Example #1
def test_learn(args):

    machine = Machine("x86_64")

    # Compil tests
    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
    log_info("Compile C files")
    status = os.system("make")
    assert status == 0

    # Find test names
    c_files = []

    for cur_dir, sub_dir, files in os.walk("."):
        c_files += [x[:-2] for x in files if x.endswith(".c")]

    for c_file in c_files:
        cont = Container.from_stream(open(c_file))

        func_name = c_file
        main_addr = cont.symbol_pool["main"].offset
        func_addr = cont.symbol_pool[func_name].offset

        log_info("Learning " + func_name + " over " + func_name + ".c")

        cmd = [
            "sibyl", "learn", "-t", "miasm", "-m",
            hex(main_addr), func_name, c_file
        sibyl = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
        stdout, stderr = sibyl.communicate()
        assert sibyl.returncode == 0

        log_info("Testing generated class")

        mod = imp.new_module("testclass")
        exec stdout in mod.__dict__
        classTest = getattr(mod, "Test" + c_file)
        tl = TestLauncher(c_file, machine, ABI_AMD64_SYSTEMV, [classTest],

        possible_funcs = tl.run(func_addr)
        if tl.possible_funcs:
            log_success("Generated class recognize the function " + func_name)
            log_error("Generated class failed to recognize the function " +

    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
Example #2
def test_learn(args):
    machine = Machine("x86_64")

    # Compil tests
    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
    log_info("Compile C files")
    status = os.system("make")
    assert status == 0

    # Find test names
    c_files = []

    for cur_dir, sub_dir, files in os.walk("."):
        c_files += [x[:-2] for x in files if x.endswith(".c")]

    # Ways to invoke
    to_invoke = {
        "Miasm": invoke_miasm,
    if args.pin_tracer:
        to_invoke["PIN"] = invoke_pin

    # Learn + test
    fail = False
    for filename in c_files:

        if filename in unsupported:
            log_error("Skip %s (unsupported)" % filename)

        with open(filename) as fdesc:
            cont = Container.from_stream(fdesc)

        func_name = filename
        func_addr = cont.loc_db.get_name_offset(func_name)
        header_filename = "%s.h" % filename

        for name, cb in to_invoke.iteritems():
            log_info("Learning %s over %s with %s" % (func_name,
                                                      filename, name))
            cmdline = cb(filename, func_name, header_filename, cont)

            print " ".join(cmdline)
            sibyl = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, env=os.environ,
            stdout, stderr = sibyl.communicate()
            if sibyl.returncode != 0:
                log_error("Failed to learn with error:")
                print stderr
                fail = True

            log_info("Testing generated class")

            mod = imp.new_module("testclass")
            exec stdout in mod.__dict__
            classTest = getattr(mod, "TESTS")[0]
            tl = TestLauncher(filename, machine, ABI_AMD64_SYSTEMV, [classTest],

            possible_funcs = tl.run(func_addr)
            if tl.possible_funcs and possible_funcs == [filename]:
                log_success("Generated class recognize the function " \
                            "'%s'" % func_name)
                log_error("Generated class failed to recognize the function " \
                          "'%s'" % func_name)
                fail = True

    # Clean
    log_info( "Remove old files" )
    os.system("make clean")

    return fail
Example #3
def test_find(args):

    if args.func_heuristic:
        get_funcs = get_funcs_heuristics
        get_funcs = get_funcs_exe_source

    # Compil tests
    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
    log_info("Compile C files")
    status = os.system("make")

    # Find test names
    c_files = []

    for cur_dir, sub_dir, files in os.walk("."):
        c_files += [x for x in files if x.endswith(".c")]

    log_info("Found:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(c_files))

    for c_file in c_files:
        filename = c_file[:-2]
        log_info(" %s:" % filename)
        # to_check: (addr, expected found)
        # extra: possible extra match
        to_check, extra = get_funcs(c_file, filename)
        print "\n".join("0x%08x: %s" % (addr, funcname)
                        for (addr, funcname) in to_check)

        # Launch Sibyl
        log_info("Launch Sibyl")
        options = ["-j", "gcc", "-i", "5", "-b", "ABIStdCall_x86_32"]
        if not args.arch_heuristic:
            options += ["-a", "x86_32"]

        cmd = ["sibyl", "find"] + options + [filename]
        cmd += [hex(addr) for addr, _ in to_check]
        print " ".join(cmd)
        sibyl = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

        # Parse result
        found = []
        stdout, stderr = sibyl.communicate()
        for line in stdout.split("\n"):
            if not line or not " : " in line:
            addr, func = line.split(" : ")
            found.append((int(addr, 0), func))

        if sibyl.returncode:
            log_error("Process exits with a %d code" % sibyl.returncode)
            print stderr

        log_info("Evaluate results")
        i = 0

        for element in found:
            if element not in to_check:
                offset, name = element
                if offset in extra.get(name, []):
                    # Present in symtab but not in C source file
                    print "[+] Additionnal found: %s (@0x%08x)" % (name,
                    alt_names = [
                        aname for aname, offsets in extra.iteritems()
                        if offset in offsets
                    log_error("Bad found: %s (@0x%08x -> '%s')" %
                              (name, offset, ",".join(alt_names)))
                i += 1
        for element in to_check:
            if element not in found:
                log_error("Unable to find: %s (@0x%08x)" %
                          (element[1], element[0]))

        log_success("Found %d/%d correct elements" % (i, len(to_check)))

    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
    return False
Example #4
def test_learn(args):
    machine = Machine("x86_64")

    # Compil tests
    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
    log_info("Compile C files")
    status = os.system("make")
    assert status == 0

    # Find test names
    c_files = []

    for cur_dir, sub_dir, files in os.walk("."):
        c_files += [x[:-2] for x in files if x.endswith(".c")]

    # Ways to invoke
    to_invoke = {
        "Miasm": invoke_miasm,
    if args.pin_tracer:
        to_invoke["PIN"] = invoke_pin

    # Learn + test
    fail = False
    for filename in c_files:

        if filename in unsupported:
            log_error("Skip %s (unsupported)" % filename)

        with open(filename) as fdesc:
            cont = Container.from_stream(fdesc)

        func_name = filename
        func_addr = cont.loc_db.get_name_offset(func_name)
        header_filename = "%s.h" % filename

        for name, cb in to_invoke.iteritems():
            log_info("Learning %s over %s with %s" %
                     (func_name, filename, name))
            cmdline = cb(filename, func_name, header_filename, cont)

            print " ".join(cmdline)
            sibyl = subprocess.Popen(cmdline,
            stdout, stderr = sibyl.communicate()
            if sibyl.returncode != 0:
                log_error("Failed to learn with error:")
                print stderr
                fail = True

            log_info("Testing generated class")

            mod = imp.new_module("testclass")
            exec stdout in mod.__dict__
            classTest = getattr(mod, "TESTS")[0]
            tl = TestLauncher(filename, machine, ABI_AMD64_SYSTEMV,
                              [classTest], config.jit_engine)

            possible_funcs = tl.run(func_addr)
            if tl.possible_funcs and possible_funcs == [filename]:
                log_success("Generated class recognize the function " \
                            "'%s'" % func_name)
                log_error("Generated class failed to recognize the function " \
                          "'%s'" % func_name)
                fail = True

    # Clean
    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")

    return fail
Example #5
def test_find(args):

    if args.func_heuristic:
        get_funcs = get_funcs_heuristics
        get_funcs = get_funcs_exe_source

    # Compil tests
    log_info( "Remove old files" )
    os.system("make clean")
    log_info( "Compile C files" )
    status = os.system("make")

    # Find test names
    c_files = []

    for cur_dir, sub_dir, files in os.walk("."):
        c_files += [x for x in files if x.endswith(".c")]

    log_info( "Found:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(c_files) )

    for c_file in c_files:
        filename = c_file[:-2]
        log_info( " %s:" % filename )
        # to_check: (addr, expected found)
        # extra: possible extra match
        to_check, extra = get_funcs(c_file, filename)
        print "\n".join("0x%08x: %s" % (addr, funcname)
                        for (addr, funcname) in to_check)

        # Launch Sibyl
        log_info( "Launch Sibyl" )
        options = ["-j", "gcc", "-i", "5", "-b", "ABIStdCall_x86_32"]
        if not args.arch_heuristic:
            options += ["-a", "x86_32"]

        cmd = ["sibyl", "find"] + options + [filename]
        cmd += [hex(addr) for addr, _ in to_check]
        print " ".join(cmd)
        sibyl = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

        # Parse result
        found = []
        stdout, stderr = sibyl.communicate()
        for line in stdout.split("\n"):
            if not line or not " : " in line:
            addr, func = line.split(" : ")
            found.append((int(addr, 0), func))

        if sibyl.returncode:
            log_error("Process exits with a %d code" % sibyl.returncode)
            print stderr

        log_info( "Evaluate results" )
        i = 0

        for element in found:
            if element not in to_check:
                offset, name = element
                if offset in extra.get(name, []):
                    # Present in symtab but not in C source file
                    print "[+] Additionnal found: %s (@0x%08x)" % (name, offset)
                    alt_names = [aname
                                 for aname, offsets in extra.iteritems()
                                 if offset in offsets]
                    log_error("Bad found: %s (@0x%08x -> '%s')" % (name,
                i += 1
        for element in to_check:
            if element not in found:
                log_error("Unable to find: %s (@0x%08x)" % (element[1], element[0]))

        log_success("Found %d/%d correct elements" % (i, len(to_check)))

    log_info( "Remove old files" )
    os.system("make clean")
    return False
Example #6
def test_find(args):

    custom_tag = "my_"
    whitelist_funcs = ["main"]

    # Compil tests
    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")
    log_info("Compile C files")
    status = os.system("make")

    # Find test names
    c_files = []

    for cur_dir, sub_dir, files in os.walk("."):
        c_files += [x for x in files if x.endswith(".c")]

    log_info("Found:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(c_files))

    m = re.compile("\w+[ \*]+(\w+)\(.*\)")
    for c_file in c_files:
        # Get function defined in the source
        with open(c_file) as fdesc:
            data = fdesc.read()
        filename = c_file[:-2]
        log_info(" %s:" % filename)
        funcs = []
        for p in m.finditer(data):
        funcs = list(x for x in set(funcs) if x not in whitelist_funcs)

        # Find corresponding binary offset
        to_check = []
        with open(filename) as fdesc:
            elf = ELF(fdesc.read())

        symbols = {}
        for name, symb in elf.getsectionbyname(".symtab").symbols.iteritems():
            offset = symb.value
            if name.startswith("__"):
                name = name[2:]
            symbols.setdefault(name, set()).add(offset)
            if name in funcs:
                if name.startswith(custom_tag):
                    ## Custom tags can be used to write equivalent functions like
                    ## 'my_strlen' for a custom strlen
                    name = name[len(custom_tag):]
                to_check.append((offset, name))

        print "\n".join("0x%08x: %s" % (addr, funcname)
                        for (addr, funcname) in to_check)

        # Launch Sibyl
        log_info("Launch Sibyl")
        options = ["-j", "gcc", "-i", "5", "-b", "ABIStdCall_x86_32"]
        if not args.arch_heuristic:
            options += ["-a", "x86_32"]

        cmd = ["sibyl", "find"] + options + [filename]
        if not args.func_heuristic:
            cmd += [hex(addr) for addr, f in to_check]
        print " ".join(cmd)
        sibyl = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

        # Parse result
        found = []
        stdout, stderr = sibyl.communicate()
        for line in stdout.split("\n"):
            if not line:
            addr, func = line.split(" : ")
            found.append((int(addr, 16), func))

        if sibyl.returncode:
            log_error("Process exits with a %d code" % sibyl.returncode)
            print stderr

        log_info("Evaluate results")
        i = 0

        for element in found:
            if element not in to_check:
                offset, name = element
                if offset in symbols.get(name, []):
                    # Present in symtab but not in C source file
                    print "[+] Additionnal found: %s (@0x%08x)" % (name,
                    alt_names = [
                        aname for aname, offsets in symbols.iteritems()
                        if offset in offsets
                    log_error("Bad found: %s (@0x%08x -> '%s')" %
                              (name, offset, ",".join(alt_names)))
                i += 1
        for element in to_check:
            if element not in found:
                log_error("Unable to find: %s (@0x%08x)" %
                          (element[1], element[0]))

        log_success("Found %d/%d correct elements" % (i, len(to_check)))

    log_info("Remove old files")
    os.system("make clean")