Example #1
def argparse(args, character=None, splitter=argsplit):
    Parses arguments.

    :param args: A list of arguments to parse.
    :type args: str or Iterable
    :return: The parsed arguments.
    :rtype: :class:`~utils.argparser.ParsedArguments`
    if isinstance(args, str):
        args = splitter(args)
    if character:
        from aliasing.evaluators import MathEvaluator
        evaluator = MathEvaluator.with_character(character)
        args = [evaluator.transformed_str(a) for a in args]

    parsed = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
    index = 0
    for a in args:
        if a.startswith('-'):
            parsed[a.lstrip('-')].append(list_get(index + 1, True, args))
        index += 1
    return ParsedArguments(parsed)
Example #2
    async def csettings(self, ctx, *args):
        """Updates personalization settings for the currently active character.

        __**Valid Arguments**__
        Use `<setting> reset` to reset a setting to the default.

        `color <hex color>` - Colors all character-based built-in embeds this color. Accessible as the cvar `color`
        `criton <number>` - Makes attacks crit on something other than a 20.
        `reroll <number>` - Defines a number that a check will automatically reroll on, for cases such as Halfling Luck.
        `srslots true/false` - Enables/disables whether spell slots reset on a Short Rest.
        `embedimage true/false` - Enables/disables whether a character's image is automatically embedded.
        `critdice <number>` - Adds additional damage dice on a critical hit. 
        `talent true/false` - Enables/disables whether to apply a rogue's Reliable Talent on checks you're proficient with.
        `ignorecrit true/false` - Prevents critical hits from applying, for example with adamantine armor."""  # noqa: E501
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        out = []
        skip = False
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if skip:
            if arg in CHARACTER_SETTINGS:
                skip = True
                out.append(CHARACTER_SETTINGS[arg].run(ctx, char, list_get(i + 1, None, args)))

        if not out:
            return await ctx.send(f"No valid settings found. See `{ctx.prefix}help {ctx.invoked_with}` for a list "
                                  f"of valid settings.")

        await char.commit(ctx)
        await ctx.send('\n'.join(out))
Example #3
def argparse(args, character=None, splitter=argsplit):
    Parses arguments.
    :param args: A list of arguments to parse.
    :param character: A Character object, if args should have cvars parsed.
    :param splitter: A function to use to split a string into a list of arguments.
    :return: The parsed arguments (ParsedArguments).
    :rtype ParsedArguments
    if isinstance(args, str):
        args = splitter(args)
    if character:
        from cogs5e.funcs.scripting import MathEvaluator
        evaluator = MathEvaluator.with_character(character)
        args = [evaluator.parse(a) for a in args]

    parsed = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
    index = 0
    for a in args:
        if a.startswith('-'):
            parsed[a.lstrip('-')].append(list_get(index + 1, True, args))
        index += 1
    return ParsedArguments(args, parsed)
Example #4
    async def csettings(self, ctx, *args):
        Opens the Character Settings menu.

        In this menu, you can change your character's cosmetic and gameplay settings, such as their embed color,
        crit range, extra crit dice, and more.
        char = await ctx.get_character()

        if not args:
            settings_ui = ui.CharacterSettingsUI.new(ctx.bot,
            await settings_ui.send_to(ctx)

        # old deprecated CLI behaviour
        out = []
        skip = False
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if skip:
            if arg in CHARACTER_SETTINGS:
                skip = True
                    ctx, char, list_get(i + 1, None, args)))

        if not out:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"No valid settings found. Try `{ctx.prefix}csettings` with no arguments to use an "
                f"interactive menu!")

        await char.options.commit(ctx.bot.mdb, char)
        await ctx.send('\n'.join(out))
Example #5
    async def csettings(self, ctx, *args):
        """Updates settings for the currently active character."""
        char = await ctx.get_character()

        if not args:
            settings_ui = ui.CharacterSettingsUI.new(ctx.bot,
            await settings_ui.send_to(ctx)

        # old deprecated CLI behaviour
        out = []
        skip = False
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if skip:
            if arg in CHARACTER_SETTINGS:
                skip = True
                    ctx, char, list_get(i + 1, None, args)))

        if not out:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"No valid settings found. Try `{ctx.prefix}csettings` with no arguments to use an "
                f"interactive menu!")

        await char.options.commit(ctx.bot.mdb, char)
        await ctx.send('\n'.join(out))
Example #6
 def parse_args(self, args):
     out = {}
     index = 0
     for a in args:
         if a == '-f':
             if out.get(a.replace('-', '')) is None:
                 out[a.replace('-', '')] = [list_get(index + 1, None, args)]
                 out[a.replace('-', '')].append(list_get(index + 1, None, args))
         elif a.startswith('-'):
             nextArg = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
             if nextArg is None or nextArg.startswith('-'): nextArg = True
             out[a.replace('-', '')] = nextArg
             out[a] = 'True'
         index += 1
     return out
Example #7
def argparse(args):
    Parses arguments.
    :param args: A list of arguments to parse.
    :return: The parsed arguments (ParsedArguments).
    parsed = {}
    index = 0
    for a in args:
        if a.startswith('-'):
            if parsed.get(a.lstrip('-')) is None:
                parsed[a.lstrip('-')] = [list_get(index + 1, True, args)]
                parsed[a.lstrip('-')].append(list_get(index + 1, True, args))
            if parsed.get(a) is None:
                parsed[a] = [True]
        index += 1
    return ParsedArguments(args, parsed)
Example #8
    async def csettings(self, ctx, *args):
        """Updates personalization settings for the currently active character.
        Valid Arguments:
        `color <hex color>` - Colors all embeds this color.
        `criton <number>` - Makes attacks crit on something other than a 20.
        `reroll <number>` - Defines a number that a check will automatically reroll on, for cases such as Halfling Luck.
        `srslots true/false` - Enables/disables whether spell slots reset on a Short Rest.
        `embedimage true/false` - Enables/disables whether a character's image is automatically embedded.
        `critdice <number>` - Adds additional dice for to critical attacks.
        `talent true/false` - Enables/disables whether to apply a rogue's Reliable Talent on checks you're proficient with."""
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        out = ['Operations complete!']
        skip = False
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if skip:
            if arg in CHARACTER_SETTINGS:
                skip = True
                out.append(CHARACTER_SETTINGS[arg].run(ctx, char, list_get(i + 1, None, args)))

        await char.commit(ctx)
        await ctx.send('\n'.join(out))
Example #9
    async def csettings(self, ctx, *args):
        """Updates personalization settings for the currently active character.
        Valid Arguments:
        `color <hex color>` - Colors all embeds this color.
        `criton <number>` - Makes attacks crit on something other than a 20.
        `reroll <number>` - Defines a number that a check will automatically reroll on, for cases such as Halfling Luck.
        `srslots true/false` - Enables/disables whether spell slots reset on a Short Rest.
        `embedimage true/false` - Enables/disables whether a character's image is automatically embedded.
        `critdice <number>` - Adds additional dice for to critical attacks."""
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        out = 'Operations complete!\n'
        index = 0
        for arg in args:
            if arg == 'color':
                color = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
                if color is None:
                    current_color = hex(char.get_color()) if char.get_setting(
                        'color') else "random"
                    out += f'\u2139 Your character\'s current color is {current_color}. ' \
                        f'Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings color reset" to reset it to random.\n'
                elif color.lower() == 'reset':
                    char.set_setting('color', None)
                    out += "\u2705 Color reset to random.\n"
                        color = int(color, base=16)
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        out += f'\u274c Unknown color. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings color reset" to reset it to random.\n'
                        if not 0 <= color <= 0xffffff:
                            out += '\u274c Invalid color.\n'
                            char.set_setting('color', color)
                            out += "\u2705 Color set to {}.\n".format(
            if arg == 'criton':
                criton = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
                if criton is None:
                    current = str(char.get_setting(
                        'criton')) + '-20' if char.get_setting(
                            'criton') else "20"
                    out += f'\u2139 Your character\'s current crit range is {current}. ' \
                        f'Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings criton reset" to reset it to 20.\n'
                elif criton.lower() == 'reset':
                    char.set_setting('criton', None)
                    out += "\u2705 Crit range reset to 20.\n"
                        criton = int(criton)
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        out += f'\u274c Invalid number. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings criton reset" to reset it to 20.\n'
                        if not 0 < criton <= 20:
                            out += '\u274c Crit range must be between 1 and 20.\n'
                        elif criton == 20:
                            char.set_setting('criton', None)
                            out += "\u2705 Crit range reset to 20.\n"
                            char.set_setting('criton', criton)
                            out += "\u2705 Crit range set to {}-20.\n".format(
            if arg == 'reroll':
                reroll = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
                if reroll is None:
                    current = char.get_setting('reroll')
                    out += f'\u2139 Your character\'s current reroll is {current}. ' \
                        f'Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings reroll reset" to reset it.\n'
                elif reroll.lower() == 'reset':
                    char.set_setting('reroll', None)
                    out += "\u2705 Reroll reset.\n"
                        reroll = int(reroll)
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        out += f'\u274c Invalid number. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings reroll reset" to reset it.\n'
                        if not 1 <= reroll <= 20:
                            out += '\u274c Reroll must be between 1 and 20.\n'
                            char.set_setting('reroll', reroll)
                            out += "\u2705 Reroll set to {}.\n".format(reroll)
            if arg == 'critdice':
                critdice = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
                if critdice is None:
                    current = char.get_setting('critdice')
                    out += f'\u2139 Extra crit dice are currently set to {current}. ' \
                        f'Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings critdice reset" to reset it.\n'
                elif critdice.lower() == 'reset':
                    char.set_setting('critdice', None)
                    out += "\u2705 Extra crit dice reset.\n"
                        critdice = int(critdice)
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        out += f'\u274c Invalid number. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings critdice reset" to reset it.\n'
                        if not 0 <= critdice <= 20:
                            out += f'\u274c Extra crit dice must be between 1 and 20. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings critdice reset" to reset it.\n'
                            char.set_setting('critdice', critdice)
                            out += "\u2705 Extra crit dice set to {}.\n".format(
            if arg == 'srslots':
                srslots = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
                if srslots is None:
                    out += '\u2139 Short rest slots are currently {}.\n' \
                        .format("enabled" if char.get_setting('srslots') else "disabled")
                        srslots = get_positivity(srslots)
                    except AttributeError:
                        out += f'\u274c Invalid input. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings srslots false" to reset it.\n'
                        char.set_setting('srslots', srslots)
                        out += "\u2705 Short Rest slots {}.\n".format(
                            "enabled" if char.get_setting('srslots'
                                                          ) else "disabled")
            if arg == 'embedimage':
                embedimage = list_get(index + 1, None, args)
                if embedimage is None:
                    out += '\u2139 Embed Image is currently {}.\n' \
                        .format("enabled" if char.get_setting('embedimage') else "disabled")
                        embedimage = get_positivity(embedimage)
                    except AttributeError:
                        out += f'\u274c Invalid input. Use "{ctx.prefix}csettings embedimage true" to reset it.\n'
                        char.set_setting('embedimage', embedimage)
                        out += "\u2705 Embed Image {}.\n".format(
                            "enabled" if char.get_setting('embedimage'
                                                          ) else "disabled")
            index += 1

        await char.commit(ctx)
        await ctx.send(out)
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands.errors import CommandInvokeError

from cogs5e.models.errors import AvraeException, EvaluationError
from utils.functions import discord_trim, get_positivity, list_get, gen_error_message
from utils.redisIO import RedisIO

TESTING = get_positivity(os.environ.get("TESTING", False))
if 'test' in sys.argv:
    TESTING = True
prefix = '!' if not TESTING else '#'
shard_id = 0
shard_count = 1
if '-s' in sys.argv:
    temp_shard_id = list_get(sys.argv.index('-s') + 1, None, sys.argv)
    if temp_shard_id is not None:
        shard_count = os.environ.get('SHARDS', 1)
        shard_id = temp_shard_id if int(temp_shard_id) < int(
            shard_count) else 0
        SHARDED = True
# -----COGS-----
    "cogs5e.dice", "cogs5e.charGen", "cogs5e.gametrack", "cogs5e.homebrew",
    "cogs5e.initTracker", "cogs5e.lookup", "cogs5e.pbpUtils",
    "cogs5e.sheetManager", "cogsmisc.customization"
    "cogsmisc.adminUtils", "cogsmisc.core", "cogsmisc.permissions",
    "cogsmisc.publicity", "cogsmisc.repl", "cogsmisc.stats", "utils.help"