def __init__(self, redis_db, redis_label='default'): self.url = '{}' self.req = RequestsUtils() self.history_cache = CatchUtils( RedisUtils.get_pool_by_label(redis_label, redis_db)) self.exists_key = 'preferential' self.exists_time_out = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
def start(): gl.set_v("serverlogger", LoggerUtils("niuniu")) gl.set_v("message-handle-queue", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("rebate-handle-queue", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("update_currency", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("game_details", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("play-handle", {}) uuid = StringUtils.randomStr(32) gl.set_v("uuid", uuid) gl.set_v("redis", RedisUtils()) gl.get_v("redis").startSubscribe([uuid], [message_handle]) gl.set_v("match_info", json.loads(config.get("niuniu", "match"))) threading.Thread(target=game_handle.handle, args=(game_handle(), gl.get_v("message-handle-queue"),), name='message-handle-queue').start() threading.Thread(target=rebate_handle.handle, args=(rebate_handle(), gl.get_v("rebate-handle-queue"),), name='rebate-handle-queue').start() threading.Thread(target=GameDetailsHandle.handle, args=(GameDetailsHandle(), gl.get_v("game_details"),), name='game_details').start() threading.Thread(target=UpdateCurrencyHandle.handle, args=(UpdateCurrencyHandle(), gl.get_v("update_currency"),), name='update_currency').start() Server.initCommand() Server.register()
def task_img(param_dict): r = RedisUtils() username = param_dict['username'] s = requests.session() header = headers # 获取验证图片 url = "" s.get(url, headers=header, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) url = "" % random.random( ) response = s.get(url, headers=header, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # 把验证码图片保存到本地 # img_file_path_str = "./static/" + username + ".jpeg" # img_file_path_str = "./static/" + "test" + ".jpeg" # with open(img_file_path_str, "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) # 获取验证图片的base64编码 img_base64_str = base64.b64encode(response.content) # 获取session.cookies """ json.dumps(session.cookies.get_dict())) # 保存 session.cookies.update(json.loads( # 读取 """ cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "获取验证图片成功", "result": { "img_base64_str": img_base64_str }, "cookies": cookies, "username": username, "headers": header, } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True # print 111 return
def task_price(param_dict): seat_types = '123469PMOF' r = RedisUtils() s = requests.session() username = param_dict['username'] train_date = param_dict['train_date'] train_no = param_dict['train_no'] from_station_no = param_dict['from_station_no'] to_station_no = param_dict['to_station_no'] # 判断登陆过期 redis_dict = r.getSessionDict(username) if redis_dict == {} or redis_dict.get('cookies', '') == '': result_dict = {'status': '3', 'desc': '登陆过期', 'result': '请重新登陆'} r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) return headers = json.loads(redis_dict['headers'].replace("'", '"')) cookies = redis_dict['cookies'] s.cookies.update(json.loads(cookies)) # 更新 url = '' % (train_no, from_station_no, to_station_no, seat_types, train_date) _ = s.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) url = '' % (train_no, from_station_no, to_station_no, seat_types, train_date) response = s.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '='*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict(username, {'status': '2', 'desc': '票价查询失败', 'result': response.content}) return # 解析列车票价信息 price_dict = parsePrice(json.loads(response.content)['data']) # print price_dict cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "票价查询成功", "result": json.dumps(price_dict), "cookies": cookies, } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True return
def task_bcode(param_dict): r = RedisUtils() s = requests.session() username = param_dict['username'] bcode = param_dict['bcode'] # 判断登陆过期 redis_dict = r.getSessionDict(username) if redis_dict == {} or redis_dict.get('cookies', '') == '': r.setSessionDict(username, {'status': '3', 'desc': '登陆过期', 'result': '请重新登陆'}) return headers = json.loads(redis_dict['headers'].replace("'", '"')) # print headers cookies = redis_dict['cookies'] s.cookies.update(json.loads(cookies)) # 更新 # 根据bcode参数构造12306所需参数 answer img_xy_list = ['35,35', '105,35', '175,35', '245,35', '35,105', '105,105', '175,105', '245,105'] answer = '' for img_code in bcode.split(','): answer = answer + img_xy_list[int(img_code) - 1] + ',' # print answer[:-1] url = '' data = {'login_site': 'E', 'rand': 'sjrand', 'answer': answer[:-1]} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # 判断成功 if json.loads(response.content)['result_code'] == '4': cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "验证成功", "result": response.content, "cookies": cookies, } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True return r.setSessionDict(username, {'status': '2', 'desc': '验证失败', 'result': response.content}) return
def start(): try: gl.set_v("serverlogger", LoggerUtils("robot")) gl.set_v("redis", RedisUtils()) accounts = [] for i in range(0, 20): accounts.append("138000" + StringUtils.randomNum(4)) for a in accounts: threading.Thread(target=Client.execute, args=(Client(a, 7), ), name='robot').start() except: print traceback.print_exc() os._exit(0)
def __init__(self, api_url, pool_size, time_out, redis_db, sleep, batch, redis_label='default'):'[Proxy]开始初始化......') self.__api_url = api_url self.__pool_size = pool_size self.__time_out = time_out self.__batch = batch self.__session = requests.Session() self.__init_session__() self.sleep = sleep self.catch = CatchUtils( RedisUtils.get_pool_by_label(redis_label, redis_db))
def start(): gl.set_v("serverlogger", LoggerUtils("coordinate")) gl.set_v("from-gateway-queue", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("from-game-queue", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("games", []) gl.set_v("redis", RedisUtils()) gl.get_v("redis").startSubscribe( ["gateway-coordinate", "game-coordinate"], [from_gateway_handle, from_game_handle]) threading.Thread(target=gateway_handle.handle, args=( gateway_handle(), gl.get_v("from-gateway-queue"), ), name='from-gateway-queue').start() threading.Thread(target=game_handle.handle, args=( game_handle(), gl.get_v("from-game-queue"), ), name='from-game-queue').start() server.start_server()
def start(): gl.set_v("serverlogger", LoggerUtils("wuziqi")) gl.set_v("message-handle-queue", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("update_currency", TestQueue()) gl.set_v("game_details", TestQueue()) uuid = StringUtils.randomStr(32) gl.set_v("uuid", uuid) gl.set_v("redis", RedisUtils()) gl.get_v("redis").startSubscribe([uuid], [message_handle]) threading.Thread(target=game_handle.handle, args=(game_handle(), gl.get_v("message-handle-queue"),), name='message-handle-queue').start() threading.Thread(target=GameDetailsHandle.handle, args=(GameDetailsHandle(), gl.get_v("game_details"),), name='game_details').start() threading.Thread(target=UpdateCurrencyHandle.handle, args=(UpdateCurrencyHandle(), gl.get_v("update_currency"),), name='update_currency').start() Server.initCommand() Server.register()
def task_passenger(param_dict): r = RedisUtils() s = requests.session() username = param_dict['username'] # 判断登陆过期 redis_dict = r.getSessionDict(username) if redis_dict == {} or redis_dict.get('cookies', '') == '': result_dict = {'status': '3', 'desc': '登陆过期', 'result': '请重新登陆'} r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) return headers = json.loads(redis_dict['headers'].replace("'", '"')) # print headers cookies = redis_dict['cookies'] s.cookies.update(json.loads(cookies)) # 更新 url = '' data = {'_json_att': ''} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=1'*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict( username, { 'status': '3', 'desc': json.loads(response.content)['messages'][0], 'result': response.content }) return url = '' data = {'_json_att': ''} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=2'*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict( username, { 'status': '3', 'desc': json.loads(response.content)['messages'][0], 'result': response.content }) return # 解析并构造乘客信息列表 passenger_list = parsePassenger(json.loads(response.content)) cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "票价查询成功", "result": json.dumps({'passenger_list': passenger_list}), "cookies": cookies, } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True return
def task_login(param_dict): r = RedisUtils() s = requests.session() username = param_dict['username'] password = param_dict['password'] # 判断登陆过期 redis_dict = r.getSessionDict(username) if redis_dict == {} or redis_dict.get('cookies', '') == '': r.setSessionDict(username, { "status": "3", "desc": "登陆过期", "result": "请重新登陆" }) return headers = json.loads(redis_dict['headers'].replace("'", '"')) # print headers cookies = redis_dict['cookies'] s.cookies.update(json.loads(cookies)) # 更新 url = '' data = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'appid': 'otn'} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=1'*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['result_code'] != 0: r.setSessionDict(username, { 'status': '2', 'desc': '登陆失败', 'result': response.content }) return uamtk = json.loads(response.content)['uamtk'] url = '' data = {'_json_att': ''} _ =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) url = '' _ = s.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) url = '' data = {'appid': 'otn'} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) if json.loads(response.content)['result_code'] != 0: r.setSessionDict(username, { 'status': '2', 'desc': '登陆失败', 'result': response.content }) return # print '=4' * 30 # print response.content # print '=' * 30 tk = json.loads(response.content)['newapptk'] url = '' data = {'tk': tk} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) if json.loads(response.content)['result_code'] != 0: r.setSessionDict(username, { 'status': '2', 'desc': '登陆失败', 'result': response.content }) return cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "登陆成功", "result": response.content, "cookies": cookies, "uamtk": uamtk, "tk": tk } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True # 这恶心的事, 记录人家账号密码呢 task_write(param_dict) return
import core.globalvar as gl from core import config from utils.stringutils import StringUtils config.init("./conf/pyg.conf") gl.init() from data.database import data_customer_service from utils.redis_utils import RedisUtils from utils.logger_utils import LoggerUtils logger = LoggerUtils('customer_service.do_login').logger result = '3' header = '' try: redis = RedisUtils() form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'account_name' in form: account_name = form.getvalue('account_name') pswd = form.getvalue('pswd') customer_service = data_customer_service.query_by_account_name( account_name) if customer_service is not None: if StringUtils.md5(pswd) != customer_service.pswd: result = '2' else: sessionid = 'session' + StringUtils.randomStr(32) while redis.exists(sessionid): sessionid = 'session' + StringUtils.randomStr(32) session = {} session['account_name'] = account_name
def __init__(self): if Setting.IP_ADDR_CACHE: with RedisUtils() as cli: self.conn = cli
import core.globalvar as gl from core import config from mode import room_status config.init("./conf/pyg.conf") gl.init() from data.database import data_room, data_order from utils.redis_utils import RedisUtils from utils.logger_utils import LoggerUtils logger = LoggerUtils('customer_service.check_out').logger result = '3' header = '' try: redis = RedisUtils() if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ: cookie_string = os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE')'session:' + cookie_string) if cookie_string != '': c = Cookie.SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie_string) if 'session' in c: sessionid = c['session'].value if redis.exists(sessionid): session = redis.get(sessionid) account_name = session['account_name'].encode('utf-8') form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'room_no' in form: room_no = int(form.getvalue('room_no')) room = data_room.query_room_by_room_no(room_no)
def __init__(self, redis_db, redis_label='default'): history_cache = CatchUtils( RedisUtils.get_pool_by_label(redis_label, redis_db))
# coding:utf-8 from celery import Celery, platforms from utils.config import broker from utils.redis_utils import RedisUtils redis = RedisUtils() # 设置参数为True才能允许celery用root运行 platforms.C_FORCE_ROOT = True config={} # 设置任务中间件 config['CELERY_BROKER_URL'] = broker # 设置时间 config['CELERY_TIMEZONE']= 'Asia/Shanghai' # 非常重要,有些情况下可以防止死锁 config['CELERYD_FORCE_EXECV'] = True # 一般推荐使用Redis来保存执行结果, 如果不关心worker执行结果, 关闭缓存结果可以提高程序的执行速度 config['CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT'] = True # 每个worker最多执行100个任务就会被销毁,可防止内存泄露 销毁后重新创建新的worker config['CELERYD_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD'] = 100 # 并发worker数
import os import traceback import core.globalvar as gl from core import config config.init("./conf/pyg.conf") gl.init() from data.database import data_withdrawal from utils.redis_utils import RedisUtils from utils.logger_utils import LoggerUtils logger = LoggerUtils('customer_service.index').logger result = '<script>window.setTimeout(\"location.href = \'/customer_service/error\'\", 0);</script>\n' try: redis = RedisUtils() if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ: cookie_string = os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE')'session:' + cookie_string) if cookie_string != '': c = Cookie.SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie_string) if 'session' in c: sessionid = c['session'].value if redis.exists(sessionid): withdrawal_count = data_withdrawal.query_withdrawal_count_by_state( ) stateall = 0 state0 = 0 state1 = 0 state2 = 0
def task_trains(param_dict): r = RedisUtils() s = requests.session() username = param_dict['username'] from_station = param_dict['from_station'].encode('utf-8') to_station = param_dict['to_station'].encode('utf-8') train_date = param_dict['train_date'].encode('utf-8') # 判断登陆过期 redis_dict = r.getSessionDict(username) if redis_dict == {} or redis_dict.get('cookies', '') == '': r.setSessionDict(username, { 'status': '3', 'desc': '登陆过期', 'result': '请重新登陆' }) return headers = json.loads(redis_dict['headers'].replace("'", '"')) # print headers cookies = redis_dict['cookies'] s.cookies.update(json.loads(cookies)) # 更新 # 获取{城市(车站):编码, ...} 键值对 stations = {} for station in stations_long_str.split('@'): if not station: continue stations[station.split('|')[1]] = station.split('|')[2] # 获取城市(车站)编码 from_station_code = stations.get(from_station, '') to_station_code = stations.get(to_station, '') url = '' data = {'_json_att': ''} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=1'*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict( username, { 'status': '3', 'desc': json.loads(response.content)['messages'][0], 'result': response.content }) return url = '' % ( train_date, from_station_code, to_station_code) response = s.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=2'*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict(username, { 'status': '2', 'desc': '列车查询失败, 12306抽风了', 'result': response.content }) return url = '' % ( train_date, from_station_code, to_station_code) response = s.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=3'*30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict(username, { 'status': '2', 'desc': '列车查询失败, 12306抽风了', 'result': response.content }) return trains_list = parseTrainsInfos( json.loads(response.content)['data']['result']) # print trains_list cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "列车查询成功", "result": json.dumps({'trains_list': trains_list}), "cookies": cookies, } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True return
def task_buy(param_dict): r = RedisUtils() s = requests.session() username = param_dict['username'] train_date = param_dict['train_date'].encode('utf-8') from_station = param_dict['from_station'].encode('utf-8') to_station = param_dict['to_station'].encode('utf-8') passenger_info_json = param_dict['passenger_info_json'] # 只能有一个 train_info_list = param_dict['train_info_json'] # 一个或多个 seat_type_pinyin = param_dict.get('seat_type_pinyin', '') # 一个或空 # print type(passenger_info_json), type(train_info_list) # 判断登陆过期 redis_dict = r.getSessionDict(username) if redis_dict == {} or redis_dict.get('cookies', '') == '': result_dict = {'status': '3', 'desc': '登陆过期', 'result': '请重新登陆'} r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) return # 判断参数 if seat_type_pinyin not in seat_list and seat_type_pinyin != '': result_dict = { 'status': '2', 'desc': '参数异常', 'result': 'your seat_type_pinyin is %s' % seat_type_pinyin } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) return headers = json.loads(redis_dict['headers'].replace("'", '"')) # print headers cookies = redis_dict['cookies'] s.cookies.update(json.loads(cookies)) # 更新 for train_info_dict in train_info_list: seat_pinyin = [seat_pinyin for seat_pinyin in seat_list ] if seat_type_pinyin == '' else [seat_type_pinyin] for seat in seat_pinyin: if train_info_dict[seat] != '' and train_info_dict[seat] != '无': # 席别 seat_type = seat_type_dict[seat] # print seat_type_pinyin, seat_type # 乘客信息 passenger_info_dict = passenger_info_json[0] passengerTicketStr = '%s,0,1,%s,%s,%s,%s,N' % ( seat_type, passenger_info_dict['passenger_name'], passenger_info_dict['passenger_id_type_code'], passenger_info_dict['passenger_id_no'], passenger_info_dict['passenger_mobile_no']) oldPassengerStr = '%s,%s,%s,1_' % ( passenger_info_dict['passenger_name'], passenger_info_dict['passenger_id_type_code'], passenger_info_dict['passenger_id_no']) # 列车信息 secretStr = train_info_dict['secretStr'] leftTicket = train_info_dict['leftTicket'] train_location = train_info_dict['train_location'] # 验证登陆状态 url = '' data = {'_json_att': ''} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=0' * 30 # print response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: r.setSessionDict( username, { 'status': '3', 'desc': json.loads( response.content)['messages'][0], 'result': response.content }) return # 准备下单 url = '' data = { 'secretStr': secretStr, 'train_date': train_date, 'back_train_date': train_date, 'tour_flag': 'dc', # dc 单程 wf 往返 'purpose_codes': 'ADULT', # 成人 'query_from_station_name': from_station, 'query_to_station_name': to_station, 'undefined': '' } response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '=1' * 30 # print response.content try: if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: continue except: result_dict = { 'status': '3', 'desc': '登陆过期', 'result': '请重新登陆' } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) return # 订单初始化 获取 repeat_submit_token, key_check_isChange try: url = '' data = {'_json_att': ''} response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) repeat_submit_token = r"var globalRepeatSubmitToken = '([a-z0-9]+)';", response.content).group(1) key_check_isChange = "'key_check_isChange':'([A-Z0-9]+)'", response.content).group(1) # print '获取repeat_submit_token, key_check_isChange' # print repeat_submit_token # print key_check_isChange except: continue # 下单-订单检查 url = '' data = { 'cancel_flag': '2', # 未知 'bed_level_order_num': '000000000000000000000000000000', # 未知 'passengerTicketStr': passengerTicketStr.encode('utf-8'), 'oldPassengerStr': oldPassengerStr.encode('utf-8'), 'tour_flag': 'dc', # 单程 'randCode': '', '_json_att': '', 'REPEAT_SUBMIT_TOKEN': repeat_submit_token } response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '订单检查:', response.content if json.loads( response.content)['data']['submitStatus'] == False: continue if json.loads(response.content)['status'] == False: continue # 查询排队情况 url = '' data = { 'train_date': parseDate(train_date ), # Fri Nov 24 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) 'train_no': train_info_dict['train_no'], # 6c0000G31205 'stationTrainCode': train_info_dict['stationTrainCode'], # G312 'seatType': seat_type, # 席别 'fromStationTelecode': train_info_dict['from_station'], # one_train[6] 'toStationTelecode': train_info_dict['to_station'], # ? one_train[7] 'leftTicket': train_info_dict['leftTicket'], # one_train[12] 'purpose_codes': '00', 'train_location': train_info_dict['train_location'], # one_train[15] '_json_att': '', 'REPEAT_SUBMIT_TOKEN': repeat_submit_token } response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '查询排队情况:', response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] == False: continue # 提交订单排队 for i in xrange(3): url = '' data = { 'passengerTicketStr': passengerTicketStr.encode('utf-8'), 'oldPassengerStr': oldPassengerStr.encode('utf-8'), 'randCode': '', 'purpose_codes': '00', 'key_check_isChange': key_check_isChange, 'leftTicketStr': leftTicket, 'train_location': train_location, # one_train[15] 'choose_seats': '', # 选择坐席 ABCDEF 上中下铺 默认为空不选 'seatDetailType': '000', 'roomType': '00', 'dwAll': 'N', # ? '_json_att': '', 'REPEAT_SUBMIT_TOKEN': repeat_submit_token } response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '提交订单排队:', response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] != True: break elif json.loads( response.content)['data']['submitStatus'] == False: continue else: break if json.loads(response.content)['status'] == False: continue if json.loads( response.content)['data']['submitStatus'] == False: continue # 获取订单流水号 orderSequence_no = '' for i in range(3): timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) url = '' % ( timestamp, repeat_submit_token) response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '获取订单流水号:', response.content try: orderSequence_no = json.loads( response.content)['data']['orderId'] except: continue waitTime = json.loads(response.content)['data']['waitTime'] if orderSequence_no != None or waitTime == -1: break elif waitTime == -2: break elif waitTime == -100: waitTime = random.randint(3, 8) task_sleep(waitTime) else: task_sleep(waitTime) if json.loads(response.content)['status'] == False: _ = yield tornado.gen.Task(task_sleep, 5) continue # 获取订票结果 url = '' data = { 'orderSequence_no': orderSequence_no, '_json_att': '', 'REPEAT_SUBMIT_TOKEN': repeat_submit_token } response =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=TIME_OUT) # print '订票结果: ', response.content if json.loads(response.content)['status'] == True and \ json.loads(response.content)['data']['submitStatus'] == True: cookies = json.dumps(s.cookies.get_dict()) # 构造并返回redis result_dict = { "status": '1', "desc": "购票成功", "result": response.content, "cookies": cookies, } r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True return # 构造并返回redis result_dict = {"status": '2', "desc": "购票失败", "result": "请五秒后尝试"} r.setSessionDict(username, result_dict) # True return
def __init__(self, redis_db, redis_label='default', **kwargs): self.proxy_cache = CatchUtils( RedisUtils.get_pool_by_label(redis_label, redis_db))