Example #1
from utils import data_writer, path_builder, downloader
from le_utils.constants import licenses, exercises, content_kinds, file_formats, format_presets, languages

""" Additional imports """

""" Run Constants"""

CHANNEL_NAME = "{{cookiecutter.channel_name}}"              # Name of channel
CHANNEL_SOURCE_ID = "{{cookiecutter.github_username}}"      # Channel's unique id
CHANNEL_DOMAIN = "{{cookiecutter.email}}"					# Who is providing the content
CHANNEL_LANGUAGE = "{{cookiecutter.channel_language}}"		# Language of channel
CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION = None                                  # Description of the channel (optional)
CHANNEL_THUMBNAIL = None                                    # Local path or url to image file (optional)
PATH = path_builder.PathBuilder(channel_name=CHANNEL_NAME)  # Keeps track of path to write to csv
WRITE_TO_PATH = "{}{}{}.zip".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.path.sep, CHANNEL_NAME) # Where to generate zip file

""" Additional Constants """

""" Main Scraping Method """
def scrape_source(writer):
	""" scrape_source: Scrapes channel page and writes to a DataWriter
        Args: writer (DataWriter): class that writes data to folder/spreadsheet structure
        Returns: None

	# TODO: Replace line with scraping code
	raise ImplementationError("Scraping method not implemented")
Example #2
import zipfile
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from utils import data_writer, path_builder, downloader
from le_utils.constants import licenses
from ricecooker.utils.html import download_file
from ricecooker.utils.zip import create_predictable_zip
""" Run Constants"""

CHANNEL_NAME = 'Example Wikipedia'  # Name of channel
CHANNEL_SOURCE_ID = 'souschef-example-learningequality'  # Channel's unique id
CHANNEL_DOMAIN = 'en.wikipedia.org'  # Who is providing the content
CHANNEL_LANGUAGE = 'en'  # Language of channel
CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION = ''  # Description of the channel (optional)
CHANNEL_THUMBNAIL = 'https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/6/63/Wikipedia-logo.png'  # Local path or url to image file (optional)
PATH = path_builder.PathBuilder(channel_name=CHANNEL_NAME)
WRITE_TO_PATH = "{}{}{}.zip".format(os.path.dirname(
    os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.path.sep,
                                    CHANNEL_NAME)  # Where to generate zip file
""" Additional Constants """
BASE_URL = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki'

# Set up logging tools
LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
__logging_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# License to be used for content under channel