Example #1
    def forward(self, inputs, state):
        inputs, lengths = inputs
        batch_size, max_len = inputs.size()

        out_inputs = inputs.new_zeros(size=(batch_size, max_len,

        # sort by lengths
        sorted_lengths, indices = lengths.sort(descending=True)
        inputs = inputs.index_select(0, indices)
        state = state.index_select(indices)

        # number of valid input (i.e. not padding index) in each time step
        num_valid_list = sequence_mask(sorted_lengths).int().sum(dim=0)

        for i, num_valid in enumerate(num_valid_list):
            dec_input = inputs[:num_valid, i]
            valid_state = state.slice_select(num_valid)
            out_input, valid_state, _ = self.decode(dec_input,
            state.hidden[:, :num_valid] = valid_state.hidden
            out_inputs[:num_valid, i] = out_input.squeeze(1)

        # Resort
        _, inv_indices = indices.sort()
        state = state.index_select(inv_indices)
        out_inputs = out_inputs.index_select(0, inv_indices)

        log_probs = self.output_layer(out_inputs)
        return log_probs, state
Example #2
    def initialize_state(self,
        if self.feature_size is not None:
            assert feature is not None

        if self.attn_mode is not None:
            assert attn_memory is not None

        if memory_lengths is not None and attn_mask is None:
            max_len = attn_memory.size(1)
            attn_mask = sequence_mask(memory_lengths, max_len).eq(0)

        init_state = DecoderState(
        return init_state
    def forward(self, hidden, hidden_states, attention_mask):
        mixed_query_layer = self.query(hidden)
        mixed_key_layer = self.key(hidden_states)
        mixed_value_layer = self.value(hidden_states)

        query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_query_layer)
        key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_key_layer)
        value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_value_layer)

        # Take the dot product between "query" and "key" to get the raw attention scores.
        attention_scores = torch.matmul(query_layer, key_layer.transpose(-1, -2))
        attention_scores = attention_scores / math.sqrt(self.attention_head_size)
        # Apply the attention mask is (precomputed for all layers in BertModel forward() function)
        if attention_mask is not None:
            if len(attention_mask.size()) < 2:
                attention_mask = sequence_mask(attention_mask)
                reverse_mask = torch.ones(attention_mask.size()).cuda()
                reverse_mask[attention_mask] = 0.0
                attention_scores = attention_scores + reverse_mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) * (-1e9)
                raise NotImplemented
        # Normalize the attention scores to probabilities.
        attention_probs = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(attention_scores)

        # This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might
        # seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper.
        attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs)

        context_layer = torch.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer)
        context_layer = context_layer.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous()
        new_context_layer_shape = context_layer.size()[:-2] + (self.all_head_size,)
        context_layer = context_layer.view(*new_context_layer_shape)
        return context_layer[:, 0, :], attention_probs
Example #4
    def forward(self, source, memory_bank, memory_lengths=None, coverage=None, is_mask=False):

          source (`FloatTensor`): query vectors `[batch x tgt_len x dim]`
          memory_bank (`FloatTensor`): source vectors `[batch x src_len x dim]`
          memory_lengths (`LongTensor`): the source context lengths `[batch]`
          coverage (`FloatTensor`): None (not supported yet)

          (`FloatTensor`, `FloatTensor`):

          * Computed vector `[tgt_len x batch x dim]`
          * Attention distribtutions for each query
             `[tgt_len x batch x src_len]`

        # one step input
        if source.dim() == 2:
            one_step = True
            source = source.unsqueeze(1)
            one_step = False

        batch, source_l, dim = memory_bank.size()
        batch_, target_l, dim_ = source.size()
        aeq(batch, batch_)
        aeq(dim, dim_)
        aeq(self.dim, dim)
        if coverage is not None:
            batch_, source_l_ = coverage.size()
            aeq(batch, batch_)
            aeq(source_l, source_l_)

        if coverage is not None:
            cover = coverage.view(-1).unsqueeze(1)
            memory_bank += self.linear_cover(cover).view_as(memory_bank)
            memory_bank = torch.tanh(memory_bank)

        # compute attention scores, as in Luong et al.
        align = self.score(source, memory_bank)

        if memory_lengths is not None:
            if not is_mask:
                mask = sequence_mask(memory_lengths, max_len=align.size(-1))
                mask = memory_lengths.byte()
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1)  # Make it broadcastable.
            align.masked_fill_(~mask, -float('inf'))

        # Softmax or sparsemax to normalize attention weights
        if self.attn_func == "softmax":
            align_vectors = F.softmax(align.view(batch*target_l, source_l), -1)
            align_vectors = sparsemax(align.view(batch*target_l, source_l), -1)
        align_vectors = align_vectors.view(batch, target_l, source_l)

        # each context vector c_t is the weighted average
        # over all the source hidden states
        c = torch.bmm(align_vectors, memory_bank)

        # concatenate
        concat_c = torch.cat([c, source], 2).view(batch*target_l, dim*2)
        attn_h = self.linear_out(concat_c).view(batch, target_l, dim)
        # attn_h = self.dropout(attn_h)
        # if self.attn_type in ["general", "dot"]:
        #     attn_h = torch.tanh(attn_h)

        if one_step:
            attn_h = attn_h.squeeze(1)
            align_vectors = align_vectors.squeeze(1)

            # Check output sizes
            batch_, dim_ = attn_h.size()
            aeq(batch, batch_)
            aeq(dim, dim_)
            batch_, source_l_ = align_vectors.size()
            aeq(batch, batch_)
            aeq(source_l, source_l_)

            attn_h = attn_h.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
            align_vectors = align_vectors.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
            # Check output sizes
            target_l_, batch_, dim_ = attn_h.size()
            aeq(target_l, target_l_)
            aeq(batch, batch_)
            aeq(dim, dim_)
            target_l_, batch_, source_l_ = align_vectors.size()
            aeq(target_l, target_l_)
            aeq(batch, batch_)
            aeq(source_l, source_l_)

        return attn_h, align_vectors
Example #5
    def decode(self, dec_state):
        long_tensor_type = torch.cuda.LongTensor if self.use_gpu else torch.LongTensor

        b = dec_state.get_batch_size()

        # [[0], [k*1], [k*2], ..., [k*(b-1)]]
        self.pos_index = (long_tensor_type(range(b)) * self.k).view(-1, 1)

        # Inflate the initial hidden states to be of size: (b*k, H)
        dec_state = dec_state.inflate(self.k)

        # Initialize the scores; for the first step,
        # ignore the inflated copies to avoid duplicate entries in the top k
        sequence_scores = long_tensor_type(b * self.k).float()
            0, long_tensor_type([i * self.k for i in range(b)]), 0.0)

        # Initialize the input vector
        input_var = long_tensor_type([self.BOS] * b * self.k)

        # Store decisions for backtracking
        stored_scores = list()
        stored_predecessors = list()
        stored_emitted_symbols = list()

        for t in range(1, self.max_length + 1):
            # Run the RNN one step forward
            output, dec_state, attn = self.model.decode(input_var, dec_state)

            log_softmax_output = output.squeeze(1)

            # To get the full sequence scores for the new candidates, add the
            # local scores for t_i to the predecessor scores for t_(i-1)
            sequence_scores = sequence_scores.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.V)
            if self.length_average and t > 1:
                sequence_scores = sequence_scores * \
                    (1 - 1/t) + log_softmax_output / t
                sequence_scores += log_softmax_output

            scores, candidates = sequence_scores.view(b, -1).topk(self.k,

            # Reshape input = (b*k, 1) and sequence_scores = (b*k)
            input_var = (candidates % self.V)
            sequence_scores = scores.view(b * self.k)

            input_var = input_var.view(b * self.k)

            # Update fields for next timestep
            predecessors = (candidates / self.V +
                            self.pos_index.expand_as(candidates)).view(b *

            dec_state = dec_state.index_select(predecessors)

            # Update sequence scores and erase scores for end-of-sentence symbol so that they aren't expanded
            eos_indices = input_var.data.eq(self.EOS)
            if eos_indices.nonzero().dim() > 0:
                sequence_scores.data.masked_fill_(eos_indices, -float('inf'))

            if self.ignore_unk:
                # Erase scores for UNK symbol so that they aren't expanded
                unk_indices = input_var.data.eq(self.UNK)
                if unk_indices.nonzero().dim() > 0:

            # Cache results for backtracking

        predicts, scores, lengths = self._backtrack(stored_predecessors,
                                                    stored_scores, b)

        predicts = predicts[:, :1]
        scores = scores[:, :1]
        lengths = long_tensor_type(lengths)[:, :1]
        mask = sequence_mask(lengths, max_len=self.max_length).eq(0)
        predicts[mask] = self.PAD

        return predicts, lengths, scores
Example #6
    def forward(self, source, memory_bank, memory_lengths=None):
        # Whether input is provided one step at a time or not
        if source.dim() == 2:
            one_step = True
            source = source.unsqueeze(1)
            one_step = False

        batch, source_l, dim = memory_bank.size()
        batch_, target_l, dim_ = source.size()
        assert batch == batch_
        assert dim == dim_
        assert self.input_size == dim

        # Compute attention scores
        align = self.score(source, memory_bank)

        if memory_lengths is not None:
            mask = sequence_mask(memory_lengths, max_len=align.size(-1))
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1)  # make it broadcastable
            align.masked_fill_(1 - mask, -float('inf'))

        # Normalize attention weights
        align_vectors = F.softmax(align.view(batch * target_l, source_l), -1)
        align_vectors = align_vectors.view(batch, target_l, source_l)

        # Generate context vector c_t as the weighted average
        # over all the source hidden states
        c = torch.bmm(align_vectors, memory_bank)

        # Concatenate context vector with source
        concat_c = torch.cat([c, source], 2).view(batch * target_l, dim * 2)
        attn_h = self.linear_out(concat_c).view(batch, target_l, dim)

        if self.attention_type in ["general", "dot"]:
            attn_h = torch.tanh(attn_h)

        if one_step:
            attn_h = attn_h.squeeze(1)
            align_vectors = align_vectors.squeeze(1)

            # Check output sizes
            batch_, dim_ = attn_h.size()
            assert batch == batch_
            assert dim == dim_
            batch_, source_l_ = align_vectors.size()
            assert batch == batch_
            assert source_l == source_l_

            attn_h = attn_h.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
            align_vectors = align_vectors.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()

            # Check output sizes
            target_l_, batch_, dim_ = attn_h.size()
            assert target_l == target_l_
            assert batch == batch_
            assert dim == dim_
            target_l_, batch_, source_l_ = align_vectors.size()
            assert target_l == target_l_
            assert batch == batch_
            assert source_l == source_l_

        return attn_h, align_vectors