Example #1
from .celery import celery_app

from analyzer.models import UAVEstimator

# Logging section
from utils.logs.tools import get_child_logger_by_name
logger = get_child_logger_by_name(__name__)

def dispatch_estimation(*args,**kwargs):

    logger.debug("Received the new estimation tasks. Parameters are:")
    logger.debug("Args: " + ",".join(args))
    logger.debug("Kwargs: " + str(kwargs))

    start_date = kwargs.get("start_date")
    end_date = kwargs.get("end_date")
    num_clusters = kwargs.get('num_clusters')
    method = kwargs.get("method")

    estimator = UAVEstimator(method)

    logger.info("Scheduling a new estimation task...")
    estimator.run_estimation(start_date, end_date, num_clusters, **kwargs)
from flask_cors import CORS

from storage import MongoDBStorageAdapter
from utils.tools import BSONClassEncoder
from utils.normalizers import DefaultNormalizer

from workers.tools.integrations import make_celery
from workers.tasks import dispatch_estimation
from workers.celery import connection_string
from workers.tools.stats import get_active_tasks_list, get_registered_tasks_list, get_scheduled_tasks_list

from datavisual import APP_NAME

# Logging section
from utils.logs.tools import get_child_logger_by_name
logger = get_child_logger_by_name(APP_NAME)

app = Flask(APP_NAME)
app.storage = MongoDBStorageAdapter()
celery = make_celery(app)

# Make it possible to parse datetime
app.json_encoder = BSONClassEncoder

@app.route("/messages/all", methods=["GET"])
def all_messages() -> dict: