def remove_drive(): """ Prompts the user and removes a drive from MOUNT_FILE """ options = [] file = module.input_file(MOUNT_FILE) for i in range(0, len(file), 3): options.append(str(len(options) + 1) + ") " + file[i]) options.append("A) Exit") module.print_menu("Remove SSH Drive", options) i = input("Enter Option:") if i.lower() != 'a' and int(i) <= len(file)/3 and int(i) > 0: index = (int(i) - 1) * 3 f = open(MOUNT_FILE, "w") for x in range(0, len(file), 3): if index != x: f.write(file[x] + "\n") f.write(file[x + 1] + "\n") f.write(file[x + 2] + "\n") f.close()
def main(): """ Prompts user to either update the config file, or make aliases in the bash configuration """ options = [] options.append("1) Update Configuration File") options.append("2) Make Aliases") options.append("3) Add Extra Sauce") options.append("4) View proposed shell conf") options.append("5) Exit") i = '0' while i != '5': module.print_menu("Configuration Manager", options) i = input("Enter Option:") if i == '1': create_config() elif i == '2': write_to_bash_config(generate_bash_aliases()) elif i == '3': write_to_bash_config(generate_extra_sauce()) elif i == '4': view_shell_sauce()
def socks_ssh_tunnel(): """ prints user a menu to select a host to start a socks proxy with :return: None """ file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE) cmp = [] count = 1 for line in file: cmp.append(Computer(line, count)) count += 1 menu = [] for c in cmp: menu.append(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + menu.append("A) Exit") menu.append("B) Main") module.print_menu("Socks Tunnel", menu) i = input("Enter option:") if i == '' or 'a' == str.lower(i): exit_program() elif 'b' == str.lower(i): main() else: for c in cmp: if int(i) == c.menu_id: print_red("Starting socks proxy on " + + ":8123") ["ssh", "-D", "8123", "-C", "-q", "-N",]) exit_program()
def print_sub_menu(): """ prints out a sub help menu for other options :return: None """ module.print_menu("Options", [ "1) Add Host", "2) Copy SSH key to server", "3) Remove host name", "4) Return to ssh manager", "5) Manage Configuration and Bash", "6) Exit" ])
def print_mount_menu(): """ Displays box which has mount menu options """ module.print_menu("SSH Drive Manager", [ "1) Mount SSH Drives", "2) Un-Mount SSH Drives", "3) Remove Remote Drive", "4) Add Drive to Mount", "5) View Drives", "6) Usage", "7) Manage Config", "8) Forcefully Un-Mount SSH Drives", "9) Exit" ])
def print_sub_menu(): """ prints out a sub help menu for other options :return: None """ module.print_menu("Options", ["1) Add Host", "2) Remove host name", "3) Return to ssh forwarding", "4) Manage Configuration and Bash", "5) Exit"])
def view_drives(): """ Views the current drives to the user """ drives = [] file = module.input_file(MOUNT_FILE) for i in range(0, len(file), 3): drives.append(str(int(int(i)/3 + 1)) + ") " + file[i]) drives.append(" " + file[i + 1]) drives.append(" " + file[i + 2]) module.print_menu("SSH Drives", drives)
def main(): """ This function inputs all the available hosts from a text file and prompts the user to connect to them :return: """ file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE) cmp = [] count = 1 for line in file: cmp.append(Computer(line, count)) count += 1 menu = [] for c in cmp: menu.append(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + menu.append("A) Exit") menu.append("B) Manager tools") menu.append("C) Socks Tunnel") menu.append("D) SSH Drive Manager") module.print_menu("SSH manager V 1.0", menu) i = input("Enter Option:") if i == '' or i == 'A' or i == 'a': exit_program() elif i == 'b' or i == 'B': sub_menu() elif "c" == str.lower(i): socks_ssh_tunnel() elif "d" == str.lower(i): mount_ssh_drive.main() else: for c in cmp: if int(i) == c.menu_id:["ssh",]) exit_program()
def copy_ssh_key(): """ calls systems ssh-copy-id with host name :return: None """ file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE) cmp = [] count = 1 for line in file: cmp.append(Computer(line, count)) count += 1 menu = [] for c in cmp: menu.append(str(c.menu_id) + ") " + menu.append("A) Exit") module.print_menu("Copy SSH Key", menu) host_id = input("Enter number of host to copy ssh key to:") if not (host_id == '-1' or host_id.lower() == 'a'): for c in cmp: if c.menu_id == int(host_id):["ssh-copy-id",])
def main(): """ This function inputs all the available hosts from a text file and prompts the user to connect to them :return: """ file = module.input_file(INPUT_FILE) cmp = [] count = 1 for line in file: cmp.append(Computer(line, count)) count += 1 menu = [] for c in cmp: menu.append(str(c.user_num) + ") " + "".join(c.user)) menu.append("A) Exit") menu.append("B) Manager tools") module.print_menu("SSH forwarding manager V 1.0", menu) i = input("Enter Option:") if i == '' or i == 'A' or i == 'a': exit_program() elif i == 'B' or i == 'b': sub_menu() else: for c in cmp: if int(i) == c.user_num: ["ssh", "-L", c.user.split(":")[2] + ":localhost:" + c.user.split(":")[2], c.user.split(":")[1]]) exit_program()