Example #1
    def _gen(self, node):

        # input word embedding
        wv_t = sigmoid(self.Wemb_np[node.wordid, :])
        # compute ig, fg, og together and slice it
        gates_t = np.dot(np.concatenate([wv_t, node.h, node.sv], axis=0),
        ig = sigmoid(gates_t[:self.dh])
        fg = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh:self.dh * 2])
        og = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh * 2:self.dh * 3])
        # compute reading rg
        rg = sigmoid(
            np.dot(np.concatenate([wv_t, node.h, node.sv], axis=0),
        # compute proposed cell value
        cx_t = np.tanh(
            np.dot(np.concatenate([wv_t, node.h], axis=0), self.Wcx_np))
        # update DA 1-hot vector
        sv_t = np.multiply(rg, node.sv)
        # update lstm internal state
        c_t = np.multiply(ig, cx_t) + \
              np.multiply(fg, node.c) + \
              tanh(np.dot(np.concatenate([node.a, sv_t], axis=0), self.Wfc_np))
        # obtain new hiddne layer
        h_t = np.multiply(og, tanh(c_t))
        # compute output distribution target word prob
        o_t = softmax(np.dot(h_t, self.Who_np))
        # make sure we won't sample unknown word
        o_t[0] = 0.0
        selected_words = np.argsort(o_t)[::-1][:self.beamwidth].tolist()
        # return results
        return selected_words, o_t[selected_words], sv_t, c_t, h_t
Example #2
    def _gen(self, node):

        # input word embedding
        wv_t = sigmoid(self.Wemb_np[node.wordid, :])
        # attention
        b_t = np.zeros((node.sv.shape[0]))
        for j in range(node.sv.shape[0]):
            b_t[j] = np.dot(
                    np.dot(np.concatenate([wv_t, node.h, node.sv[j]], axis=0),
                           self.Wha_np)), self.Vha_np)
        b_t = softmax(b_t)
        sv_emb_t = np.dot(b_t, node.sv)
        da_emb_t = tanh(node.a + sv_emb_t)
        # compute ig, fg, og together and slice it
        gates_t = np.dot(np.concatenate([wv_t, node.h, da_emb_t], axis=0),
        ig = sigmoid(gates_t[:self.dh])
        fg = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh:self.dh * 2])
        og = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh * 2:self.dh * 3])
        cx_t = tanh(gates_t[self.dh * 3:])
        # update lstm internal state
        c_t = np.multiply(ig, cx_t) + np.multiply(fg, node.c)
        # obtain new hiddne layer
        h_t = np.multiply(og, tanh(c_t))
        # compute output distribution target word prob
        o_t = softmax(np.dot(h_t, self.Who_np))
        # make sure we won't sample unknown word
        o_t[0] = 0.0
        selected_words = np.argsort(o_t)[::-1][:self.beamwidth].tolist()
        # return results
        return selected_words, o_t[selected_words], c_t, h_t
Example #3
 def _gen(self,node):
     # input word embedding
     wv_t = sigmoid(self.Wemb_np[node.wordid,:])
     # compute ig, fg, og together and slice it
     gates_t = np.dot( np.concatenate(
     ig  = sigmoid(gates_t[:self.dh])
     fg  = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh:self.dh*2])
     og  = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh*2:self.dh*3])
     # compute reading rg
     rg  = sigmoid(np.dot(np.concatenate(
     # compute proposed cell value
     cx_t= np.tanh(np.dot(np.concatenate(
     # update DA 1-hot vector
     sv_t = np.multiply(rg,node.sv)
     # update lstm internal state
     c_t =   np.multiply(ig,cx_t) +\
     # obtain new hiddne layer
     h_t = np.multiply(og,tanh(c_t))
     # compute output distribution target word prob
     o_t = softmax( np.dot(h_t,self.Who_np) )
     # make sure we won't sample unknown word
     o_t[0] = 0.0
     selected_words = np.argsort(o_t)[::-1][:self.beamwidth].tolist()
     # return results
     return selected_words, o_t[selected_words], sv_t, c_t, h_t
Example #4
    def read(self, s_j):
        # hidden layers to be stored
        h = [np.zeros(self.dih)]
        c_tm1 = np.zeros(self.dih)
        # forward encoder
        for w_t in s_j:
            # lstm step
            in_t = sigmoid( self.Wemb_backup[w_t] )
            bundle_t =  np.dot(in_t,  self.iWgate_backup) +\
            ig  = sigmoid(bundle_t[:self.dih])
            fg  = sigmoid(bundle_t[self.dih:self.dih*2]+self.bf_backup)
            og  = sigmoid(bundle_t[self.dih*2:self.dih*3])
            cx_t= tanh(bundle_t[self.dih*3:])

            # compute cell activation and hidden layer
            c_t =   np.multiply(ig,cx_t) + \
            h_t =   np.multiply(og,tanh(c_t))
            # store current step vectors
            c_tm1 = c_t
        return np.array(h)[-1]
Example #5
 def _gen(self,node):
     # input word embedding
     wv_t = sigmoid(self.Wemb_np[node.wordid,:])
     # attention
     b_t = np.zeros((node.sv.shape[0]))
     for j in range(node.sv.shape[0]):
         b_t[j] = np.dot(tanh(np.dot(
     b_t = softmax(b_t)
     sv_emb_t = np.dot(b_t,node.sv)
     da_emb_t = tanh( node.a+sv_emb_t )
     # compute ig, fg, og together and slice it
     gates_t = np.dot( np.concatenate([wv_t,node.h,da_emb_t],axis=0),
     ig  = sigmoid(gates_t[:self.dh])
     fg  = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh:self.dh*2])
     og  = sigmoid(gates_t[self.dh*2:self.dh*3])
     cx_t= tanh( gates_t[self.dh*3:] )
     # update lstm internal state
     c_t = np.multiply(ig,cx_t) + np.multiply(fg,node.c)
     # obtain new hiddne layer
     h_t = np.multiply(og,tanh(c_t))
     # compute output distribution target word prob
     o_t = softmax( np.dot(h_t,self.Who_np) )
     # make sure we won't sample unknown word
     o_t[0] = 0.0
     selected_words = np.argsort(o_t)[::-1][:self.beamwidth].tolist()
     # return results
     return selected_words, o_t[selected_words], c_t, h_t
Example #6
    def read(self, s_j):
        # hidden layers to be stored
        h = [np.zeros(self.dih)]
        c_tm1 = np.zeros(self.dih)
        # forward encoder
        for w_t in s_j:
            # lstm step
            in_t = sigmoid(self.Wemb_backup[w_t])
            bundle_t = np.dot(in_t, self.iWgate_backup) + \
                       np.dot(h[-1], self.iUgate_backup)
            ig = sigmoid(bundle_t[:self.dih])
            fg = sigmoid(bundle_t[self.dih:self.dih * 2] + self.bf_backup)
            og = sigmoid(bundle_t[self.dih * 2:self.dih * 3])
            cx_t = tanh(bundle_t[self.dih * 3:])

            # compute cell activation and hidden layer
            c_t = np.multiply(ig, cx_t) + \
                  np.multiply(fg, c_tm1)
            h_t = np.multiply(og, tanh(c_t))

            # store current step vectors
            c_tm1 = c_t

        return np.array(h)[-1]
Example #7
    def track(self, b_jm1, ngs_j, ngt_j):
        # padding dummy
        Wfbs = np.concatenate([self.Wfbs_backup,\
        Wfbt = np.concatenate([self.Wfbt_backup,\

        # new belief
        g_j = np.zeros(self.dbm1)
        for v in range(self.dbm1):
            ngsidx = ngs_j[v]
            ngtidx = ngt_j[v]
            fembs_v = np.sum(Wfbs[ngsidx,:],axis=0)
            fembt_v = np.sum(Wfbt[ngtidx,:],axis=0)
            g_jv = np.dot( self.Whb_backup, sigmoid(
                fembs_v + fembt_v + 
                b_jm1[v] *self.Wrec_backup +
                b_jm1[-1]*self.Wnon_backup +
                self.B0_backup ))
            g_j[v] = g_jv

        g_j = np.concatenate([g_j,self.B_backup],axis=0)
        b_j = softmax( g_j )
        return b_j
Example #8
 def track(self, ms_j, mt_jm1, 
         ssrcpos_js, vsrcpos_js, starpos_js, vtarpos_js ):
     # cnn encoding
     ngms_j,  uttms_j   = self.sCNN.read(ms_j)
     ngmt_jm1,uttmt_jm1 = self.tCNN.read(mt_jm1)
     # padding dummy vector 
     ngms_j = np.concatenate([ngms_j,np.zeros_like(ngms_j[-1:,:])],axis=0)
     ngmt_jm1 = np.concatenate([ngmt_jm1,np.zeros_like(ngmt_jm1[-1:,:])],axis=0)
     # source features
     ssrcemb_js = np.sum(ngms_j[ssrcpos_js,:],axis=0)
     vsrcemb_js = np.sum(ngms_j[vsrcpos_js,:],axis=0)
     src_js = np.concatenate([ssrcemb_js,vsrcemb_js,uttms_j],axis=0)
     # target features
     staremb_js = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[starpos_js,:],axis=0)
     vtaremb_js = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[vtarpos_js,:],axis=0)
     tar_js = np.concatenate([staremb_js,vtaremb_js,uttmt_jm1],axis=0)
     # update g_j 
     g_j = np.dot( self.Whb_backup, sigmoid(
             np.dot(src_js,self.Wfbs_backup) +
             np.dot(tar_js,self.Wfbt_backup) +
             self.B0_backup ))
     # update b_j
     g_j = np.array([g_j,self.B_backup])
     b_j = softmax( g_j )
     return b_j
Example #9
    def track(self, b_jm1, ngs_j, ngt_j):

        # padding dummy
        Wfbs = np.concatenate([self.Wfbs_backup,\
        Wfbt = np.concatenate([self.Wfbt_backup,\

        # new belief
        g_j = np.zeros(self.dbm1)
        for v in range(self.dbm1):
            ngsidx = ngs_j[v]
            ngtidx = ngt_j[v]

            fembs_v = np.sum(Wfbs[ngsidx, :], axis=0)
            fembt_v = np.sum(Wfbt[ngtidx, :], axis=0)

            g_jv = np.dot(
                sigmoid(fembs_v + fembt_v + b_jm1[v] * self.Wrec_backup +
                        b_jm1[-1] * self.Wnon_backup + self.B0_backup))
            g_j[v] = g_jv

        g_j = np.concatenate([g_j, self.B_backup], axis=0)
        b_j = softmax(g_j)

        return b_j
Example #10
    def track(self, ms_j, mt_jm1, ssrcpos_js, vsrcpos_js, starpos_js,

        # cnn encoding
        ngms_j, uttms_j = self.sCNN.read(ms_j)
        ngmt_jm1, uttmt_jm1 = self.tCNN.read(mt_jm1)

        # padding dummy vector
        ngms_j = np.concatenate([ngms_j, np.zeros_like(ngms_j[-1:, :])],
        ngmt_jm1 = np.concatenate(
            [ngmt_jm1, np.zeros_like(ngmt_jm1[-1:, :])], axis=0)

        # source features
        ssrcemb_js = np.sum(ngms_j[ssrcpos_js, :], axis=0)
        vsrcemb_js = np.sum(ngms_j[vsrcpos_js, :], axis=0)
        src_js = np.concatenate([ssrcemb_js, vsrcemb_js, uttms_j], axis=0)

        # target features
        staremb_js = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[starpos_js, :], axis=0)
        vtaremb_js = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[vtarpos_js, :], axis=0)
        tar_js = np.concatenate([staremb_js, vtaremb_js, uttmt_jm1], axis=0)

        # update g_j
        g_j = np.dot(
                np.dot(src_js, self.Wfbs_backup) +
                np.dot(tar_js, self.Wfbt_backup) + self.B0_backup))

        # update b_j
        g_j = np.array([g_j, self.B_backup])
        b_j = softmax(g_j)

        return b_j
Example #11
 def decide(self,belief_t, degree_t, intent_t, 
         masked_source_t, masked_target_t, forced_sample=None):
     # prepare belief state vector
     belief_t = np.concatenate(belief_t,axis=0)
     # sample how many actions
     n = 1
     # forced sampling
     if forced_sample!=None: 
         z_t = [forced_sample]
         prob_t = None
     # different sampling mode
     elif self.sample_mode=='posterior' and masked_target_t!=None:
         # training time, sample from posterior
         z_t, prob_t = self._sample_from_posterior(
             belief_t, degree_t, intent_t, masked_source_t, masked_target_t)
     elif self.sample_mode=='prior':
         # testing time, sample from prior
         z_t, prob_t = self._sample_from_prior(belief_t, degree_t, intent_t)
     # state representation
     hidden_t = tanh(np.dot(belief_t,self.Ws1_backup)+
                     np.dot(intent_t,self.Ws3_backup) )
     # put sample into decoder to decode 
     hidden_t = np.multiply(sigmoid(self.Wd2_backup[z_t,:]+self.bd1_backup),hidden_t)
     hidden_t = np.repeat(hidden_t,n,axis=0)
     actEmb_t = tanh(np.dot(
     return actEmb_t, z_t, prob_t
Example #12
    def decide(self, belief_t, degree_t, intent_t,
               masked_source_t, masked_target_t, forced_sample=None):
        # prepare belief state vector
        belief_t = np.concatenate(belief_t, axis=0)
        # sample how many actions
        n = 1
        # forced sampling
        if forced_sample != None:
            z_t = [forced_sample]
            prob_t = None
        # different sampling mode
        elif self.sample_mode == 'posterior' and masked_target_t != None:
            # training time, sample from posterior
            z_t, prob_t = self._sample_from_posterior(
                belief_t, degree_t, intent_t, masked_source_t, masked_target_t)
        elif self.sample_mode == 'prior':
            # testing time, sample from prior
            z_t, prob_t = self._sample_from_prior(belief_t, degree_t, intent_t)

        # state representation
        hidden_t = tanh(np.dot(belief_t, self.Ws1_backup) +
                        np.dot(degree_t, self.Ws2_backup) +
                        np.dot(intent_t, self.Ws3_backup))

        # put sample into decoder to decode 
        hidden_t = np.multiply(sigmoid(self.Wd2_backup[z_t, :] + self.bd1_backup), hidden_t)
        hidden_t = np.repeat(hidden_t, n, axis=0)
        actEmb_t = tanh(np.dot(
            np.concatenate([tanh(self.Wd1_backup[z_t, :]), hidden_t], axis=1),

        return actEmb_t, z_t, prob_t
Example #13
    def decide(self, belief_t, degree_t, intent_t, ohidden_tjm1, wemb_tj):
        # embed
        degree_t = tanh(np.dot(degree_t, self.Ws2_backup))
        intent_t = tanh(np.dot(intent_t, self.Ws3_backup))

        # score bias
                np.dot(wemb_tj, self.Wa2_backup)+\

        # attention mechanism
        atten_t = softmax(np.dot(sigmoid(score_t), self.Va1_backup))
        actEmb = tanh(np.dot(atten_t, belief_t) + degree_t + intent_t)
        return np.expand_dims(actEmb, axis=0)
Example #14
    def decide(self, belief_t, degree_t, intent_t, ohidden_tjm1, wemb_tj):
        # embed 
        degree_t = tanh(np.dot(degree_t,self.Ws2_backup))
        intent_t = tanh(np.dot(intent_t,self.Ws3_backup))

        # score bias
                np.dot(wemb_tj, self.Wa2_backup)+\

        # attention mechanism
        atten_t= softmax(np.dot(sigmoid(score_t),self.Va1_backup))
        actEmb = tanh(np.dot(atten_t,belief_t)+degree_t+intent_t)
        return np.expand_dims(actEmb,axis=0)
Example #15
    def track(self, ngs_j, ngt_j):
        # padding dummy
        Wfbs = np.concatenate([self.Wfbs_backup, \
                               np.zeros_like(self.Wfbs_backup[-1:, :])], axis=0)
        Wfbt = np.concatenate([self.Wfbt_backup, \
                               np.zeros_like(self.Wfbt_backup[-1:, :])], axis=0)

        # new belief
        fembs_v = np.sum(Wfbs[ngs_j, :], axis=0)
        fembt_v = np.sum(Wfbt[ngt_j, :], axis=0)

        g_j = np.dot(self.Whb_backup,
                     sigmoid(fembs_v + fembt_v + self.B0_backup))

        g_j = np.array([g_j, self.B_backup])
        b_j = softmax(g_j)

        return b_j
Example #16
    def track(self, ngs_j, ngt_j):
        # padding dummy
        Wfbs = np.concatenate([self.Wfbs_backup,\
        Wfbt = np.concatenate([self.Wfbt_backup,\

        # new belief
        fembs_v = np.sum(Wfbs[ngs_j,:],axis=0)
        fembt_v = np.sum(Wfbt[ngt_j,:],axis=0)
        g_j = np.dot( self.Whb_backup, sigmoid(
                fembs_v + fembt_v + self.B0_backup ))

        g_j = np.array([g_j,self.B_backup])
        b_j = softmax( g_j )
        return b_j
Example #17
    def track(self, b_jm1, ms_j, mt_jm1, ssrcpos_js, vsrcpos_js, starpos_js,

        # cnn encoding
        ngms_j, uttms_j = self.sCNN.read(ms_j)
        ngmt_jm1, uttmt_jm1 = self.tCNN.read(mt_jm1)

        # padding dummy vector
        ngms_j = np.concatenate([ngms_j, np.zeros_like(ngms_j[-1:, :])],
        ngmt_jm1 = np.concatenate(
            [ngmt_jm1, np.zeros_like(ngmt_jm1[-1:, :])], axis=0)

        # new belief
        g_j = np.zeros(self.dbm1)
        for v in range(self.dbm1):
            # source features
            ssrcemb_jsv = np.sum(ngms_j[ssrcpos_js[v], :], axis=0)
            vsrcemb_jsv = np.sum(ngms_j[vsrcpos_js[v], :], axis=0)
            src_jsv = np.concatenate([ssrcemb_jsv, vsrcemb_jsv, uttms_j],
            # target features
            staremb_jsv = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[starpos_js[v], :], axis=0)
            vtaremb_jsv = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[vtarpos_js[v], :], axis=0)
            tar_jsv = np.concatenate([staremb_jsv, vtaremb_jsv, uttmt_jm1],

            # update g_jv value
            g_jv = np.dot(
                    np.dot(src_jsv, self.Wfbs_backup) +
                    np.dot(tar_jsv, self.Wfbt_backup) +
                    b_jm1[v] * self.Wrec_backup +
                    b_jm1[-1] * self.Wnon_backup + self.B0_backup))
            g_j[v] = g_jv

        # produce new belief b_j
        g_j = np.concatenate([g_j, self.B_backup], axis=0)
        b_j = softmax(g_j)

        return b_j
Example #18
    def track(self, b_jm1, ms_j, mt_jm1,
            ssrcpos_js, vsrcpos_js, starpos_js, vtarpos_js ):
        # cnn encoding
        ngms_j,  uttms_j   = self.sCNN.read(ms_j)
        ngmt_jm1,uttmt_jm1 = self.tCNN.read(mt_jm1)

        # padding dummy vector 
        ngms_j = np.concatenate([ngms_j,np.zeros_like(ngms_j[-1:,:])],axis=0)
        ngmt_jm1 = np.concatenate([ngmt_jm1,np.zeros_like(ngmt_jm1[-1:,:])],axis=0)
        # new belief
        g_j = np.zeros(self.dbm1)
        for v in range(self.dbm1):
            # source features
            ssrcemb_jsv = np.sum(ngms_j[ssrcpos_js[v],:],axis=0)
            vsrcemb_jsv = np.sum(ngms_j[vsrcpos_js[v],:],axis=0)
            src_jsv = np.concatenate([ssrcemb_jsv,vsrcemb_jsv,uttms_j],axis=0)
            # target features
            staremb_jsv = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[starpos_js[v],:],axis=0)
            vtaremb_jsv = np.sum(ngmt_jm1[vtarpos_js[v],:],axis=0)
            tar_jsv = np.concatenate([staremb_jsv,vtaremb_jsv,uttmt_jm1],axis=0)
            # update g_jv value
            g_jv = np.dot( self.Whb_backup, sigmoid(
                np.dot(src_jsv,self.Wfbs_backup) + 
                np.dot(tar_jsv,self.Wfbt_backup) + 
                b_jm1[v] *self.Wrec_backup +
                b_jm1[-1]*self.Wnon_backup +
                self.B0_backup ))
            g_j[v] = g_jv

        # produce new belief b_j
        g_j = np.concatenate([g_j,self.B_backup],axis=0)
        b_j = softmax( g_j )
        return b_j
Example #19
    def _forwardpass(self, n, intent_t, belief_vec_t, degree_t, actEmb_t,

        # forward pass
        in_j = sigmoid(self.Wemb_backup[n.wordid])

        # action embedding
        if self.ply == 'attention':
            actEmb_tj = self.policy.decide(belief_vec_t, degree_t, intent_t,
                                           n.h, in_j)[0]
        else:  # fixed action embedding
            actEmb_tj = actEmb_t

        # syntatic memory cell and gate
        # compute i, f, o, c together and slice it
        bundle_j = np.dot(in_j, self.oWgate_backup) + \
                   np.dot(n.h, self.oUgate_backup)
        bundle_aj = np.dot(actEmb_tj, self.Wzh_backup)
        # input gate
        ig = sigmoid(bundle_j[:self.doh] + bundle_aj[:self.doh] +
        # use forget bias or not
        fg = sigmoid(bundle_j[self.doh:self.doh * 2] +
                     bundle_aj[self.doh:self.doh * 2] +
                     self.b_backup[self.doh:self.doh * 2])
        # output gate
        og = sigmoid(bundle_j[self.doh * 2:self.doh * 3] +
                     bundle_aj[self.doh * 2:self.doh * 3] +
                     self.b_backup[self.doh * 2:self.doh * 3])
        # proposed memory cell
        # reading gate, memory cell, hidden layer
        if self.struct == 'lstm_cond':  # reading gate control signal
            rg = sigmoid(bundle_j[self.doh * 4:self.doh * 5] +
                         bundle_aj[self.doh * 4:self.doh * 5] +
                         self.b_backup[self.doh * 3:])
            cx_j = tanh(bundle_j[self.doh * 3:self.doh * 4])
            oc_j = np.multiply(ig, cx_j) + \
                   np.multiply(fg, n.c) + \
                   np.multiply(rg, tanh(bundle_aj[self.doh * 3:self.doh * 4]))
            oh_j = np.multiply(og, tanh(oc_j))
            o_j = softmax(np.dot(oh_j, self.Who_backup))
        elif self.struct == 'lstm_mix':  # two signals
            rg = sigmoid(bundle_j[self.doh * 4:self.doh * 5] +
                         bundle_aj[self.doh * 4:self.doh * 5] +
                         self.b_backup[self.doh * 3:])
            cx_j = tanh(bundle_j[self.doh * 3:self.doh * 4])
            oc_j = np.multiply(ig, cx_j) + \
                   np.multiply(fg, n.c)
            oh_j = np.multiply(og, tanh(oc_j)) + \
                   np.multiply(rg, tanh(bundle_aj[self.doh * 3:self.doh * 4]))
            o_j = softmax(np.dot(oh_j, self.Who_backup))
        elif self.struct == 'lstm_lm':  # lm style
            cx_j = tanh(bundle_j[self.doh * 3:self.doh * 4] +
                        bundle_aj[self.doh * 3:self.doh * 4])
            oc_j = np.multiply(ig, cx_j) + \
                   np.multiply(fg, n.c)
            oh_j = np.multiply(og, tanh(oc_j))
            o_j = softmax(np.dot(oh_j, self.Who_backup))
            sys.exit('[ERROR]: Unseen decoder structure ' + self.struct)

        # compute output distribution, logp, and sample

        # make sure we won't sample unknown word
        o_j[0] = 0.0
        selected_words = np.argsort(o_j)[::-1][:self.beamwidth]

        # expand nodes and add additional reward
        nextnodes = []
        for wid in selected_words:  # ignore <unk> token
            # loglikelihood of current word
            logp = np.log10(o_j[wid])

            # update record for new node
            new_record = deepcopy(n.record)
            if new_record['s'].has_key(wid):
                new_record['s'][wid] += 1
            if new_record['v'].has_key(wid):
                new_record['v'][wid] += 1

            # create new node and score it
            node = BeamSearchNode(oh_j, oc_j, n, wid, \
                                  n.logp + logp, n.leng + 1, new_record)

            # store nodes
            nextnodes.append( \
                (-node.eval(self.repeat_penalty, self.token_reward, \
                            scoreTable, self.alpha), node))

        return nextnodes
Example #20
    def _forwardpass(self, n, intent_t, belief_vec_t, degree_t, actEmb_t,
        # forward pass
        in_j    = sigmoid( self.Wemb_backup[n.wordid] )
        # action embedding
        if self.ply=='attention':
            actEmb_tj = self.policy.decide(belief_vec_t, 
                    degree_t, intent_t, n.h, in_j)[0]
        else: # fixed action embedding
            actEmb_tj = actEmb_t

        # syntatic memory cell and gate
        # compute i, f, o, c together and slice it
        bundle_j =  np.dot(in_j,self.oWgate_backup) +\
                    np.dot(n.h, self.oUgate_backup)
        bundle_aj=  np.dot(actEmb_tj,self.Wzh_backup)
        # input gate
        ig   = sigmoid( bundle_j[:self.doh]+
        # use forget bias or not
        fg = sigmoid(   bundle_j[self.doh:self.doh*2]+
        # output gate
        og   = sigmoid( bundle_j[self.doh*2:self.doh*3]+
        # proposed memory cell
        # reading gate, memory cell, hidden layer
        if self.struct=='lstm_cond': # reading gate control signal
            rg   = sigmoid( bundle_j[self.doh*4:self.doh*5]+
            cx_j =  tanh(bundle_j[self.doh*3:self.doh*4])
            oc_j =  np.multiply(ig,cx_j)+\
            oh_j = np.multiply(og,tanh(oc_j))
            o_j  = softmax( np.dot(oh_j, self.Who_backup) )
        elif self.struct=='lstm_mix':# two signals   
            rg   = sigmoid( bundle_j[self.doh*4:self.doh*5]+
            cx_j =  tanh(bundle_j[self.doh*3:self.doh*4])
            oc_j =  np.multiply(ig,cx_j)+\
            oh_j =  np.multiply(og,tanh(oc_j))+\
            o_j  = softmax( np.dot(oh_j, self.Who_backup) )
        elif self.struct=='lstm_lm': # lm style
            cx_j =  tanh(   bundle_j[self.doh*3:self.doh*4]+
            oc_j =  np.multiply(ig,cx_j)+\
            oh_j =  np.multiply(og,tanh(oc_j))
            o_j  = softmax( np.dot(oh_j, self.Who_backup) )
            sys.exit('[ERROR]: Unseen decoder structure '+self.struct)
        # compute output distribution, logp, and sample
        # make sure we won't sample unknown word
        o_j[0] = 0.0
        selected_words = np.argsort(o_j)[::-1][:self.beamwidth]
        # expand nodes and add additional reward
        nextnodes = []
        for wid in selected_words: # ignore <unk> token
            # loglikelihood of current word
            logp = np.log10(o_j[wid])

            # update record for new node
            new_record = deepcopy(n.record)
            if new_record['s'].has_key(wid):
                new_record['s'][wid] += 1
            if new_record['v'].has_key(wid):
                new_record['v'][wid] += 1
            # create new node and score it
            node = BeamSearchNode(oh_j,oc_j,n,wid,\
            # store nodes
            nextnodes.append( \
                    scoreTable,self.alpha), node))

        return nextnodes