def get_categories(): all_categories = [] yaml = YAML() for dir in POSTS_DIR: path = get_path(dir) for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.md')): meta = yaml.load(get_yaml(file)[0]) if 'category' in meta: if type(meta['category']) == list: err_msg = ("[Error] File {} 'category' type" " can not be LIST!").format(file) raise Exception(err_msg) else: if meta['category'] not in all_categories: all_categories.append(meta['category']) else: if 'categories' in meta: if type(meta['categories']) == str: error_msg = ("[Error] File {} 'categories' type" " can not be STR!").format(file) raise Exception(error_msg) for ctg in meta['categories']: if ctg not in all_categories: all_categories.append(ctg) else: err_msg = ("[Error] File:{} at least " "have one category.").format(file) print(err_msg) return all_categories
def update_lastmod(verbose): count = 0 yaml = YAML() for post in glob.glob(os.path.join(POSTS_PATH, "*.md")): ps = subprocess.Popen(("git", "log", "--pretty=%ad", post), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) git_log_count = subprocess.check_output(('wc', '-l'), stdin=ps.stdout) ps.wait() if git_log_count.strip() == "1": continue git_lastmod = subprocess.check_output([ "git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%ad", "--date=iso", post]).strip() if not git_lastmod: continue frontmatter, line_num = get_yaml(post) meta = yaml.load(frontmatter) if 'lastmod' in meta: if meta['lastmod'] == git_lastmod: continue else: meta['lastmod'] = git_lastmod else: meta.insert(line_num, 'lastmod', git_lastmod) output = '' if os.path.isfile(output): os.remove(output) with open(output, 'w') as new, open(post, 'r') as old: new.write("---\n") yaml.dump(meta, new) new.write("---\n") line_num += 2 lines = old.readlines() for line in lines: if line_num > 0: line_num -= 1 continue else: new.write(line) shutil.move(output, post) count += 1 if verbose: print "[INFO] update 'lastmod' for:" + post print ("[INFO] Success to update lastmod for {} post(s).").format(count)
def main(): count = 0 yaml = YAML() for post in glob.glob(os.path.join(POSTS_PATH, "*.md")): git_lastmod = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%ad", "--date=short", post]).strip() if not git_lastmod: continue frontmatter, line_num = get_yaml(post) meta = yaml.load(frontmatter) if 'sitemap' in meta: if 'lastmod' in meta['sitemap']: if meta['sitemap']['lastmod'] == git_lastmod: continue meta['sitemap']['lastmod'] = git_lastmod else: meta['sitemap'].insert(0, 'lastmod', git_lastmod) else: meta.insert(line_num, 'sitemap', {'lastmod': git_lastmod}) output = '' if os.path.isfile(output): os.remove(output) with open(output, 'w') as new, open(post, 'r') as old: new.write("---\n") yaml.dump(meta, new) new.write("---\n") line_num += 2 lines = old.readlines() for line in lines: if line_num > 0: line_num -= 1 continue else: new.write(line) shutil.move(output, post) count += 1 print "[INFO] update 'lastmod' for: '{}'".format(post) print "[NOTICE] Success! Update all posts's lastmod.\n" if count > 0:["git", "add", POSTS_PATH]) ["git", "commit", "-m", "[Automation] Update lastmod of post(s)."])
def get_all_tags(): all_tags = [] yaml = YAML() for dir in POSTS_DIR: path = get_path(dir) for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.md')): meta = yaml.load(get_yaml(file)[0]) if 'tags' in meta: for tag in meta['tags']: if tag not in all_tags: all_tags.append(tag) else: raise Exception("Cannot found 'tags' in \ post '{}' !".format(file)) return all_tags