Example #1
    async def explosive(self, ctx: MyContext):
        Buy Explosive ammo to TRIPLE the damage you do to super ducks for 24 hours
        ITEM_COST = 25

        _ = await ctx.get_translate_function()

        if self.bot.current_event == Events.UN_TREATY:
            await ctx.reply(_("❌ A UN treaty bans the use of Armor Piercing and Explosive ammo for now, "
                              "I can't sell that to you. (`{ctx.prefix}event`)",))
            return False

        language_code = await ctx.get_language_code()
        db_hunter: Player = await get_player(ctx.author, ctx.channel)

        self.ensure_enough_experience(db_hunter, ITEM_COST)

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active("explosive_ammo"):
            time_delta = get_timedelta(db_hunter.active_powerups['explosive_ammo'],

            await ctx.reply(_("❌ Your gun is already using explosive ammo for {time_delta}!",
                              time_delta=format_timedelta(time_delta, locale=language_code)))
            return False

        await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -ITEM_COST)
        db_hunter.active_powerups["explosive_ammo"] = int(time.time()) + DAY
        db_hunter.bought_items['explosive_ammo'] += 1

        await db_hunter.save()
        await ctx.reply(_("💸 You bought some **EXPLOSIVE** ammo. Thrice the damage, that'll be bloody! [Bought: -{ITEM_COST} exp]", ITEM_COST=ITEM_COST))
Example #2
    async def ap(self, ctx: MyContext):
        Buy AP ammo to double the damage you do to super ducks. [15 exp/24 hrs]
        ITEM_COST = 15

        _ = await ctx.get_translate_function()
        language_code = await ctx.get_language_code()
        if self.bot.current_event == Events.UN_TREATY:
            await ctx.reply(
                    "❌ A UN treaty bans the use of Armor Piercing and Explosive ammo for now, "
                    "I can't sell that to you. (`{ctx.prefix}event`)", ))
            return False

        db_hunter: Player = await get_player(ctx.author, ctx.channel)

        self.ensure_enough_experience(db_hunter, ITEM_COST)

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active("ap_ammo"):
            time_delta = get_timedelta(db_hunter.active_powerups['ap_ammo'],

            await ctx.reply(
                _("❌ Whoops, your gun is already using AP ammo for {time_delta}!",
            return False
        elif db_hunter.is_powerup_active("explosive_ammo"):
            time_delta = get_timedelta(
                db_hunter.active_powerups['explosive_ammo'], time.time())

            await ctx.reply(
                _("❌ Your gun is using some even better explosive ammo for {time_delta}!",
            return False

        await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -ITEM_COST)
        db_hunter.active_powerups["ap_ammo"] = int(time.time()) + DAY
        db_hunter.bought_items['ap_ammo'] += 1

        await db_hunter.save()
        await ctx.reply(
            _("💸 You bought some AP ammo. Twice the damage, twice the fun! [Bought: -{ITEM_COST} exp, total {db_hunter.experience} exp]",
Example #3
    async def silencer(self, ctx: MyContext):
        Add a silencer to your weapon to prevent scaring ducks. [5 exp/24* hrs]
        ITEM_COST = 5

        _ = await ctx.get_translate_function()

        db_hunter: Player = await get_player(ctx.author, ctx.channel)

        self.ensure_enough_experience(db_hunter, ITEM_COST)

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('silencer'):
            language_code = await ctx.get_language_code()
            time_delta = get_timedelta(db_hunter.active_powerups['silencer'],

            await ctx.reply(
                _("❌ You already use a silencer. It's still good for {time_delta}, come back then.",
            return False

        await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -ITEM_COST)
        db_hunter.active_powerups["silencer"] = int(time.time()) + DAY

        if db_hunter.prestige >= 6:
            db_hunter.active_powerups["silencer"] += DAY

        db_hunter.bought_items['silencer'] += 1

        await db_hunter.save()
        if db_hunter.prestige >= 6:
            await ctx.reply(
                _("💸 You added a military-grade silencer to your weapon. You seem to know the game well. [Bought: -{ITEM_COST} exp, total {db_hunter.experience} exp]",
            await ctx.reply(
                _("💸 You added a silencer to your weapon. Ducks are still afraid of the noise, but you don't make any. [Bought: -{ITEM_COST} exp, total {db_hunter.experience} exp]",
Example #4
    async def clover(self, ctx: MyContext):
        Buy a 4-Leaf clover to get more exp for every duck you kill :)
        ITEM_COST = 13

        _ = await ctx.get_translate_function()
        language_code = await ctx.get_language_code()

        db_hunter: Player = await get_player(ctx.author, ctx.channel)
        db_channel: DiscordChannel = await get_from_db(ctx.channel)

        self.ensure_enough_experience(db_hunter, ITEM_COST)

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('clover'):
            time_delta = get_timedelta(db_hunter.active_powerups['clover'],
            await ctx.reply(_("❌ You already use a 4-Leaf clover. Try your luck again in {time_delta}!",
                              time_delta=format_timedelta(time_delta, locale=language_code)))
            return False

        max_experience = db_channel.clover_max_experience
        if self.bot.current_event == Events.FLORIST:
            max_experience *= 2

        clover_exp = random.randint(db_channel.clover_min_experience, max_experience)
        await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -ITEM_COST)
        db_hunter.active_powerups["clover"] = int(time.time()) + DAY
        db_hunter.active_powerups["clover_exp"] = clover_exp

        db_hunter.bought_items['clover'] += 1

        await db_hunter.save()
        await ctx.reply(
            _("🍀 You bought a 4-Leaf clover. Every time you kill a duck, you'll get {clover_exp} experience points more. [Bought: -{ITEM_COST} exp]", ITEM_COST=ITEM_COST,
Example #5
    async def bang(self, ctx: MyContext,
                   target: Optional[SmartMemberConverter], *args):
        Shoot at the duck that appeared first on the channel.
        _ = await ctx.get_translate_function()

        if not self.bot.is_ready():
            await ctx.reply(
                _("The bot is still starting up, please wait a minute and retry. Ducks haven't been lost."
            return False

        db_hunter: Player = await get_player(ctx.author,
        hunter_coat_color = db_hunter.get_current_coat_color()
        now = int(time.time())

        language_code = await ctx.get_language_code()

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active("dead"):
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_when_dead'] += 1
            await db_hunter.save()
            await ctx.reply(
                    "☠️ It's a little cold in there... Maybe because **you are DEAD**! have you tried eating BRAINS ? `{ctx.prefix}revive`...",
            return False

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('wet'):
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_when_wet'] += 1
            await db_hunter.save()

            td = get_timedelta(db_hunter.active_powerups['wet'], now)
            await ctx.reply(
                _("🚰 Come on! Your clothes are wet, at least dry them (for **{time_delta}**) or something, or buy new ones (`{ctx.prefix}shop clothes`)",
                  time_delta=format_timedelta(td, locale=language_code)))
            return False

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active("confiscated"):
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_when_confiscated'] += 1
            await db_hunter.save()

            await ctx.reply(
                _("⛔️ Oh no! Your weapon has been confiscated. Wait for freetime (`{ctx.prefix}freetime`), or buy it back in the shop (`{ctx.prefix}shop weapon`)",
            return False

        sabotage = db_hunter.weapon_sabotaged_by

        if sabotage:
            sabotager = await db_hunter.weapon_sabotaged_by.get()
            member = await sabotager.member
            user = await member.user

            if target and user.discord_id == target.id and target.id != ctx.author.id:
                sabotager.stored_achievements['prevention'] = True
                await sabotager.save()

            db_hunter.weapon_sabotaged_by = None
            db_hunter.active_powerups['jammed'] = 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_when_sabotaged'] += 1
            await db_hunter.save()

            await ctx.reply(
                    "💥 Your weapon was sabotaged and exploded in your face. You can thank "
                    "{sabotager.name}#{sabotager.discriminator} for this bad joke.",
            return False

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('jammed'):
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_when_jammed'] += 1
            await db_hunter.save()

            await ctx.reply(
                _("☁️ Your weapon is jammed. Reload it to clean it up ! (`{ctx.prefix}reload`)"
            return False

        if db_hunter.bullets <= 0:
            level_info = db_hunter.level_info()

            if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('reloader'):
                if db_hunter.magazines > 0:
                    db_hunter.magazines -= 1
                    db_hunter.bullets = level_info['bullets']
                    db_hunter.shooting_stats['autoreloads'] += 1
                    db_hunter.shooting_stats['failed_autoreloads'] += 1
                    await db_hunter.save()
                    await ctx.reply(
                            "🦉 Backpack empty ! Buy magazines | **Bullets**: 0/{max_bullets} | Magazines: 0/{max_magazines} [**Autoreload failed**]",
                    return False
                db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_with_empty_magazine'] += 1
                await db_hunter.save()

                await ctx.reply(_(
                    "🦉 Magazine empty ! Reload or buy bullets | **Bullets**: 0/{max_bullets} | Magazines: {current_magazines}/{max_magazines}",
                return False

        # Jamming
        level_info = db_hunter.level_info()
        lucky = compute_luck(level_info['reliability'])
        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('grease'):
            lucky = lucky or compute_luck(level_info['reliability'])
        elif db_hunter.is_powerup_active('sand'):
            db_hunter.active_powerups['sand'] -= 1
            lucky = lucky and compute_luck(level_info['reliability'])

        if not lucky:
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_jamming_weapon'] += 1
            db_hunter.active_powerups['jammed'] = 1
            await db_hunter.save()
            await ctx.reply(_(
                "💥 Your weapon jammed. Reload it and consider buying grease next time."
            return False

        db_hunter.bullets -= 1
        db_hunter.shooting_stats['bullets_used'] += 1
        db_channel = await get_from_db(ctx.channel)

        homing = db_hunter.is_powerup_active('homing_bullets')
        if homing:
            db_hunter.active_powerups["homing_bullets"] -= 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['homing_kills'] += 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['missed'] += 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['killed'] += 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['murders'] += 1
            db_hunter.active_powerups["dead"] += 1
            await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -2)  # Missed

            has_kill_licence = db_hunter.is_powerup_active('kill_licence')

            if not has_kill_licence:
                await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -15)  # Kill
                db_hunter.active_powerups["confiscated"] = 1

            await db_hunter.save()

            await ctx.reply(
                    "✨ You take the new homing bullets outside of their packaging, place them in your weapon and shoot with your eyes closed...",
            await asyncio.sleep(2)

            if has_kill_licence:
                if db_channel.anti_trigger_wording:
                    await ctx.reply(
                            "... And the bullet flew straight into your face, killing you instantly. "
                            "You should send your complaints to the CACAD. Your licence to kill saved your experience. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",
                    await ctx.reply(
                            "... And the bullet flew straight into your face, killing you instantly. "
                            "You should send your complaints to the CACAD. At least, you had a ~~kill~~ suicide licence. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",
                await ctx.reply(
                        "... And the bullet flew straight into your face, killing you instantly. "
                        "You should send your complaints to the CACAD. [**WEAPON CONFISCATED**][**MISSED**: -2 exp][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
            await ctx.send(
                f"http://www.tombstonebuilder.com/generate.php?top1={quote_plus(ctx.author.name)}&top2={quote_plus(_('Signed up for the CACAD.'))}&top3=&top4=&sp="
            return False

        # Maybe a duck there
        await db_hunter.save()
        duck = await ctx.target_next_duck()

        # Missing

        if duck:
            accuracy = await duck.get_accuracy(level_info['accuracy'])

            if self.bot.current_event == Events.WINDY:
                # Gotta miss more
                accuracy = max(60, accuracy * 3 / 4)

            if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('mirror'):
                if hunter_coat_color == Coats.YELLOW:
                    accuracy = int(accuracy / 1.4)
                    db_hunter.active_powerups['mirror'] -= 1
                    accuracy = int(accuracy / 2)
                    db_hunter.active_powerups['mirror'] -= 1

            if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('sight'):
                accuracy += int((100 - accuracy) / 3)
                db_hunter.active_powerups['sight'] -= 1
            if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('detector'):
                accuracy = 100
                accuracy = 90  # 90% chance of knowing there is no duck.

        missed = not compute_luck(accuracy)

        if target and hunter_coat_color == Coats.RED:
            missed = False

        if (missed and not target) or (target and not missed):
            if duck:
                await duck.release()
            murder = bool(target)

            if missed:
                db_hunter.shooting_stats['missed'] += 1
                await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -2)

            # Killing
            killed_someone = target or compute_luck(

            if self.bot.current_event == Events.SAFETY:
                # Double the kills
                killed_someone = killed_someone or compute_luck(

            if killed_someone:
                if murder:
                    db_target: Player = await get_player(target, ctx.channel)
                    db_hunter.shooting_stats['murders'] += 1
                    db_target: Player = await get_random_player(db_channel)
                    if db_target.member.user.discord_id == 138751484517941259:
                        db_user = await get_from_db(ctx.author, as_user=True)
                        db_user.trophys["no_more_updates"] = True
                        await db_user.save(update_fields=["trophys"])

                target_coat_color = db_target.get_current_coat_color()
                if db_channel.mentions_when_killed:
                    player_name = f"<@{db_target.member.user.discord_id}>"
                    player_name = db_target.member.user.name

                if not murder and target_coat_color == Coats.ORANGE and random.randint(
                        1, 100) <= 75:
                    db_hunter.shooting_stats['near_misses'] += 1
                    db_target.shooting_stats['near_missed'] += 1

                    await ctx.reply(
                            "🔫 You missed the duck... And *almost* shot {player_name} in the head, missing them by a few hairs. "
                            "Their orange coat saved them. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",

                    await asyncio.gather(db_target.save(), db_hunter.save())

                elif hunter_coat_color == Coats.PINK and target_coat_color == Coats.PINK:
                    if murder:
                            'murders'] -= 1  # Cancel the murder

                        db_hunter.shooting_stats['love_avoids_murder'] += 1
                        db_target.shooting_stats['love_avoided_murder'] += 1

                        await ctx.reply(
                                "🔫 You took your weapon out, aimed it towards {player_name} head, but they had a pink coat just like yours. "
                                "Using the power of love, you missed them on purpose, and hit the love tree 🌳. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",
                        db_hunter.shooting_stats['love_avoids_accidents'] += 1
                        db_target.shooting_stats['love_avoided_accidents'] += 1

                        await ctx.reply(
                                "🔫 You missed the duck... And you saw your bullet go towards {player_name} head, "
                                "but they had a pink coat just like yours. Just like in the movies, "
                                "by using the power of love, you made the bullet hit the love tree 🌳 instead. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",
                    await asyncio.gather(db_target.save(), db_hunter.save())

                has_valid_kill_licence = db_hunter.is_powerup_active(
                    'kill_licence') and not murder

                db_hunter.shooting_stats['killed'] += 1

                if hunter_coat_color == Coats.RED and murder:
                    await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -15)
                elif not has_valid_kill_licence:
                    await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -15)
                    db_hunter.active_powerups["confiscated"] = 1

                if db_target.id == db_hunter.id:
                    db_target = db_hunter
                    db_hunter.shooting_stats['suicides'] += 1

                db_target.shooting_stats['got_killed'] += 1
                db_target.active_powerups["dead"] += 1

                if db_target.id != db_hunter.id:
                    await asyncio.gather(db_target.save(), db_hunter.save()
                                         )  # Save both at the same time
                    await db_hunter.save()

                if murder:
                    if hunter_coat_color != Coats.RED:
                        if db_target.id == db_hunter.id:
                            if db_channel.anti_trigger_wording:
                                await ctx.reply(
                                        "🔫 You are now dead. [**WEAPON CONFISCATED**][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                                await ctx.reply(
                                        "🔫 You commited suicide. [**WEAPON CONFISCATED**][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                            await ctx.reply(
                                    "🔫 You took your weapon out, aiming it directly towards {player_name} head, and pulled the trigger. "
                                    "[**WEAPON CONFISCATED**][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                        if db_target.id == db_hunter.id:
                            if db_channel.anti_trigger_wording:
                                await ctx.reply(
                                        "🔫 You are now dead. [**RED COAT**: Kept weapon][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                                await ctx.reply(
                                        "🔫 You commited suicide. [**RED COAT**: Kept weapon][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                            await ctx.reply(
                                    "🔫 You took your weapon out, aiming it directly towards {player_name} head, and pulled the trigger. "
                                    "[**RED COAT**: Kept weapon][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                    if has_valid_kill_licence:
                        if db_target.id == db_hunter.id:
                            await ctx.reply(
                                    "🔫 You missed the duck... And shot yourself in the head. You died. "
                                    "You are legally allowed to kill ~~people~~yourself. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",
                            await ctx.reply(
                                    "🔫 You missed the duck... And shot {player_name} in the head, killing them on the spot. "
                                    "You are legally allowed to kill people. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",
                        if db_target.id == db_hunter.id:
                            await ctx.reply(
                                    "🔫 You missed the duck... And shot yourself in the head, dying instantly. "
                                    "[**WEAPON CONFISCATED**][**MISSED**: -2 exp][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",
                            await ctx.reply(
                                    "🔫 You missed the duck... And shot {player_name} in the head, killing them on the spot. "
                                    "[**WEAPON CONFISCATED**][**MISSED**: -2 exp][**MURDER**: -15 exp]",

                await ctx.send(
                    f"http://www.tombstonebuilder.com/generate.php?top1={quote_plus(db_target.member.user.name)}&top2={quote_plus(_('Forgot to duck'))}&top3=&top4=&sp="
                await db_hunter.save()
                await ctx.reply(
                        "🌲 What did you try to aim at ? I guess you shot that tree, over here. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]",

            return False

        if duck:
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_with_duck'] += 1
            duck.db_target_lock_by = db_hunter  # Since we have unsaved data
            await duck.shoot(args)
        elif db_hunter.is_powerup_active('detector'):
            db_hunter.active_powerups['detector'] -= 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_stopped_by_detector'] += 1
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['bullets_used'] -= 1
            db_hunter.bullets += 1
            await db_hunter.save()
            await ctx.reply(
                _("🕵️ Woah there ! Calm down, there are no ducks. Your infrared detector stopped the shot."
            db_hunter.shooting_stats['shots_without_ducks'] += 1
            await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -2)
            await db_hunter.save()
            await ctx.reply(
                _("❓️ What are you trying to kill exactly ? There are no ducks here. [**MISSED**: -2 exp]"
Example #6
    async def clover(self, ctx: MyContext):
        Buy a 4-Leaf clover to get more exp for every duck you kill :). [13 exp/24 hrs]

        You can always buy a new clover during the florist event, but the price will be doubled if you had a clover already.
        ITEM_COST = 13

        _ = await ctx.get_translate_function()
        language_code = await ctx.get_language_code()

        db_hunter: Player = await get_player(ctx.author, ctx.channel)
        db_channel: DiscordChannel = await get_from_db(ctx.channel)

        if db_hunter.is_powerup_active('clover'):
            if self.bot.current_event == Events.FLORIST:
                    self.ensure_enough_experience(db_hunter, ITEM_COST * 2)
                except NotEnoughExperience:
                    db_hunter.shooting_stats['cops_seen'] += 1
                    await db_hunter.save()
                    await ctx.reply(
                            "❌ You tried to throw your old clover to buy a new one at the new florist. "
                            "Unfortunately, there is a cop around and you don't have enough exp to pay a "
                            "littering fine of {fine} exp.",
                    return False
                db_hunter.shooting_stats['thrown_clovers'] += 1
                await ctx.reply(
                        "🍀 You throw your old clover to buy a new one at the new florist. "
                        "Unfortunately, a cop catches you and fines you {fine} exp for littering.",
                ITEM_COST *= 2
                time_delta = get_timedelta(db_hunter.active_powerups['clover'],
                await ctx.reply(
                    _("❌ You already use a 4-Leaf clover. Try your luck again in {time_delta}!",
                return False

        self.ensure_enough_experience(db_hunter, ITEM_COST)

        max_experience = db_channel.clover_max_experience
        if self.bot.current_event == Events.FLORIST:
            max_experience *= 2

        clover_exp = random.randint(db_channel.clover_min_experience,
        await db_hunter.edit_experience_with_levelups(ctx, -ITEM_COST)
        db_hunter.active_powerups["clover"] = int(time.time()) + DAY
        db_hunter.active_powerups["clover_exp"] = clover_exp

        db_hunter.bought_items['clover'] += 1

        await db_hunter.save()
        await ctx.reply(
                "🍀 You bought a 4-Leaf clover. Every time you kill a duck, you'll get {clover_exp} more experience points."
                " [Bought: -{ITEM_COST} exp, total {db_hunter.experience} exp]",