Example #1
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# ############################################################################### #
Represents the messages passed between AMQ queues
import json
import logging

import attr

from model.message.validation import stages

from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file


# pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
class Message:
    A class that represents an AMQ Message.
    Messages can be serialized and deserialized for sending messages to and from AMQ
    description = attr.ib(default=None)
    facility = attr.ib(default="ISIS")
    run_number = attr.ib(default=None)
    instrument = attr.ib(default=None)
Example #2
# ############################################################################### #
Module to perform ICAT client functionality
Functions for login and query available from class
import logging

import icat

from utils.settings import ICAT_SETTINGS
from utils.clients.abstract_client import AbstractClient
from utils.clients.connection_exception import ConnectionException
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT

logging.basicConfig(filename=get_log_file('icat_client.log'), level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)

class ICATClient(AbstractClient):
    This class provides a layer of abstraction from Python ICAT.
    Only allowing logging in and querying.
    def __init__(self, credentials=None):
        if not credentials:
            credentials = ICAT_SETTINGS
        super(ICATClient, self).__init__(credentials)  # pylint:disable=super-with-arguments
        self.client = icat.Client(self.credentials.host)

    def connect(self):
Example #3
# Autoreduction Repository : https://github.com/ISISScientificComputing/autoreduce
# Copyright © 2020 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# ############################################################################### #
Creates a database session for the reduction database
import logging

from model.database import DjangoORM
from utils.clients.connection_exception import ConnectionException
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file

logging.basicConfig(filename=get_log_file('django_database_client.log'), level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)

class DatabaseClient:
    Single access point for the mysql database

    # ORM object that describes the reduction jobs (data) in the database
    data_model = None
    # ORM object that describes the variables relating to reduction jobs in the database
    variable_model = None

    def connect(self):
        Get the connection to the database service and set the model variables
Example #4
# ############################################################################### #
Module to perform ICAT client functionality
Functions for login and query available from class
import logging

import icat

from utils.settings import ICAT_SETTINGS
from utils.clients.abstract_client import AbstractClient
from utils.clients.connection_exception import ConnectionException
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT


class ICATClient(AbstractClient):
    This class provides a layer of abstraction from Python ICAT.
    Only allowing logging in and querying.
    def __init__(self, credentials=None):
        if not credentials:
            credentials = ICAT_SETTINGS
        super(ICATClient, self).__init__(credentials)  # pylint:disable=super-with-arguments
        self.client = icat.Client(self.credentials.host)
Example #5
Client class for retrieving files via SFTP from servers (e.g. CEPH)
import os.path
import logging
import re

import pysftp
from utils.clients.abstract_client import AbstractClient
from utils.clients.connection_exception import ConnectionException
from utils.test_settings import SFTP_SETTINGS
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT

logging.basicConfig(filename=get_log_file('sftp_client.log'), level=logging.INFO,

class SFTPClient(AbstractClient):
    This class allows files to be retrieved from SFTP servers
    def __init__(self, credentials=None):
        if not credentials:
            credentials = SFTP_SETTINGS
        super(SFTPClient, self).__init__(credentials)  # pylint:disable=super-with-arguments
        self._connection = None

    def connect(self):
Creates a database session for the reduction database
import logging

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship

from utils.settings import MYSQL_SETTINGS
from utils.clients.abstract_client import AbstractClient
from utils.clients.connection_exception import ConnectionException
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT


class DatabaseClient(AbstractClient):
    Single access point for the mysql database
    def __init__(self, credentials=None):
        if not credentials:
            credentials = MYSQL_SETTINGS
        super(DatabaseClient, self).__init__(credentials)  # pylint:disable=super-with-arguments
        self._connection = None
        self._meta_data = None
        self._engine = None
import traceback
from pathlib import Path

from git import Git, exc

from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file

ISIS_MOUNT_PATH = Path("/isis")
AUTOREDUCTION_PATH = Path("user/scripts/autoreduction")
REDUCE_FILES_TO_SAVE = ["reduce.py", "reduce_vars.py"]

# STORAGE_DIR is the git repository dir that has been configured to point to the correct remote
STORAGE_DIR = Path("~/autoreduction_scripts").expanduser().absolute()

logging.basicConfig(filename=get_log_file('backup_reduction_scripts.log'), level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)

def check_if_git_directory(path: Path):
    Ensures that the directory is a git repo.

    If it is not the function will raise

    :param path: The path to the directory
    repo = Git(path.absolute())
Example #8
import logging
import time
import uuid

import stomp
from stomp.exception import ConnectFailedException

from model.message.message import Message
from utils.clients.abstract_client import AbstractClient
from utils.clients.connection_exception import ConnectionException
from utils.settings import ACTIVEMQ_SETTINGS
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT


class QueueClient(AbstractClient):
    Class for client to access messaging service via python
    def __init__(self, credentials=None, consumer_name='queue_client'):
        if not credentials:
            credentials = ACTIVEMQ_SETTINGS
        super(QueueClient, self).__init__(credentials)  # pylint:disable=super-with-arguments
        self._connection = None
        self._consumer_name = consumer_name
        self._autoreduce_queues = self.credentials.all_subscriptions
Example #9
import os
import h5py
from filelock import (FileLock, Timeout)

from model.message.message import Message
from monitors.settings import (LAST_RUNS_CSV, CYCLE_FOLDER)

from utils.clients.queue_client import QueueClient
from utils.project.structure import get_log_file
from utils.project.static_content import LOG_FORMAT

# Setup logging
EORM_LOG = logging.getLogger('run_detection')

FH = logging.FileHandler(get_log_file('run_detection.log'))
CH = logging.StreamHandler()
FORMATTER = logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT)


class InstrumentMonitorError(Exception):
    Any fatal exception that occurs during execution of the
    instrument monitor
Example #10
 def test_get_log_file(self):
     actual = get_log_file('test.log')
     self.assertEqual(os.path.split(actual)[-1], 'test.log')