Example #1
    def cache_labels(self, path=Path('./labels.cache'), prefix=''):
        # Cache dataset labels, check images and read shapes
        x = {}  # dict
        nm, nf, ne, nc = 0, 0, 0, 0  # number missing, found, empty, duplicate
        pbar = tqdm(zip(self.img_files, self.label_files),
                    desc='Scanning images',
        for i, (im_file, lb_file) in enumerate(pbar):
                # verify images
                im = Image.open(im_file)
                im.verify()  # PIL verify
                shape = exif_size(im)  # image size
                segments = []  # instance segments
                assert (shape[0] > 9) & (shape[1] >
                                         9), f'image size {shape} <10 pixels'
                assert im.format.lower(
                ) in img_formats, f'invalid image format {im.format}'

                # verify labels
                if os.path.isfile(lb_file):
                    nf += 1  # label found
                    with open(lb_file, 'r') as f:
                        l = [x.split() for x in f.read().strip().splitlines()]
                        if any([len(x) > 8 for x in l]):  # is segment
                            classes = np.array([x[0] for x in l],
                            segments = [
                                         dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 2)
                                for x in l
                            ]  # (cls, xy1...)
                            l = np.concatenate((classes.reshape(
                                -1, 1), segments2boxes(segments)),
                                               1)  # (cls, xywh)
                        l = np.array(l, dtype=np.float32)
                    if len(l):
                        assert l.shape[1] == 5, 'labels require 5 columns each'
                        assert (l >= 0).all(), 'negative labels'
                        assert (l[:, 1:] <= 1).all(
                        ), 'non-normalized or out of bounds coordinate labels'
                        assert np.unique(
                            axis=0).shape[0] == l.shape[0], 'duplicate labels'
                        ne += 1  # label empty
                        l = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32)
                    nm += 1  # label missing
                    l = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32)
                x[im_file] = [l, shape, segments]
            except Exception as e:
                nc += 1
                    f'{prefix}WARNING: Ignoring corrupted image and/or label {im_file}: {e}'

            pbar.desc = f"{prefix}Scanning '{path.parent / path.stem}' for images and labels... " \
                        f"{nf} found, {nm} missing, {ne} empty, {nc} corrupted"

        if nf == 0:
                f'{prefix}WARNING: No labels found in {path}. See {help_url}')

        x['hash'] = get_hash(self.label_files + self.img_files)
        x['results'] = nf, nm, ne, nc, i + 1
        x['version'] = 0.1  # cache version
        torch.save(x, path)  # save for next time
        logging.info(f'{prefix}New cache created: {path}')
        return x
Example #2
def verify_image_label(args):
    # Verify one image-label pair
    im_file, lb_file, prefix = args
    nm, nf, ne, nc, msg, segments = 0, 0, 0, 0, '', [
    ]  # number (missing, found, empty, corrupt), message, segments
        # verify images
        im = Image.open(im_file)
        im.verify()  # PIL verify
        shape = exif_size(im)  # image size
        assert (shape[0] > 9) & (shape[1] >
                                 9), f'image size {shape} <10 pixels'
        assert im.format.lower(
        ) in IMG_FORMATS, f'invalid image format {im.format}'
        if im.format.lower() in ('jpg', 'jpeg'):
            with open(im_file, 'rb') as f:
                f.seek(-2, 2)
                if f.read() != b'\xff\xd9':  # corrupt JPEG
                        im_file, 'JPEG', subsampling=0, quality=100)
                    msg = f'{prefix}WARNING: {im_file}: corrupt JPEG restored and saved'

        # verify labels
        if os.path.isfile(lb_file):
            nf = 1  # label found
            with open(lb_file) as f:
                lb = [
                    x.split() for x in f.read().strip().splitlines() if len(x)
                if any(len(x) > 6 for x in lb):  # is segment
                    classes = np.array([x[0] for x in lb], dtype=np.float32)
                    segments = [
                        np.array(x[1:], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 2)
                        for x in lb
                    ]  # (cls, xy1...)
                    lb = np.concatenate(
                        (classes.reshape(-1, 1), segments2boxes(segments)),
                        1)  # (cls, xywh)
                lb = np.array(lb, dtype=np.float32)
            nl = len(lb)
            if nl:
                assert lb.shape[
                    1] == 5, f'labels require 5 columns, {lb.shape[1]} columns detected'
                assert (lb >= 0).all(), f'negative label values {lb[lb < 0]}'
                assert (lb[:, 1:] <= 1).all(
                ), f'non-normalized or out of bounds coordinates {lb[:, 1:][lb[:, 1:] > 1]}'
                _, i = np.unique(lb, axis=0, return_index=True)
                if len(i) < nl:  # duplicate row check
                    lb = lb[i]  # remove duplicates
                    if segments:
                        segments = segments[i]
                    msg = f'{prefix}WARNING: {im_file}: {nl - len(i)} duplicate labels removed'
                ne = 1  # label empty
                lb = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32)
            nm = 1  # label missing
            lb = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32)
        return im_file, lb, shape, segments, nm, nf, ne, nc, msg
    except Exception as e:
        nc = 1
        msg = f'{prefix}WARNING: {im_file}: ignoring corrupt image/label: {e}'
        return [None, None, None, None, nm, nf, ne, nc, msg]