def calibrate_from_initialization(img, mask, A_init, R_init, T_init, edge_sfactor=0.5, visualize=False): h, w = img.shape[:2] edges = image_utils.robust_edge_detection( cv2.resize(img, None, fx=edge_sfactor, fy=edge_sfactor)) edges = cv2.resize(edges, None, fx=1. / edge_sfactor, fy=1. / edge_sfactor) edges = cv2.Canny(edges.astype(np.uint8) * 255, 100, 200) / 255.0 # find edge mask = cv2.dilate(mask, np.ones((25, 25), dtype=np.uint8)) edges = edges * (1 - mask) dist_transf = cv2.distanceTransform((1 - edges).astype(np.uint8), cv2.DIST_L2, 0) # distance to the edge cam_init = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A_init, R_init, T_init, h, w) template, field_mask = draw_utils.draw_field(cam_init) II, JJ = (template > 0).nonzero() synth_field2d = np.array([[JJ, II]]).T[:, :, 0] field3d = cam_utils.plane_points_to_3d(synth_field2d, cam_init) A, R, T = _calibrate_camera_dist_transf(A_init, R_init, T_init, dist_transf, field3d) if visualize: cam_res = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A, R, T, h, w) field2d, __ = cam_res.project(field3d) io.imshow(img, points=field2d) return A, R, T, field3d
def calibrate_by_click(img1, img2, mask1, mask2, edge_sfactor=0.5, field_img_path='./demo/data/field.png'): h, w = img1.shape[0:2] points2d_img1, points2d_img2, points3d = _set_correspondences( img1, img2, field_img_path=field_img_path) points2d_list = [points2d_img1, points2d_img2] img_list = [img1, img2] mask_list = [mask1, mask2] # For save the calibration A_out, R_out, T_out = [], [], [] for i, points2d in enumerate(points2d_list): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OpenCV initial calibration fx, fy = cam_utils.grid_search_focal_length(points3d, points2d, h, w, same_f=True) A = cam_utils.intrinsic_matrix_from_focal_length(fx, fy, h, w) points_3d_cv = points3d[:, np.newaxis, :].astype(np.float32) points_2d_cv = points2d[:, np.newaxis, :].astype(np.float32) print(points2d) _, rvec, tvec, _ = cv2.solvePnPRansac(points_3d_cv, points_2d_cv, A, None) rvec, tvec = np.squeeze(rvec), np.squeeze(tvec) R, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) T = np.array([tvec]).T cam_cv = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A, R, T, h, w) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Photometric refinement A__, R__, T__, field3d = calibrate_from_initialization( img_list[i], mask_list[i], A, R, T, edge_sfactor) cam = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A__, R__, T__, h, w) # Sanity check, project the soccer field points p2_cv, _ = cam_cv.project(field3d) p2_cv, _ = cam_utils.inside_frame(p2_cv, cam.height, cam.width) p2_opt, _ = cam_cv.project(field3d) p2_opt, valid_id = cam_utils.inside_frame(p2_opt, cam_cv.height, cam_cv.width) class Index(object): def save_opt(self, event): A_out.append(cam.A) R_out.append(cam.R) T_out.append(cam.T) plt.close() def save_pnp(self, event): A_out.append(cam_cv.A) R_out.append(cam_cv.R) T_out.append(cam_cv.T) plt.close() def discard(self, event): A_out.append() R_out.append() T_out.append() plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) io_utils.imshow(img_list[i], ax=ax[0], points=p2_opt) io_utils.imshow(img_list[i], ax=ax[1], points=p2_cv) callback = Index() axdisc = plt.axes([0.6, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axcv = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axopt = plt.axes([0.81, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bnext = Button(axopt, 'Save opt') bnext.on_clicked(callback.save_opt) bprev = Button(axdisc, 'Discard') bprev.on_clicked(callback.discard) bpcv = Button(axcv, 'Save cv') bpcv.on_clicked(callback.save_pnp) return A_out, R_out, T_out, [points2d_img1, points2d_img2, points3d]
def calibrate_from_initialization(img, mask, A_init, R_init, T_init, edge_sfactor=0.5, visualize=False): # set to 1 to use the improvd calibration propagation improved_method = 0 validate_pixels = 0 # check if segmented line pixels are on a white line, slow h, w = img.shape[:2] if improved_method: G_mag, G_direction = get_image_gradients(img) field_green = get_field_green(img) edges = get_field_markings(G_mag, field_green, mask) if validate_pixels: edges = validate_white_line(img, G_mag, G_direction, edges, field_green) dist_transf = cv2.distanceTransform((1 - edges).astype(np.uint8), cv2.DIST_L2, 0) cam_init = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A_init, R_init, T_init, h, w) template, field_mask = draw_utils.draw_field(cam_init) II, JJ = (template > 0).nonzero() synth_field2d = np.array([[JJ, II]]).T[:, :, 0] field3d = cam_utils.plane_points_to_3d(synth_field2d, cam_init) A, R, T = _calibrate_camera_dist_transf(A_init, R_init, T_init, dist_transf, field3d) if visualize: cam_res = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A, R, T, h, w) field2d, __ = cam_res.project(field3d) io.imshow(img, points=field2d) else: edges = image_utils.robust_edge_detection( cv2.resize(img, None, fx=edge_sfactor, fy=edge_sfactor)) edges = cv2.resize(edges, None, fx=1. / edge_sfactor, fy=1. / edge_sfactor) edges = cv2.Canny(edges.astype(np.uint8) * 255, 100, 200) / 255.0 mask = cv2.dilate(mask, np.ones((25, 25), dtype=np.uint8)) edges = edges * (1 - mask) dist_transf = cv2.distanceTransform((1 - edges).astype(np.uint8), cv2.DIST_L2, 0) cam_init = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A_init, R_init, T_init, h, w) template, field_mask = draw_utils.draw_field(cam_init) II, JJ = (template > 0).nonzero() synth_field2d = np.array([[JJ, II]]).T[:, :, 0] field3d = cam_utils.plane_points_to_3d(synth_field2d, cam_init) A, R, T = _calibrate_camera_dist_transf(A_init, R_init, T_init, dist_transf, field3d) if visualize: cam_res = cam_utils.Camera('tmp', A, R, T, h, w) field2d, __ = cam_res.project(field3d) io.imshow(img, points=field2d) return A, R, T, field3d