def detect_img_folder(img_folder, out_folder, yolo): mkdir_if_not_exist(out_folder) path_list, name_list = traverse_dir_files(img_folder) print_info('图片数: %s' % len(path_list)) _, imgs_names = traverse_dir_files(out_folder) count = 0 for path, name in zip(path_list, name_list): if path.endswith('.gif'): continue out_name = name + '.d.jpg' if out_name in imgs_names: print_info('已检测: %s' % name) continue print_info('检测图片: %s' % name) try: image = out_file = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'face', 'yolov3', 'output_data', 'logAll_res.txt') r_image = yolo.detect_image(image, ('logAll/' + name), out_file), name + '.d.jpg')) except Exception as e: print(e) pass count += 1 if count % 100 == 0: print_info('已检测: %s' % count) yolo.close_session()
def process_csv(file_name): data_lines, tag_dict = read_csv(file_name) all_file = os.path.join(TXT_DATA, 'all_raws') create_file(all_file) for data_line in data_lines: cid, tags, content = data_line write_line(all_file, cid + u'---' + tags + u'---' + content) # seg_list = cut_sentence(content) # print(seg_list) # if seg_list: # write_line(all_file, ' '.join(seg_list)) tags_folder = os.path.join(TXT_DATA, 'raws') mkdir_if_not_exist(tags_folder, is_delete=True) for tag in tag_dict.keys(): tag_file = os.path.join(tags_folder, tag) feed_dict = dict() for data_feed in tag_dict[tag]: (feed_id, content) = data_feed if feed_id in feed_dict: print('重复 ID {}'.format(feed_id)) feed_dict[feed_id] = content for feed_id in feed_dict.keys(): content = feed_dict[feed_id] write_line(tag_file, feed_id + u',' + content)
def data_processor_testV3(): dataset_dir = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, 's2a4zsV4') # person_path = "/Users/wangchenlong/Downloads/seeprettyface_asian_stars" person_path = "/Users/wangchenlong/Downloads/SCUT-FBP5500_v2/Images" paths_list, names_list = traverse_dir_files(person_path) trainA_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'trainA') testA_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'testA') mkdir_if_not_exist(trainA_dir) mkdir_if_not_exist(testA_dir) train_size = 5000 test_size = 100 print_size = 100 count = 0 random.shuffle(paths_list) for path in paths_list: img = cv2.imread(path) img = cv2.resize(img, (256, 256)) if count < train_size: file_name = os.path.join(trainA_dir, u"c_{:04d}.jpg".format(count + 1)) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img) else: file_name = os.path.join(testA_dir, u"c_{:04d}.jpg".format(count + 1)) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img) count += 1 if count % print_size == 0: print(u'[Info] run count: {}'.format(count)) if count == train_size + test_size: break print('[Info] 数据处理完成')
def process_csv(file_name): """ 处理CSV文件 :param file_name: csv文件名 :return: None """ csv_rows = get_csv_reader(file_name) out_folder = SAMPLES_DIR mkdir_if_not_exist(out_folder, is_delete=True) included_cols = [0, 9, 13] # ["ID", "标签", "描述"] tags_all = traverse_tags() out_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'hot_content-2018-08-08-17283268.txt') create_file(out_file) count = 0 for row in csv_rows: count += 1 if count == 1 or not row or len(row) < 13: # 去掉头部 continue c_row = [remove_slash(row[i]) for i in included_cols] [c_id, r_tag, c_content] = c_row c_tags = filter_content_tags(r_tag.split(',')) # 只保留最终的Tag for c_tag in c_tags: if c_tag in tags_all: write_line( out_file, c_id + u'---' + ','.join(c_tags) + u'---' + c_content) break try: print('CSV 处理!') except: pass
def __init__(self, img_folder, out_folder): self.img_folder = img_folder self.out_folder = out_folder mkdir_if_not_exist(out_f) # 创建文件夹 self.params_path = os.path.join(MODEL_DATA, 'yolov3.weights') # YOLO v3 权重文件 self.classes_path = os.path.join(CONFIGS, 'coco.names') # 类别文件 self.targets_path = os.path.join(CONFIGS, 'traffic.names') self.classes_name = load_classes(self.classes_path) # 加载类别目录 self.num_classes = len(self.classes_name) # 类别数 self.targets_name = load_classes(self.targets_path) self.anchors = np.array([(10, 13), (16, 30), (33, 23), (30, 61), (62, 45), (59, 119), (116, 90), (156, 198), (373, 326)]) # anchors self.confidence = 0.50 # 置信度 self.nms_thresh = 0.20 # NMS阈值 self.input_dim = 416 # YOLOv3的检测尺寸 gpu = '1' # GPU gpu = [int(x) for x in gpu.replace(" ", "").split(",")] self.ctx = try_gpu(gpu)[0] # 选择ctx = self.load_model() # 加载网络
def __init__(self, img_folder, out_folder): self.img_folder = img_folder self.out_folder = out_folder mkdir_if_not_exist(out_f) self.model_path = os.path.join(MODEL_DATA, 'yolo_weights.h5') self.classes_path = os.path.join(CONFIGS, 'coco_classes.txt') self.anchors_path = os.path.join(CONFIGS, 'yolo_anchors.txt')
def init_city_keywords(): kw_path = os.path.join(TXT_DATA, 'res_kw', 'cities') mkdir_if_not_exist(kw_path) if os.path.exists(kw_path): print('文件已存在!') return all_city = get_all_cities() for city in all_city: city_path = os.path.join(kw_path, city) write_line(city_path, city)
def write_tag_keywords(): """ 写入文本的标签 :return: None """ kw_folder = KEYWORDS_DIR mkdir_if_not_exist(kw_folder) all_tags = traverse_tags() for tag in all_tags: file_name = os.path.join(kw_folder, tag) write_line(file_name, tag) # 写入全部标签
def _visualize_output(): last_frame_index = 0 last_frame_time = time.time() fps_history = [] all_gaze_histories = [] if args.fullscreen: cv.namedWindow('vis', cv.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN) cv.setWindowProperty('vis', cv.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) while True: # If no output to visualize, show unannotated frame if inferred_stuff_queue.empty(): next_frame_index = last_frame_index + 1 if next_frame_index in data_source._frames: next_frame = data_source._frames[next_frame_index] if 'faces' in next_frame and len(next_frame['faces']) == 0: if not args.headless: cv.imshow('vis', next_frame['bgr']) if args.record_video: video_out_queue.put_nowait(next_frame_index) last_frame_index = next_frame_index if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): return continue # Get output from neural network and visualize output = inferred_stuff_queue.get() bgr = None for j in range(batch_size): frame_index = output['frame_index'][j] if frame_index not in data_source._frames: continue frame = data_source._frames[frame_index] # Decide which landmarks are usable heatmaps_amax = np.amax(output['heatmaps'][j, :].reshape(-1, 18), axis=0) can_use_eye = np.all(heatmaps_amax > 0.7) can_use_eyelid = np.all(heatmaps_amax[0:8] > 0.75) can_use_iris = np.all(heatmaps_amax[8:16] > 0.8) start_time = time.time() eye_index = output['eye_index'][j] bgr = frame['bgr'] eye = frame['eyes'][eye_index] eye_image = eye['image'] eye_side = eye['side'] eye_landmarks = output['landmarks'][j, :] eye_radius = output['radius'][j][0] if eye_side == 'left': eye_landmarks[:, 0] = eye_image.shape[1] - eye_landmarks[:, 0] eye_image = np.fliplr(eye_image) # Embed eye image and annotate for picture-in-picture eye_upscale = 2 eye_image_raw = cv.cvtColor(cv.equalizeHist(eye_image), cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) eye_image_raw = cv.resize(eye_image_raw, (0, 0), fx=eye_upscale, fy=eye_upscale) eye_image_annotated = np.copy(eye_image_raw) if can_use_eyelid: cv.polylines( eye_image_annotated, [np.round(eye_upscale * eye_landmarks[0:8]).astype(np.int32) .reshape(-1, 1, 2)], isClosed=True, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA, ) if can_use_iris: cv.polylines( eye_image_annotated, [np.round(eye_upscale * eye_landmarks[8:16]).astype(np.int32) .reshape(-1, 1, 2)], isClosed=True, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA, ) cv.drawMarker( eye_image_annotated, tuple(np.round(eye_upscale * eye_landmarks[16, :]).astype(np.int32)), color=(0, 255, 255), markerType=cv.MARKER_CROSS, markerSize=4, thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA, ) face_index = int(eye_index / 2) eh, ew, _ = eye_image_raw.shape v0 = face_index * 2 * eh v1 = v0 + eh v2 = v1 + eh print('[Info] eye_side: {}'.format(eye_side)) u0 = 0 if eye_side == 'left' else ew u1 = u0 + ew bgr_h, bgr_w, _ = bgr.shape if u1 > bgr_w: u1 = bgr_w eye_image_raw = eye_image_raw[:, 0:u1 - u0] eye_image_annotated = eye_image_annotated[:, 0:u1 - u0] print('[Info] bgr: {}'.format(bgr.shape)) print('[Info] bgr[v0:v1, u0:u1]: {}, u0: {}, u1: {}'.format(bgr[v0:v1, u0:u1].shape, u0, u1)) print('[Info] eye_image_raw: {}'.format(eye_image_raw.shape)) bgr[v0:v1, u0:u1] = eye_image_raw bgr[v1:v2, u0:u1] = eye_image_annotated # Visualize preprocessing results frame_landmarks = (frame['smoothed_landmarks'] if 'smoothed_landmarks' in frame else frame['landmarks']) for f, face in enumerate(frame['faces']): for landmark in frame_landmarks[f][:-1]: cv.drawMarker(bgr, tuple(np.round(landmark).astype(np.int32)), color=(0, 0, 255), markerType=cv.MARKER_STAR, markerSize=2, thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA) cv.rectangle( bgr, tuple(np.round(face[:2]).astype(np.int32)), tuple(np.round(np.add(face[:2], face[2:])).astype(np.int32)), color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA, ) # Transform predictions eye_landmarks = np.concatenate([eye_landmarks, [[eye_landmarks[-1, 0] + eye_radius, eye_landmarks[-1, 1]]]]) eye_landmarks = np.asmatrix(np.pad(eye_landmarks, ((0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant', constant_values=1.0)) eye_landmarks = (eye_landmarks * eye['inv_landmarks_transform_mat'].T)[:, :2] eye_landmarks = np.asarray(eye_landmarks) eyelid_landmarks = eye_landmarks[0:8, :] iris_landmarks = eye_landmarks[8:16, :] iris_centre = eye_landmarks[16, :] eyeball_centre = eye_landmarks[17, :] eyeball_radius = np.linalg.norm(eye_landmarks[18, :] - eye_landmarks[17, :]) print('[Info] eyeball_radius: {}'.format(eyeball_radius)) # Smooth and visualize gaze direction num_total_eyes_in_frame = len(frame['eyes']) if len(all_gaze_histories) != num_total_eyes_in_frame: all_gaze_histories = [list() for _ in range(num_total_eyes_in_frame)] gaze_history = all_gaze_histories[eye_index] if can_use_eye: # Visualize landmarks cv.drawMarker( # Eyeball centre bgr, tuple(np.round(eyeball_centre).astype(np.int32)), color=(0, 255, 0), markerType=cv.MARKER_CROSS, markerSize=4, thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA, ) # # Eyeball outline # bgr, tuple(np.round(eyeball_centre).astype(np.int32)), # int(np.round(eyeball_radius)), color=(0, 255, 0), # thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA, # ) # Draw "gaze" # from models.elg import estimate_gaze_from_landmarks # current_gaze = estimate_gaze_from_landmarks( # iris_landmarks, iris_centre, eyeball_centre, eyeball_radius) i_x0, i_y0 = iris_centre e_x0, e_y0 = eyeball_centre theta = -np.arcsin(np.clip((i_y0 - e_y0) / eyeball_radius, -1.0, 1.0)) phi = np.arcsin(np.clip((i_x0 - e_x0) / (eyeball_radius * -np.cos(theta)), -1.0, 1.0)) current_gaze = np.array([theta, phi]) gaze_history.append(current_gaze) gaze_history_max_len = 10 if len(gaze_history) > gaze_history_max_len: gaze_history = gaze_history[-gaze_history_max_len:] util.gaze.draw_gaze(bgr, iris_centre, np.mean(gaze_history, axis=0), length=120.0, thickness=1) else: gaze_history.clear() if can_use_eyelid: cv.polylines( bgr, [np.round(eyelid_landmarks).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1, 1, 2)], isClosed=True, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA, ) if can_use_iris: cv.polylines( bgr, [np.round(iris_landmarks).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1, 1, 2)], isClosed=True, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv.LINE_AA, ) cv.drawMarker( bgr, tuple(np.round(iris_centre).astype(np.int32)), color=(0, 255, 255), markerType=cv.MARKER_CROSS, markerSize=4, thickness=1, line_type=cv.LINE_AA, ) print('[Info] 绘制完成!') frames_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "frames") mkdir_if_not_exist(frames_dir) frame_path = os.path.join(frames_dir, '{}.out.jpg'.format(frame_index)) print('[Info] 写入视频帧: {}'.format(frame_path)) cv.imwrite(frame_path, bgr)
def main(): frames_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'frames') mkdir_if_not_exist(VIDS_DIR) mkdir_if_not_exist(frames_dir) # from_video = os.path.join(VIDS_DIR, "normal_video.mp4") from_video = os.path.join(VIDS_DIR, "vid_no_glasses.mp4") # record_video = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "normal_video.out.mp4") coloredlogs.install( datefmt='%d/%m %H:%M', fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level="INFO", ) # Check if GPU is available from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib session_config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True)) gpu_available = False try: gpus = [ d for d in device_lib.list_local_devices(config=session_config) if d.device_type == 'GPU' ] gpu_available = len(gpus) > 0 except Exception as e: print('[Info] GPU异常,使用CPU!') print('[Info] 是否启用GPU: {}'.format(gpu_available)) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------# tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) session = tf.Session(config=session_config) batch_size = 2 # 设置batch print('[Info] 输入视频路径: {}'.format(from_video)) assert os.path.isfile(from_video) # 模型包括大模型和小模型 data_source = Video( from_video, tensorflow_session=session, batch_size=batch_size, data_format='NCHW' if gpu_available else 'NHWC', # eye_image_shape=(108, 180) eye_image_shape=(36, 60)) # Define model model = ELG( session, train_data={'videostream': data_source}, # first_layer_stride=3, first_layer_stride=1, # num_modules=3, num_modules=2, # num_feature_maps=64, num_feature_maps=32, learning_schedule=[ { 'loss_terms_to_optimize': { 'dummy': ['hourglass', 'radius'] }, }, ], ) infer = model.inference_generator() count = 0 while True: print('') print('-' * 50) output = next(infer) process_output(output, batch_size, data_source, frames_dir) # 处理输出 count += 1 print('count: {}'.format(count)) if count == 10: break
def export_model(self): """ 参数名称: output: self.test_fake_B: Tensor("generator_B/Tanh:0", shape=(1, 256, 256, 3), dtype=float32) input: self.test_domain_A: Tensor("test_domain_A:0", shape=(1, 256, 256, 3), dtype=float32) [Info] input_tensor: Tensor("input_1:0", shape=(?, 224, 224, 3), dtype=float32) [Info] output_tensors.values(): [<tf.Tensor 'dense_1/Softmax:0' shape=(?, 10) dtype=float32>] :return: """ from import sm_kv_record_parser data_schema = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'schema.json') sm_parser = sm_kv_record_parser.SmKVRecordParser( data_schema, '[dat]', '[common]') sm_parser.init() raw_input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.string, [None]) tensor_dict = sm_parser.get_tensor_dict(raw_input_tensor) image_b64 = tensor_dict['image'] # 来源于data_schema image = tf.decode_base64(image_b64) image = tf.decode_raw(image, tf.float32) image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, tf.float32) image = tf.reshape(image, [-1, 256, 256, 3]) # 图像 img_tensor = image / 127.5 - 1. input_tensor = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name( "{}:0".format("test_domain_A")) output_tensor = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name( "{}:0".format("generator_B/Tanh")) res_ops = tf.contrib.graph_editor.graph_replace( [output_tensor], {input_tensor: img_tensor}) inputs = {"input": raw_input_tensor} # 输入String图像 outputs = {"output": res_ops[0]} # 输出 prediction_signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.predict_signature_def( inputs, outputs) signature_map = { signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: prediction_signature } legacy_op = tf.local_variables_initializer(), resources.initialize_resources(resources.shared_resources()), tf.tables_initializer()) res_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'model-tf') mkdir_if_not_exist(res_dir) builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(res_dir) builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables(self.sess, [tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map=signature_map, legacy_init_op=legacy_op) print('[Info] 模型导出完成!')
def __init__(self): = GazePredicter() # 目光预测 self.frames_dir = os.path.join(VIDS_DIR, 'frames') self.out_path = os.path.join( VIDS_DIR, 'out.{}.mp4'.format(get_current_time_str())) mkdir_if_not_exist(self.frames_dir)
def main(): ym = Y3Model() img_folder = os.path.join(IMG_DATA, 'jiaotong-0727') right_folder = os.path.join(IMG_DATA, 'jiaotong-0727-right') wrong_folder = os.path.join(IMG_DATA, 'jiaotong-0727-wrong') none_folder = os.path.join(IMG_DATA, 'jiaotong-0727-none') mkdir_if_not_exist(right_folder, is_delete=True) mkdir_if_not_exist(wrong_folder, is_delete=True) mkdir_if_not_exist(none_folder, is_delete=True) img_dict = format_img_and_anno(img_folder) r_count = 0 all_count = 0 no_recall_count = 0 for count, img_name in enumerate(img_dict): (img_p, anno_p) = img_dict[img_name] # print(img_p) try: tag_res, img_box = ym.detect_img(img_p, True) except Exception as e: continue w_tags = [] for tag in tag_res.keys(): if tag_res[tag] <= 0.01: print_info('删除Tag {} {}'.format(tag, tag_res[tag])) w_tags.append(tag) for tag in w_tags: tag_res.pop(tag, None) # 小于1%的类别 all_count += 1 p_classes = set(tag_res.keys()) _, t_classes = read_anno_xml(anno_p) merge_dict = {'truck': 'car', 'bus': 'car', 'car': 'car'} # 合并类别 t_classes = map_classes(merge_dict, t_classes) # 合并类别 traffic_names = [ 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorbike', 'aeroplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat' ] t_classes = set(t_classes) & set(traffic_names) img_name = img_p.split('/')[-1] is_right = False if p_classes and p_classes.issubset(t_classes): # 检测正确 r_count += 1, img_name + '.d.jpg')) is_right = True elif not p_classes and not t_classes: # 空,检测正确 r_count += 1 if not img_box: img_box =, img_name + '.d.jpg')) is_right = True elif not p_classes and t_classes: # 检测为空,实际有类 if not img_box: img_box =, img_name + '.d.jpg')) no_recall_count += 1 # 未召回 r_count += 1 is_right = True else: # 其他,检测错误 if not img_box: img_box =, img_name + '.d.jpg')) print_info('P: {}, T: {}, {}'.format(list(p_classes), list(t_classes), '正确' if is_right else '错误')) right_ratio = safe_div(r_count, all_count) print_info('正确: {}, 全部: {}, 未召回: {}, 准确率: {}'.format( r_count, all_count, no_recall_count, right_ratio))
def process_dataset(self): """ 处理数据集 """ c_paths_list, c_names_list = traverse_dir_files(self.cartoons_path) p_paths_list, p_names_list = traverse_dir_files(self.persons_path) random.seed(47) random.shuffle(c_paths_list) random.shuffle(p_paths_list) train_size = 1500 # 训练集量 test_size = 100 # 测试集量 print_size = 100 count = 0 train_person_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset', 's2a4zsV1', 'trainA') test_person_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset', 's2a4zsV1', 'testA') mkdir_if_not_exist(train_person_dir) mkdir_if_not_exist(test_person_dir) print('[Info] 真人样本总数: {}'.format(len(p_paths_list))) for p_path in p_paths_list: try: p_img = cv2.imread(p_path) p_img = cv2.resize(p_img, (256, 256)) if count < train_size: p_file_name = os.path.join( train_person_dir, u"p_{:04d}.jpg".format(count + 1)) else: p_file_name = os.path.join( test_person_dir, u"p_{:04d}.jpg".format(count + 1)) cv2.imwrite(p_file_name, p_img) count += 1 except Exception as e: print('[Error] error {}'.format(e)) continue if count % print_size == 0: print(u'[Info] run count: {}'.format(count)) if count == train_size + test_size: break train_cartoon_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset', 's2a4zsV1', 'trainB') test_cartoon_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset', 's2a4zsV1', 'testB') mkdir_if_not_exist(train_cartoon_dir) mkdir_if_not_exist(test_cartoon_dir) count = 0 print('[Info] 卡通样本总数: {}'.format(len(c_paths_list))) for c_path in c_paths_list: try: c_img = cv2.imread(c_path) c_img = cv2.resize(c_img, (256, 256)) if count < train_size: c_file_name = os.path.join( train_cartoon_dir, u"c_{:04d}.jpg".format(count + 1)) cv2.imwrite(c_file_name, c_img) else: c_file_name = os.path.join( test_cartoon_dir, u"c_{:04d}.jpg".format(count + 1)) cv2.imwrite(c_file_name, c_img) count += 1 except Exception as e: print('[Error] error {}'.format(e)) continue if count % print_size == 0: print(u'[Info] run count: {}'.format(count)) if count == train_size + test_size: break print('[Info] 数据处理完成')