def forward(self, X): """Map full variables to active variables. Map the points in the original input space to the active and inactive variables. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray an M-by-m matrix, each row of `X` is a point in the original parameter space Returns ------- Y : ndarray M-by-n matrix that contains points in the space of active variables. Each row of `Y` corresponds to a row of `X`. Z : ndarray M-by-(m-n) matrix that contains points in the space of inactive variables. Each row of `Z` corresponds to a row of `X`. """ X = process_inputs(X)[0] W1, W2 = self.domain.subspaces.W1, self.domain.subspaces.W2 Y, Z =, W1),, W2) return Y, Z
def inverse(self, Y, N=1): """ Map the points in the active variable space to the original parameter space. :param ndarray Y: M-by-n matrix that contains points in the space of active variables. :param int N: The number of points in the original parameter space that are returned that map to the given active variables. :return: X, (M*N)-by-m matrix that contains points in the original parameter space. :rtype: ndarray :return: ind, (M*N)-by-1 matrix that contains integer indices. These indices identify which rows of `X` map to which rows of `Y`. :rtype: ndarray **Notes** The inverse map depends critically on the `regularize_z` function. """ # check inputs Y, NY, n = process_inputs(Y) if not isinstance(N, int): raise TypeError('N must be an int') logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Inverting {:d} y\'s with {:d} z\'s per y.'.format(NY, N)) Z = self.regularize_z(Y, N) W = self.domain.subspaces.eigenvectors X, ind = _rotate_x(Y, Z, W) return X, ind
def spectral_decomposition(df): """ Use the SVD to compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for the active subspace analysis. :param ndarray df: ndarray of size M-by-m that contains evaluations of the gradient. :return: [e, W], [ eigenvalues, eigenvectors ] :rtype: [ndarray, ndarray] **Notes** If the number M of gradient samples is less than the dimension m of the inputs, then the method builds an arbitrary basis for the nullspace, which corresponds to the inactive subspace. """ # set integers df, M, m = process_inputs(df) # compute active subspace if M >= m: U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(df, full_matrices=False) else: U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(df, full_matrices=True) sig = np.hstack((np.array(sig), np.zeros(m-M))) e = (sig**2) / M W = W.T W = W*np.sign(W[0,:]) return e.reshape((m,1)), W.reshape((m,m))
def compute(self, df, n_boot=200): """ Compute the active and inactive subspaces from a collection of sampled gradients. :param ndarray df: an ndarray of size M-by-m that contains evaluations of the gradient. :param int n_boot: number of bootstrap replicates to use when computing bootstrap ranges. **Notes** This method sets the class's attributes `W1`, `W2`, `eigenvalues`, and `eigenvectors`. If `n_boot` is greater than zero, then this method also runs a bootstrap to compute and set `e_br` and `sub_br`. """ df, M, m = process_inputs(df) if not isinstance(n_boot, int): raise TypeError('n_boot must be an integer.') # compute eigenvalues and eigenvecs logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Computing spectral decomp with {:d} samples in {:d} dims.'.format(M, m)) evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df) self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors = evals, evecs # compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspace distances if n_boot > 0: logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Bootstrapping {:d} spectral decomps of size {:d} by {:d}.'.format(n_boot, M, m)) e_br, sub_br = bootstrap_ranges(df, evals, evecs, n_boot=n_boot) self.e_br, self.sub_br = e_br, sub_br # partition the subspaces with a crappy heuristic n = compute_partition(evals) self.partition(n)
def finite_difference_gradients(X, fun, h=1e-6): """ Compute finite difference gradients with a given interface. :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix that contains the points to estimate the gradients with finite differences. :param function fun: Function that returns the simulation's quantity of interest given inputs. :param float h: The finite difference step size. :return: df, M-by-m matrix that contains estimated partial derivatives approximated by finite differences :rtype: ndarray """ X, M, m = process_inputs(X) logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Computing finite diff grads at {:d} points in {:d} dims.'.format(M, m)) # points to run simulations including the perturbed inputs XX = np.kron(np.ones((m+1, 1)),X) + \ h*np.kron(np.vstack((np.zeros((1, m)), np.eye(m))), np.ones((M, 1))) # run the simulation if isinstance(fun, SimulationRunner): F = else: F = SimulationRunner(fun).run(XX) df = (F[M:].reshape((m, M)).transpose() - F[:M]) / h return df.reshape((M,m))
def finite_difference_gradients(X, fun, h=1e-6): """Compute finite difference gradients with a given interface. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray M-by-m matrix that contains the points to estimate the gradients with finite differences fun : function function that returns the simulation's quantity of interest given inputs h : float, optional the finite difference step size (default 1e-6) Returns ------- df : ndarray M-by-m matrix that contains estimated partial derivatives approximated by finite differences """ X, M, m = process_inputs(X) # points to run simulations including the perturbed inputs XX = np.kron(np.ones((m+1, 1)),X) + \ h*np.kron(np.vstack((np.zeros((1, m)), np.eye(m))), np.ones((M, 1))) # run the simulation if isinstance(fun, SimulationRunner): F = else: F = SimulationRunner(fun).run(XX) df = (F[M:].reshape((m, M)).transpose() - F[:M]) / h return df.reshape((M,m))
def normalized_active_subspace_x(X, df, weights): """ TODO: docs """ df, M, m = process_inputs(df) # get row norms ndf = np.sqrt(np.sum(df*df, axis=1)) nX = np.sqrt(np.sum(X*X, axis=1)) # find rows with norm too close to zero and set elements to exactly zero ind = ndf < SQRTEPS df[ind,:], ndf[ind] = 0.0, 1.0 ind = nX < SQRTEPS X[ind,:], nX[ind] = 0.0, 1.0 # normalize rows df = df / ndf.reshape((M, 1)) X = X / nX.reshape((M, 1)) # compute the matrix A =, X * weights) C = 0.5*(A + A.transpose()) return sorted_eigh(C)
def local_linear_gradients(X, f, p=None, weights=None): """Estimate a collection of gradients from input/output pairs. Given a set of input/output pairs, choose subsets of neighboring points and build a local linear model for each subset. The gradients of these local linear models comprise estimates of sampled gradients. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray M-by-m matrix that contains the m-dimensional inputs f : ndarray M-by-1 matrix that contains scalar outputs p : int, optional how many nearest neighbors to use when constructing the local linear model (default 1) weights : ndarray, optional M-by-1 matrix that contains the weights for each observation (default None) Returns ------- df : ndarray M-by-m matrix that contains estimated partial derivatives approximated by the local linear models Notes ----- If `p` is not specified, the default value is floor(1.7*m). """ X, M, m = process_inputs(X) if M<=m: raise Exception('Not enough samples for local linear models.') if p is None: p = int(np.minimum(np.floor(1.7*m), M)) elif not isinstance(p, int): raise TypeError('p must be an integer.') if p < m+1 or p > M: raise Exception('p must be between m+1 and M') if weights is None: weights = np.ones((M, 1)) / M MM = np.minimum(int(np.ceil(10*m*np.log(m))), M-1) df = np.zeros((MM, m)) for i in range(MM): ii = np.random.randint(M) x = X[ii,:] D2 = np.sum((X - x)**2, axis=1) ind = np.argsort(D2) ind = ind[D2 != 0] A = np.hstack((np.ones((p,1)), X[ind[:p],:])) * np.sqrt(weights[ii]) b = f[ind[:p]] * np.sqrt(weights[ii]) u = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0] df[i,:] = u[1:].T return df
def active_subspace(df, weights): """ TODO: docs """ df, M, m = process_inputs(df) # compute the matrix C =, df * weights) return sorted_eigh(C)
def predict(self, X, compgrad=False): """ Compute the value of the response surface at given values of the simulation inputs. :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix containing points in simulation's input space. :param bool compgrad: Determines if the gradient of the response surface is computed and returned. (Default is False) :return: response surface values at the given `X`. :return: df : estimated gradient at the given `X`. If `compgrad` is False, then `df` is None. :rtype: response_surface :rtype: ndarray (M-by-m) **See Also** response_surfaces.ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface **Notes** The default response surface is a radial basis function approximation using an exponential-squared (i.e., Gaussian) radial basis. The eigenvalues from the active subspace analysis are used to determine the characteristic length scales for each of the active variables. In other words the radial basis is anisotropic, and the anisotropy is determined by the eigenvalues. The response surface also has a quadratic monomial basis. The coefficients of the monomial basis are fit with weighted least-squares. In practice, this is equivalent to a kriging or Gaussian process approximation. However, such approximations bring several assumptions about noisy data that are difficult, if not impossible, to verify in computer simulations. I chose to avoid the difficulties that come with such methods. That means there is no so-called prediction variance associated with the response surface prediction. Personally, I think this is better. The prediction variance has no connection to the approximation error, except in very special cases. I prefer not to confuse the user with things that look and smell like error bars but aren't actually error bars. """ if not isinstance(compgrad, bool): raise TypeError('compgrad should be a boolean') X, M, m = process_inputs(X) if m != self.m: raise Exception('The dimension of the points is {:d} but should \ be {:d}.'.format(m, self.m)) f, df = self.as_respsurf.predict(X, compgrad=compgrad) return f, df
def active_subspace_x(X, df, weights): """ TODO: docs """ df, M, m = process_inputs(df) # compute the matrix A =, X * weights) C = 0.5*(A + A.transpose()) return sorted_eigh(C)
def bootstrap_ranges(e, W, X, f, df, weights, ssmethod, nboot=100): """ TODO: docs """ if df is not None: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: X, M, m = process_inputs(X) e_boot = np.zeros((m, nboot)) sub_dist = np.zeros((m-1, nboot)) sub_det = np.zeros((m-1, nboot)) # TODO: should be able to parallelize this for i in range(nboot): X0, f0, df0, weights0 = bootstrap_replicate(X, f, df, weights) e0, W0 = ssmethod(X0, f0, df0, weights0) e_boot[:,i] = e0.reshape((m,)) for j in range(m-1): sub_dist[j,i] = np.linalg.norm([:,:j+1].T, W0[:,j+1:]), ord=2) sub_det[j,i] = np.linalg.det([:,:j+1].T, W0[:,:j+1])) # bootstrap ranges for the eigenvalues e_br = np.hstack(( np.amin(e_boot, axis=1).reshape((m, 1)), \ np.amax(e_boot, axis=1).reshape((m, 1)) )) # bootstrap ranges and mean for subspace distance sub_br = np.hstack(( np.amin(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)), \ np.mean(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)), \ np.amax(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)) )) # metric from Li's ladle plot paper li_F = np.vstack(( np.zeros((1,1)), np.sum(1.0 - np.fabs(sub_det), axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)) / nboot )) li_F = li_F / np.sum(li_F) return e_br, sub_br, li_F
def local_linear_gradients(X, f, p=None, weights=None): """ Estimate a collection of gradients from input/output pairs. :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix that contains the m-dimensional inputs. :param ndarray f: M-by-1 matrix that contains scalar outputs. :param int p: How many nearest neighbors to use when constructing the local linear model. :param ndarray weights: M-by-1 matrix that contains the weights for each observation. :return df: M-by-m matrix that contains estimated partial derivatives approximated by the local linear models. :rtype: ndarray **Notes** If `p` is not specified, the default value is floor(1.7*m). """ X, M, m = process_inputs(X) if M<=m: raise Exception('Not enough samples for local linear models.') if p is None: p = int(np.minimum(np.floor(1.7*m), M)) elif not isinstance(p, int): raise TypeError('p must be an integer.') if p < m+1 or p > M: raise Exception('p must be between m+1 and M') if weights is None: weights = np.ones((M, 1)) / M MM = np.minimum(int(np.ceil(10*m*np.log(m))), M-1) logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Computing {:d} local linear approximations with {:d} points in {:d} dims.'.format(MM, M, m)) df = np.zeros((MM, m)) for i in range(MM): ii = np.random.randint(M) x = X[ii,:] D2 = np.sum((X - x)**2, axis=1) ind = np.argsort(D2) ind = ind[D2 != 0] A = np.hstack((np.ones((p,1)), X[ind[:p],:])) * np.sqrt(weights[ii]) b = f[ind[:p]] * np.sqrt(weights[ii]) u = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0] df[i,:] = u[1:].T return df
def forward(self, X): """ Map the points in the original input space to the active and inactive variables. :param ndarray X: An M-by-m matrix. Each row of `X` is a point in the original parameter space :return: Y, M-by-n matrix that contains points in the space of active variables. Each row of `Y` corresponds to a row of `X`. :rtype: ndarray :return: Z, M-by-(m-n) matrix that contains points in the space of inactive variables. Each row of `Z` corresponds to a row of `X`. :rtype: ndarray """ X = process_inputs(X)[0] W1, W2 = self.domain.subspaces.W1, self.domain.subspaces.W2 Y, Z =, W1),, W2) return Y, Z
def inverse(self, Y, N=1): """Find points in full space that map to active variable points. Map the points in the active variable space to the original parameter space. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray M-by-n matrix that contains points in the space of active variables N : int, optional the number of points in the original parameter space that are returned that map to the given active variables (default 1) Returns ------- X : ndarray (M*N)-by-m matrix that contains points in the original parameter space ind : ndarray (M*N)-by-1 matrix that contains integer indices. These indices identify which rows of `X` map to which rows of `Y`. Notes ----- The inverse map depends critically on the `regularize_z` function. """ # check inputs Y, NY, n = process_inputs(Y) if not isinstance(N, int): raise TypeError('N must be an int') Z = self.regularize_z(Y, N) W = self.domain.subspaces.eigenvecs X, ind = _rotate_x(Y, Z, W) return X, ind
def inverse(self, Y, N=1): """Find points in full space that map to active variable points. Map the points in the active variable space to the original parameter space. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray M-by-n matrix that contains points in the space of active variables N : int, optional the number of points in the original parameter space that are returned that map to the given active variables (default 1) Returns ------- X : ndarray (M*N)-by-m matrix that contains points in the original parameter space ind : ndarray (M*N)-by-1 matrix that contains integer indices. These indices identify which rows of `X` map to which rows of `Y`. Notes ----- The inverse map depends critically on the `regularize_z` function. """ # check inputs Y, NY, n = process_inputs(Y) if not isinstance(N, Integral): raise TypeError('N must be an int') Z = self.regularize_z(Y, N) W = self.domain.subspaces.eigenvecs X, ind = _rotate_x(Y, Z, W) return X, ind
def active_subspace(df, weights): """Compute the active subspace. Parameters ---------- df : ndarray M-by-m matrix containing the gradient samples oriented as rows weights : ndarray M-by-1 weight vector, corresponds to numerical quadrature rule used to estimate matrix whose eigenspaces define the active subspace Returns ------- e : ndarray m-by-1 vector of eigenvalues W : ndarray m-by-m orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors """ df, M, m = process_inputs(df) # compute the matrix C =, df * weights) return sorted_eigh(C)
def bootstrap_ranges(df, e, W,f=0,X=0,c_index=0,n_boot=200): """ Use a nonparametric bootstrap to estimate variability in the computed eigenvalues and subspaces. :param ndarray df: M-by-m matrix of evaluations of the gradient. :param ndarray e: m-by-1 vector of eigenvalues. :param ndarray W: eigenvectors. :param ndarray f: M-by-1 vector of function evaluations. :param ndarray X: M-by-m array for c_index = 0,1,2,3 *******OR******** M-by-2m matrix for c_index = 4. :param int c_index: an integer specifying which C matrix to compute, the default matrix is 0 :param int n_boot: index number for alternative subspaces. :return: [e_br, sub_br], e_br: m-by-2 matrix that contains the bootstrap ranges for the eigenvalues, sub_br: m-by-3 matrix that contains the bootstrap ranges (first and third column) and the mean (second column) of the error in the estimated subspaces approximated by bootstrap :rtype: [ndarray, ndarray] **Notes** The mean of the subspace distance bootstrap replicates is an interesting quantity. Still trying to figure out what its precise relation is to the subspace error. They seem to behave similarly in test problems. And an initial "coverage" study suggested that they're unbiased for a quadratic test problem. Quadratics, though, may be special cases. """ # number of gradient samples and dimension if c_index != 4: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: M = int(np.shape(X)[0]) m = int((np.shape(X)[1]/2)) # bootstrap e_boot = np.zeros((m, n_boot)) sub_dist = np.zeros((m-1, n_boot)) ind = np.random.randint(M, size=(M, n_boot)) # can i parallelize this? for i in range(n_boot): if c_index == 0: e0, W0 = spectral_decomposition(df[ind[:,i],:]) elif c_index == 1: e0, W0 = spectral_decomposition(df=df[ind[:,i],:],f=f,X=X[ind[:,i],:],c_index=c_index) elif c_index == 2: e0, W0 = spectral_decomposition(df[ind[:,i],:],c_index=c_index) elif c_index == 3: e0, W0 = spectral_decomposition(df[ind[:,i],:],f,X=X[ind[:,i],:],c_index=c_index) elif c_index == 4: f_x = f[ind[:,i]] f_y = f[ind[:,i]+M] f = np.append([[f_x]],[[f_y]],axis=0) f = f.reshape(2*np.size(f_x)) e0, W0 = spectral_decomposition(df=0,f=f,X=X[ind[:,i],:],c_index=c_index) e_boot[:,i] = e0.reshape((m,)) for j in range(m-1): sub_dist[j,i] = np.linalg.norm([:,:j+1].T, W0[:,j+1:]), ord=2) e_br = np.zeros((m, 2)) sub_br = np.zeros((m-1, 3)) for i in range(m): e_br[i,0] = np.amin(e_boot[i,:]) e_br[i,1] = np.amax(e_boot[i,:]) for i in range(m-1): sub_br[i,0] = np.amin(sub_dist[i,:]) sub_br[i,1] = np.mean(sub_dist[i,:]) sub_br[i,2] = np.amax(sub_dist[i,:]) return e_br, sub_br
def build_from_data(self, X, f, df=None, avdim=None): """ Build the active subspace-enabled model with input/output pairs. :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix with evaluations of the m-dimensional simulation inputs. :param ndarray f: M-by-1 matrix with corresponding simulation quantities of interest. :param ndarray df: M-by-m matrix that contains the gradients of the simulation quantity of interest, oriented row-wise, that correspond to the rows of `X`. If `df` is not present, then it is estimated with crude local linear models using the pairs `X` and `f`. :param int avdim: The dimension of the active subspace. If `avdim` is not present, a crude heuristic is used to choose an active subspace dimension based on the given data `X` and `f`---and possible `df`. **Notes** This method follows these steps: #. If `df` is None, estimate it with local linear models using the \ input/output pairs `X` and `f`. #. Compute the active and inactive subspaces using `df`. #. Train a response surface using `X` and `f` that exploits the active \ subspace. """ X, f, M, m = process_inputs_outputs(X, f) # check if the given inputs satisfy the assumptions if self.bounded_inputs: if np.any(X) > 1.0 or np.any(X) < -1.0: raise Exception('The supposedly bounded inputs exceed the \ bounds [-1,1].') else: if np.any(X) > 10.0 or np.any(X) < -10.0: raise Exception('There is a very good chance that your \ unbounded inputs are not properly scaled.') self.X, self.f, self.m = X, f, m if df is not None: df, M_df, m_df = process_inputs(df) if m_df != m: raise ValueError('The dimension of the gradients should be \ the same as the dimension of the inputs.') else: # if gradients aren't available, estimate them from data df = local_linear_gradients(X, f) # compute the active subspace ss = Subspaces() ss.compute(df) if avdim is not None: if not isinstance(avdim, int): raise TypeError('avdim should be an integer.') else: ss.partition(avdim) self.n = ss.W1.shape[1] print 'The dimension of the active subspace is {:d}.'.format(self.n) # set up the active variable domain and map if self.bounded_inputs: avdom = BoundedActiveVariableDomain(ss) avmap = BoundedActiveVariableMap(avdom) else: avdom = UnboundedActiveVariableDomain(ss) avmap = UnboundedActiveVariableMap(avdom) # build the response surface asrs = ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface(avmap) asrs.train_with_data(X, f) # set the R-squared coefficient self.Rsqr = asrs.respsurf.Rsqr self.as_respsurf = asrs
def _bootstrap_ranges(e, W, X, f, df, weights, ssmethod, nboot=100): """Compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspaces. An implementation of the nonparametric bootstrap that we use in conjunction with the subspace estimation methods to estimate the errors in the eigenvalues and subspaces. Parameters ---------- e : ndarray m-by-1 vector of eigenvalues W : ndarray m-by-m orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors X : ndarray M-by-m matrix of input samples, oriented as rows f : ndarray M-by-1 vector of outputs corresponding to rows of `X` df : ndarray M-by-m matrix of gradient samples weights : ndarray M-by-1 vector of weights corresponding to samples ssmethod : function a function that returns eigenpairs given input/output or gradient samples nboot : int, optional number of bootstrap samples (default 100) Returns ------- e_br : ndarray m-by-2 matrix, first column contains bootstrap lower bound on eigenvalues, second column contains bootstrap upper bound on eigenvalues sub_br : ndarray (m-1)-by-3 matrix, first column contains bootstrap lower bound on estimated subspace error, second column contains estimated mean of subspace error (a reasonable subspace error estimate), third column contains estimated upper bound on subspace error li_F : float Bing Li's metric for order determination based on determinants """ if df is not None: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: X, M, m = process_inputs(X) e_boot = np.zeros((m, nboot)) sub_dist = np.zeros((m-1, nboot)) sub_det = np.zeros((m-1, nboot)) # TODO: should be able to parallelize this for i in range(nboot): X0, f0, df0, weights0 = _bootstrap_replicate(X, f, df, weights) e0, W0 = ssmethod(X0, f0, df0, weights0) e_boot[:,i] = e0.reshape((m,)) for j in range(m-1): sub_dist[j,i] = np.linalg.norm([:,:j+1].T, W0[:,j+1:]), ord=2) sub_det[j,i] = np.linalg.det([:,:j+1].T, W0[:,:j+1])) # bootstrap ranges for the eigenvalues e_br = np.hstack(( np.amin(e_boot, axis=1).reshape((m, 1)), \ np.amax(e_boot, axis=1).reshape((m, 1)) )) # bootstrap ranges and mean for subspace distance sub_br = np.hstack(( np.amin(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)), \ np.mean(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)), \ np.amax(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)) )) # metric from Li's ladle plot paper li_F = np.vstack(( np.zeros((1,1)), np.sum(1.0 - np.fabs(sub_det), axis=1).reshape((m-1, 1)) / nboot )) li_F = li_F / np.sum(li_F) return e_br, sub_br, li_F
def compute(self, X=None, f=None, df=None, weights=None, sstype='AS', ptype='EVG', nboot=0): """Compute the active and inactive subspaces. Given input points and corresponding outputs, or given samples of the gradients, estimate an active subspace. This method has four different algorithms for estimating the active subspace: 'AS' is the standard active subspace that requires gradients, 'OLS' uses a global linear model to estimate a one-dimensional active subspace, 'QPHD' uses a global quadratic model to estimate subspaces, and 'OPG' uses a set of local linear models computed from subsets of give input/output pairs. The function also sets the dimension of the active subspace (and, consequently, the dimenison of the inactive subspace). There are three heuristic choices for the dimension of the active subspace. The default is the largest gap in the eigenvalue spectrum, which is 'EVG'. The other two choices are 'RS', which estimates the error in a low-dimensional response surface using the eigenvalues and the estimated subspace errors, and 'LI' which is a heuristic from Bing Li on order determination. Note that either `df` or `X` and `f` must be given, although formally all are optional. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, optional M-by-m matrix of samples of inputs points, arranged as rows (default None) f : ndarray, optional M-by-1 matrix of outputs corresponding to rows of `X` (default None) df : ndarray, optional M-by-m matrix of samples of gradients, arranged as rows (default None) weights : ndarray, optional M-by-1 matrix of weights associated with rows of `X` sstype : str, optional defines subspace type to compute. Default is 'AS' for active subspace, which requires `df`. Other options are `OLS` for a global linear model, `QPHD` for a global quadratic model, and `OPG` for local linear models. The latter three require `X` and `f`. ptype : str, optional defines the partition type. Default is 'EVG' for largest eigenvalue gap. Other options are 'RS', which is an estimate of the response surface error, and 'LI', which is a heuristic proposed by Bing Li based on subspace errors and eigenvalue decay. nboot : int, optional number of bootstrap samples used to estimate the error in the estimated subspace (default 0 means no bootstrap estimates) Notes ----- Partition type 'RS' and 'LI' require nboot to be greater than 0 (and probably something more like 100) to get bootstrap estimates of the subspace error. """ # Check inputs if X is not None: X, M, m = process_inputs(X) elif df is not None: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: raise Exception('One of input/output pairs (X,f) or gradients (df) must not be None') if weights is None: # default weights is for Monte Carlo weights = np.ones((M, 1)) / M # Compute the subspace if sstype == 'AS': if df is None: raise Exception('df is None') e, W = active_subspace(df, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: active_subspace(df, weights) elif sstype == 'OLS': if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = ols_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: ols_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 'QPHD': if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = qphd_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: qphd_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 'OPG': if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = opg_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: opg_subspace(X, f, weights) else: e, W = None, None ssmethod = None raise Exception('Unrecognized subspace type: {}'.format(sstype)) self.eigenvals, self.eigenvecs = e, W # Compute bootstrap ranges and partition if nboot > 0: e_br, sub_br, li_F = _bootstrap_ranges(e, W, X, f, df, weights, ssmethod, nboot) else: if ptype == 1 or ptype == 2: raise Exception('Need to run bootstrap for partition type {}'.format(ptype)) e_br, sub_br = None, None self.e_br, self.sub_br = e_br, sub_br # Compute the partition if ptype == 'EVG': n = eig_partition(e)[0] elif ptype == 'RS': sub_err = sub_br[:,1].reshape((m-1, 1)) n = errbnd_partition(e, sub_err)[0] elif ptype == 'LI': n = ladle_partition(e, li_F)[0] else: raise Exception('Unrecognized partition type: {}'.format(ptype)) self.partition(n)
def compute(self, df ,f = 0, X = 0,function=0, c_index = 0, comp_flag =0,N=5, n_boot=200): """ Compute the active and inactive subspaces from a collection of sampled gradients. :param ndarray df: an ndarray of size M-by-m that contains evaluations of the gradient. :param ndarray f: an ndarray of size M that contains evaluations of the function. :param ndarray X: an ndarray of size M-by-m that contains data points in the input space. :param function: a specified function that outputs f(x), and df(x) the gradient vector for a data point x :param int c_index: an integer specifying which C matrix to compute, the default matrix is 0. :param int comp_flag: an integer specifying computation method: 0 for monte carlo, 1 for LG quadrature. :param int N: number of quadrature points per dimension. :param int n_boot: number of bootstrap replicates to use when computing bootstrap ranges. **Notes** This method sets the class's attributes `W1`, `W2`, `eigenvalues`, and `eigenvectors`. If `n_boot` is greater than zero, then this method also runs a bootstrap to compute and set `e_br` and `sub_br`. """ if c_index != 4: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: M = np.shape(X)[0] m = np.shape(X)[1]/2 if not isinstance(n_boot, int): raise TypeError('n_boot must be an integer.') evecs = np.zeros((m,m)) evals = np.zeros(m) e_br = np.zeros((m,2)) sub_br = np.zeros((m-1,3)) # compute eigenvalues and eigenvecs if c_index == 0: logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Computing spectral decomp with {:d} samples in {:d} dims.'.format(M, m)) evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df=df) if comp_flag == 0: # compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspace distances if n_boot > 0: logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Bootstrapping {:d} spectral decomps of size {:d} by {:d}.'.format(n_boot, M, m)) e_br, sub_br = bootstrap_ranges(df, evals, evecs, n_boot=n_boot) elif c_index == 1: if comp_flag == 0: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,c_index=c_index,comp_flag=comp_flag) # compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspace distances if n_boot > 0: logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Bootstrapping {:d} spectral decomps of size {:d} by {:d}.'.format(n_boot, M, m)) e_br, sub_br = bootstrap_ranges(df, evals, evecs,f, X, c_index,n_boot) elif comp_flag == 1: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,function,c_index,N,comp_flag) elif c_index == 2: if comp_flag == 0: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,c_index=c_index,comp_flag=comp_flag) # compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspace distances if n_boot > 0: logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Bootstrapping {:d} spectral decomps of size {:d} by {:d}.'.format(n_boot, M, m)) e_br, sub_br = bootstrap_ranges(df, evals, evecs,f, X, c_index,n_boot) elif comp_flag == 1: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,function,c_index,N,comp_flag) elif c_index == 3: if comp_flag == 0: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,c_index=c_index,comp_flag=comp_flag) # compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspace distances if n_boot > 0: logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Bootstrapping {:d} spectral decomps of size {:d} by {:d}.'.format(n_boot, M, m)) e_br, sub_br = bootstrap_ranges(df, evals, evecs,f, X, c_index,n_boot) elif comp_flag == 1: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,function,c_index,N,comp_flag) elif c_index == 4: if comp_flag == 0: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,c_index=c_index,comp_flag=comp_flag) # compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspace distances if n_boot > 0: # logging.getLogger('PAUL').info('Bootstrapping {:d} spectral decomps of size {:d} by {:d}.'.format(n_boot, M, 2*m)) e_br, sub_br = bootstrap_ranges(df,evals, evecs,f, X, c_index,n_boot) elif comp_flag == 1: evals, evecs = spectral_decomposition(df,f,X,function,c_index,N,comp_flag) self.e_br, self.sub_br = e_br, sub_br self.e_br, self.sub_br = e_br, sub_br self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors = evals, evecs # partition the subspaces with a crappy heuristic n = compute_partition(evals) self.partition(n)
def compute(self, X=None, f=None, df=None, weights=None, sstype=0, ptype=0, nboot=0): """ TODO: docs Subspace types (sstype): 0, active subspace 1, normalized active subspace 2, active subspace x 3, normalized active subspace x 4, swarm subspace 5, ols sdr 6, qphd, sdr 7, sir, sdr 8, phd, sdr 9, save, sdr 10, mave, sdr 11, opg, sdr Partition types (ptype): 0, eigenvalue gaps 1, response surface error bound 2, Li's ladle plot """ # Check inputs if X is not None: X, M, m = process_inputs(X) elif df is not None: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: raise Exception('One of input/output pairs (X,f) or gradients (df) must not be None') if weights is None: # default weights is for Monte Carlo weights = np.ones((M, 1)) / M # Compute the subspace if sstype == 0: if df is None: raise Exception('df is None') e, W = active_subspace(df, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: active_subspace(df, weights) elif sstype == 1: if df is None: raise Exception('df is None') e, W = normalized_active_subspace(df, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: normalized_active_subspace(df, weights) elif sstype == 2: if X is None or df is None: raise Exception('X or df is None') e, W = active_subspace_x(X, df, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: active_subspace_x(X, df, weights) elif sstype == 3: if X is None or df is None: raise Exception('X or df is None') e, W = normalized_active_subspace_x(X, df, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: normalized_active_subspace_x(X, df, weights) elif sstype == 4: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = swarm_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: swarm_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 5: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = ols_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: ols_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 6: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = qphd_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: qphd_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 7: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = sir_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: sir_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 8: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = phd_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: phd_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 9: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = save_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: save_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 10: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = mave_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: mave_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 11: if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = opg_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: opg_subspace(X, f, weights) else: e, W = None, None ssmethod = None raise Exception('Unrecognized subspace type: {:d}'.format(sstype)) self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors = e, W # Compute bootstrap ranges and partition if nboot > 0: e_br, sub_br, li_F = bootstrap_ranges(e, W, X, f, df, weights, ssmethod, nboot) else: if ptype == 1 or ptype == 2: raise Exception('Need to run bootstrap for partition type {:d}'.format(ptype)) e_br, sub_br = None, None self.e_br, self.sub_br = e_br, sub_br # Compute the partition if ptype == 0: n = eig_partition(e)[0] elif ptype == 1: sub_err = sub_br[:,1].reshape((m-1, 1)) n = errbnd_partition(e, sub_err)[0] elif ptype == 2: n = ladle_partition(e, li_F)[0] else: raise Exception('Unrecognized partition type: {:d}'.format(ptype)) self.partition(n)
def compute(self, X=None, f=None, df=None, weights=None, sstype='AS', ptype='EVG', nboot=0): """Compute the active and inactive subspaces. Given input points and corresponding outputs, or given samples of the gradients, estimate an active subspace. This method has four different algorithms for estimating the active subspace: 'AS' is the standard active subspace that requires gradients, 'OLS' uses a global linear model to estimate a one-dimensional active subspace, 'QPHD' uses a global quadratic model to estimate subspaces, and 'OPG' uses a set of local linear models computed from subsets of give input/output pairs. The function also sets the dimension of the active subspace (and, consequently, the dimenison of the inactive subspace). There are three heuristic choices for the dimension of the active subspace. The default is the largest gap in the eigenvalue spectrum, which is 'EVG'. The other two choices are 'RS', which estimates the error in a low-dimensional response surface using the eigenvalues and the estimated subspace errors, and 'LI' which is a heuristic from Bing Li on order determination. Note that either `df` or `X` and `f` must be given, although formally all are optional. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, optional M-by-m matrix of samples of inputs points, arranged as rows (default None) f : ndarray, optional M-by-1 matrix of outputs corresponding to rows of `X` (default None) df : ndarray, optional M-by-m matrix of samples of gradients, arranged as rows (default None) weights : ndarray, optional M-by-1 matrix of weights associated with rows of `X` sstype : str, optional defines subspace type to compute. Default is 'AS' for active subspace, which requires `df`. Other options are `OLS` for a global linear model, `QPHD` for a global quadratic model, and `OPG` for local linear models. The latter three require `X` and `f`. ptype : str, optional defines the partition type. Default is 'EVG' for largest eigenvalue gap. Other options are 'RS', which is an estimate of the response surface error, and 'LI', which is a heuristic proposed by Bing Li based on subspace errors and eigenvalue decay. nboot : int, optional number of bootstrap samples used to estimate the error in the estimated subspace (default 0 means no bootstrap estimates) Notes ----- Partition type 'RS' and 'LI' require nboot to be greater than 0 (and probably something more like 100) to get bootstrap estimates of the subspace error. """ # Check inputs if X is not None: X, M, m = process_inputs(X) elif df is not None: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: raise Exception('One of input/output pairs (X,f) or gradients (df) must not be None') if weights is None: # default weights is for Monte Carlo weights = np.ones((M, 1)) / M # Compute the subspace if sstype == 'AS': if df is None: raise Exception('df is None') e, W = active_subspace(df, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: active_subspace(df, weights) elif sstype == 'OLS': if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = ols_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: ols_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 'QPHD': if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = qphd_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: qphd_subspace(X, f, weights) elif sstype == 'OPG': if X is None or f is None: raise Exception('X or f is None') e, W = opg_subspace(X, f, weights) ssmethod = lambda X, f, df, weights: opg_subspace(X, f, weights) else: e, W = None, None ssmethod = None raise Exception('Unrecognized subspace type: {}'.format(sstype)) self.eigenvals, self.eigenvecs = e, W # Compute bootstrap ranges and partition if nboot > 0: e_br, sub_br, li_F = _bootstrap_ranges(e, W, X, f, df, weights, ssmethod, nboot) else: if ptype == 'RS' or ptype == 'LI': raise Exception('Need to run bootstrap for partition type {}'.format(ptype)) e_br, sub_br = None, None self.e_br, self.sub_br = e_br, sub_br # Compute the partition if ptype == 'EVG': n = eig_partition(e)[0] elif ptype == 'RS': sub_err = sub_br[:,1].reshape((m-1, 1)) n = errbnd_partition(e, sub_err)[0] elif ptype == 'LI': n = ladle_partition(e, li_F)[0] else: raise Exception('Unrecognized partition type: {}'.format(ptype)) self.partition(n)
def spectral_decomposition(df,f=0,X=0,function=0,c_index=0,N=5,comp_flag=0): """ Use the SVD to compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for the active subspace analysis. :param ndarray df: an ndarray of size M-by-m that contains evaluations of the gradient. :param ndarray f: an ndarray of size M that contains evaluations of the function. :param ndarray X: an ndarray of size M-by-m that contains data points in the input space. :param function: a specified function that outputs f(x), and df(x) the gradient vector for a data point x :param int c_index: an integer specifying which C matrix to compute, the default matrix is 0. :param int comp_flag: an integer specifying computation method: 0 for monte carlo, 1 for LG quadrature. :param int N: number of quadrature points per dimension. :return: [e, W], [ eigenvalues, eigenvectors ] :rtype: [ndarray, ndarray] **Notes** If the number M of gradient samples is less than the dimension m of the inputs, then the method builds an arbitrary basis for the nullspace, which corresponds to the inactive subspace. """ # set integers if c_index != 4: df, M, m = process_inputs(df) else: M = int(np.shape(X)[0]) m = int(np.shape(X)[1]/2) W = np.zeros((m,m)) e = np.zeros((m,1)) C = np.zeros((m,m)) norm_tol = np.finfo(5.0).eps**(0.5) # compute active subspace if c_index == 0 and comp_flag == 0: if M >= m: U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(,df), full_matrices=False) else: U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(,df), full_matrices=True) sig = np.hstack((np.array(sig), np.zeros(m-M))) e = (sig**2) / M elif c_index == 0 and comp_flag == 1: xx = (np.ones(m)*N).astype(np.int64).tolist() x,w = quad.gauss_legendre(xx) C = np.zeros((m,m)) N = np.size(w) for i in range(0,N): [f,DF] = function(x[i,:]) DF = DF.reshape((m,1)) C = C + (,DF.T))*w[i] U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 1 and comp_flag == 0: C = (,df) +,X))/M U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 1 and comp_flag == 1: xx = (np.ones(m)*N).astype(np.int64).tolist() x,w = quad.gauss_legendre(xx) C = np.zeros((m,m)) N = np.size(w) for i in range(0,N): [f,DF] = function(x[i,:]) xxx = x[i,:].reshape((m,1)) DF = DF.reshape((m,1)) C = C + (,DF.T) +,xxx.T))*w[i] U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 2 and comp_flag == 0: row_count = np.shape(df)[0] i=0 while (i< row_count): norm = np.linalg.norm(df[i,:]) if( norm < norm_tol): df = np.delete(df,(i),axis=0) row_count = row_count-1 else: df[i,:] = df[i,:]/norm i = i+1 C =,df)/M U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 2 and comp_flag == 1: xx = (np.ones(m)*N).astype(np.int64).tolist() x,w = quad.gauss_legendre(xx) C = np.zeros((m,m)) N = np.size(w) for i in range(0,N): [f,DF] = function(x[i,:]) DF = DF.reshape((1,m)) norm = np.linalg.norm(DF) if(norm > norm_tol): DF = DF/np.linalg.norm(DF) C = C +,DF)*w[i] U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 3 and comp_flag == 0: for i in range(0,M): xxx = X[i,:] DF = df[i,:] if(np.linalg.norm(xxx) < norm_tol): xxx = np.zeros(m) else: xxx = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) if(np.linalg.norm(DF) < norm_tol): DF = np.zeros(m) else: DF = DF/np.linalg.norm(DF) df[i,:] = DF X[i,:] = xxx C = C + (,X) +,df))/M U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 3 and comp_flag == 1: xx = (np.ones(m)*N).astype(np.int64).tolist() x,w = quad.gauss_legendre(xx) C = np.zeros((m,m)) N = np.size(w) for i in range(0,N): [f,DF] = function(x[i,:]) xxx = x[i,:].reshape((m,1)) if(np.linalg.norm(xxx) < norm_tol): xxx = np.zeros((m,1)) else: xxx = xxx/np.linalg.norm(xxx) DF = DF.reshape((m,1)) if(np.linalg.norm(DF) < norm_tol): DF = np.zeros(m) else: # print('shape xxx= ',np.shape(xxx),'shape DF = ', np.shape(DF)) DF = DF/np.linalg.norm(DF) C = C + (,DF.T) +,xxx.T))*w[i] U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 4 and comp_flag == 0: x = X[:,:m] y = X[:,m:] A = (f[:M]-f[M:])**2 for i in range(0,M): vec = (x[i,:]-y[i,:]).reshape((m,1)) if np.linalg.norm(vec) > norm_tol: vec = (vec)/np.linalg.norm(vec) C = C + A[i]*,vec.T)/M U, sig, W = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=True) e = (sig**2) elif c_index == 4 and comp_flag == 1: xx = (np.ones(2*m)*N).astype(np.int64).tolist() x,w = quad.gauss_legendre(xx) N = np.size(w) for i in range(0,N): norm = np.linalg.norm(x[i,:m]-x[i,m:]) if( norm > norm_tol): xxx = x[i,:m].reshape((m,1)) yyy = x[i,m:].reshape((m,1)) [f_x,DF] = function(xxx) [f_y,DF] = function(yyy) C = C + w[i]*,(xxx-yyy).T)*(f_x-f_y)**2/norm**2 [evals,WW] = np.linalg.eig(C) order = np.argsort(evals) order = np.flipud(order) e = evals[order] W = np.zeros((m,m)) for jj in range(0,m): W[:,jj] = WW[:,order[jj]] W = W.T W = W*np.sign(W[0,:]) return e.reshape((m,1)), W.reshape((m,m))