async def _check_bal(self, ctx: NewCtx, target: Optional[discord.Member]): """""" user_id = getattr(target, 'id', None) or target = target or query = "SELECT * FROM game_data WHERE user_id=$1;" result = await, user_id) if result: e = BetterEmbed(title=target.display_name) e.add_field(name=f"Your currently have {result['amount']} <:peepee:712691831703601223>.", value='\u200b') e.description = f"Wins : {result['wins']}\nLosses : {result['losses']}" e.set_author(name=target.display_name, icon_url=str(target.avatar_url)) return await ctx.send(embed=e) else: await ctx.send("Yoink hasn't seen you before, wait one.") query = "INSERT INTO game_data (user_id, wins, losses, amount)" \ "VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4);" await, user_id, 0, 0, 150) e = BetterEmbed(title=target.display_name) e.add_field(name = f"Your currently have 150 <:peepee:712691831703601223>.", value = '\u200b') e.description = f"Wins : 0\nLosses : 0" e.set_author(name = target.display_name, icon_url = str(target.avatar_url)) return await ctx.send(embed = e)
async def about(self, ctx): """ This is the 'about the bot' command. """ description = dedent(f"""\ A ~~shit~~ fun bot that was thrown together by a team of complete nincompoops. In definitely no particular order:\n {', '.join([ for i in])} """) # uniq_mem_count = set( # member for member in guild.members if not for guild in #! TODO fix set comp uniq_mem_count = set() for guild in for member in guild.members: if not uniq_mem_count.add(member) # {member for member in if not} embed = BetterEmbed(title=f"About {}") embed.description = description embed.set_author(, embed.add_field(name="Current guilds", value=f'{len(,}') embed.add_field(name="Total fleshy people being memed", value=f'{len(uniq_mem_count):,}') await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def _dice(self, ctx: NewCtx, dice: str = '1d6'): """Generates dice with the supplied format `NdN`""" dice_list = dice.lower().split('d') try: d_count, d_value = int(dice_list[0]), int(dice_list[1]) except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument( "The entered format was incorrect, `NdN` only currently") counter = [] crit_s, crit_f = 0, 0 if d_count < 0 or d_value < 0: raise commands.BadArgument("You cannot have negative values") for dice_num in range(d_count): randomnum = random.randint(1, d_value) if randomnum == d_value: crit_s += 1 if randomnum == 1: crit_f += 1 counter.append(randomnum) total = sum(counter) embed = BetterEmbed() embed.description = f"{dice} gave {', '.join([str(die) for die in counter])} = {total} with {crit_s} crit successes and {crit_f} fails" await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def about(self, ctx): """ This is the 'about the bot' command. """ description = dedent("""\ A ~~shit~~ fun bot that was thrown together by a team of complete nincompoops. In definitely no particular order:\n 『 Moogs 』#2009, MrSnek#3442, nickofolas#0066 and Umbra#0009 """) # uniq_mem_count = set( # member for member in guild.members if not for guild in #! TODO fix set comp uniq_mem_count = set() for guild in for member in guild.members: if not uniq_mem_count.add(member) # {member for member in if not} embed = BetterEmbed(title=f"About {}") embed.description = description embed.set_author(, embed.add_field(name="Current guilds", value=len(, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Total fleshy people being memed", value=len(uniq_mem_count)) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def send_cog_help(self, cog): embed = BetterEmbed(title=f'{cog.qualified_name} Category')\ .set_footer(text='⇶ indicates subcommands') description = f'{cog.description or ""}\n\n' entries = await self.filter_commands(cog.get_commands(), sort=True) description += "\n".join([f'{"⇶" if isinstance(c, commands.Group) else "⇾"} **{}** -' f' {c.short_doc or "No description"}' for c in entries]) embed.description = description await self.context.send(embed=embed)
async def send_group_help(self, group): embed = BetterEmbed(title=self.get_command_signature(group)) description = f'{ or "No description provided"}\n\n' entries = await self.filter_commands(group.commands, sort=True) description += "\n".join([f'{"⇶" if isinstance(command, commands.Group) else "⇾"} **{}** -' f' {command.short_doc or "No description"}' for command in entries]) embed.description = description footer_text = '⇶ indicates subcommands' if checks := retrieve_checks(group): footer_text += f' | Checks: {checks}'
async def send_bot_help(self, mapping): def key(c): return c.cog_name or '\u200bUncategorized' bot = embed = BetterEmbed(title=f'{} Help') description = f'Use `{self.clean_prefix}help <command/category>` for more help\n\n' entries = await self.filter_commands(bot.commands, sort=True, key=key) for cog, cmds in itertools.groupby(entries, key=key): cmds = sorted(cmds, key=lambda c: description += f'**➣ {cog}**\n{" • ".join([ for c in cmds])}\n' embed.description = description await self.context.send(embed=embed)
async def _rand_num(self, ctx: NewCtx, start: Union[int, float], stop: Union[int, float]): """Generates a random number from start to stop inclusive, if either is a float, number will be float""" if isinstance(start, float) or isinstance(stop, float): number = random.uniform(start, stop) else: number = random.randint(start, stop) embed = BetterEmbed() embed.description = f"Number between {start} and {stop}, {number=}" await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def about(self, ctx: NewCtx): """ This is the 'about the bot' command. """ # Github id of the contributors and their corresponding discord id DISCORD_GIT_ACCOUNTS = { 64285270: 361158149371199488, 16031716: 155863164544614402, 4181102: 273035520840564736, 54324533: 737985288605007953, 60761231: 723268667579826267, } contributors = "" for contributor in await self.get_profiles(): if contributor["type"] == "Anonymous": contributor["login"] = contributor["name"] discord_profile = "unknown" else: discord_profile = DISCORD_GIT_ACCOUNTS.get( contributor["id"], "unkown") if discord_profile != "unknown": discord_profile = contributors += f"{contributor['login']}({str(discord_profile)}): \ **{contributor['contributions']}** commits.\n" uniq_mem_count = set() for guild in for member in guild.members: if not uniq_mem_count.add( member) # can't we just filter bot.users there ? embed = BetterEmbed(title=f"About {}") embed.description = "A ~~shit~~ fun bot that was thrown together by a team of complete nincompoops." embed.set_author(, embed.add_field(name="Contributors", value=contributors, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Current guilds", value=f'{len(,}', inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Total fleshy people being memed", value=f'{len(uniq_mem_count):,}', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='Come check out our source at ;', value='', inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def webhook_send(self, content: str, *, webhook: discord.Webhook, skip_wh: bool = False, skip_ctx: bool = False) -> None: """ This is a custom ctx addon for sending to the webhook and/or the """ content = content.strip("```") embed = BetterEmbed(title="Error") embed.description = f"```py\n{content}```" embed.add_field(name="Invoking command", value=f"{self.invoked_with}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Author", value=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() if not skip_ctx: await super().send(embed=embed) if not skip_wh: await webhook.send(embed=embed)
async def send_command_help(self, command): embed = BetterEmbed(title=self.get_command_signature(command)) description = f'{ or "No description provided"}\n\n' embed.description = description if c := retrieve_checks(command): embed.set_footer(text=f'Checks: {c}')