Example #1
def eval_single_frame(target, box):
    input params:
        target, python ordered dict
        box, sorted boxes dict from predictions
    TP   = 0
    FP   = 0
    FN   = 0
    precision = 0
    recall = 0
    F_measure = 0
    if not len(box['text_lines']) == 0:
        for t in target:
            d = np.array(t, dtype='int32')
            is_best = 0
            for m in box['text_lines']:
                n = np.array([m['x0'], m['y0'], m['x1'], m['y1'], m['x2'],
                              m['y2'], m['x3'], m['y3']], dtype='int32')

                # pick out the best match
                iou = intersection(n, d)
                if iou>is_best:
                    is_best = iou
            if is_best > 0.5:
                TP = TP+1
            elif is_best == 0:
                FN = FN +1
                FP = FP+1
        if TP > 0:
            precision = TP/(TP+FP)
            recall    = TP/(TP+FN)
            F_measure = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall)
    return precision, recall, F_measure
Example #2
def eval_single(bb_gt, bb_pred):
    input params:
        bb_gt, numpy array, (batch_size, time_steps, 40*9)
        bb_pred, ((batch_size, time_steps, 40*9))
    length_vect = bb_gt.shape[2]
    unit = 9
    num  = int(length_vect/unit)
    is_best = 0
    TP   = 0
    FP   = 0
    FN   = 0
    for i in range(num):
        for j in range(num):
            # pick out the best match
            iou = intersection(bb_gt[:,:,i*unit:i*unit+8], bb_pred[:,:,i*unit:i*unit+8])
            if iou>is_best:
                is_best = iou
        if iou > 0.5:
            TP = TP+1
        elif iou > 0:
            FP = FP+1
            FN = FN+1
    precision = TP/(TP+FP)
    recall    = TP/(TP+FN)
    F_measure = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall)
    return precision, recall, F_measure