Example #1
    async def botannouncement_view(self, ctx, **arguments):
        Get announcements for a bot or a specific announcement via the unique id, this can be found on the bottom of the announcement card.

        **Example**: `b!botannouncement view --bot bot_here` or `b!botannouncement view --id id_here`


        **--bot**/-b - Get the most recent announcement of bot.
        **--id**/-i - Get the announcement that matches the id.

        **Can only be used in combination with `--bot`**:

        **--all**/-a - Get all announcements for bot.
        **--oldest**/-old - Sort bot announcements on oldest, works with `-all`. Defaults to newest.
        if arguments['bot']:
            bot_arg = arguments['bot']
            check_listed = await announce_file.is_bot_on_site(ctx, bot_arg.id)
            if not check_listed or not bot_arg.bot:
                return await ctx.send("That is not a bot or it's not listed on the site!")
            limit = 1 if not arguments['all'] else None
            fetched_announcements = await self.announcements.fetch_bot_announcements(
                ctx, bot_id=bot_arg.id, limit=limit, oldest=arguments['oldest'])
        elif arguments['id']:
            fetched_announcements = await self.announcements.from_unique_id(ctx, arguments['id'])
            if fetched_announcements:
                fetched_announcements = [fetched_announcements]
            return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, please provide either `--bot` or `--id` not nothing. See {ctx.prefix}help {ctx.command.qualified_name}")

        if isinstance(fetched_announcements, str):
            return await ctx.send(
                f"{ctx.author.name}, i couldn't find any announcements.\n{fetched_announcements}")

        if not fetched_announcements:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"{ctx.author.name}, i couldn't find any announcements.")

        all_bot_announcements = []

        for x in fetched_announcements:
            announcement: announce_file.Announcement = x
            announcement_content: str = x.content
            creator: announce_file.Author = await x.get_author_object(ctx)
            bot: announce_file.Bot = await x.get_bot_object(ctx)

            if len(announcement_content) >= 1700:
                announcement = announcement[:1700]
                more_characters = f"{2000 - 1700} [more characters](https://blist.xyz/bot/{bot.id}/announcements)"
                announcement += f"... **{more_characters}...**"

            all_bot_announcements.append((announcement, announcement_content, creator, bot))

        menu = MainMenu(AnnouncementPage(entries=list(all_bot_announcements), per_page=1), clear_reactions_after=True)
        await menu.start(ctx)
Example #2
    async def leaderboard(self, ctx, **args):
        Sends the top 5 users on the user leaderboard
            **--all**/-a - Flag to output everyone on the leaderboard as a menu.
        leaderboard = await self.bot.pool.fetch("SELECT * FROM main_site_leveling ORDER BY level DESC, xp DESC")
        embed = discord.Embed(title="User Leaderboard", color=discord.Color.blurple(),
        place = 0
        for_menu = []
        leaderboard = leaderboard[:5] if not args['all'] else leaderboard
        for leader in leaderboard:
            place += 1
            user = await self.bot.pool.fetch("SELECT * FROM main_site_user WHERE unique_id = $1", leader["user_id"])
            user = user[0]

            if place == 1:
                trophy = ":first_place:"
            elif place == 2:
                trophy = ":second_place:"
            elif place == 3:
                trophy = ":third_place:"
                trophy = ":medal:"

            if args['all']:
                for_menu.append((f"{trophy} #{place} - {user['username']}#{user['discriminator']}",
                                 f"Level: {leader['level']} | XP: {leader['xp']}"))

            embed.add_field(name=f"{trophy} #{place} - {user['username']}#{user['discriminator']}",
                            value=f"Level: {leader['level']} | XP: {leader['xp']}", inline=False)

        if args['all']:
            menu = MainMenu(LeaderboardPage(entries=list(for_menu), per_page=5), clear_reactions_after=True)
            await menu.start(ctx)

        return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Example #3
    async def botannouncement_delete(self, ctx, bot: discord.Member, announcement_id: int):
        Delete an announcement from your bot page via the unique id, this can be found on the bottom of the announcement card.
        With confirmation.

        **Example:** `b!botannouncement delete your_bot announcement_id`.
        check_listed = await announce_file.is_bot_on_site(ctx, bot.id)
        if not check_listed or not bot.bot:
            return await ctx.send("That is not a bot or it's not listed on the site!")

        owners_query = await self.bot.pool.fetchrow(
            "SELECT main_owner, owners FROM main_site_bot WHERE id = $1 AND approved = True", bot.id)
        bot_owners = [owners_query['main_owner']]
        if owners_query['owners']:
            for x in owners_query['owners'].split(" "):

        if ctx.author.id not in bot_owners:
            return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, you are not the owner of {bot}!")

        the_announcement = await self.announcements.from_unique_id(ctx, announcement_id)
        if not the_announcement:
            return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, i couldn't find any announcement matching the announcement id.")

        msg = await ctx.send(f"**{ctx.author.name}**, do you really want delete that announcement "
                             f"with ID: {announcement_id} for {bot} ? React with ✅ or ❌ in 30 seconds.")
        await msg.add_reaction("\U00002705")
        await msg.add_reaction("\U0000274c")

        def check(r, u):
            return u.id == ctx.author.id and r.message.channel.id == ctx.channel.id and str(r.emoji) in ["\U00002705",

            reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check = check, timeout = 30)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await msg.remove_reaction("\U00002705", ctx.guild.me)
            await msg.remove_reaction("\U0000274c", ctx.guild.me)
            await msg.edit(content = f"~~{msg.content}~~ i guess not, cancelled.")
            if str(reaction.emoji) == "\U00002705":
                await msg.remove_reaction("\U00002705", ctx.guild.me)
                await msg.remove_reaction("\U0000274c", ctx.guild.me)
                await msg.edit(content = f"~~{msg.content}~~ You reacted with ✅:")
            if str(reaction.emoji) == "\U0000274c":
                await msg.remove_reaction("\U00002705", ctx.guild.me)
                await msg.remove_reaction("\U0000274c", ctx.guild.me)
                await msg.edit(content = f"~~{msg.content}~~ okay, cancelled.")

        delete_announcement = await the_announcement.delete(ctx, bot.id)
        if not delete_announcement:
            return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, that announcement id didn't match that bot.")
        await ctx.send(f"Successfully deleted announcement with ID: {announcement_id} for {bot}.")

        if isinstance(delete_announcement, self.announcements):
            announcement_object: announce_file.Announcement = delete_announcement
            announcement_content: str = announcement_object.content
            creator: announce_file.Author = await announcement_object.get_author_object(ctx)
            _bot: announce_file.Bot = await announcement_object.get_bot_object(ctx)
            menu = MainMenu(
                    entries=list([(announcement_object, announcement_content, creator, _bot)]), per_page=1),
            await menu.start(ctx)
Example #4
    async def botannouncement_create(self, ctx, bot: discord.Member, **arguments):
        Announce something for your bot! you have to be the owner or co-owners.

        Announcements may not be greater than 2,000 characters, or less than 50.

        **Example:** `b!botannouncement create your_bot your_announcement (or file) --pinned (optional)`.

        Announcement can also be `file` to read from a .txt file.
        You can also pin the announcement using the optional `--pinned` argument, defaults to False.
        check_listed = await announce_file.is_bot_on_site(ctx, bot.id)
        if not check_listed or not bot.bot:
            return await ctx.send("That is not a bot or it's not listed on the site!")

        owners_query = await self.bot.pool.fetchrow(
            "SELECT main_owner, owners FROM main_site_bot WHERE id = $1 AND approved = True", bot.id)
        bot_owners = [owners_query['main_owner']]
        if owners_query['owners']:
            for x in owners_query['owners'].split(" "):

        if ctx.author.id not in bot_owners:
            return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, you are not the owner of {bot}!")

        announcement = ' '.join(arguments['announcement'])
        if announcement.startswith("file"):
            if not ctx.message.attachments:
                return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, you didn't attach a .txt file...")

            text_file = await ctx.message.attachments[0].to_file()
            if not text_file.filename.endswith(".txt"):
                return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, you didn't attach a valid .txt file...")

            read_text_file = text_file.fp.read()
            if not bool(read_text_file.decode('utf-8')):
                return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, that .txt file is empty...")

            announcement = str(read_text_file.decode('utf-8'))

        if len(announcement) >= 2000 or len(announcement) < 50:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"{ctx.author.name}, announcements may not be greater than 2,000 characters, or less than 50."
                f" **{len(announcement)} currently**")

        inserted = await self.announcements.insert(
            ctx, announcement, bot.id, arguments['pinned'])

        if isinstance(inserted, str):
            return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.name}, something went wrong... {inserted}")

        # Sending the announcement in chat because we can...
        announcement_object: announce_file.Announcement = inserted
        announcement_content: str = inserted.content
        creator: announce_file.Author = await inserted.get_author_object(ctx)
        bot: announce_file.Bot = await inserted.get_bot_object(ctx)

        if len(announcement_content) >= 1700:
            announcement = announcement[:1700]
            more_characters = f"{2000 - 1700} [more characters](https://blist.xyz/bot/{bot.id}/announcements)"
            announcement += f"... **{more_characters}...**"

        menu = MainMenu(AnnouncementPage(entries=list([(announcement_object, announcement_content, creator, bot)]),
                                         per_page=1), clear_reactions_after=True)
        bot_site = f"https://blist.xyz/bot/{bot.id}/announcements"
        await ctx.send(f"Successfully announced that for {bot}, see it here: <{bot_site}>")
        await menu.start(ctx)