def update_terminal_db(self, data): """Update database. """ # NOTE: these fields should to be modified in db terminal_keys = ['cellid_status', 'white_pop', 'trace', 'freq', 'vibchk', 'vibl', 'push_status', 'login_permit', 'alert_freq', 'stop_interval', 'biz_type', 'speed_limit'] terminal_fields = [] if data.has_key('tid'): del data['tid'] for key, value in data.iteritems(): # NOTE: These fields should be modified in database. if key in terminal_keys: if data.get(key, None) is not None: terminal_fields.append(key + ' = ' + str(value)) # NOT: These fields should be handled specially. if key == 'white_list': white_list = data[key] if len(data['white_list']) < 1: pass else: self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_WHITELIST WHERE tid = %s", self.current_user.tid) for white in white_list[1:]: self.db.execute("INSERT INTO T_WHITELIST" " VALUES(NULL, %s, %s)" " ON DUPLICATE KEY" " UPDATE tid = VALUES(tid)," " mobile = VALUES(mobile)", self.current_user.tid, white) elif key == 'alias': self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET alias = %s" " WHERE tid = %s", value, self.current_user.tid) terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key( self.current_user.tid) terminal_info = self.redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key) if terminal_info: terminal_info[key] = value self.redis.setvalue(terminal_info_key, terminal_info) elif key == 'icon_type': self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET icon_type = %s" " WHERE tid = %s", value, self.current_user.tid) terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key( self.current_user.tid) terminal_info = self.redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key) if terminal_info: terminal_info[key] = value self.redis.setvalue(terminal_info_key, terminal_info) elif key == 'corp_cnum': self.db.execute("UPDATE T_CAR" " SET cnum = %s" " WHERE tid = %s", safe_utf8(value), self.current_user.tid) self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET alias = %s" " WHERE tid = %s", safe_utf8(value), self.current_user.tid) terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key( self.current_user.tid) terminal_info = self.redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key) if terminal_info: terminal_info[ 'alias'] = value if value else self.current_user.sim self.redis.setvalue(terminal_info_key, terminal_info) elif key == 'owner_mobile' and value is not None: umobile = value user = dict(umobile=umobile, password=u'111111') add_user(user, self.db, self.redis) t = QueryHelper.get_terminal_by_tid(self.current_user.tid, self.db) old_uids = [t.owner_mobile] # send sms self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET owner_mobile = %s" " WHERE tid = %s", umobile, self.current_user.tid) register_sms = SMSCode.SMS_REGISTER % ( umobile, self.current_user.sim) SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(self.current_user.sim, register_sms) # update redis terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key( self.current_user.tid) terminal_info = self.redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key) if terminal_info: terminal_info[key] = umobile self.redis.setvalue(terminal_info_key, terminal_info) # wspush to client WSPushHelper.pushS3(self.current_user.tid, self.db, self.redis) WSPushHelper.pushS3_dummy(old_uids, self.db, self.redis) elif key == "alert_freq": alert_freq_key = get_alert_freq_key(self.current_user.tid) if self.redis.exists(alert_freq_key): "[UWEB] Termianl %s delete alert freq in redis.", self.current_user.tid) self.redis.delete(alert_freq_key) # if vibl has been changed,then update use_scene as well elif key == "vibl": use_scene = get_use_scene_by_vibl(value) self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO SET use_scene=%s WHERE tid=%s", use_scene, self.current_user.tid)"[UWEB] Terminal %s update use_scene %s and vibl %s", self.current_user.tid, use_scene, value) "[UWEB] Termianl %s delete session in redis.", self.current_user.tid) # NOTE: deprecated. elif key == "parking_defend" and value is not None: if value == 1: mannual_status = UWEB.DEFEND_STATUS.SMART else: mannual_status = UWEB.DEFEND_STATUS.YES update_mannual_status( self.db, self.redis, self.current_user.tid, mannual_status) elif key == 'login_permit': # wspush to client WSPushHelper.pushS3(self.current_user.tid, self.db, self.redis) else: pass # NOTE:update database. terminal_clause = ','.join(terminal_fields) if terminal_clause: self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET " + terminal_clause + " WHERE tid = %s ", self.current_user.tid) # NOTE: clear sessionID if freq, stop_interval, vibl can be found. if data.has_key('freq') or data.has_key('stop_interval') or data.has_key('vibl'): clear_sessionID(self.redis, self.current_user.tid)
def post(self): """Add a terminal. """ status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS try: data = DotDict(json_decode(self.request.body))"[UWEB] Corp add terminal request: %s, cid: %s", data, self.current_user.cid) except Exception as e: status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_DATA_FORMAT self.write_ret(status) return try: if data.has_key('cnum') and not check_cnum(data.cnum): status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_CNUM self.write_ret(status) return # 1 year begintime = int(time.time()) now_ = endtime = now_ + relativedelta(years=1) endtime = int(time.mktime(endtime.timetuple())) # 1: add terminal #umobile = data.umobile if data.umobile else self.current_user.cid if data.umobile: umobile = data.umobile else: corp = QueryHelper.get_corp_by_cid(self.current_user.cid, self.db) umobile = corp.get('c_mobile', '') terminal = QueryHelper.get_terminal_by_tmobile(data.tmobile, self.db) if terminal: if terminal.service_status == UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.TO_BE_UNBIND: delete_terminal(terminal.tid, self.db, self.redis) else: logging.error( "[UWEB] mobile: %s already existed.", data.tmobile) status = ErrorCode.TERMINAL_ORDERED self.write_ret(status) return vibl = data.get("vibl") use_scene = get_use_scene_by_vibl(vibl) biz_type = data.get('biz_type', UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS) tid = data.tmobile terminal_info = dict(tid=tid, group_id=data.group_id, tmobile=data.tmobile, owner_mobile=umobile, mannual_status=UWEB.DEFEND_STATUS.YES, begintime=begintime, endtime=4733481600, offline_time=begintime, cnum=data.cnum, icon_type=data.icon_type, login_permit=data.login_permit, push_status=data.push_status, vibl=data.vibl, use_scene=use_scene, biz_type=biz_type, speed_limit=data.speed_limit, stop_interval=data.stop_interval, service_status=UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.ON) if int(biz_type) == UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS: # 0. check tmobile is whitelist or not white_list = check_zs_phone(data.tmobile, self.db) if not white_list: logging.error("[UWEB] mobile: %s is not whitelist.", data.tmobile) status = ErrorCode.MOBILE_NOT_ORDERED message = ErrorCode.ERROR_MESSAGE[status] % data.tmobile self.write_ret(status, message=message) return # 4: send message to terminal register_sms = SMSCode.SMS_REGISTER % (umobile, data.tmobile) ret = SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(data.tmobile, register_sms) else: tid = get_tid_from_mobile_ydwq(data.tmobile) activation_code = QueryHelper.get_activation_code(self.db) terminal_info['tid'] = tid terminal_info['activation_code'] = activation_code terminal_info['service_status'] = UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.TO_BE_ACTIVATED register_sms = SMSCode.SMS_REGISTER_YDWQ % (ConfHelper.UWEB_CONF.url_out, activation_code) ret = SMSHelper.send(data.tmobile, register_sms) add_terminal(terminal_info, self.db, self.redis) # record the add action bind_info = dict(tid=data.tmobile, tmobile=data.tmobile, umobile=umobile, group_id=data.group_id, cid=self.current_user.cid, add_time=int(time.time())) record_add_action(bind_info, self.db) if ret: ret = DotDict(json_decode(ret)) if ret.status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO" " SET msgid = %s" " WHERE mobile = %s", ret['msgid'], data.tmobile) else: logging.error("[UWEB] Send %s to terminal %s failed.", register_sms, data.tmobile) else: logging.error("[UWEB] Send %s to terminal %s failed.", register_sms, data.tmobile) # NOTE: add user user_info = dict(umobile=umobile, password='******', uname=umobile) add_user(user_info, self.db, self.redis) self.write_ret(status) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[UWEB] Update terminal info failed. cid:%s, Exception: %s", self.current_user.cid, e.args) status = ErrorCode.SERVER_BUSY self.write_ret(status)