def metrics_compute(self,plots,*args): self.stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*self.stats)] # to numpy if len(self.stats) and self.stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*self.stats, plot=plots, fname=self.save_dir / 'precision-recall_curve.png') p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean(1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(self.stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=self.num_classes) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', self.seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if self.num_classes > 1 and len(self.stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (self.names[c], self.seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) print(pf % ("all without unknown", self.seen, 0, sum(p[:-1])/4, sum(r[:-1])/4, sum(ap50[:-1])/4, sum(ap[:-1])/4)) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / self.seen * 1E3 for x in (self.t_model,self.t_nms, self.t_model + self.t_nms)) + (self.img_size, self.img_size, self.batch_size) # tuple print('Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t)
def test( data, weights=None, batch_size=16, imgsz=640, conf_thres=0.001, iou_thres=0.6, # for NMS save_json=False, single_cls=False, augment=False, verbose=False, model=None, dataloader=None, save_dir='', merge=False, save_txt=False): # Initialize/load model and set device training = model is not None if training: # called by device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device else: # called directly set_logging() device = select_device(opt.device, batch_size=batch_size) merge, save_txt = opt.merge, opt.save_txt # use Merge NMS, save *.txt labels if save_txt: out = Path('inference/output') if os.path.exists(out): shutil.rmtree(out) # delete output folder os.makedirs(out) # make new output folder # Remove previous for f in glob.glob(str(Path(save_dir) / 'test_batch*.jpg')): os.remove(f) # Load model model = attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model imgsz = check_img_size(imgsz, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size # Multi-GPU disabled, incompatible with .half() # if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: # model = nn.DataParallel(model) # Half half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA if half: model.half() # Configure model.eval() with open(data) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict check_dataset(data) # check nc = 1 if single_cls else int(data['nc']) # number of classes iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10).to(device) # iou vector for [email protected]:0.95 niou = iouv.numel() # Dataloader if not training: img = torch.zeros((1, 3, imgsz, imgsz), device=device) # init img _ = model(img.half() if half else img ) if device.type != 'cpu' else None # run once path = data['test'] if opt.task == 'test' else data[ 'val'] # path to val/test images dataloader = create_dataloader(path, imgsz, batch_size, model.stride.max(), opt, hyp=None, augment=False, cache=False, pad=0.5, rect=True)[0] seen = 0 names = model.names if hasattr(model, 'names') else model.module.names coco91class = coco80_to_coco91_class() s = ('%20s' + '%12s' * 6) % ('Class', 'Images', 'Targets', 'P', 'R', '[email protected]', '[email protected]:.95') p, r, f1, mp, mr, map50, map, t0, t1 = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. loss = torch.zeros(3, device=device) jdict, stats, ap, ap_class = [], [], [], [] for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)): img =, non_blocking=True) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 targets = nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width whwh = torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # Disable gradients with torch.no_grad(): # Run model t = time_synchronized() inf_out, train_out = model( img, augment=augment) # inference and training outputs t0 += time_synchronized() - t # Compute loss if training: # if model has loss hyperparameters loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out], targets, model)[1][:3] # GIoU, obj, cls # Run NMS t = time_synchronized() output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres, merge=merge) t1 += time_synchronized() - t # Statistics per image for si, pred in enumerate(output): labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:] nl = len(labels) tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class seen += 1 if pred is None: if nl: stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls)) continue # Append to text file if save_txt: gn = torch.tensor(shapes[si][0])[[1, 0, 1, 0 ]] # normalization gain whwh x = pred.clone() x[:, :4] = scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], x[:, :4], shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original for *xyxy, conf, cls in x: xywh = (xyxy2xywh(torch.tensor(xyxy).view(1, 4)) / gn).view(-1).tolist() # normalized xywh with open(str(out / Path(paths[si]).stem) + '.txt', 'a') as f: f.write( ('%g ' * 5 + '\n') % (cls, *xywh)) # label format # Clip boxes to image bounds clip_coords(pred, (height, width)) # Append to pycocotools JSON dictionary if save_json: # [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15, 41.29, 348.26, 243.78], "score": 0.236}, ... image_id = Path(paths[si]).stem box = pred[:, :4].clone() # xyxy scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], box, shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original shape box = xyxy2xywh(box) # xywh box[:, :2] -= box[:, 2:] / 2 # xy center to top-left corner for p, b in zip(pred.tolist(), box.tolist()): jdict.append({ 'image_id': int(image_id) if image_id.isnumeric() else image_id, 'category_id': coco91class[int(p[5])], 'bbox': [round(x, 3) for x in b], 'score': round(p[4], 5) }) # Assign all predictions as incorrect correct = torch.zeros(pred.shape[0], niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) if nl: detected = [] # target indices tcls_tensor = labels[:, 0] # target boxes tbox = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 1:5]) * whwh # Per target class for cls in torch.unique(tcls_tensor): ti = (cls == tcls_tensor).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # prediction indices pi = (cls == pred[:, 5]).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # target indices # Search for detections if pi.shape[0]: # Prediction to target ious ious, i = box_iou(pred[pi, :4], tbox[ti]).max( 1) # best ious, indices # Append detections detected_set = set() for j in (ious > iouv[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False): d = ti[i[j]] # detected target if d.item() not in detected_set: detected_set.add(d.item()) detected.append(d) correct[ pi[j]] = ious[j] > iouv # iou_thres is 1xn if len( detected ) == nl: # all targets already located in image break # Append statistics (correct, conf, pcls, tcls) stats.append( (correct.cpu(), pred[:, 4].cpu(), pred[:, 5].cpu(), tcls)) # Plot images if batch_i < 1: f = Path(save_dir) / ('test_batch%g_gt.jpg' % batch_i) # filename plot_images(img, targets, paths, str(f), names) # ground truth f = Path(save_dir) / ('test_batch%g_pred.jpg' % batch_i) plot_images(img, output_to_target(output, width, height), paths, str(f), names) # predictions # Compute statistics stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy if len(stats) and stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats) p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean( 1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if verbose and nc > 1 and len(stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in (t0, t1, t0 + t1)) + (imgsz, imgsz, batch_size) # tuple if not training: print( 'Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t) # Save JSON if save_json and len(jdict): f = 'detections_val2017_%s_results.json' % \ (weights.split(os.sep)[-1].replace('.pt', '') if isinstance(weights, str) else '') # filename print('\nCOCO mAP with pycocotools... saving %s...' % f) with open(f, 'w') as file: json.dump(jdict, file) try: # from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval imgIds = [int(Path(x).stem) for x in dataloader.dataset.img_files] cocoGt = COCO( glob.glob('../coco/annotations/instances_val*.json') [0]) # initialize COCO ground truth api cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(f) # initialize COCO pred api cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, 'bbox') cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds # image IDs to evaluate cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() map, map50 = cocoEval.stats[: 2] # update results ([email protected]:0.95, [email protected]) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: pycocotools unable to run: %s' % e) # Return results model.float() # for training maps = np.zeros(nc) + map for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): maps[c] = ap[i] return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t
def test(data, weights=None, batch_size=16, imgsz=640, conf_thres=0.001, iou_thres=0.6, # for NMS save_json=False, single_cls=False, augment=False, verbose=False, model=None, dataloader=None, save_dir=Path(''), # for saving images save_txt=False, # for auto-labelling plots=True): # Initialize/load model and set device # 判断是否在训练时调用test,如果是则获取训练时的设备 training = model is not None if training: # called by device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device else: # called directly set_logging() device = select_device(opt.device, batch_size=batch_size) save_txt = opt.save_txt # save *.txt labels if save_txt: out = Path('inference/output') if os.path.exists(out): shutil.rmtree(out) # delete output folder os.makedirs(out) # make new output folder # Remove previous # 删除之前的test_batch0_gt.jpg和test_batch0_pred.jpg for f in glob.glob(str(save_dir / 'test_batch*.jpg')): os.remove(f) # Load model model = attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model imgsz = check_img_size(imgsz, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size # Multi-GPU disabled, incompatible with .half() # if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: # model = nn.DataParallel(model) # Half # 如果设备不是cpu,则将模型由Float32转为Float16,提高前向传播的速度 half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA if half: model.half() # Configure # 将模型字符串转变为函数 model.eval() with open(data) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict check_dataset(data) # check nc = 1 if single_cls else int(data['nc']) # number of classes # 设置iou阈值,从0.5~0.95,每间隔0.05取一次 iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10).to(device) # iou vector for [email protected]:0.95 # iou个数 niou = iouv.numel() # Dataloader if not training: # 创建一个全0数组测试一下前向传播是否正常运行 img = torch.zeros((1, 3, imgsz, imgsz), device=device) # init img _ = model(img.half() if half else img) if device.type != 'cpu' else None # run once # 获取图片路径 path = data['test'] if opt.task == 'test' else data['val'] # path to val/test images # 创建dataloader # 注意这里rect参数为True,yolov5的测试评估是基于矩形推理的 dataloader = create_dataloader(path, imgsz, batch_size, model.stride.max(), opt, hyp=None, augment=False, cache=False, pad=0.5, rect=True)[0] # 初始化测试的图片数量 seen = 0 # 获取类别的名字 names = model.names if hasattr(model, 'names') else model.module.names """ 获取coco数据集的类别索引 这里要说明一下,coco数据集有80个类别(索引范围应该为0~79), 但是他的索引却属于0~90(笔者是通过查看coco数据测试集的json文件发现的,具体原因不知) coco80_to_coco91_class()就是为了与上述索引对应起来,返回一个范围在0~90的索引数组 """ coco91class = coco80_to_coco91_class() # 设置tqdm进度条的显示信息 s = ('%20s' + '%12s' * 6) % ('Class', 'Images', 'Targets', 'P', 'R', '[email protected]', '[email protected]:.95') # 初始化指标,时间 p, r, f1, mp, mr, map50, map, t0, t1 = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. # 初始化测试集的损失 loss = torch.zeros(4, device=device) # 初始化json文件的字典,统计信息,ap jdict, stats, ap, ap_class = [], [], [], [] for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)): ''' i: batch_index, 第i个batch imgs : torch.Size([batch_size, 3, weights, heights]) targets : torch.Size = (该batch中的目标数量, [该image属于该batch的第几个图片, class, xywh, Θ]) paths : List['img1_path','img2_path',......,'img-1_path'] len(paths)=batch_size shape : ''' img =, non_blocking=True) # 图片也由Float32->Float16 img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 targets = nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width whwh = torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # Disable gradients with torch.no_grad(): # Run model t = time_synchronized() ''' Detect层在的输出:(z,x) if training : x list: [small_forward, medium_forward, large_forward] eg:small_forward.size=( batch_size, 3种scale框, size1, size2, no) else : (z,x) z tensor: [small+medium+large_inference] size=(batch_size, 3 * (small_size1*small_size2 + medium_size1*medium_size2 + large_size1*large_size2), no) 真实坐标 x list: [small_forward, medium_forward, large_forward] eg:small_forward.size=( batch_size, 3种scale框, size1, size2, no) ''' inf_out, train_out = model(img, augment=augment) # inference and training outputs t0 += time_synchronized() - t # Compute loss if training: # if model has loss hyperparameters loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out], targets, model)[1][:4] # box, obj, cls, angle # Run NMS t = time_synchronized() # output : size = (batch_size, num_conf_nms, [xywhθ,conf,classid]) θ∈[0,179] #output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres) output = rotate_non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres) t1 += time_synchronized() - t # Statistics per image for si, pred in enumerate(output): ''' targets : torch.Size = (该batch中的目标数量, [该image属于该batch的第几个图片, class, xywh, θ]) θ∈[0,179] pred : shape=(num_conf_nms, [xywhθ,conf,classid]) θ∈[0,179] si : 该batch中的第几张图 ''' # labels: shape= (num, [class, xywh, θ]) labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:] nl = len(labels) tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class seen += 1 if pred is None: if nl: stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls)) continue # # Append to text file # if save_txt: # gn = torch.tensor(shapes[si][0])[[1, 0, 1, 0]] # normalization gain whwh # x = pred.clone() # x[:, :4] = scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], x[:, :4], shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original # for *xyxy, conf, cls in x: # xywh = (xyxy2xywh(torch.tensor(xyxy).view(1, 4)) / gn).view(-1).tolist() # normalized xywh # with open(str(out / Path(paths[si]).stem) + '.txt', 'a') as f: # f.write(('%g ' * 5 + '\n') % (cls, *xywh)) # label format # Clip boxes to image bounds # clip_coords(pred, (height, width)) # Append to pycocotools JSON dictionary # if save_json: # # [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15, 41.29, 348.26, 243.78], "score": 0.236}, ... # image_id = Path(paths[si]).stem # box = pred[:, :4].clone() # xyxy # scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], box, shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original shape # box = xyxy2xywh(box) # xywh # box[:, :2] -= box[:, 2:] / 2 # xy center to top-left corner # for p, b in zip(pred.tolist(), box.tolist()): # jdict.append({'image_id': int(image_id) if image_id.isnumeric() else image_id, # 'category_id': coco91class[int(p[5])], # 'bbox': [round(x, 3) for x in b], # 'score': round(p[4], 5)}) # Assign all predictions as incorrect correct = torch.zeros(pred.shape[0], niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) # pred : shape=(num_conf_nms, [xywhθ,conf,classid]) θ∈[0,179] # labels: shape= (num, [class, xywh, θ]) if nl: detected = [] # target indices tcls_tensor = labels[:, 0] # torch.size(num) # target boxes -> orignal shape tbox = labels[:, 1:5] * whwh # torch.size(num,[xywh]) 1024*1024 无所谓顺序 #ttheta = labels[:, 5] # torch.size(num,[Θ]) # Per target class for cls in torch.unique(tcls_tensor): # unique函数去除其中重复的元素,并按元素(类别)由大到小返回一个新的无元素重复的元组或者列表 ti = (cls == tcls_tensor).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) # target indices pi = (cls == pred[:, 6]).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) # prediction indices # Search for detections if pi.shape[0]: # Prediction to target ious ious, i = box_iou(pred[pi, :4], tbox[ti]).max(1) # best ious, indices #rious, i = rbox_iou(pred[:, :4], pred[:, 4].unsqueeze(1), tbox, ttheta.unsqueeze(1)).max(1) # best rious, indices # Append detections detected_set = set() for j in (ious > iouv[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False): d = ti[i[j]] # detected target if d.item() not in detected_set: detected_set.add(d.item()) detected.append(d) correct[pi[j]] = ious[j] > iouv # iou_thres is 1xn if len(detected) == nl: # all targets already located in image break # Append statistics (correct, conf, pcls, tcls) stats.append((correct.cpu(), pred[:, 5].cpu(), pred[:, 6].cpu(), tcls)) # Plot images if plots and batch_i < 1: f = save_dir / ('test_batch%g_gt.jpg' % batch_i) # filename plot_images(img, targets, paths, str(f), names) # ground truth f = save_dir / ('test_batch%g_pred.jpg' % batch_i) plot_images(img, output_to_target(output, width, height), paths, str(f), names) # predictions # Compute statistics stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy if len(stats) and stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats, plot=plots, fname=save_dir / 'precision-recall_curve.png') p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean(1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if verbose and nc > 1 and len(stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in (t0, t1, t0 + t1)) + (imgsz, imgsz, batch_size) # tuple if not training: print('Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t) # Save JSON if save_json and len(jdict): f = 'detections_val2017_%s_results.json' % \ (weights.split(os.sep)[-1].replace('.pt', '') if isinstance(weights, str) else '') # filename print('\nCOCO mAP with pycocotools... saving %s...' % f) with open(f, 'w') as file: json.dump(jdict, file) try: # from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval imgIds = [int(Path(x).stem) for x in dataloader.dataset.img_files] cocoGt = COCO(glob.glob('../coco/annotations/instances_val*.json')[0]) # initialize COCO ground truth api cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(f) # initialize COCO pred api cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, 'bbox') cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds # image IDs to evaluate cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() map, map50 = cocoEval.stats[:2] # update results ([email protected]:0.95, [email protected]) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: pycocotools unable to run: %s' % e) # Return results model.float() # for training maps = np.zeros(nc) + map for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): maps[c] = ap[i] return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t
def test( self, weights=None, batch_size=16, imgsz=640, conf_thres=0.001, iou_thres=0.5, # for NMS save_json=False, single_cls=False, augment=False, verbose=False, model=None, dataloader=None, save_dir=Path(''), # for saving images save_txt=False, # for auto-labelling save_conf=False, plots=True): # Initialize/load model and set device losses = {} #keep track of images with worst mAP training = True data = print("IOU Threshold", iou_thres) print("Conf Threshold", conf_thres) if training: # called by device = next(self.model.parameters()).device # get model device """ else: # called directly set_logging() device = self.model.device #get model device save_txt = self.opt.save_txt # save *.txt labels # Remove previous if os.path.exists(save_dir): shutil.rmtree(save_dir) # delete dir os.makedirs(save_dir) # make new dir if self.save_txt: out = self.save_dir / 'autolabels' if os.path.exists(out): shutil.rmtree(out) # delete dir os.makedirs(out) # make new dir # Load model imgsz = check_img_size(imgsz, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size # Multi-GPU disabled, incompatible with .half() # if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: # model = nn.DataParallel(model) """ # Half half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA half = False if half: self.model.half() # Configure self.model.eval() with open(data) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict check_dataset(data) # check nc = 1 if self.opt.single_cls else int(data['nc']) # number of classes iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10).to(device) # iou vector for [email protected]:0.95 niou = iouv.numel() seen = 0 names = self.model.names if hasattr( self.model, 'names') else self.model.module.names coco91class = coco80_to_coco91_class() s = ('%20s' + '%12s' * 6) % ('Class', 'Images', 'Targets', 'P', 'R', '[email protected]', '[email protected]:.95') p, r, f1, mp, mr, map50, map, t0, t1 = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. loss = torch.zeros(3, device=device) jdict, stats, ap, ap_class = [], [], [], [] for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(self.test_dataloader, desc=s)): img =, non_blocking=True) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 targets = nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width whwh = torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # Disable gradients with torch.no_grad(): # Run model t = time_synchronized() inf_out, train_out = self.forward( img) # inference and training outputs t0 += time_synchronized() - t # Compute loss if training: # if model has loss hyperparameters loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out], targets, self.model)[1][:3] # box, obj, cls # Run NMS t = time_synchronized() output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres) t1 += time_synchronized() - t # Statistics per image for si, pred in enumerate(output): labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:] nl = len(labels) tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class seen += 1 if pred is None: if nl: stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls)) continue # Append to text file if save_txt: gn = torch.tensor( shapes[si][0])[[1, 0, 1, 0]] # normalization gain whwh x = pred.clone() x[:, :4] = scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], x[:, :4], shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original for *xyxy, conf, cls in x: xywh = (xyxy2xywh(torch.tensor(xyxy).view(1, 4)) / gn).view(-1).tolist() # normalized xywh line = (cls, conf, *xywh) if save_conf else ( cls, *xywh) # label format with open( str(out / Path(paths[si]).stem) + '.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(('%g ' * len(line) + '\n') % line) # Clip boxes to image bounds clip_coords(pred, (height, width)) # Append to pycocotools JSON dictionary if save_json: # [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15, 41.29, 348.26, 243.78], "score": 0.236}, ... image_id = Path(paths[si]).stem box = pred[:, :4].clone() # xyxy scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], box, shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original shape box = xyxy2xywh(box) # xywh box[:, :2] -= box[:, 2:] / 2 # xy center to top-left corner for p, b in zip(pred.tolist(), box.tolist()): jdict.append({ 'image_id': int(image_id) if image_id.isnumeric() else image_id, 'category_id': coco91class[int(p[5])], 'bbox': [round(x, 3) for x in b], 'score': round(p[4], 5) }) # Assign all predictions as incorrect correct = torch.zeros(pred.shape[0], niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) if nl: detected = [] # target indices tcls_tensor = labels[:, 0] # target boxes tbox = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 1:5]) * whwh # Per target class for cls in torch.unique(tcls_tensor): ti = (cls == tcls_tensor).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # prediction indices pi = (cls == pred[:, 5]).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # target indices # Search for detections if pi.shape[0]: # Prediction to target ious ious, i = box_iou(pred[pi, :4], tbox[ti]).max( 1) # best ious, indices # Append detections detected_set = set() for j in (ious > iouv[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False): d = ti[i[j]] # detected target if d.item() not in detected_set: detected_set.add(d.item()) detected.append(d) correct[pi[j]] = ious[ j] > iouv # iou_thres is 1xn if len( detected ) == nl: # all targets already located in image break # Append statistics (correct, conf, pcls, tcls) stats.append( (correct.cpu(), pred[:, 4].cpu(), pred[:, 5].cpu(), tcls)) # Plot images #if plots and batch_i < 1: # f = save_dir / f'test_batch{batch_i}_gt.jpg' # filename # plot_images(img, targets, paths, str(f), names) # ground truth # f = save_dir / f'test_batch{batch_i}_pred.jpg' # plot_images(img, output_to_target(output, width, height), paths, str(f), names) # predictions # Compute statistics stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy if len(stats) and stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats, plot=plots, fname=save_dir / 'precision-recall_curve.png') p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean( 1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if verbose and nc > 1 and len(stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in (t0, t1, t0 + t1)) + ( imgsz, imgsz, batch_size) # tuple if not training: print( 'Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t) #set model back to train mode self.model.float() self.model.train() maps = np.zeros( + map for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): maps[c] = ap[i] return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(self.test_dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t
def test( data, weights=None, batch_size=16, imgsz=640, conf_thres=0.3, iou_thres=0.5, # for NMS save_json=False, single_cls=False, augment=False, verbose=False, model=None, dataloader=None, save_dir='', merge=False, emb_dim=256, save_txt=False): # Initialize/load model and set device training = model is not None if training: # called by device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device else: # called directly device = select_device(opt.device, batch_size=batch_size) merge, save_txt = opt.merge, opt.save_txt # use Merge NMS, save *.txt labels if save_txt: out = Path('inference/output') if os.path.exists(out): shutil.rmtree(out) # delete output folder os.makedirs(out) # make new output folder # Remove previous for f in glob.glob(str(Path(save_dir) / 'test_batch*.jpg')): os.remove(f) # Load model model = attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model imgsz = [check_img_size(x, model.stride.max()) for x in imgsz] # Half half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA if half: model.half() # Configure model.eval() with open(data) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict nc = 1 if single_cls else int(data['nc']) # number of classes iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10).to(device) # iou vector for [email protected]:0.95 niou = iouv.numel() # Dataloader if not training: if len(imgsz) == 1: img = torch.zeros((1, 3, imgsz, imgsz), device=device) # init img else: img = torch.zeros((1, 3, imgsz[1], imgsz[0]), device=device) _ = model(img.half() if half else img ) if device.type != 'cpu' else None # run once root = data['root'] path = data['test'] if opt.task == 'test' else data[ 'test_emb'] # path to val/test images dataloader = create_dataloader(root, path, imgsz, batch_size, model.stride.max(), opt, hyp=None, augment=False, cache=False, pad=0.5, rect=False)[0] seen = 0 names = model.names if hasattr(model, 'names') else model.module.names s = ('%20s' + '%12s' * 6) % ('Class', 'Images', 'Targets', 'P', 'R', '[email protected]', '[email protected]:.95') p, r, f1, mp, mr, map50, map, t0, t1 = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. jdict, stats, ap, ap_class = [], [], [], [] loss = torch.zeros(4, device=device) for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)): img =, non_blocking=True) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 targets = nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width whwh = torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # Disable gradients with torch.no_grad(): # Run model t = time_synchronized() inf_out, train_out_p, train_out_pemb = model( img, augment=augment) # inference and training outputs t0 += time_synchronized() - t # Compute loss if training: # if model has loss hyperparameters loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out_p], [x.float() for x in train_out_pemb], targets, model)[1][:4] # GIoU, obj, cls, lid # Run NMS t = time_synchronized() output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres, merge=merge, emb_dim=emb_dim) t1 += time_synchronized() - t ''' images = letterbox(cv2.imread(paths[1]), [608,1088], auto=False, scaleup=False)[0] d = output[1] if d is None: continue for i in range(len(d)): cv2.rectangle(images, (int(d[i][0]), int(d[i][1])), (int(d[i][2]), int(d[i][3])), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow("image", images) cv2.waitKey(0) ''' # Statistics per image for si, pred in enumerate(output): labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:] nl = len(labels) tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class seen += 1 if pred is None: if nl: stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls)) continue # Clip boxes to image bounds clip_coords(pred, (height, width)) # Assign all predictions as incorrect correct = torch.zeros(pred.shape[0], niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) if nl: detected = [] # target indices tcls_tensor = labels[:, 0] # target boxes tbox = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 2:6]) * whwh # Per target class for cls in torch.unique(tcls_tensor): ti = (cls == tcls_tensor).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # prediction indices pi = (cls == pred[:, 5]).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # target indices # Search for detections if pi.shape[0]: # Prediction to target ious ious, i = box_iou(pred[pi, :4], tbox[ti]).max( 1) # best ious, indices # Append detections for j in (ious > iouv[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False): d = ti[i[j]] # detected target if d not in detected: detected.append(d) correct[ pi[j]] = ious[j] > iouv # iou_thres is 1xn if len( detected ) == nl: # all targets already located in image break # Append statistics (correct, conf, pcls, tcls) stats.append( (correct.cpu(), pred[:, 4].cpu(), pred[:, 5].cpu(), tcls)) # Plot images if batch_i < 1: f = Path(save_dir) / ('test_batch%g_gt.jpg' % batch_i) # filename plot_images(img, targets, paths, str(f), names) # ground truth f = Path(save_dir) / ('test_batch%g_pred.jpg' % batch_i) plot_test_images(img, output_to_target(output, width, height), paths, str(f), names) # predictions # Compute statistics stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy if len(stats) and stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats) p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean( 1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if verbose and nc > 1 and len(stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in (t0, t1, t0 + t1)) + (imgsz[0], imgsz[1], batch_size) if not training: print( 'Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t) # Return results model.float() # for training maps = np.zeros(nc) + map for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): maps[c] = ap[i] return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t
def test(data, weights=None, batch_size=16, imgsz=640, conf_thres=0.001, iou_thres=0.6, # for NMS save_json=False, single_cls=False, augment=False, verbose=False, model=None, dataloader=None, save_dir=Path(''), # for saving images save_txt=False, # for auto-labelling save_conf=False, plots=True, log_imgs=0): # number of logged images # Initialize/load model and set device training = model is not None if training: # called by device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device else: # called directly set_logging() device = select_device(opt.device, batch_size=batch_size) save_txt = opt.save_txt # save *.txt labels # Directories if save_dir == Path('runs/test'): # if default save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make base save_dir = Path(increment_dir(save_dir / 'exp', # increment run (save_dir / 'labels' if save_txt else save_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make new dir # Load model model = attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model imgsz = check_img_size(imgsz, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size # Multi-GPU disabled, incompatible with .half() # if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: # model = nn.DataParallel(model) # Half half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA if half: model.half() # Configure model.eval() with open(data) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict check_dataset(data) # check nc = 1 if single_cls else int(data['nc']) # number of classes iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10).to(device) # iou vector for [email protected]:0.95 niou = iouv.numel() # Logging log_imgs = min(log_imgs, 100) # ceil try: import wandb # Weights & Biases except ImportError: log_imgs = 0 # Dataloader if not training: img = torch.zeros((1, 3, imgsz, imgsz), device=device) # init img _ = model(img.half() if half else img) if device.type != 'cpu' else None # run once path = data['test'] if opt.task == 'test' else data['val'] # path to val/test images dataloader = create_dataloader(path, imgsz, batch_size, model.stride.max(), opt, hyp=None, augment=False, cache=False, pad=0.5, rect=True)[0] seen = 0 names = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(model.names if hasattr(model, 'names') else model.module.names)} coco91class = coco80_to_coco91_class() s = ('%20s' + '%12s' * 6) % ('Class', 'Images', 'Targets', 'P', 'R', '[email protected]', '[email protected]:.95') p, r, f1, mp, mr, map50, map, t0, t1 = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. loss = torch.zeros(3, device=device) jdict, stats, ap, ap_class, wandb_images = [], [], [], [], [] for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)): img =, non_blocking=True) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 targets = nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width whwh = torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # Disable gradients with torch.no_grad(): # Run model t = time_synchronized() inf_out, train_out = model(img, augment=augment) # inference and training outputs # print('shape') # print(inf_out.shape) # print('ceterx, cetery, w, h') # print(inf_out[0][..., 0:4]) # ceterx, cetery, w, h # print('cls_conf') # print(inf_out[0][..., 4]) # cls_conf # print('obj_conf') # print(inf_out[0][..., 5:]) # obj_conf t0 += time_synchronized() - t # Compute loss if training: # if model has loss hyperparameters loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out], targets, model)[1][:3] # box, obj, cls # Run NMS t = time_synchronized() output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres) t1 += time_synchronized() - t # Statistics per image for si, pred in enumerate(output): labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:] nl = len(labels) tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class seen += 1 if pred is None: if nl: stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls)) continue # Append to text file if save_txt: gn = torch.tensor(shapes[si][0])[[1, 0, 1, 0]] # gain whwh x = pred.clone() x[:, :4] = scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], x[:, :4], shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original for *xyxy, conf, cls in x: xywh = (xyxy2xywh(torch.tensor(xyxy).view(1, 4)) / gn).view(-1).tolist() # normalized xywh line = (cls, *xywh, conf) if save_conf else (cls, *xywh) # label format with open(str(save_dir / 'labels' / Path(paths[si]).stem) + '.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(('%g ' * len(line) + '\n') % line) # W&B logging if len(wandb_images) < log_imgs: box_data = [{"position": {"minX": xyxy[0], "minY": xyxy[1], "maxX": xyxy[2], "maxY": xyxy[3]}, "class_id": int(cls), "box_caption": "%s %.3f" % (names[cls], conf), "scores": {"class_score": conf}, "domain": "pixel"} for *xyxy, conf, cls in pred.clone().tolist()] boxes = {"predictions": {"box_data": box_data, "class_labels": names}} wandb_images.append(wandb.Image(img[si], boxes=boxes)) # Clip boxes to image bounds clip_coords(pred, (height, width)) # Append to pycocotools JSON dictionary if save_json: # [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15, 41.29, 348.26, 243.78], "score": 0.236}, ... image_id = Path(paths[si]).stem box = pred[:, :4].clone() # xyxy scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], box, shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original shape box = xyxy2xywh(box) # xywh box[:, :2] -= box[:, 2:] / 2 # xy center to top-left corner for p, b in zip(pred.tolist(), box.tolist()): jdict.append({'image_id': int(image_id) if image_id.isnumeric() else image_id, 'category_id': coco91class[int(p[5])], 'bbox': [round(x, 3) for x in b], 'score': round(p[4], 5)}) # Assign all predictions as incorrect correct = torch.zeros(pred.shape[0], niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) if nl: detected = [] # target indices tcls_tensor = labels[:, 0] # target boxes tbox = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 1:5]) * whwh # Per target class for cls in torch.unique(tcls_tensor): ti = (cls == tcls_tensor).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) # target indices 1xn pi = (cls == pred[:, 5]).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1) # prediction indices # Search for detections if pi.shape[0]: # Prediction to target ious ious, i = box_iou(pred[pi, :4], tbox[ti]).max(1) # best ious, indices # Append detections detected_set = set() for j in (ious > iouv[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False): d = ti[i[j]] # detected target if d.item() not in detected_set: detected_set.add(d.item()) detected.append(d) correct[pi[j]] = ious[j] > iouv # iou_thres is 1xn if len(detected) == nl: # all targets already located in image break # Append statistics (correct, conf, pcls, tcls) stats.append((correct.cpu(), pred[:, 4].cpu(), pred[:, 5].cpu(), tcls)) # Plot images if plots and batch_i < 1: f = save_dir / f'test_batch{batch_i}_labels.jpg' # filename plot_images(img, targets, paths, str(f), names) # labels f = save_dir / f'test_batch{batch_i}_pred.jpg' plot_images(img, output_to_target(output, width, height), paths, str(f), names) # predictions # W&B logging if wandb_images: wandb.log({"outputs": wandb_images}) # Compute statistics stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy if len(stats) and stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats, plot=plots, fname=save_dir / 'precision-recall_curve.png') p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean(1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if verbose and nc > 1 and len(stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in (t0, t1, t0 + t1)) + (imgsz, imgsz, batch_size) # tuple if not training: print('Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t) # Save JSON if save_json and len(jdict): w = Path(weights[0] if isinstance(weights, list) else weights).stem if weights is not None else '' # weights file = save_dir / f"detections_val2017_{w}_results.json" # predicted annotations file print('\nCOCO mAP with pycocotools... saving %s...' % file) with open(file, 'w') as f: json.dump(jdict, f) try: # from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval imgIds = [int(Path(x).stem) for x in dataloader.dataset.img_files] cocoAnno = COCO(glob.glob('../coco/annotations/instances_val*.json')[0]) # initialize COCO annotations api cocoPred = cocoAnno.loadRes(str(file)) # initialize COCO pred api cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoAnno, cocoPred, 'bbox') cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds # image IDs to evaluate cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() cocoEval.summarize() map, map50 = cocoEval.stats[:2] # update results ([email protected]:0.95, [email protected]) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: pycocotools unable to run: %s' % e) # Return results if not training: print('Results saved to %s' % save_dir) model.float() # for training maps = np.zeros(nc) + map for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): maps[c] = ap[i] return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t
def test( data, weights=None, batch_size=16, imgsz=640, conf_thres=0.001, iou_thres=0.6, # for NMS single_cls=False, augment=False, verbose=False, model=None, dataloader=None, save_dir=Path(''), # for saving images save_txt=False, # for auto-labelling plots=True): # Initialize/load model and set device training = model is not None if training: # called by device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device else: # called directly set_logging() device = select_device(opt.device, batch_size=batch_size) save_txt = opt.save_txt # save *.txt labels if save_txt: out = Path('inference/output') if os.path.exists(out): shutil.rmtree(out) # delete output folder os.makedirs(out) # make new output folder # Remove previous for f in glob.glob(str(save_dir / 'test_batch*.jpg')): os.remove(f) # Load model model = attempt_load(weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model imgsz = check_img_size(imgsz, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size # Multi-GPU disabled, incompatible with .half() # if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: # model = nn.DataParallel(model) # Half half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA if half: model.half() # Configure model.eval() with open(data) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict check_dataset(data) # check nc = 1 if single_cls else int(data['nc']) # number of classes iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10).to(device) # iou vector for [email protected]:0.95 niou = iouv.numel() # Dataloader if not training: img = torch.zeros((1, 3, imgsz, imgsz), device=device) # init img _ = model(img.half() if half else img ) if device.type != 'cpu' else None # run once path = data['test'] if opt.task == 'test' else data[ 'val'] # path to val/test images dataloader = create_dataloader(path, imgsz, batch_size, model.stride.max(), opt, hyp=None, augment=False, cache=False, pad=0.5, rect=True)[0] seen = 0 names = model.names if hasattr(model, 'names') else model.module.names coco91class = coco80_to_coco91_class() s = ('%20s' + '%12s' * 6) % ('Class', 'Images', 'Targets', 'P', 'R', '[email protected]', '[email protected]:.95') p, r, f1, mp, mr, map50, map, t0, t1 = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. loss = torch.zeros(3, device=device) jdict, stats, ap, ap_class = [], [], [], [] for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)): img =, non_blocking=True) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 targets = nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width whwh = torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # Disable gradients with torch.no_grad(): # Run model t = time_synchronized() inf_out, train_out = model( img, augment=augment) # inference and training outputs t0 += time_synchronized() - t # Compute loss if training: # if model has loss hyperparameters loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out], targets, model)[1][:3] # box, obj, cls # Run NMS t = time_synchronized() output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres) t1 += time_synchronized() - t # Statistics per image for si, pred in enumerate(output): labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:] nl = len(labels) tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class seen += 1 if pred is None: if nl: stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls)) continue # Append to text file if save_txt: gn = torch.tensor(shapes[si][0])[[1, 0, 1, 0 ]] # normalization gain whwh x = pred.clone() x[:, :4] = scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], x[:, :4], shapes[si][0], shapes[si][1]) # to original for *xyxy, conf, cls in x: xywh = (xyxy2xywh(torch.tensor(xyxy).view(1, 4)) / gn).view(-1).tolist() # normalized xywh with open(str(out / Path(paths[si]).stem) + '.txt', 'a') as f: f.write( ('%g ' * 5 + '\n') % (cls, *xywh)) # label format # Clip boxes to image bounds clip_coords(pred, (height, width)) # Assign all predictions as incorrect correct = torch.zeros(pred.shape[0], niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) if nl: detected = [] # target indices tcls_tensor = labels[:, 0] # target boxes tbox = xywh2xyxy(labels[:, 1:5]) * whwh # Per target class for cls in torch.unique(tcls_tensor): ti = (cls == tcls_tensor).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # prediction indices pi = (cls == pred[:, 5]).nonzero(as_tuple=False).view( -1) # target indices # Search for detections if pi.shape[0]: # Prediction to target ious ious, i = box_iou(pred[pi, :4], tbox[ti]).max( 1) # best ious, indices # Append detections detected_set = set() for j in (ious > iouv[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False): d = ti[i[j]] # detected target if d.item() not in detected_set: detected_set.add(d.item()) detected.append(d) correct[ pi[j]] = ious[j] > iouv # iou_thres is 1xn if len( detected ) == nl: # all targets already located in image break # Append statistics (correct, conf, pcls, tcls) stats.append( (correct.cpu(), pred[:, 4].cpu(), pred[:, 5].cpu(), tcls)) # Plot images if plots and batch_i < 1: f = save_dir / ('test_batch%g_gt.jpg' % batch_i) # filename plot_images(img, targets, paths, str(f), names) # ground truth f = save_dir / ('test_batch%g_pred.jpg' % batch_i) plot_images(img, output_to_target(output, width, height), paths, str(f), names) # predictions # Compute statistics stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy if len(stats) and stats[0].any(): p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats, plot=plots, fname=save_dir / 'precision-recall_curve.png') p, r, ap50, ap = p[:, 0], r[:, 0], ap[:, 0], ap.mean( 1) # [P, R, [email protected], [email protected]:0.95] mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean() nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class else: nt = torch.zeros(1) # Print results pf = '%20s' + '%12.3g' * 6 # print format print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map)) # Print results per class if verbose and nc > 1 and len(stats): for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i])) # Print speeds t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in (t0, t1, t0 + t1)) + (imgsz, imgsz, batch_size) # tuple if not training: print( 'Speed: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f ms inference/NMS/total per %gx%g image at batch-size %g' % t) # Return results model.float() # for training maps = np.zeros(nc) + map for i, c in enumerate(ap_class): maps[c] = ap[i] return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t