class AttnGRU(object): """ Attention-based GRU (used by the Episodic Memory Module). """ def __init__(self, config): self.nn = NN(config) self.num_units = config.num_gru_units def __call__(self, inputs, state, attention): with tf.variable_scope('attn_gru'): r_input = tf.concat([inputs, state], axis=1) r_input = self.nn.dropout(r_input) r = self.nn.dense(r_input, units=self.num_units, activation=None, use_bias=False, name='fc1') b = tf.get_variable('fc1/bias', shape=[self.num_units], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0)) r = tf.nn.bias_add(r, b) r = tf.sigmoid(r) c_input = tf.concat([inputs, r * state], axis=1) c_input = self.nn.dropout(c_input) c = self.nn.dense(c_input, units=self.num_units, activation=tf.tanh, name='fc2') new_state = attention * c + (1 - attention) * state return new_state
class EpisodicMemory(object): """ Episodic Memory Module. """ def __init__(self, config, num_facts, question, facts): self.nn = NN(config) self.num_units = config.num_gru_units self.num_facts = num_facts self.question = question self.facts = facts self.attention = config.attention if self.attention == 'gru': self.attn_gru = AttnGRU(config) def new_fact(self, memory): """ Get the context vector by using either soft attention or attention-based GRU. """ fact_list = tf.unstack(self.facts, axis=1) mixed_fact = tf.zeros_like(fact_list[0]) with tf.variable_scope('attend'): attentions = self.attend(memory) if self.attention == 'gru': with tf.variable_scope('attn_gate') as scope: attentions = tf.unstack(attentions, axis=1) for ctx, att in zip(fact_list, attentions): mixed_fact = self.attn_gru(ctx, mixed_fact, tf.expand_dims(att, 1)) scope.reuse_variables() else: mixed_fact = tf.reduce_sum(self.facts * tf.expand_dims(attentions, 2), axis=1) return mixed_fact def attend(self, memory): """ Get the attention weights. """ c = self.facts q = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(self.question, 1), [1, self.num_facts, 1]) m = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(memory, 1), [1, self.num_facts, 1]) z = tf.concat([c * q, c * m, tf.abs(c - q), tf.abs(c - m)], 2) z = tf.reshape(z, [-1, 4 * self.num_units]) z = self.nn.dropout(z) z1 = self.nn.dense(z, units=self.num_units, activation=tf.tanh, name='fc1') z1 = self.nn.dropout(z1) z2 = self.nn.dense(z1, units=1, activation=None, use_bias=False, name='fc2') z2 = tf.reshape(z2, [-1, self.num_facts]) attentions = tf.nn.softmax(z2) return attentions
def __init__(self, config, num_facts, question, facts): self.nn = NN(config) self.num_units = config.num_gru_units self.num_facts = num_facts self.question = question self.facts = facts self.attention = config.attention if self.attention == 'gru': self.attn_gru = AttnGRU(config)
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.is_train = True if config.phase == 'train' else False self.train_cnn = self.is_train and config.train_cnn self.image_loader = ImageLoader('./utils/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy') self.image_shape = [224, 224, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.is_train = True if config.phase == 'train' else False self.train_cnn = self.is_train and config.train_cnn self.image_loader = ImageLoader('./utils/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy') self.image_shape = [224, 224, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
def __init__(self, config, mode="train"): self.config = config self.mode = mode self.is_train = True if mode == 'train' else False self.train_cnn = False # self.image_loader = ImageLoader('./utils/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy') # self.image_shape = [224, 224, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False) self.reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.is_train = True if config.phase == 'train' else False self.joint_train = self.is_train and config.joint_train self.train_cnn = self.is_train and config.train_cnn self.rnn_attend_state = None # self.image_loader = ImageLoader('./utils/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy') self.faster_rcnn = FasterRcnnEncoder(config.faster_rcnn_frozen) self.image_shape = [224, 224, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.is_train = True if config.phase == 'train' else False self.train_cnn = self.is_train and config.train_cnn self.image_shape = [128, 128, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False) self.record = open('lossrecord_oneloss.txt', 'w') self.predrecord = open( 'predrecord__oneloss' + self.config.cnn + '_' + str(self.config.num_lstm_units) + '_' + '_.csv', 'w')
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.is_train = True if config.phase == 'train' else False self.train_cnn = self.is_train and config.train_cnn self.image_loader = ImageLoader('./utils/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy') self.image_shape = [512, 512, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name = 'global_step', trainable = False) self.record = open('lossrecord_guiyihua_oneloss.txt', 'w') self.predrecord = open('predrecord2_guiyihua_oneloss'+ self.config.cnn + '_'+ str(self.config.num_lstm_units) + '_'+'_.csv', 'w')
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.is_train = True if config.phase == 'train' else False self.train_cnn = self.is_train and config.train_cnn self.image_loader = ImageLoader('./utils/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy') self.image_shape = [224, 224, 3] self.nn = NN(config) self.classes = cfg.CLASSES self.num_class = 80 #len(self.classes) self.num_anchor = cfg.NUM_ANCHOR self.anchors = cfg.ANCHORS self.image_size = cfg.IMAGE_SIZE self.cell_size = cfg.CELL_SIZE self.boxes_per_cell = cfg.BOXES_PER_CELL #self.output_size = (self.cell_size * self.cell_size) *\ #(self.num_class + self.boxes_per_cell * 5) #7*7*(20+10) self.output_size = (self.num_class + 5) * self.num_anchor self.scale = 1.0 * self.image_size / self.cell_size self.boundary1 = self.cell_size * self.cell_size * self.num_class #7*7*20 self.use_pretrain = True self.boundary2 = self.boundary1 +\ self.cell_size * self.cell_size * self.boxes_per_cell #7*7*20 + 7*7*2 self.object_scale = cfg.OBJECT_SCALE self.noobject_scale = cfg.NOOBJECT_SCALE self.class_scale = cfg.CLASS_SCALE self.coord_scale = cfg.COORD_SCALE self.ckpt_file = './yolo2_data/yolo2_coco.ckpt' #cfg.CKPT_FILE self.learning_rate = cfg.LEARNING_RATE self.batch_size = cfg.BATCH_SIZE self.alpha = cfg.ALPHA self.lamda = cfg.LAMDA self.offset = np.transpose( np.reshape( np.array([np.arange(self.cell_size)] * self.cell_size * self.boxes_per_cell), (self.boxes_per_cell, self.cell_size, self.cell_size)), (1, 2, 0)) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
def __init__(self, config, mode, dropout=True, train_vgg=False): """Basic setup. Args: config: Object containing configuration parameters. mode: "train", "eval" or "inference". train_vgg: Whether the VGG submodel variables are trainable. """ self.nn = NN(config) assert mode in ["train", "eval", "inference"] self.config = config self.mode = mode self.is_train = True if mode=="train" else False self.train_vgg = train_vgg # whether use dropout or not self.dropout = dropout # Reader for the input data. self.reader = tf.TFRecordReader() # To match the "Show Attend Tell" paper we initialize all variables with a # truncated_normal initializer. self.initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() self.const_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) self.emb_initializer = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0) # A float32 Tensor with shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]. self.images = None # An int32 Tensor with shape [batch_size, padded_length]. self.input_seqs = None self.target_seqs = None # An int32 0/1 Tensor with shape [batch_size, padded_length]. self.input_mask = None # An int32 recoder maximum padded_length self.caption_length = None # A float32 Tensor with shape [batch_size, padded_length, embedding_size]. self.seq_embeddings = None # A float32 scalar Tensor; the batch loss for the trainer to optimize. self.batch_loss = None self.total_loss = None # A float32 Tensor with shape [batch_size * padded_length]. self.target_cross_entropy_losses = None # Collection of variables from the vgg submodel. self.vgg_variables = [] # Context encode [batch_size, ] self.context = None self.context_encode = None # Function to restore the inception submodel from checkpoint. self.init_fn = None # Global step Tensor. self.global_step = None # [batch_size, max_len] self.sampled_word_list = None # [vocab_size, embedding_size] self.embedding_map = None # [batch_size, caption_length, context_size] self.alphas = None # [batch_size, capiton_length] self.betas = None
class ShowAttendTellModel(object): """Image-to-text implementation based on Show, Attend and Tell. "Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention" Kelvin Xu, Jimmy Lei Ba, Ryan Kiros, Kyunghyun Cho, Aaron Courville, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard S. Zemel, Yoshua Bengio """ def __init__(self, config, mode, dropout=True, train_vgg=False): """Basic setup. Args: config: Object containing configuration parameters. mode: "train", "eval" or "inference". train_vgg: Whether the VGG submodel variables are trainable. """ self.nn = NN(config) assert mode in ["train", "eval", "inference"] self.config = config self.mode = mode self.is_train = True if mode=="train" else False self.train_vgg = train_vgg # whether use dropout or not self.dropout = dropout # Reader for the input data. self.reader = tf.TFRecordReader() # To match the "Show Attend Tell" paper we initialize all variables with a # truncated_normal initializer. self.initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() self.const_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) self.emb_initializer = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0) # A float32 Tensor with shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]. self.images = None # An int32 Tensor with shape [batch_size, padded_length]. self.input_seqs = None self.target_seqs = None # An int32 0/1 Tensor with shape [batch_size, padded_length]. self.input_mask = None # An int32 recoder maximum padded_length self.caption_length = None # A float32 Tensor with shape [batch_size, padded_length, embedding_size]. self.seq_embeddings = None # A float32 scalar Tensor; the batch loss for the trainer to optimize. self.batch_loss = None self.total_loss = None # A float32 Tensor with shape [batch_size * padded_length]. self.target_cross_entropy_losses = None # Collection of variables from the vgg submodel. self.vgg_variables = [] # Context encode [batch_size, ] self.context = None self.context_encode = None # Function to restore the inception submodel from checkpoint. self.init_fn = None # Global step Tensor. self.global_step = None # [batch_size, max_len] self.sampled_word_list = None # [vocab_size, embedding_size] self.embedding_map = None # [batch_size, caption_length, context_size] self.alphas = None # [batch_size, capiton_length] self.betas = None def is_training(self): """Returns true if the model is built for training mode.""" return self.mode == "train" def process_image(self, encoded_image, thread_id=0): """Decodes and processes an image string. Args: encoded_image: A scalar string Tensor; the encoded image. thread_id: Preprocessing thread id used to select the ordering of color distortions. Returns: A float32 Tensor of shape [height, width, 3]; the processed image. """ return image_processing.process_image(encoded_image, is_training=self.is_training(), height=self.config.image_height, width=self.config.image_width, thread_id=thread_id, image_format=self.config.image_format) def _batch_norm(self, x, mode='train'): return tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=x, decay=0.95, center=True, scale=True, is_training=(mode == 'train'), updates_collections=None, scope='batch_norm' ) def build_inputs(self): """Input prefetching, preprocessing and batching. Outputs: self.images self.input_seqs self.target_seqs (training and eval only) self.input_mask (training and eval only) """ if self.mode == "inference": # In inference mode, images and inputs are fed via placeholders. image_feed = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[], name="image_feed") input_feed = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, shape=[None], # batch_size name="input_feed") # Process image and insert batch dimensions. images = tf.expand_dims(self.process_image(image_feed), 0) input_seqs = tf.expand_dims(input_feed, 1) # No target sequences or input mask in inference mode. target_seqs = None input_mask = None else: # Prefetch serialized SequenceExample protos. input_queue = input_ops.prefetch_input_data( self.reader, self.config.input_file_pattern, is_training=self.is_training(), batch_size=self.config.batch_size, values_per_shard=self.config.values_per_input_shard, input_queue_capacity_factor=self.config.input_queue_capacity_factor, num_reader_threads=self.config.num_input_reader_threads) # Image processing and random distortion. Split across multiple threads # with each thread applying a slightly different distortion. assert self.config.num_preprocess_threads % 2 == 0 images_and_captions = [] for thread_id in range(self.config.num_preprocess_threads): serialized_sequence_example = input_queue.dequeue() encoded_image, caption = input_ops.parse_sequence_example( serialized_sequence_example, image_feature=self.config.image_feature_name, caption_feature=self.config.caption_feature_name) image = self.process_image(encoded_image, thread_id=thread_id) images_and_captions.append([image, caption]) # Batch inputs. queue_capacity = (2 * self.config.num_preprocess_threads * self.config.batch_size) images, input_seqs, target_seqs, input_mask = ( input_ops.batch_with_dynamic_pad(images_and_captions, batch_size=self.config.batch_size, queue_capacity=queue_capacity, n_time_step=self.config.n_time_step)) self.images = images self.input_seqs = input_seqs self.target_seqs = target_seqs self.input_mask = input_mask def build_context_encode(self): """Builds the image model subgraph and generates context_encode. Inputs: self.images Outputs: self.context_encode """ vgg_output = image_embedding.vgg_19_extract( self.images, trainable=self.train_vgg, is_training=self.is_training()) self.vgg_variables = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope="vgg_19") self.num_ctx = self.config.context_shape[0] self.dim_ctx = self.config.context_shape[1] context = tf.reshape(vgg_output, [-1, self.num_ctx, self.dim_ctx]) # Batch normalize feature vector if self.mode == "train": context = self._batch_norm(context, 'train') else: context = self._batch_norm(context, 'test') self.conv_feats = context # Save the context_shape in the graph. tf.constant(self.config.context_size, name="context_encode_size") # self.context_encode = context_encode def build_rnn(self): """ Build the RNN. """ print("Building the RNN...") config = self.config # Setup the placeholders if self.is_train: contexts = self.conv_feats sentences = self.input_seqs masks = tf.cast(self.input_mask, tf.float32) else: if self.mode =='eval': contexts = self.conv_feats else: contexts = tf.placeholder( dtype = tf.float32, shape = [config.batch_size, self.num_ctx, self.dim_ctx], name = 'contexts') last_memory = tf.placeholder( dtype = tf.float32, shape = [config.batch_size, config.num_lstm_units], name = 'last_memory') last_output = tf.placeholder( dtype = tf.float32, shape = [config.batch_size, config.num_lstm_units], name = 'last_output') last_word = tf.placeholder( dtype = tf.int32, shape = [config.batch_size], name = 'last_word') # Setup the word embedding with tf.variable_scope("word_embedding", tf.device("/cpu:0")): embedding_matrix = tf.get_variable( name = 'weights', shape = [config.vocabulary_size, config.dim_embedding], initializer = self.nn.fc_kernel_initializer, regularizer = self.nn.fc_kernel_regularizer, trainable = self.is_train) # Setup the LSTM lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell( config.num_lstm_units, initializer = self.nn.fc_kernel_initializer) if self.is_train: lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper( lstm, input_keep_prob = 1.0-config.lstm_drop_rate, output_keep_prob = 1.0-config.lstm_drop_rate, state_keep_prob = 1.0-config.lstm_drop_rate) # Initialize the LSTM using the mean context with tf.variable_scope("initialize"): context_mean = tf.reduce_mean(contexts, axis = 1) initial_memory, initial_output = self.initialize(context_mean) initial_state = initial_memory, initial_output # Prepare to run predictions = [] if self.is_train: alphas = [] cross_entropies = [] predictions_correct = [] num_steps = self.config.max_caption_length last_output = initial_output last_memory = initial_memory last_word = sentences[:, 0] else: num_steps = 1 last_state = last_memory, last_output # Generate the words one by one for idx in range(1,num_steps+1): # Attention mechanism with tf.variable_scope("attend"): alpha = self.attend(contexts, last_output) context = tf.reduce_sum(contexts*tf.expand_dims(alpha, 2), axis = 1) if self.is_train: tiled_masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(masks[:, idx], 1), [1, self.num_ctx]) masked_alpha = alpha * tiled_masks alphas.append(tf.reshape(masked_alpha, [-1])) # Embed the last word with tf.variable_scope("word_embedding"): word_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding_matrix, last_word) # Apply the LSTM with tf.variable_scope("lstm"): current_input = tf.concat([context, word_embed], 1) output, state = lstm(current_input, last_state) memory, _ = state # Decode the expanded output of LSTM into a word with tf.variable_scope("decode"): expanded_output = tf.concat([output, context, word_embed], axis = 1) logits = self.decode(expanded_output) probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits) prediction = tf.argmax(logits, 1) predictions.append(prediction) # Compute the loss for this step, if necessary if self.is_train: cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels = sentences[:, idx], logits = logits) masked_cross_entropy = cross_entropy * masks[:, idx] cross_entropies.append(masked_cross_entropy) ground_truth = tf.cast(sentences[:, idx], tf.int64) prediction_correct = tf.where( tf.equal(prediction, ground_truth), tf.cast(masks[:, idx], tf.float32), tf.cast(tf.zeros_like(prediction), tf.float32)) predictions_correct.append(prediction_correct) last_output = output last_memory = memory last_state = state last_word = sentences[:, idx] tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() # Compute the final loss, if necessary if self.is_train: cross_entropies = tf.stack(cross_entropies, axis = 1) cross_entropy_loss = tf.reduce_sum(cross_entropies) \ / tf.reduce_sum(masks) alphas = tf.stack(alphas, axis = 1) alphas = tf.reshape(alphas, [config.batch_size, self.num_ctx, -1]) attentions = tf.reduce_sum(alphas, axis = 2) diffs = tf.ones_like(attentions) - attentions attention_loss = config.attention_loss_factor \ * tf.nn.l2_loss(diffs) \ / (config.batch_size * self.num_ctx) reg_loss = tf.losses.get_regularization_loss() total_loss = cross_entropy_loss + attention_loss + reg_loss predictions_correct = tf.stack(predictions_correct, axis = 1) accuracy = tf.reduce_sum(predictions_correct) \ / tf.reduce_sum(masks) self.contexts = contexts if self.is_train: self.sentences = sentences self.masks = masks self.total_loss = total_loss self.cross_entropy_loss = cross_entropy_loss self.attention_loss = attention_loss self.reg_loss = reg_loss self.accuracy = accuracy self.attentions = attentions else: self.initial_memory = initial_memory self.initial_output = initial_output self.last_memory = last_memory self.last_output = last_output self.last_word = last_word self.memory = memory self.output = output self.probs = probs self.alpha = alpha print("RNN built.") def initialize(self, context_mean): """ Initialize the LSTM using the mean context. """ config = self.config context_mean = self.nn.dropout(context_mean) if config.num_initalize_layers == 1: # use 1 fc layer to initialize memory = self.nn.dense(context_mean, units = config.num_lstm_units, activation = None, name = 'fc_a') output = self.nn.dense(context_mean, units = config.num_lstm_units, activation = None, name = 'fc_b') else: # use 2 fc layers to initialize temp1 = self.nn.dense(context_mean, units = config.dim_initalize_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_a1') temp1 = self.nn.dropout(temp1) memory = self.nn.dense(temp1, units = config.num_lstm_units, activation = None, name = 'fc_a2') temp2 = self.nn.dense(context_mean, units = config.dim_initalize_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_b1') temp2 = self.nn.dropout(temp2) output = self.nn.dense(temp2, units = config.num_lstm_units, activation = None, name = 'fc_b2') return memory, output def fc1_attend(self, contexts, output): """use 1 fully connected layer to attend. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("fc1 attend") logits1 = self.nn.dense(contexts, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_a') logits1 = tf.reshape(logits1, [-1, self.num_ctx]) logits2 = self.nn.dense(output, units = self.num_ctx, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_b') logits = logits1 + logits2 alpha = tf.nn.softmax(logits) return alpha def fc2_attend(self, contexts, output): """use 2 fully connected layer to attend. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("fc2 attend") temp1 = self.nn.dense(contexts, units = self.config.dim_attend_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1a') temp2 = self.nn.dense(output, units = self.config.dim_attend_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1b') temp2 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(temp2, 1), [1, self.num_ctx, 1]) temp2 = tf.reshape(temp2, [-1, self.config.dim_attend_layer]) temp = temp1 + temp2 temp = self.nn.dropout(temp) logits = self.nn.dense(temp, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_2') logits = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, self.num_ctx]) alpha = tf.nn.softmax(logits) return alpha def bias_attend(self, contexts, output): """Use 1 fully connected layer to attend. Add bias when calculate softmax so that LSTM is not necessarily turn to image feature generating each word. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("bias attend") logits1 = self.nn.dense(contexts, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_a') logits1 = tf.reshape(logits1, [-1, self.num_ctx]) logits2 = self.nn.dense(output, units = self.num_ctx, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_b') logits = logits1 + logits2 attend_bias = tf.get_variable("attend_bias",[self.config.batch_size,1], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0)) bias_logits = tf.concat([logits,attend_bias],axis=1,name='attend_bias_logits') bias_alpha = tf.nn.softmax(bias_logits) alpha = tf.slice(bias_alpha,[0,0],[self.config.batch_size,self.num_ctx]) return alpha def bias2_attend(self, contexts, output): """use 2 fully connected layer to attend. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("bias2 attend") temp1 = self.nn.dense(contexts, units = self.config.dim_attend_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1a') temp2 = self.nn.dense(output, units = self.config.dim_attend_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1b') temp2 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(temp2, 1), [1, self.num_ctx, 1]) temp2 = tf.reshape(temp2, [-1, self.config.dim_attend_layer]) temp = temp1 + temp2 temp = self.nn.dropout(temp) logits = self.nn.dense(temp, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_2') logits = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, self.num_ctx]) attend_bias = tf.get_variable("attend_bias",[self.config.batch_size,1], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0)) bias_logits = tf.concat([logits,attend_bias],axis=1,name='attend_bias_logits') bias_alpha = tf.nn.softmax(bias_logits) alpha = tf.slice(bias_alpha,[0,0],[self.config.batch_size,self.num_ctx]) return alpha def bias_fc1_attend(self, contexts, output): """Use 1 fully connected layer to calculate bias. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("bias_fc1 attend") logits1 = self.nn.dense(contexts, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_a') logits1 = tf.reshape(logits1, [-1, self.num_ctx]) logits2 = self.nn.dense(output, units = self.num_ctx, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_b') logits = logits1 + logits2 attend_bias = self.nn.dense(output, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'attend_bias') bias_logits = tf.concat([logits,attend_bias],axis=1,name='attend_bias_logits') bias_alpha = tf.nn.softmax(bias_logits) alpha = tf.slice(bias_alpha,[0,0],[self.config.batch_size,self.num_ctx]) return alpha def bias_fc2_attend(self, contexts, output): """use 2 fully connected layer to calculate bias. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("bias_fc2 attend") temp1 = self.nn.dense(contexts, units = self.config.dim_attend_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1a') temp2 = self.nn.dense(output, units = self.config.dim_attend_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1b') bias_temp1 = tf.reshape(temp1, [-1, self.num_ctx, self.config.dim_attend_layer]) bias_temp1 = tf.reduce_max(bias_temp1, axis=1) attend_bias = bias_temp1 + temp2 attend_bias = self.nn.dense(attend_bias, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'attend_bias') temp2 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(temp2, 1), [1, self.num_ctx, 1]) temp2 = tf.reshape(temp2, [-1, self.config.dim_attend_layer]) temp = temp1 + temp2 temp = self.nn.dropout(temp) logits = self.nn.dense(temp, units = 1, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'fc_2') logits = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, self.num_ctx]) bias_logits = tf.concat([logits,attend_bias],axis=1,name='attend_bias_logits') bias_alpha = tf.nn.softmax(bias_logits) alpha = tf.slice(bias_alpha,[0,0],[self.config.batch_size,self.num_ctx]) return alpha def rnn_attend(self, contexts, output): """Use rnn to calculate attention weights. Args: contexts: image feature of shape [batchsize 100 2048] after reshape, become [batchsize*100 2048]. output: LSTM last generated hidden state. Returns: Attention weights alpha, has shape [batchsize 100]. """ print("rnn attend") if self.rnn_attend_state is None: encode_contex = tf.reshape(contexts, [-1, self.num_ctx, self.dim_ctx]) encode_contex = tf.reduce_max(encode_contex, axis=1) self.rnn_attend_state = self.nn.dense(encode_contex, units = self.config.dim_rnn_att_state, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'rnn_att_init_state') # update hidden state self.rnn_attend_state = self.nn.dense( tf.concat([output,self.rnn_attend_state],1), units = self.config.dim_rnn_att_state, activation = tf.tanh, use_bias = True, name = 'rnn_att_update') # calculate output logits = self.nn.dense(self.rnn_attend_state, units = self.num_ctx, activation = None, use_bias = False, name = 'rnn_att_output') alpha = tf.nn.softmax(logits) return alpha def attend(self, contexts, output): """ Attention Mechanism. """ ATTENTION_MAP = { 'fc1': self.fc1_attend, 'fc2': self.fc2_attend, 'bias': self.bias_attend, 'bias2': self.bias2_attend, 'bias_fc1': self.bias_fc1_attend, 'bias_fc2': self.bias_fc2_attend, 'rnn': self.rnn_attend, } reshaped_contexts = tf.reshape(contexts, [-1, self.dim_ctx]) reshaped_contexts = self.nn.dropout(reshaped_contexts) output = self.nn.dropout(output) att_fn = ATTENTION_MAP[self.config.attention_mechanism] return att_fn(reshaped_contexts,output) def decode(self, expanded_output): """ Decode the expanded output of the LSTM into a word. """ config = self.config expanded_output = self.nn.dropout(expanded_output) if config.num_decode_layers == 1: # use 1 fc layer to decode logits = self.nn.dense(expanded_output, units = config.vocabulary_size, activation = None, name = 'fc') else: # use 2 fc layers to decode temp = self.nn.dense(expanded_output, units = config.dim_decode_layer, activation = tf.tanh, name = 'fc_1') temp = self.nn.dropout(temp) logits = self.nn.dense(temp, units = config.vocabulary_size, activation = None, name = 'fc_2') return logits def build_optimizer(self): """ Setup the optimizer and training operation. """ config = self.config learning_rate_decay_fn = None if config.train_vgg: learning_rate = tf.constant(config.train_vgg_learning_rate) else: learning_rate = tf.constant(config.initial_learning_rate) if config.learning_rate_decay_factor < 1.0: num_batches_per_epoch = (config.num_examples_per_epoch / config.batch_size) decay_steps = int(num_batches_per_epoch * config.num_epochs_per_decay) def _learning_rate_decay_fn(learning_rate, global_step): return tf.train.exponential_decay( learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps = decay_steps, #config.num_steps_per_decay, decay_rate = config.learning_rate_decay_factor, staircase = True) learning_rate_decay_fn = _learning_rate_decay_fn else: learning_rate_decay_fn = None with tf.variable_scope('optimizer', reuse = tf.AUTO_REUSE): if config.optimizer == 'Adam': print('Adam') optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate = config.initial_learning_rate, beta1 = config.beta1, beta2 = config.beta2, epsilon = config.epsilon ) elif config.optimizer == 'RMSProp': print('RMSProp') optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate = config.initial_learning_rate, decay = config.decay, momentum = config.momentum, centered = config.centered, epsilon = config.epsilon ) elif config.optimizer == 'Momentum': print('Momentum') optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( learning_rate = config.initial_learning_rate, momentum = config.momentum, use_nesterov = config.use_nesterov ) else: print("SGD") optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate = config.initial_learning_rate ) opt_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss( loss = self.total_loss, global_step = self.global_step, learning_rate = learning_rate, optimizer = optimizer, clip_gradients = config.clip_gradients, learning_rate_decay_fn = learning_rate_decay_fn) self.opt_op = opt_op def build_summary(self): """ Build the summary (for TensorBoard visualization). """ print("build summary") with tf.name_scope("variables"): for var in tf.trainable_variables(): with tf.name_scope([":")]): self.variable_summary(var) with tf.name_scope("metrics"): tf.summary.scalar("cross_entropy_loss", self.cross_entropy_loss) tf.summary.scalar("attention_loss", self.attention_loss) tf.summary.scalar("reg_loss", self.reg_loss) tf.summary.scalar("total_loss", self.total_loss) tf.summary.scalar("accuracy", self.accuracy) with tf.name_scope("attentions"): self.variable_summary(self.attentions) self.summary = tf.summary.merge_all() def variable_summary(self, var): """ Build the summary for a variable. """ mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) def setup_vgg_initializer(self): """Sets up the function to restore inception variables from checkpoint.""" if self.mode != "inference": # Restore inception variables only. saver = tf.train.Saver(self.vgg_variables) def restore_fn(sess):"Restoring vgg variables from checkpoint file %s", self.config.vgg_checkpoint_file) saver.restore(sess, self.config.vgg_checkpoint_file) self.init_fn = restore_fn def setup_global_step(self): """Sets up the global step Tensor.""" global_step = tf.Variable( initial_value=0, name="global_step", trainable=False, collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]) self.global_step = global_step def build(self): """Creates all ops for training and evaluation.""" self.setup_global_step() self.build_inputs() self.build_context_encode() self.build_rnn() if self.is_train: self.build_optimizer() self.build_summary() # self.build_seq_embeddings() # self.build_model() self.setup_vgg_initializer()
def __init__(self, config): self.nn = NN(config) self.num_units = config.num_gru_units