Example #1
def update_movement_flows(iter_num):
    for each_move in flow.movement_flows:
        flow.movement_flows[each_move] *= (iter_num / (iter_num + 1.0))
    for each_move in flow.movement_steps:
        flow.movement_flows[each_move] += (flow.movement_steps[each_move] /
                                           (iter_num + 1.0))
Example #2
 def get_movements(self, timeslice):
     ''' Return the list of movements at timeslice or generate the list if neccessary.
         The travel time and travel cost is calculated at the same time. 
     if timeslice in self.moves_on_path:
         return self.moves_on_path[timeslice]
     # first calculate transfer cost
     total_travel_cost = self.num_transfer * conf.ALPHA_tran
     # then generate memoization for movements on path, and calculate other travel costs
     self.moves_on_path[timeslice] = []
     self.path_travel_time[timeslice] = 0.0
     timeline = timeslice
     for each_edge in self.edges_on_path:
         if isinstance(each_edge.related_vector, TransitLine):
             # if the edge is a transit line
             line = each_edge.related_vector
              wait_time) = line.calc_arrival_time(slice2min(timeline),
             # when there is no public transport service at timeslice, return infinite travel time/cost
             if arrival_time == float('inf') or wait_time == float('inf'):
                 self.path_travel_timeslice[timeslice] = float('inf')
                 self.path_travel_cost[timeslice] = float('inf')
                 return []
             in_vehicle_time = arrival_time - slice2min(
                 timeline) - wait_time
             # create transit line move
             line_move = Move(timeline + min2slice(wait_time), each_edge)
             timeline = min2slice(arrival_time)
             # calculate travel cost
             wait_cost = wait_time * conf.ALPHA_wait
             move_flow = get_move_flow(line_move)
             in_vehicle_cost = line.calc_travel_cost(
                 in_vehicle_time, move_flow)
             total_travel_cost = total_travel_cost + in_vehicle_cost + wait_cost
             # if the edge is NOT a transit line
             each_vector = each_edge.related_vector
             next_move = Move(timeline, each_edge)
             move_flow = get_move_flow(next_move)
             travel_time = each_vector.calc_travel_time(move_flow)
             travel_cost = each_vector.calc_travel_cost(travel_time)
             timeline = timeline + min2slice(travel_time)
             total_travel_cost = total_travel_cost + travel_cost
             self.path_travel_time[timeslice] += travel_time
     self.path_travel_timeslice[timeslice] = timeline - timeslice
     self.path_travel_cost[timeslice] = total_travel_cost
     return self.moves_on_path[timeslice]
Example #3
 def get_movements(self, timeslice):
     ''' Return the list of movements at timeslice or generate the list if neccessary.
         The travel time and travel cost is calculated at the same time. 
     if timeslice in self.moves_on_path:
         return self.moves_on_path[timeslice]
     # first calculate transfer cost
     total_travel_cost = self.num_transfer * conf.ALPHA_tran
     # then generate memoization for movements on path, and calculate other travel costs
     self.moves_on_path[timeslice] = []
     self.path_travel_time[timeslice] = 0.0
     timeline = timeslice
     for each_edge in self.edges_on_path:
         if isinstance(each_edge.related_vector, TransitLine):
             # if the edge is a transit line
             line = each_edge.related_vector
             (arrival_time, wait_time) = line.calc_arrival_time(
                 slice2min(timeline), each_edge.head_node, each_edge.tail_node)
             # when there is no public transport service at timeslice, return infinite travel time/cost 
             if arrival_time == float('inf') or wait_time == float('inf'):
                 self.path_travel_timeslice[timeslice] = float('inf')
                 self.path_travel_cost[timeslice] = float('inf')
                 return []
             in_vehicle_time = arrival_time - slice2min(timeline) - wait_time
             # create transit line move
             line_move = Move(timeline + min2slice(wait_time), each_edge)
             timeline = min2slice(arrival_time)
             # calculate travel cost
             wait_cost = wait_time * conf.ALPHA_wait
             move_flow = get_move_flow(line_move)
             in_vehicle_cost = line.calc_travel_cost(in_vehicle_time, move_flow)
             total_travel_cost = total_travel_cost + in_vehicle_cost + wait_cost
             # if the edge is NOT a transit line
             each_vector = each_edge.related_vector
             next_move = Move(timeline, each_edge)
             move_flow = get_move_flow(next_move)
             travel_time = each_vector.calc_travel_time(move_flow)
             travel_cost = each_vector.calc_travel_cost(travel_time)
             timeline = timeline + min2slice(travel_time)
             total_travel_cost = total_travel_cost + travel_cost
             self.path_travel_time[timeslice] += travel_time
     self.path_travel_timeslice[timeslice] = timeline - timeslice
     self.path_travel_cost[timeslice] = total_travel_cost
     return self.moves_on_path[timeslice]
Example #4
def export_movement_flows(export):
    print >> export, '\n------ movement flows ------\n'
    sorted_moves = sorted(flow.movement_flows.keys(), key=repr)
    max_bus_flow, max_sub_flow,max_hwy_flow, max_ped_flow = \
        float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')
    for each_move in sorted_moves:
        # print>>export, " %s\t%6.1f" % (each_move, flow.movement_flows[each_move])
        if each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity == conf.CAPACITY_bus:
            if max_bus_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_bus_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move]
        elif each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity == conf.CAPACITY_sub:
            if max_sub_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_sub_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move]
        elif each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity == conf.CAPACITY_ped:
            if max_ped_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_ped_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move]
            if max_hwy_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_hwy_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move]
    print >> export, " maximum transit line flows %6.1f png" % (max_bus_flow)
    print >> export, " maximum subway line flows %6.1f png" % (max_sub_flow)
    print >> export, " maximum highway flows %6.1f png" % (max_hwy_flow)
    print >> export, " maximum pedestrian flows %6.1f png" % (max_ped_flow)

    print >> export, '\n movement flow variables (exceeding capacity) \n'
    for origin in elem.zone_list:
        for dest in elem.zone_list:
            # print>>export, [origin, dest]
            path = elem.shortest_path[origin][dest]
            print >> export, "\n%s" % path
            for timeslice in xrange(min2slice(conf.DAY)):
                path_travel_timeslice, path_travel_cost = path.calc_travel_impedences(
                print >> export, "[%3d] " % timeslice,
                print >> export, "%8.2f\t%8.2f\t" % (
                    path.get_travel_time(timeslice), path_travel_cost)
                for each_move in path.moves_on_path[timeslice]:
                    print >> export, " %s:\t" % each_move,
                    print >> export, "%8.2f / %8.2f" % (
                    if flow.movement_flows[
                            each_move] > each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity:
                        print >> export, " !!",
                    print >> export
Example #5
def calc_total_emission():
    total_emission = 0.0
    for each_move in flow.movement_flows:
        move_flow = get_move_flow(each_move)
        related_vector   = each_move.related_edge.related_vector
        if isinstance(related_vector, Road):
            travel_time      = related_vector.calc_travel_time(move_flow)
            vehicle_emission = related_vector.calc_vehicle_emission(travel_time)
            total_emission  += vehicle_emission
    return total_emission
Example #6
def export_movement_flows(export):
    print>>export, '\n------ movement flows ------\n'
    sorted_moves = sorted(flow.movement_flows.keys(), key = repr)
    max_bus_flow, max_sub_flow,max_hwy_flow, max_ped_flow = \
        float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')
    for each_move in sorted_moves:
        # print>>export, " %s\t%6.1f" % (each_move, flow.movement_flows[each_move])
        if each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity == conf.CAPACITY_bus:
            if max_bus_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_bus_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move]
        elif each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity == conf.CAPACITY_sub:
            if max_sub_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_sub_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move]
        elif each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity == conf.CAPACITY_ped:
            if max_ped_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_ped_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move] 
            if max_hwy_flow < flow.movement_flows[each_move]:
                max_hwy_flow = flow.movement_flows[each_move] 
    print>>export, " maximum transit line flows %6.1f png" % (max_bus_flow)
    print>>export, " maximum subway line flows %6.1f png" % (max_sub_flow)
    print>>export, " maximum highway flows %6.1f png" % (max_hwy_flow)
    print>>export, " maximum pedestrian flows %6.1f png" % (max_ped_flow)

    print>>export, '\n movement flow variables (exceeding capacity) \n'
    for origin in elem.zone_list:
        for dest in elem.zone_list:
            # print>>export, [origin, dest]
            path = elem.shortest_path[origin][dest]
            print>>export, "\n%s" % path
            for timeslice in xrange(min2slice(conf.DAY)):
                path_travel_timeslice, path_travel_cost = path.calc_travel_impedences(timeslice)
                print>>export, "[%3d] " % timeslice, 
                print>>export, "%8.2f\t%8.2f\t" % (path.get_travel_time(timeslice), path_travel_cost)
                for each_move in path.moves_on_path[timeslice]:
                    print>>export, " %s:\t" % each_move, 
                    print>>export, "%8.2f / %8.2f" % (flow.movement_flows[each_move],
                    if flow.movement_flows[each_move] > each_move.related_edge.related_vector.capacity:
                        print>>export, " !!", 
Example #7
def calc_total_emission():
    total_emission = 0.0
    for each_move in flow.movement_flows:
        move_flow = get_move_flow(each_move)
        related_vector = each_move.related_edge.related_vector
        if isinstance(related_vector, Road):
            travel_time = related_vector.calc_travel_time(move_flow)
            vehicle_emission = related_vector.calc_vehicle_emission(
            total_emission += vehicle_emission
    return total_emission
Example #8
def update_movement_flows(iter_num):
    for each_move in flow.movement_flows:
        flow.movement_flows[each_move] *= (iter_num / (iter_num + 1.0))
    for each_move in flow.movement_steps:
        flow.movement_flows[each_move] += (flow.movement_steps[each_move] / (iter_num + 1.0))