Example #1
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    def heuristic(row, col):
        h = abs(goal_row - row) + abs(goal_col - col)
        return h

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue()
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []
    h_start = heuristic(start_row, start_col)
    g_start = costFn(start)
    f_start = g_start + h_start
    open_set.put(start, f_start)
    path = []

    while open_set:

        node, cost = open_set.pop()

        if node == goal:
            print("PATH FOUND")
            j = goal
            while j != start:
                par_j = parent[j[0]][j[1]]
                j = par_j


        for i in ACTIONS:
            child = (node[0] + i[0], node[1] + i[1])
            h_cost = heuristic(child[0], child[1])
            g_node = cost - heuristic(node[0], node[1])
            f_cost = g_node + h_cost + costFn(child)

            if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set:
                if child not in obstacles and 0 <= child[
                        0] < n_rows and 0 <= child[1] < n_cols:
                    open_set.put(child, f_cost)
                    parent[child[0]][child[1]] = (node[0], node[1])
            elif child in open_set:
                if f_cost < open_set.get(child):
                    open_set.put(child, f_cost)
                    parent[child[0]][child[1]] = (node[0], node[1])


    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        move = (path[i + 1][0] - path[i][0], path[i + 1][1] - path[i][1])

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------

    return movement, closed_set
Example #2
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v)
    closed_set = Queue()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []
    path_storage = {}

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        return abs(goal_row - row) + abs(goal_col - col)


    open_set.put(start, 0)
    i = 0
    while open_set:
        child = []
        node_current, v = open_set.pop()
        current_row, current_col = node_current
        h = heuristic(current_row, current_col)
        cost_child = v - h

        child = [((current_row + 1, current_col), cost_child + costFn(
            (current_row + 1, current_col)) +
                  heuristic(current_row + 1, current_col)),
                 ((current_row, current_col - 1), cost_child + costFn(
                     (current_row, current_col - 1)) +
                  heuristic(current_row, current_col - 1)),
                 ((current_row - 1, current_col), cost_child + costFn(
                     (current_row - 1, current_col)) +
                  heuristic(current_row - 1, current_col)),
                 ((current_row, current_col + 1), cost_child + costFn(
                     (current_row, current_col + 1)) +
                  heuristic(current_row, current_col + 1))]

        for node in child:
            child_node, cost = node
            child_row, child_col = child_node
            if child_node not in obstacles and child_row >= 0 and child_col >= 0 and child_row < n_rows and child_col < n_cols:
                if child_node not in closed_set and child_node not in open_set:
                    print('Child node is', node)
                    if child_node == goal:
                        path_storage[child_node] = node_current
                        path_list = [goal]
                        print('The goal is', goal)
                        while path_list[-1] != start:
                            print('The parent node is',
                        iter = 0
                        for iter in range(len(path_list) - 1):
                            r, c = path_list[iter]
                            r2, c2 = path_list[iter + 1]
                            row = r2 - r
                            col = c2 - c
                            if (row == -1 and col == 0):
                                movement.append((-1, 0))
                            if (row == 0 and col == -1):
                                movement.append((0, -1))
                            if (row == 1 and col == 0):
                                movement.append((1, 0))
                            if (row == 0 and col == 1):
                                movement.append((0, 1))
                            iter += 1
                        return movement, closed_set
                        open_set.put(child_node, cost)
                        path_storage[child_node] = node_current

    return movement, closed_set
Example #3
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)). In all of the grid maps, the cost is always 1.  

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    closed_set = Queue()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------

    def heuristic(row, col):
        R = goal[0] - row
        C = goal[1] - col
        hyp = R * R + C * C
        return abs(math.sqrt(hyp))

    def Gvalue(row, col):
        return abs(goal[0] - row + goal[1] - col)

    def backtrace(parent, start, goal):

        path = [goal]
        while path[-1] != start:

        iter = len(path)
        i = 0
        while i < iter - 1:

            R = path[i + 1][0] - path[i][0]
            C = path[i + 1][1] - path[i][1]

            if (R == -1 and C == 0):
            if (R == 0 and C == -1):
            if (R == 1 and C == 0):
            if (R == 0 and C == 1):

            i += 1

        return movement, closed_set

    def TransitionModel(node, value):
        current_row = node[0]
        current_col = node[1]
        direction_can_go = []

        TempRow = current_row
        TempCol = current_col + 1
        TempNode = (TempRow, TempCol)

        # print("TempNode ::",TempNode)

        if TempNode not in obstacles and TempRow >= 0 and TempCol >= 0 and TempRow <= n_rows and TempCol <= n_cols:
            returnnode = [
                Gvalue(TempRow, TempCol) + heuristic(TempRow, TempCol)

        TempRow = current_row + 1
        TempCol = current_col
        TempNode = (TempRow, TempCol)

        if TempNode not in obstacles and TempRow >= 0 and TempCol >= 0 and TempRow <= n_rows and TempCol <= n_cols:
            returnnode = [
                Gvalue(TempRow, TempCol) + heuristic(TempRow, TempCol)

        TempRow = current_row - 1
        TempCol = current_col
        TempNode = (TempRow, TempCol)

        if TempNode not in obstacles and TempRow >= 0 and TempCol >= 0 and TempRow <= n_rows and TempCol <= n_cols:
            returnnode = [
                Gvalue(TempRow, TempCol) + heuristic(TempRow, TempCol)
        TempRow = current_row
        TempCol = current_col - 1
        TempNode = (TempRow, TempCol)

        if TempNode not in obstacles and TempRow >= 0 and TempCol >= 0 and TempRow <= n_rows and TempCol <= n_cols:
            returnnode = [
                Gvalue(TempRow, TempCol) + heuristic(TempRow, TempCol)

    # print("direction_can_go ::",direction_can_go)
    #print("node ::",node)
        return direction_can_go

    open_set.put(start, 0)
    parent = {}
    while len(open_set):
        node, value = open_set.pop()

        if node == goal:
            print("found it")
            movement, closed_set = backtrace(parent, start, goal)
            print("movement ::", movement)
            return movement, closed_set


        actions_posible = TransitionModel(node, value)

        for nextnode in actions_posible:
            #print("nextnode ::" ,nextnode[0])
            if nextnode[0] not in closed_set and nextnode[0] not in open_set:
                open_set.put(nextnode[0], nextnode[1])
                parent[nextnode[0]] = node
            elif nextnode[0] in open_set and nextnode[1] < open_set.get(
                open_set.put(nextnode[0], nextnode[1])
                parent[nextnode[0]] = node

    return movement, closed_set
Example #4
def uniform_cost_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    Uniform-cost search algorithm finds the optimal path from 
    the start cell to the goal cell in the 2D grid world. 
    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)). 

    See depth_first_search() for details.

    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []
    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below
    # ----------------------------------------
    Unique operations of PriorityQueue:
    PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v): build up a priority queue
        using the function f to compute the priority based on the value
        of an element
    s.put(x, v): add the element x with value v to the queue
                    update the value of x if x is already in the queue
    s.get(x): get the value of the element x
                raise KeyError if x is not in s
    s.pop(): return and remove the element with highest priority in s;
                raise IndexError if s is empty
                if order is "min", the element with minimum f(v) will be popped;
                if order is "max", the element with maximum f(v) will be popped.
    s = PriorityQueue(order="max", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    s.put((1,1), -1)
    s.put((2,2), -20)
    s.put((3,3), 10)
    x, v = s.pop()  # the element with maximum value of abs(v) will be popped
    assert(x == (2,2) and v == -20)
    assert(x not in s)
    assert(x.get((1,1)) == -1)
    assert(x.get((3,3)) == 10)
    open_set.put(start, 0)
    while open_set:
        node = open_set.pop()
        if node[0] == goal:
            node = node[0]
            while node is not start:
                movement.insert(0, actions[node[0]][node[1]])
                node = parent[node[0]][node[1]]
            return movement, closed_set
        for action in ACTIONS:
            child = (node[0][0] + action[0], node[0][1] + action[1])
            cost = costFn(child)
            if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set and child not in obstacles and child[
                    0] >= 0 and child[0] < n_rows and child[1] >= 0 and child[
                        1] < n_cols:
                open_set.put(child, node[1] + cost)
                parent[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = node[0]
                actions[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = action
            elif child in open_set and open_set.get(child) > node[1] + cost:
                open_set.put(child, node[1] + cost)
                parent[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = node[0]
                actions[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = action

    return movement, closed_set
Example #5
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        return abs(row - goal_row) + abs(col - goal_col)

    open_set.put(start, (0 + heuristic(start_row, start_col)))
    while open_set:
        node = open_set.pop()
        if node[0] == goal:
            node = node[0]
            while node is not start:
                movement.insert(0, actions[node[0]][node[1]])
                node = parent[node[0]][node[1]]
            return movement, closed_set

        for action in ACTIONS:
            child = (node[0][0] + action[0], node[0][1] + action[1])
            cost = costFn(child)
            heur = heuristic(child[0], child[1])
            old_heur = heuristic(node[0][0], node[0][1])

            if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set and child not in obstacles and child[
                    0] >= 0 and child[0] < n_rows and child[1] >= 0 and child[
                        1] < n_cols:
                open_set.put(child, node[1] + cost + heur - old_heur)
                parent[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = node[0]
                actions[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = action

            elif child in open_set and open_set.get(
                    child) > node[1] + cost + heur:
                open_set.put(child, node[1] + cost + heur - old_heur)
                parent[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = node[0]
                actions[(child)[0]][(child)[1]] = action

    return movement, closed_set
Example #6
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)). In all of the grid maps, the cost is always 1.  

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue()
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        return abs(row - goal_row) + abs(col - goal_col)

    movement = []

    #put start node into the open_set with fval 0
    #looping until open_set is empty 
    while len(open_set) != 0:
        node = open_set.pop()

        curr_node, node_fval = node

        curr_row, curr_col = curr_node

        if curr_node == goal:
            temp = goal
    # code to traceback path form the goal to start
            while temp!=start:
            return movement,closed_set

        neighbors,my_move = negh(curr_row, curr_col, n_rows, n_cols, obstacles)

        for next_node in range(len(neighbors)):
            total_cost = 0
            child_row, child_col = neighbors[next_node]

            #to calculate the F-value: for A* F(node) = g(node) + h(node)
            #cost_g is the sum of path cost between current node and child_node + path_cost of current node
            #and h(node) is heuristics value between child_node and goal node
            cost_g = costFn((child_row, child_col))+ (node_fval - heuristic(curr_row, curr_col))
            cost_h = heuristic(child_row, child_col)
            total_cost = cost_g + cost_h

            if neighbors[next_node] not in open_set and neighbors[next_node] not in closed_set:
                #insert child_node and f_value into openset
                open_set.put(neighbors[next_node], total_cost)
            elif neighbors[next_node] in open_set and total_cost < node_fval+heuristic(curr_row,curr_col):
                curr_node = neighbors[next_node]
    return movement, closed_set
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v)
    closed_set = Queue()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------

    def heuristic(row, col):
        h = abs(goal_row - row) + abs(goal_col - col)
        return h


    Based on the pseudo code from the slides
    open_set.put(start, 0 + heuristic(start_row, start_col))
    while open_set:
        children = []
        currentNode, v = open_set.pop()
        if currentNode == goal:  # reach the goal start backtrace
            )  # for the same outcome with the demo video provided
            p_row, p_col = goal
            while (p_row, p_col) != start:
                p_row, p_col = parent[p_row][p_col]

            return movement, closed_set
        currentNode_row, currentNode_col = currentNode
        currentNodeHeuristic = heuristic(currentNode_row, currentNode_col)
        # get the g cost for compute the children's total costs
        g_cost = v - currentNodeHeuristic

        # get the children
        children = [((currentNode_row - 1, currentNode_col), g_cost + costFn(
            (currentNode_row - 1, currentNode_col)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row - 1, currentNode_col)),
                    ((currentNode_row, currentNode_col - 1), g_cost + costFn(
                        (currentNode_row, currentNode_col - 1)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row, currentNode_col - 1)),
                    ((currentNode_row + 1, currentNode_col), g_cost + costFn(
                        (currentNode_row + 1, currentNode_col)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row + 1, currentNode_col)),
                    ((currentNode_row, currentNode_col + 1), g_cost + costFn(
                        (currentNode_row, currentNode_col + 1)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row, currentNode_col + 1))]

        # expand the children
        for child in children:
            node, cost = child
            child_row, child_col = node
            if (
                    child_row, child_col
            ) not in obstacles and child_row >= 0 and child_col >= 0 and child_row < n_rows and child_col < n_cols:
                if node not in closed_set and node not in open_set:
                    open_set.put(node, cost)
                    parent[child_row][child_col] = currentNode
                    action = (child_row - currentNode_row,
                              child_col - currentNode_col)
                    if action == (-1, 0):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[0]
                    if action == (0, -1):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[1]
                    if action == (1, 0):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[2]
                    if action == (0, 1):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[3]
                # if need to update with a lower cost
                elif child in open_set and open_set.get(
                    (child_row, child_col)) > cost:
                    open_set.put(node, cost)
                    parent[child_row][child_col] = currentNode
                    action = (child_row - currentNode_row,
                              child_col - currentNode_col)
                    if action == (-1, 0):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[0]
                    if action == (0, -1):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[1]
                    if action == (1, 0):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[2]
                    if action == (0, 1):
                        actions[child_row][child_col] = ACTIONS[3]
Example #8
def uniform_cost_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):

    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v)
    closed_set = Queue()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parents = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # Variables initialization
    open_set.put(start, 0)
    child_rows = 0
    child_cols = 0
    g = 0  # Path cost

    # Define UCS
    while (open_set != []):

        # Take out (x,y)(parent) and path v(cost) from openset
        temp_parent = open_set.pop()
        parent, v = temp_parent

        # Determine whether the agent reach to goal
        if parent == goal:

            # Search path
            for j in range(n_cols * n_rows):
                parent_rows, parent_cols = parent

                # Stop and return
                if parent == start:
                    return movement, closed_set

                # record action and put it in to movement()
                act = actions[parent_rows][parent_cols]
                movement.insert(0, act)

                # Update parent
                parent = parents[parent_rows][parent_cols]

        # Add parent to closedset

        # Search each direction of the parent
        for i in range(4):

            # Moving direction
            action_rows = action[i][0]
            action_cols = action[i][1]

            # Calculate child position
            parent_rows, parent_cols = parent
            child_rows, child_cols = parent_rows + action_rows, parent_cols + action_cols
            child = child_rows, child_cols

            # Update g(path cost)
            g = v + costFn((parent_rows, parent_cols))

            # Restrict the node in the map
            if (child not in obstacles) and (child_rows < n_rows) and (
                    child_cols < n_cols) and (child_rows >= 0) and (child_cols
                                                                    >= 0):
                if (child not in open_set) and (child not in closed_set):

                    # Add into openset
                    open_set.put(child, g)

                    # Record parent and action for each step
                    parents[child_rows][child_cols] = parent
                    actions[child_rows][child_cols] = tuple(action[i])

                # Update path cost if agent already in open list
                elif (child in open_set) and (g < open_set.get(child)):

                    # Add into openset
                    open_set.put(child, g)

                    # Record parent and action for each step
                    parents[child_rows][child_cols] = parent
                    actions[child_rows][child_cols] = tuple(action[i])
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue()
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [(-2, -2) for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [(-2, -2) for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        distance = abs(row - goal[0]) + abs(col - goal[1])
        return distance


    open_set.put(start, heuristic(start[0], start[1]))

    while open_set:
        current, current_cost = open_set.pop()
        current_cost = current_cost - heuristic(current[0], current[1])
        up = (current[0] - 1, current[1])
        left = (current[0], current[1] - 1)
        down = (current[0] + 1, current[1])
        right = (current[0], current[1] + 1)

        if (current == goal):
        if (up[0] >= 0 and up not in closed_set and up not in obstacles
                and up not in open_set):
            cost = current_cost + costFn(up) + heuristic(up[0], up[1])
            open_set.put(up, cost)
            parent[up[0]][up[1]] = current
            actions[up[0]][up[1]] = ACTIONS[0]
        if (left[1] >= 0 and left not in closed_set and left not in obstacles
                and left not in open_set):
            cost = current_cost + costFn(left) + heuristic(left[0], left[1])
            open_set.put(left, cost)
            parent[left[0]][left[1]] = current
            actions[left[0]][left[1]] = ACTIONS[1]
        if (down[0] < grid_size[0] and down not in closed_set
                and down not in obstacles and down not in open_set):
            cost = current_cost + costFn(down) + heuristic(down[0], down[1])
            open_set.put(down, cost)
            parent[down[0]][down[1]] = current
            actions[down[0]][down[1]] = ACTIONS[2]
        if (right[1] < grid_size[1] and right not in closed_set
                and right not in obstacles and right not in open_set):
            cost = current_cost + costFn(right) + heuristic(right[0], right[1])
            open_set.put(right, cost)
            parent[right[0]][right[1]] = current
            actions[right[0]][right[1]] = ACTIONS[3]

    movement = find_path(parent, actions, start, goal)
    return movement, closed_set
Example #10
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # Student Code Below:
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(q):
        return (abs(goal_row - q[0]) + abs(goal_col - q[1]))

    open_set.put((start_row, start_col), 0 + heuristic((start_row, start_col)))
    parent[start_row][start_col] = (start_row, start_col)

    while len(open_set) != 0:
        node, f_node = open_set.pop()
        g_node = f_node - heuristic(node)
        if node[0] == goal_row and node[1] == goal_col:
        for action in ACTIONS:
            child = (node[0] + action[0], node[1] + action[1])

            if collision_check(child, obstacles) == False and out_of_bounds(
                    child, n_rows, n_cols) == False:
                f = (g_node + costFn(child)) + heuristic(child)

                if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set:
                    parent[child[0]][child[1]] = node
                    actions[child[0]][child[1]] = action
                    open_set.put(child, f)

                elif child in open_set and child not in closed_set and f < open_set.get(
                    open_set.put(child, f)
                    parent[child[0]][child[1]] = node
                    actions[child[0]][child[1]] = action

    while True:
        node = parent[node[0]][node[1]]
        if node[0] == start_row and node[1] == start_col: break

    return movement, closed_set
Example #11
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):

    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v)
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parents = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    def heuristic(row, col):
        h = abs(goal_row - row) + abs(goal_col - col)
        return h

    # Variable Initialization
    g = 0  # g(n)
    h = heuristic(start_row, start_col)  # h(n)
    f = g + h  # f(n) Path cost

    # Add start point to openset
    open_set.put(start, f)

    # Define A*
    while (open_set != []):

        # Take out (x,y)(parent) and path v(cost) from openset
        temp_parent = open_set.pop()
        parent, v = temp_parent
        parent_rows, parent_cols = parent

        # Update h
        h = heuristic(parent_rows, parent_cols)

        # Determine whether the agent reach to goal
        if parent == goal:

            # Search path
            for j in range(n_cols * n_rows):
                parent_rows, parent_cols = parent

                # Stop and return
                if parent == start:
                    return movement, closed_set

                # record action and put it in to movement()
                act = actions[parent_rows][parent_cols]
                movement.insert(0, act)

                # Update parent
                parent = parents[parent_rows][parent_cols]

        # Add parent to closedset

        # Search each direction of the parent
        for i in range(4):

            # Moving direction
            action_rows = action[i][0]
            action_cols = action[i][1]

            # # Calculate child position
            child_rows, child_cols = parent_rows + action_rows, parent_cols + action_cols
            child = child_rows, child_cols

            # Update g, h and f value
            g = (v - h) + costFn((parent_rows, parent_cols))
            h_child = heuristic(child_rows, child_cols)
            f = g + h_child

            # Restrict the node in the map
            if (child not in obstacles) and (child_rows < n_rows) and (
                    child_cols < n_cols) and (child_rows >= 0) and (child_cols
                                                                    >= 0):
                if (child not in open_set) and (child not in closed_set):

                    # Add into openset
                    open_set.put(child, f)

                    # Record parent and action for each step
                    parents[child_rows][child_cols] = parent
                    actions[child_rows][child_cols] = tuple(action[i])

                elif (child in open_set) and (f < open_set.get(child)):

                    # Add into openset
                    open_set.put(child, f)

                    # Record parent and action for each step
                    parents[child_rows][child_cols] = parent
                    actions[child_rows][child_cols] = tuple(action[i])
Example #12
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    

    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min",
                             f=lambda v: v)  # priority data structure
    closed_set = OrderedSet()  # OrderedSet data Structure

    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parents = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    # Manhanttan distance
    def heuristic(row, col):
        Manhanttan_dis = abs(goal_row - row) + abs(goal_col - col)
        return Manhanttan_dis

    g_start = 0  # initial path-cost
    h_start = heuristic(start_row, start_col)  # initial heuristic
    f_start = g_start + h_start  # initial total cost

    open_set.put(start, f_start)  # initial state

    while len(open_set) > 0:

        out = open_set.pop()  # next expanded node

        node, f = out

        x, y = node  # node location

        if node == goal:  # when expanded node is goal, stop


            movement = path_backtrack(start, node, parents, actions)

            return movement, closed_set

        closed_set.add(node)  # add expaned node to close_set

        children = [(x - 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y),
                    (x, y + 1)]  # possible children(up,left,down right)

        boundary = [(x, y) for x in range(n_rows)
                    for y in range(n_cols)]  # boundary restriction

        for child in children:

            # child cost
            h_parent = heuristic(node[0], node[1])
            g_parent = f - h_parent
            f_child = heuristic(child[0], child[1]) + g_parent + costFn(
                (child[0], child[1]))

            if child in boundary and child not in obstacles:

                if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set:

                    open_set.put(child, f_child)

                        child[1]] = node  #  remark parent for child

                    actions[child[0]][child[1]] = (
                        child[0] - node[0], child[1] - node[1]
                    )  # remark actions for child

                elif child in open_set and child not in closed_set:

                    if f_child < open_set.get(
                    ):  # update parent, action,cost of child existed in open_set
                        open_set.put(child, f_child)
                        parents[child[0]][child[1]] = node
                        actions[child[0]][child[1]] = (child[0] - node[0],
                                                       child[1] - node[1])
Example #13
def uniform_cost_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    Uniform-cost search algorithm finds the optimal path from 
    the start cell to the goal cell in the 2D grid world. 
    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)). 

    See depth_first_search() for details.

    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v)  # Priority sequence
    closed_set = OrderedSet()  # Orderedset data structure

    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parents = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    g_n = 0  # initial path_cost

    open_set.put(start, g_n)  # initial state

    while len(open_set) > 0:

        node, g = open_set.pop()  # next expanded node

        x, y = node  # next expand node location

        if node == goal:  # when expended node is goal that return path (optimal)


            movement = path_backtrack(start, node, parents, actions)

            return movement, closed_set

        closed_set.add(node)  # add expaned node to close_set

        children = [(x - 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y),
                    (x, y + 1)]  # possible children(up,left,down right)

        boundary = [(x, y) for x in range(n_rows)
                    for y in range(n_cols)]  # boundary restriction

        for child in children:

            g_child = g + costFn((child[0], child[1]))  # child cost

            if child in boundary and child not in obstacles:

                if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set:

                    open_set.put(child, g_child)

                    parents[child[0]][child[1]] = node  # parent remark

                    actions[child[0]][child[1]] = (child[0] - node[0],
                                                   child[1] - node[1]
                                                   )  # actions remark

                elif child in open_set and child not in closed_set:  # update that OPEN_node

                    if g_child < open_set.get(
                    ):  # update the cost and parent,action of child existed in open_set

                        open_set.put(child, g_child)
                        parents[child[0]][child[1]] = node
                        actions[child[0]][child[1]] = (child[0] - node[0],
                                                       child[1] - node[1])
Example #14
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)). In all of the grid maps, the cost is always 1.  

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: v)
    #closed_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    closed_set = Queue()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    movement = []
    #the path below is the dictionary that maintains key value pairs of parent and child
    pathTrace = {}
    path = {}

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        return abs(goal_row - row) + abs(goal_col - col)


    def Backtrace():
        path = [goal]
        print('goal is', goal)
        while path[-1] != start:
            #if pathTrace[path[-1]] in closed_set and pathTrace[path[-1]] not in path:
            print('parent is', pathTrace[path[-1]])
        num = 0
        while num < len(path) - 1:
            row, col = path[num]
            parentRow, parentCol = path[num + 1]
            dRow = parentRow - row
            dCol = parentCol - col
            if (dRow == -1 and dCol == 0):
                movement.append((-1, 0))
            if (dRow == 0 and dCol == -1):
                movement.append((0, -1))
            if (dRow == 1 and dCol == 0):
                movement.append((1, 0))
            if (dRow == 0 and dCol == 1):
                movement.append((0, 1))
            num += 1
        return movement


    open_set.put(start, 0)
    i = 0
    while open_set:
        children = []
        currentNode, v = open_set.pop()
        if currentNode == goal:
            movement = Backtrace()
            return movement, closed_set
        currentNode_row, currentNode_col = currentNode
        currentNodeHeuristic = heuristic(currentNode_row, currentNode_col)
        costG = v - currentNodeHeuristic

        children = [((currentNode_row - 1, currentNode_col), costG + costFn(
            (currentNode_row - 1, currentNode_col)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row - 1, currentNode_col)),
                    ((currentNode_row + 1, currentNode_col), costG + costFn(
                        (currentNode_row + 1, currentNode_col)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row + 1, currentNode_col)),
                    ((currentNode_row, currentNode_col - 1), costG + costFn(
                        (currentNode_row, currentNode_col - 1)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row, currentNode_col - 1)),
                    ((currentNode_row, currentNode_col + 1), costG + costFn(
                        (currentNode_row, currentNode_col + 1)) +
                     heuristic(currentNode_row, currentNode_col + 1))]

        for childNode in children:
            node, cost = childNode
            node_row, node_col = node
            if (
                    node_row, node_col
            ) not in obstacles and node_row >= 0 and node_col >= 0 and node_row < n_rows and node_col < n_cols:
                if node not in closed_set and node not in open_set:
                    open_set.put(node, cost)
                    pathTrace[node] = currentNode
                    print('Path Trace loop 1', pathTrace[node])
                elif childNode in open_set and open_set.get(
                    (node_row, node_col)) > cost:
                    open_set.put(node, cost)
                    pathTrace[node] = currentNode
                    print('Path Trace loop 2', pathTrace[node_row, node_col])
Example #15
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue()
    closed_set = PriorityQueue()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        temp_goal = list(goal)
        goal_r = temp_goal[0]
        goal_c = temp_goal[1]
        return abs(goal_r - row) + abs(goal_c - col)

    open_set.put(start, 0)
    while not len(open_set) == 0:
        node = open_set.pop()
        if node[0] == goal:
            movement = construct_movement(start_row, start_col, goal_row,
                                          goal_col, actions, parent)
            return movement, closed_set
        temp = node[0]
        tup = list(temp)
        closed_set.put(node[0], costFn(node[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))

        temp = node[0]
        tup = list(temp)
        tup[0] += 1
        if n_rows > tup[0] >= 0:
            temp = tuple(tup)
            child = [temp, node[1]]
            if child[0] not in open_set and child[
                    0] not in closed_set and child[0] not in obstacles:
                             costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))
                actions[tup[0]][tup[1]] = (1, 0)
                parent[tup[0]][tup[1]] = node[0]
            elif child[0] in open_set:
                if open_set.get(child[0]) > costFn(child[0]):
                                 costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))

        temp = node[0]
        tup = list(temp)
        tup[0] -= 1
        if n_rows > tup[0] >= 0:
            temp = tuple(tup)
            child = [temp, node[1]]

            if child[0] not in open_set and child[
                    0] not in closed_set and child[0] not in obstacles:
                             costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))
                actions[tup[0]][tup[1]] = (-1, 0)
                parent[tup[0]][tup[1]] = node[0]
            elif child[0] in open_set:
                if open_set.get(child[0]) > costFn(child[0]):
                                 costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))

        temp = node[0]
        tup = list(temp)
        tup[1] += 1
        if n_cols > tup[1] >= 0:
            temp = tuple(tup)
            child = [temp, node[1]]

            if child[0] not in open_set and child[
                    0] not in closed_set and child[0] not in obstacles:
                             costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))
                actions[tup[0]][tup[1]] = (0, 1)
                parent[tup[0]][tup[1]] = node[0]
            elif child[0] in open_set:
                if open_set.get(child[0]) > costFn(child[0]):
                                 costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))

        temp = node[0]
        tup = list(temp)
        tup[1] -= 1
        if n_cols > tup[1] >= 0:
            temp = tuple(tup)
            child = [temp, node[1]]

            if child[0] not in open_set and child[
                    0] not in closed_set and child[0] not in obstacles:
                             costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))
                actions[tup[0]][tup[1]] = (0, -1)
                parent[tup[0]][tup[1]] = node[0]
            elif child[0] in open_set:
                if open_set.get(child[0]) > costFn(child[0]):
                                 costFn(child[0]) + heuristic(tup[0], tup[1]))
Example #16
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)).   

    See depth_first_search() for details.    
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min", f=lambda v: abs(v))
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        return abs(row - goal[0]) + abs(col - goal[1])

    open_set.put(start, heuristic(start[0], start[1]))
    flag = 0
    dict = {}
    dict[start] = ([None], 0)
    while len(open_set) != 0:
        temp, value = open_set.pop()
        up = ((temp[0] - 1), temp[1])
        down = ((temp[0] + 1), temp[1])
        left = (temp[0], (temp[1] - 1))
        right = (temp[0], (temp[1] + 1))
        children = [left, up, right, down]
        for child in children:
            if child not in obstacles and child[0] >= 0 and child[
                    0] < n_rows and child[1] >= 0 and child[1] < n_cols:
                if child not in closed_set:
                    if child == goal:
                        dict[child] = (temp, value)
                        flag = 1
                        value = dict[temp][1] + costFn(child)
                        if (child not in open_set):
                                         value + heuristic(child[0], child[1]))
                            dict[child] = (temp, value)
                        elif (value < dict[child][1]):
                                         value + heuristic(child[0], child[1]))
                            dict[child] = (temp, value)

        if flag == 1:

    if flag == 0:
        movement = []
        node = goal
        while node != start:
            cur = node
            node = (dict[node][0])
            action = (cur[0] - node[0], cur[1] - node[1])
            if (action in ACTIONS):
                movement.insert(0, action)

    return movement, closed_set
Example #17
def astar_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    A* search algorithm finds the optimal path from the start cell to the
    goal cell in the 2D grid world.

    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y),
    please call costFn((x,y)).

    See depth_first_search() for details.
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order="min")
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    parent = [  # the immediate predecessor cell from which to reach a cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)
    actions = [  # the action that the parent took to reach the cell
        [None for __ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)

    movement = []

    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below to implement a Manhattan distance heuristic
    # ----------------------------------------
    def heuristic(row, col):
        value = abs(row - goal_row) + abs(
            col - goal_col)  #calculating manhattan distance from goal
        return value

    flag = 0  #counter variable to check whether goal reached or not
    g = 0  #initialising g value of start node
    h = heuristic(start_row, start_col)  #calculating h value of start node
    open_set.put(start, g + h)
    while (open_set and flag == 0):
        node, f_parent = open_set.pop()
        if node == goal:
            flag = 1  #goal reached
            x = list(
            )  #converting the parent node to list for ease in performing operations
            h_parent = heuristic(x[0], x[1])
            g_parent = f_parent - h_parent
            for action in ACTIONS:
                r1, c1 = action  #converting the action to list for ease in performing operations
                z1 = x[0] + r1  #row coordinate of child node
                z2 = x[1] + c1  #column coordinate of child node
                child = tuple((z1, z2))
                h_child = heuristic(z1, z2)  #calulating h value of child
                g_child = g_parent + costFn(
                    child)  #calculating g value of child
                f_child = g_child + h_child
                if child not in open_set and child not in closed_set and child not in obstacles and 0 <= z1 < n_rows and 0 <= z2 < n_cols:  #checking if child not in obstacles and lies in grid
                    parent[z1][z2] = node  #storing parent of child
                        z2] = action  #storing action taken by parent to reach child
                    open_set.put(child, f_child)
                elif child in open_set:
                    f_child_prev = open_set.get(child)
                    if f_child_prev > f_child:  #updating child with lower g value to open list
                        parent[z1][z2] = node  #updating new parent
                            z2] = action  #updating action taken by new parent to reach child
                        open_set.put(child, f_child)

    #generating path once goal has been reached
    if flag == 1:
        y = parent[goal_row][goal_col]
        while (y != start):
            p = list(y)
            y = parent[p[0]][p[1]]

    return movement, closed_set
Example #18
def uniform_cost_search(grid_size, start, goal, obstacles, costFn, logger):
    Uniform-cost search algorithm finds the optimal path from 
    the start cell to the goal cell in the 2D grid world. 
    After expanding a node, to retrieve the cost of a child node at location (x,y), 
    please call costFn((x,y)). In all of the grid maps, the cost is always 1.

    See depth_first_search() for details.
    n_rows, n_cols = grid_size
    start_row, start_col = start
    goal_row, goal_col = goal

    # Choose a proper container yourself from
    # OrderedSet, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
    # for the open set and closed set.
    open_set = PriorityQueue()
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Set up visualization logger hook
    # Please do not modify these four lines
    closed_set.logger = logger
    logger.closed_set = closed_set
    open_set.logger = logger
    logger.open_set = open_set

    movement = []
    # ----------------------------------------
    # finish the code below
    # ----------------------------------------
    # dictionary to store neighbor and action 
    #put start node into the open_set 
    open_set.put((start_row, start_col),0)
    #looping until open_set is empty 
        noderc , node_val = node
        if noderc==goal:
    # code to traceback path form the goal to start
            while temp!=start:
            return movement,closed_set
    #call neighbor function to get child/neighbor and actions of current node 
        for x in range(len(list_neg)):
            child_row, child_col=list_neg[x]
            if list_neg[x] not in open_set and list_neg[x] not in closed_set: 
            elif list_neg[x] in open_set and costFn((child_row,child_col))>node_val:

    return movement, closed_set