def chooseLoopTimes(self): ''' A text screen to input looped times for each game ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseLoopTimes"]) res = int(input(_IN).strip()) self.setLoopTimes(res)
def chooseOverAllLoopTimes(self): ''' A text screen to input overall looped times for the whole script ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseOverAllLoopTimes"]) res = int(input(_IN).strip()) self.setOverAllLoopTimes(res)
def chooseSteamDir(self): ''' A text screen to input the local Steam direcotry ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseSteamDir"]) res = input(_IN).strip() + "//" self.setSteamDir(res)
def chooseDocumentDir(self): ''' Show a text screen to input the local Document direcotry ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseDocumentDir"]) res = input(_IN).strip() + "//" self.setDocumentDir(res)
def chooseReadLocalSetting(self): ''' Show a text screen to choose whether to read local setting in settings.json. ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseReadLocalSetting"]) tmp = int(input(_IN).strip()) self._READ_LOCAL = tmp == 1
def chooseStressTest(self): ''' Show a text screen to choose whether to perform Stress Test ''' print("\n" + "*" * 100) u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseStressTest"]) res = int(input(_IN).strip()) self.setStressTest(res)
def chooseGames(self): ''' A text screen to select games to be ran. Add selected game to _RUN_LIST. ''' print("\n" + "*" * 100) tmp = 1 while (int(tmp) > -1): self.printAvailableGames() u.printAll(self._TEXTS["chooseGame"]) u.printAll(self._TEXTS["deleteGameList"]) u.printAll(self._TEXTS["currentList"]) print(self.getGames()) res = str.lower(input(_IN).strip()) if res == "r": break elif res[0] == "d": self.deleteGames(res[2]) elif int(res) >= 0: self.setGames(res) else: continue self.setGames(res)
def printOpeningMessage(self): ''' Print the Opening Message of this program ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["opening_message"])
def printCurrentDirectories(self): ''' Print current directories in local settings ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"][0] + self.getDocumentDir()) u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"][1] + self.getSteamDir()) u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"][2] + "Not Available") u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"][3] + "Not Available") u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"][4] + "Not Available") u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"][5]) self.printAvailableGames()
def printAvailableGames(self): ''' Print current available games for automation ''' u.printAll(self._TEXTS["printAvailableGames"])