)